More Applejack!? It's about time! The full summary on this one can be found after the break! It's not on Zap2it yet, but the source has been reliable in the past, so lets roll with it.
Season 2 Episode 15
Airdate: 1/28/12
Title: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Description: The Flim Flam brothers challenge the Apples to a Cider Making Contest for the farm.
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ReplyDeleteMore Applejack? CAN'T WAIT!
ReplyDeleteso they do have alcohol!
ReplyDeleteOooooh, that sounds great!
ReplyDeleteWill we see a new antagonist? It would be cool.
w00t, can't wait!
ReplyDeleteBest episode title yet? I think yes.
ReplyDeletew00t Alcohal is now canon! lets all get drunk~
ReplyDelete*crosses fingers* FILLER! FILLER! FILL-ER! FILLER! FILLER! FILL-ER!
ReplyDeleteComing this summer: Buckin' 2: Applelectric Boogaloo.
ReplyDeleteApple cider?!
ReplyDeleteInb4 Alcoholism jokes
Potentially drunk marshmallow ponies? /)^3^(\
ReplyDeleteweight gain 4000
ReplyDeleteThe hell's up with that title? ROFL.
ReplyDeleteI have been hired by them as an official judge for the contest. Other judges are Berry Punch and, don't ask me why, Fancy Pants.
ReplyDeleteSo we got two drunkers and a cultural idol. We really need more drunk ponies.
ReplyDeleteAlcohol is now canon, get drunk and go orgy with apple family :B
ReplyDeleteCider? Oh man, I half hope they don't mean it in the alcoholic sense, but my other half hopes to see at least one drunk pony this episode
ReplyDeleteBased on previous comments, you're already inafter
Now I really want Berry Punch to make an appearance in this episode, maybe as the judge of the competition or something.
ReplyDeleteI am so all for this. It looks like they're starting to realize how little Applejack there is in season 2. Thanks for trying to make it up to us.
ReplyDeleteIn the US, cider isn't alcoholic unless it's "hard cider".
ReplyDeleteDAT TITLE
ReplyDeleteAs an irritating pedant, I'd like to point out that apple cider isn't necessarily alcoholic. Under the circumstances, it's more likely to be soft cider than hard.
ReplyDeleteI'll now go away and let the rest of you go back to imagining Berry Punch managed to spike the mix.
Berry Punch approves of this episode haha
ReplyDeleteOh no! Technological advancements gone awry!!! Noooo!
ReplyDeleteSrsly, glad that AJ gets a little attention, just hope it's not the wrong kind.
Apparently Flimflam can mean a "Confidence trick".
ReplyDeleteThis could get quite interesting.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFlim Flam? Whats a Flim Flam?
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who thought of FiMFlamFilosophy when they read "The Flim Flam brothers"?
ReplyDeleteYay for making up for the lack of AJ episodes, now we just need some Fluttershy and were all good.
ReplyDeleteWait, alcohol could be canon? In a kids show?
ReplyDeleteAlso, possibilty of new antagonists!
My wish for this 2011 is an AJ song =3
ReplyDeleteAlcohol in Equestria is now canon.
ReplyDeleteI smell a Paul Bunyan reference....
ReplyDeleteMy prayers have been answered. Still needs more Fluttershy, though
ReplyDeleteThere is such thing as nonalcoholic cider
Sounds interesting enough, and does the title maybe suggest the year this all takes place in? 6000 A.P. perhaps?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSuper Squeezy Cider Squeezy 6000. This may just be the best FiM episode title ever.
ReplyDeleteHow the episode holds back the drunk jokes will also be a feat unto itself.
ReplyDelete@MY NAME IS KATE. I think "Baby Cakes" is a Pinkie episode.
ReplyDeleteFinally the best pony gets more episodes!!!
ReplyDeleteI remember everyone complaining about no Applejack episodes yet in season 2. Well, here you go, two Applejack episodes in a row!
ReplyDeleteNew antagonists, and alcohol possibly:O Here hoping for a AJ song!
ReplyDeleteAlso am i'm the only one annoyed they do two episodes for the same character one after another, again? I really prefer it spread out all over the season like in the first:S
P.S. What's the deal with that name?
Yay AJ! Woo! I hope this is her moment. :D I've been waiting for so long... :D
ReplyDeleteApple cider doesn't have be alcoholic. If it's hard cider, sure, but I think this is just soft cider. :D
Oh man. Try saying that title five times fast. Now this I have gotta see at all costs.
ReplyDeleteFinally! Now to work on getting a Pinkie Pie episode. Not that I'm concerned; she's too popular a character to go un-featured.
ReplyDeleteYay for AJ! About time :D
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who thought of The Amazing James Randi when they read The Flim Flam brothers?
ReplyDelete@Evya No, that annoys me as well. Happy there's another AJ episode, though. On the other hand, the only AJ episode being one in which she disappears would have been hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWatch the Cider Squeezy 6000 be a Rube Goldberg machine so needlessly complicated it breaks down as soon as ponies buy the stupid thing. The episode ends with ponies insisting that Applejack get her farm back and place her as the number one cider maker.
ReplyDeleteum... yay?
ReplyDeletecan't say I'm really excited because they'll probably have AJ be perfect the whole time.
Need more Pinkie Pie eps
ReplyDelete@the invincible
ReplyDeleteSomebody likes Dr. Steel.
inb4 John Henry? really?
ReplyDeleteApplejack if you lose
ReplyDeleteBurn the farm
ReplyDeleteFlim Flam brothers? Lolwut. Looks interesting though.
here's hoping she finally gets a song.
ReplyDeleteomg.. You guys are so IMMATURE! This is why I hate the fandom. CIDER DOESN'T MEAN ALCOHOL ._. There's such a thing as regular Apple Cider which has no alcohol! And of course no alcohol on a KID'S SHOW. Ugh, bronies these days
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteI like how you think.
oh god no.
Let the games begin.
ReplyDeleteNew members for Trixie's Psycho Rangers?
ReplyDelete@Dick Nomms
ReplyDeleteIt was actually a play on Breakin' 2. I'd never even heard of doctor steel until right after I read your post. Looked it up on wikipedia, looks kinda weird.
Song please! I just love her singing voice!
ReplyDeleteMaybe after these 2 episodes I can finally place her on my favorite pony list.
Moar Applejack?!?! I approve of this.
ReplyDeleteYou know what this means? Alchohol is canon! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about the introduction of some new antagonists as well. I like villains, and some con artists named The Flim Flam brothers should fit the bill nicely.
ReplyDeleteAnd while the conflict will center around the Apple family, it's quite possible that another character will take the lead in the episode, just as Pinkie was the star of Griffon the Brush Off despite it being about the arrival of Dash's old friend from flight school.
And, to repeat, in the US and Canada apple cider is non-alcoholic. I'm sure that's what this episode refers to.
ReplyDeleteYeah, gawd, we are so IMMATURE because we like joking about.
No, not really. Of course there's such a thing as regular apple cider and they aren't gonna show alcohol on a kid's show - the shitstorm from parents would be ridiculous.
Don't worry Mrs. Emma, we only joke. We only joke. Ugh, people who take the internet seriously these days.
I'm betting this episode is going to be rated TV-Y7. Just for the minor alcohol reference.
ReplyDeleteThat washn't sho bad.... *hic*
@ Emma
ReplyDeleteNo kidding, Right?
By the way, I smell a John Henry Reference
It sounds like not only AJ, but Big Mac and Applebloom episode too, cant wait.
ReplyDeleteUm... was AJ perfect in Applebuck Season? Or Over A Barrel? Or Bridle Gossip? Or Fall Weather Friends? Or Look Before You Sleep?
She DOES have flaws. She's just hasn't been in the spotlight enough to show them off as much as the others. That's why you give characters their own episodes. So they can be fleshed out.
So Excited!!
Alcohol being canon?
ReplyDeleteOh well. There's always headcanon and ignoring parts of official canon.
ReplyDeleteUK readers remember, US cider is not usually alcoholic (while is the UK 'Cider' is always alcoholic).
Which reminds me of the story of the American Methodists who accidentally got drunk on a visit to the UK...
This episode's title makes me believe there will be PLENTY of fancy mathematics to muddy up the issue.
ReplyDeleteThey used to be able to show alcohol and drunks in old kids cartoons... not now though I bet...
ReplyDeleteI did get all excited at first but then I remembered this is an American show and "cider" means a different thing there.
That really is the best title ever. I can't stop saying it in my head.
ReplyDeleteAll of the upcoming Applejack episodes. Fuck yes.
ReplyDeleteher fans make her out to seem otherwise.
Sooooo this is going to be a man vs machine episode.
ReplyDeleteAJ is John Henry and these "Flim Flam Bros" have the SUPER DUPER LIFE CHANGING machine.
Episode in a nutshell.
YES YES YES my whining and complaining has been answered thank you pony overlords, 2 consecutive AJ episodes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
ReplyDeleteFact: Berry Punch should be a judge!
ReplyDeleteahhhh! crap! too many applejack and her apple family episodes! >:(
ReplyDeleteI just wish it weren't going to be Applebuck Season 2.0; the fearful jerk in me is worried that AJ is going to spend most of the episode as a hindrance because of her stubbornness. About the only thing that would ease my nerves is everyone else going bonko because they're afraid that poor, simple, country mouse Applejack is too "rural" (pronounced "STOO-pid") to win only to have her point out the defects in the Brothers' machine as it breaks down.
ReplyDeleteFlim Flam Brothers. Flim Flam Brothers.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you judging an episode based off of the fans?
I'm probably the biggest AJ fan around and I don't bang on about how perfect she is. I'm just dissapointed that she's so underutilized and doesn't have more fans. (most people feel that way about their favourites)
I want my characters to be flawed. It makes them more human and likable
I can't see the alcohol thing being canon, but what I can see is the studio going Animaniacs-style on us and possibl showing very subtle drunkard jokes.
ReplyDeleteI dunno, it just seems appropriate for the studio to follow up party cannons, spiked punch jokes, and excessive states of insanity with (at least) very small alcohol jokes, given the chance.
ReplyDeletebecause character specific episodes leads to more fans and more people going on and fucking on about "HERP DERP THIS PONY IS THE BEST"
With a title like that, Pinkie MUST be involved.
ReplyDelete@wackypony What?
ReplyDeleteSo you don't want her gaining any more fans? How selfish is that? Oh it's ok if RD and Rarity gain more fans but not AJ?
ReplyDeleteit's not that i don't want her gaining fans. I just don't like fans that go around singing their praises every possible second.
as for Dash, didn't she lose some fans cause of Mare Do Well?
ReplyDeleteI think you need to calm yourself down and stop taking things so seriously. This happens with every episode and I'm pretty sure people say it in a joking manner.
Applejack has always been my number 1 and rarity 2 for awhile anyway.
"Flim flam brothers" Okay, what kind of person trusts someone with a name that means "confidence trick" ?
ReplyDeleteOoh! I love Cider, I wondered if the Apple family made any considering their profession, glad a bit of personal fanon is becomming cannon /)^3^(\ so awesome.
ReplyDeletei might not take it so seriously if I didn't live and breathe for the show and fandom.
ReplyDeleteWhich is fair enough. That bugs me too, but that's a problem with the fandom, not the episode itself.
She did? I thought the REST of the mane cast lost fans cuz of that episode?
Not sure how to feel about this one.
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand, it's an Applejack episode, and she really needs some lovin' this season. (Even if Pinkie needs it more.)
But on the other hand, the story sounds like one of those "technology is bad" things we get far too much of.
But on the other hand, it sounds like some zany fun.
But on the other hand...
*waits for the episode*
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't surprise me. I hate the episode, except for the ending.
the entire episode was a cluster fuck of what the fuck is this shit and how did it ever get passed.
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily! If you look at it in the most general light, it could be seen as a "If-it's-not-broken-why-try-and-change-it?" kind of lessons.
ReplyDeleteI didn't hate it THAT much. I certainly thought it was the weakest episode of the season so far that's for sure. For me it wasn't the plot, it was how OOC Ponyville seemed to be. There was suddenly a dam, skyscraper, etc there. It didn't make any sense.
It was also a new writer's debut episode.
Two applejack episodes in a row. Right after an apple bloom episode.
ReplyDeleteIt's APPLE TIME.
ReplyDeletei went in expecting to give concessions because of the new writer, but by the end i was so annoyed the writer could've suffered multiple serious life tragedies and i couldn't give less of a fuck.
but, let's stop discussing mare do well because someone yells at us for derailing the comment section.
Where in the hell is all this talk of alcohol coming from? The description says cider, not hard cider. Keep in mind, this is still a KIDS show, first and foremost. Alcohol will never be mentioned, or even alluded to (outside of the "spiked punch" joke). Seriously, some people here need to pull their heads out of their plots.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't Big Mac be better for a John Henry story?
ReplyDeleteThis might be an AJ episode, but that title sounds like something Pinkie Pie would say. At least until the 6000.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is that it'll be the Apples and traditional methods versus the Flim Flams and some technological shortcut. Pony versus machine, GO!
ReplyDeleteI have an excuse. Being British the only Cider we have IS the alcoholic kind. I honestly had no clue that Soft Cider existed before the comments here mentioned it XD
Some idiots in the studios loves Apple family
ReplyDeleteThe internet is serious business, bronies, how dare you forget that.
ReplyDeleteTwo Applejack episodes in a row? Fact: January is best month.
Dat title; dat alliteration.
Yup I was thinking they were going to have blocks for the Mane 6. :D ONWARD TO AJ! And then maybe a few episodes for Fluttershy ;)
ReplyDeleteBefore that Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 shall beat me down I'll die with my hammer in my hoof.
ReplyDelete"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
ReplyDeleteand other science facts,
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax..."
You can all learn something from the MST3K mantra.
Besides, these episodes are a good way to get to know these characters better. You do want to get to know them better, especially if you write fan fiction, right?
ReplyDeleteIn the UK at least, cider is always alcoholic. Actually, that should be interesting for when they show it here.... 0_0
Am I the only one who envisions this being a pony version of "The Ballad of John Henry?"
ReplyDeleteFlim Flam brothers? I love theses crazy names :D
ReplyDeletebig mac better have some lines in this one dammit!
ReplyDeletehonestly, I didn't even know alcoholic cider existed for a long time.
ReplyDeletenon alcoholic cider is a thing and it is popular.
My guess; It'll end up like that Spongebob episode with the patty making machine.
ReplyDelete... lol, squidward never wins.
I hope Big Mac has some lines in this one.
ReplyDeleteSay that ten times fast!
ReplyDeleteI hope it ends just like John Henry as well.
ReplyDelete...and in the end, she gets drunk with Twi and Rainbow. That'd be sick as buck.
ReplyDelete(Alcohol? For ponies other than Berry? It's more likely than you think.)
Yes I'm from the UK and yes, cider here is alcoholic.
ReplyDeleteThey've shown drinking on kids shows before, but overdramatic parents with nothing better to do will always send a storm of complaints to the producers. It's immature and thoughtless thinking that having alcohol introduced to a show will immediately drive young children to alcoholism.
These parents who are worried about their kids watching and immediately turning to alcohol may need to loosen the leash they have their kids on, just a little bit.
More about AppleJack this going to be one of the best season for this show especially since more exciting episodes will air in 2012. 2011 is the one the best years I ever experienced since 2009. But these ponies are getting more hyped in 2012.
Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
ReplyDeleteWHAT A TITLE. And yay for more Applejack :D
@Dr. Robotnik
ReplyDelete....You want Applejack to die?
inb4 the Flim Flam brothers are stereotypical rednecks.
ReplyDeletethat might make the show interesting.
ReplyDeleteYes. Maybe Rainbow Dash could be next, and we could get some interesting (and possibly male) mane cast members.
More Applejack? Yay!
ReplyDelete@wacky and Dr
ReplyDelete(I honestly don't know how serious you guys are being. I'mjust gonna assume you're fucking around)
@Dr. Robotnik
ReplyDeleteIf you try that, I will kill you with my bare hands
What's with all this "Cider" = ALCOHOL business.
ReplyDeleteWhere I come from "Apple Cider" is just a certain kind of Apple Juice that is a little bit more bitter and flavorful because it is made from the WHOLE apples, peels and all.
It's very popular at the local Apple Farms around here in the Fall. Hot Apple Cider is served along side Apple Doughnuts and Cinnamon Ice Cream and other treats to young children, and it's tasty and fun.
... Alcohol is not involved in the least. I have never even SEEN "HARD" Cider before.
@wacky and Dr Robo
Applejack isn't THAT bad. And who says members of the mane cast need to die for them to add new ones?
I prefer vodka
ReplyDelete"The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000"
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I want...
ReplyDeletebecause in the UK. The only cider there IS the alcoholic kind.
Not only do I hope Applejack has an impressive role in the episode, I also hope the other members of the Apple family have their own lines. Even though there will be one in just a week, I hope Granny Smith and Apple Bloom have a part. Same with Big McIntosh. The whole Apple Family is quite interesting.
ReplyDeleteApple cider is not entirely alcoholic. My grandmother made some for me last week and it was not alcoholic. One answer should have been enough, let's not keep arguing.
But I am very excited about this episode. The next four episodes promise to be interesting.
best title for anything ever
ReplyDeleteEveryone assumes this episode is going to be another Applejack one.
ReplyDeleteI propose the possibility it could be a Big Macintosh/Granny Smith episode.
This looks to be interesting.... yay more AJ!!
ReplyDeleteJust because they say cider doesn't mean alcohol! Where I'm from apple cider is just a normal, un-alcoholic drink that anybody can have!
Applejack, I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish but WE NEED TO SEE A PINKIE PIE EPISODE WITH THE SMILE SONG 0.0
ReplyDeleteI'm imagining them more as 1890s-style travelling salesman. Dapper conmen.
ReplyDeleteThink it just depends where you come from. Until this thread, I had no idea there was any such thing as non-alcoholic cider.
@Ttar87 two...what have I missed!:O
ReplyDeleteAJ may not be my faveorite pony, but it dosen't mean she dose not need more eppisodes. I would love to see more AJ!
ReplyDeleteAww yeeaah, more Applejack!
ReplyDeleteSince Trixie is seen as Twilight's opposite, and there's resultantly loads of shipping between them, do ya think that the Flimflam brothers might be seen as Applejack's opposites and so shipping will occur between her and one of them?
ReplyDeleteYou know, most people don't know the difference between apple cider and apple juice, but I do! Here's a little trick to help you remember: If it's clear an yella, you got juice there fellah; if it's tangy and brown you're in cider town!
ReplyDeleteThankaly-Dankaly there Nedidly.
@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteAh, I think you might be right. I didn't really take in full consideration of the title of the episode when I made that claim.
Two AJ episodes in a row? I'll take 'em. The team hasn't let me down yet.
ReplyDeleteJust waitin' for them to finish out my top three pony list.
How about knocking off taking this 'best pony' thing so seriously?
ReplyDeleteThey are all delightfully imperfect. Some of them more prominently so because of their character traits.
Actually, one brother might be called Flim and the other might be called Flam. If this is so, I feckin' called it.
ReplyDeleteIs this the ponified version of the legend of John Henry? The description remind of the tale; if it is, I hope the crew doesn't stay true to the ledgend's ending.
ReplyDeleteMy (alcoholic) cider is definitely yellow like apple juice...
ReplyDeleteI do, because they might come back if they live.
Oh Good, more Canon Male characters.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Another Applejack episode! And also a Pinkie Pie episode soon too, it's gunna be great right Fluttershy?
ReplyDelete@Select Few
ReplyDeletePerhaps a fandom nod?
Anyway... AJ is named after an alchoholic beverage, so why not? (Though it's probaly the soft cider)
Calling the Aesop of the week right now - Quality is better than Quantity
And this is where we find out what happened to Applejack's family -- the Flim Flam brothers squeeze them into cider and then make Applejack drink it.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, really, I'm hoping for IndustrialJack.
Also known as the Fruit Bucker 2000.
ReplyDelete(I am so, so sorry).
Inafter all the drunkard Bronies yelling about alcohol and how it must be alcohol. lol It's not alcoholic cider, people, com'on. This is a little kids show, remember that. And regular apple cider is a very popular thing. At least where I live. Glad to see AJ getting more airtime I suppose.
ReplyDeleteThat's because they are fans, it's kind of what they do when they adore their favourite.
The stupidity coming out of your comments these days... You used to be a fairly neutral skeptic who helped keep things in perspective, but now you're just an endless torrent of whinging and whining, what the hay happened?
ReplyDeleteThat was actually an enjoyable Spongebob skit
The episode's title would be the perfect name for a MLP: FIM mod of the Pomson 6000 in TF2
ReplyDelete::obligatory Berry Punch/Drunklestia comment::
Come on, folks, it's apple cider! You know, the non-alcohol kind that is served to kids? I've never been so... Disturbed by this fanbase.
Maybe it's an American thing? Is apple cider alcoholic everywhere but the United States? (Please, let the answer be 'no'...)
ReplyDeleteLeague of Evil Friendship?
ReplyDeleteI think using the word cider to describe an alcohol-free beverage is an exclusively North American thing. Even the wikipedia article describes it as a fermented alcoholic beverage.
I can see big Mac really shining in this episode. Only thing I have a bit of trouble with is a wacky AJ episode right after a "seemingly"serious AJ episode, hope they can keep her in character.
ReplyDeleteFor most of the world cider is an alcoholic drink so it's hardly surprising that some of us had a "hey what?!" reaction at first: we're the majority, after all. However, Hasbro are marketing to the same people who thought that Harry Potter would turn their children into satanists, and given that Hasbro like stupid people's money as much as anyone else's it's unlikely there'll be any hint of inebriation.
ReplyDelete@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteThanks. Now I know not to order cider anywhere.
ReplyDeletecome down.
ReplyDeleteWe still have apple juice, though. Alcohol content isn't mandatory in fruit-based drinks in Europe, just strongly encouraged.
Looks like AJ's competitive nature will be showcased in this ep. She's not quite as hyped for competition as RD but she proved she doesn't shy from a challenge in Fall Weather Friends.
ReplyDeleteAlso, cider can be non-alcoholic, guys. Reading the comments I guess "soft" cider is just an American thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see an underrepresented pony get some extra screentime. Now all we need is some scootaloo...
ReplyDeleteThe Flim Flam brothers? The Flim Flam brothers? Oh guys... This is gonna be good!
ReplyDeleteThe Flim Flam brothers? The Flim Flam brothers? Oh guys... This is gonna be good!
ReplyDelete"Applejack", however, is alcohol.
ReplyDeleteGuys apple cider doesn't have to be alcoholic.I didn't even know there was alcoholic apple cider.They used to give us non alcoholic apple cider when I was in the first grade.It's just another type of apple juice.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they're giving AJ and her family more episodes.
ReplyDeleteI think some of the magic of the show is gone for me. I was nothing but disappointed with S2E8 and 9. something that had never happened before. 8, for reasons I've explained here. 9, cause of that song.
And I thought World of Tanks was a battlefield, sheesh.
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing Mare Do Well hate, Applejack rage, more Americans are ignorant, inbred idiots slander, what is going on? You'd think we'd be better than this.
I'm very much looking forward to this episode, seems somewhat John Henry-esque from the description. Also, the FlimFlam brothers should be interesting characters.
not to say i thought the entirety of both episodes were horrible, I liked the ending to both episodes, but the rest of the episode's contents left me disappointed.
ReplyDeleteHuh. Non alcoholic cider is new to me (UK resident). Well you learn something everyday (and not just that people don't skim the rest of the comments before posting...).
ReplyDeleteThis is...The legend of John Henry. With Applejack as John Henry. That is freaking awesome, and so in character it's not funny. I'm still wondering how it would actually end, though. Applejack can't die, obviously.
ReplyDeleteI suggest attempting to go into episodes with as few per-conceived notions as you can. It sounds to me you invest allot emotionally in the show and characters, and when the show goes off in a different direction then you expect, as it will inevitably do for all of us, you become irritable to it. And it clearly bleeds out in your comments about anything to do with the series.
When I watch, I try and keep an open mind, and remember the show's genera and target audience. This allows me to view each episode more favorably then I normally might (as I'm a huge critic with serious films and the like). Just sit back and enjoy.
Le gasp, I love John Henry references :D
ReplyDelete@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteAnd now I'm picturing a pony version of Nigel West Dickens.
I like how characters have names that describe them. Reminds me how in the movie 'Shaolin Soccer' the bad guys were named 'Team Evil'.
ReplyDeleteSuper Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000... ugh, the name of this episode is kinda childish. It makes me think of the names Karol (from Tales of Vesperia) uses to name his attack moves, guild, etc..
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I'm really trying to think exactly what lesson an episode like this would teach? For whatever reason, I'm not having high expectations for this episode.
It just may be hard cider. Rarity was seen with a wine or champagne bottle of some sort in Sweet and Elite.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of this
ReplyDeleteAlso, if things continue like the first half of the season, episode 16 will probably be a Scootaloo episode, and 17 another Pinkie episode.
I hope we hear of one for Fluttershy soon
ReplyDeleteexactly what I was thinking. I assume it will reference the story of John Henry in some way, shape, or form. And that just makes it more exciting to me :D
Definitely inspired by John Henry. But we can't have AJ or Big Mac winning only to die of exhaustion on the apple press.
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy how few people it seems understand that this is a John Henry reference. Man vs. Machine. Or Pony vs. Machine.
ReplyDeleteHopefully Applejack doesn't die of exhaustion after winning.
ReplyDeleteNinja'd :(
Flim Flam brothers must = twins. I want twin colts. This is what I want.
ReplyDeleteWe needed more AJ :D
ReplyDeleteBut that title...what?
oh sweet another AJ episode :D