Anyone else noticed that ponies tend to like to dub this particular scene? (Perhaps its a really fun scene to dub, or maybe just a good practice scene?)
I say, should Fluttershy's first remark not properly be "no restraint"? After all, is the line in the colonial excuse for our language not "loss of control", as they so crudely put it?
Aside from this forgivable error, the American way of speaking being rather incomprehensible at times, this rendition of the scene into the Queen's English is a superb effort. Three cheers for the creator!
Now I'm curious. I know the transcripts say that fluttershy says "lots of control". But I've always heard it as "loss" which makes more sense for a good cheer. If you have lots of control you are really focusing on your movements and voice. If you have a loss of control you are immersing yourself in your cheer and letting the moment take you.
Even when "classy," Fluttershy still manages to stay cute. Yeah, I know this isn't their style of talking anymore. I do have friends that come from England BTW, so I should know. But then again, don't we all have our ways of speaking English? Just lighten up and enjoy the humor.
Modern Britishosity might not match this in the slightest, but as a dirty yank, I'll take it anyway. We need some culture, damn it, even if it's manufactured, and we'll take an accent!
To anypony who says that we don't speak like that anymore; I live in Surrey, where some people really DO speak like that. It's unimaginably annoying and I have to grit my teeth every time they open their ponce-holes!
That was pretty good actually. I've met a few people who do talk like this, only toned down a fair bit. I also had to actually fetch a translator to deal with someone talking in chav at me once...
My brain is on fire O_o. Even american english is harn for me sometimes. If I hadn't seen show before, I would never know what this two are talking about.
I say chaps, this has spurred a bit of a hullabaloo. Spiffing, what what?
Ah, laughing at one's country's historical cultures is really quite fascinating. Especially when compared to today's 'slang' phrases and new word-meanings. How far have we stooped in the last two centuries?
Oh, the video? I'm meant to be discussing that? Right! Fluttershy's accent rather suits her, but Rainbow's seems just a smidgen... off...
That Fluttershy voice sure was cute. x3 I don't think the voice for RD fits, but it's still funny.
I also think it's HILARIOUS how so many British people commenting on here are like "OMG guyyys like, we dont even talk like that!" Congratulations, you have just POINTED OUT THE JOKE. Couldn't have done it without ya. -__-;
Aye, this was one deadly vid, eh? No need to git in a kerfuffle, here. What're we gonna laugh aboot if we can't laugh at ourselves, eh? (sorry, I find it hard to write in Canadian...) Just saying, keep the stereotypes coming.
This. This is bloody brilliant! For reference, I'm British (a Yorkshireman, technically), and I find this not in one bit offensive. We know people think we're upper class twits who are stuck in the Victorian era or something, but at least it's funny. Now, how would this sound in a Yorkshire accent...?
If we're talking of British shows what are good, then Red Dwarf must be mentioned.
I'm British and I'm not offended by this stereotype. Although I do wonder how many yanks think we do talk posher than we actually do (even if not as posh as this parody).
Aaaaannnnd to nail my colours to the mast (British, as you can tell from the correct spelling of 'colour'...). That was very good, the only real comment is that I'm not quite sure about the 'I say' as a replacement for 'louder', but I enjoyed that even so.
Anypony from Newcastle want to give that one a try...?
For those that are offended by this. why don't you make a american version. use whatever you want. 80's slang, tripping 60's, 90's rap lingo. lets make a good show of all this hubbub. eh.
Its' humorous and all... but one dose not us the the phrase 'I say' as elliptical sentence repeated like that, since 'I say' is used prior to both compliments and insults. Although it can also be use in agreement.
The Humour was quite british my good man. These good men and women should do an entire episode, My sugestion would be Griffin the brush off because scotish Gilda would cause great chortaling from thee.
okey dokey I'm not even sure what to think. It is ture that no-one in british expect for the extremly high classes speak this way but also I do find this dub quite funny. When british citzens do find offence in sterotypical dubs I can see why but I this particular case I am bewildered However I did try with little effort I could talk in such a manner so I conclude awesome
For those who found this offensive, well, at least it's still the right accent even if it's an old one. Better than most people thinking we Finns speak like the Swedes.
154 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThat was unbelievably silly.
Anyone else noticed that ponies tend to like to dub this particular scene? (Perhaps its a really fun scene to dub, or maybe just a good practice scene?)
that is absolutely genious!
VastaKustutaI say!
Oh Merlin's beard..."
I lawled.
For the Queen!
Jolly good show old chap!
VastaKustutaI... don't think I'd mind if (despite the lack of need as it's already in English) they dubbed this... in English... with these voices.
VastaKustutaHmmm. Yes, Quite.
VastaKustuta*Swirls glass of brandy*
Fancypants would approve.
VastaKustutaGod, I love the british :D
VastaKustutaOf all the foreign languages this show has been translated into, this is my *favourite*
VastaKustuta:snickers: teehee British ponies!!!
VastaKustutaPlease, sir, may I 'ave some more? *.*
That was pretty funny. And interesting, too.
VastaKustutaಠ_q I SAY
VastaKustutaMade me laugh. :)
*sips tea and nods*
VastaKustutaI still can't believe no one made a joke about "Pony" is slang for £25 over here yet.
VastaKustutaQuite colourful indubitaly.
VastaKustutaHaha that's good! I thought I'd hate it being British meself but that's awesome :)
VastaKustutaJolly good
VastaKustutaI'm not sure I know any brits that say "Merlins beard", but awesome all the same :D
VastaKustutaI'll have you know that we British speak noting like that these days. Everyone thinks we are stuck in the 17th Century or something...
VastaKustutaIn other words, that was AWESOME!
I say, should Fluttershy's first remark not properly be "no restraint"? After all, is the line in the colonial excuse for our language not "loss of control", as they so crudely put it?
VastaKustutaAside from this forgivable error, the American way of speaking being rather incomprehensible at times, this rendition of the scene into the Queen's English is a superb effort. Three cheers for the creator!
Pip pip, huzzah!
Pip pip, huzzah!
Pip pip, huzzah!
VastaKustutaActually, I made the joke a number of times in Ponibooru.
Nopony got it. :(
VastaKustutaAs a Briton, I should find that horribly insulting to our history and culture!
But to be honest, I found it bloody funny as well. :P
VastaKustutaShh, it's okay. This Anon got it.
ಠ_ರೃ Hmm, yes quite. *blows bubbles out of a pipe*
Oodles of hullaballoo!
VastaKustutaOh god I'm dead of laughter XD
haha I love British fluttershy XD
VastaKustutaOk, so who is going to do Pinkie as a Scouser and Celestia as the Queen?...
VastaKustuta@Vinyl Scratch
VastaKustutaAwww, that's adorable! BRAVO!!!
VastaKustutaI say, that was a most splendid show. Bravo!
VastaKustutaOh my, this was a most delightful experience chaps O_q I would hope you can indulge me in some more witty banter like this. O_q
VastaKustutaExcellent show, wot wot.
VastaKustutaThis was awesome, lol, I love it ^^
VastaKustutaThis was awesome, lol, I love it ^^
VastaKustutaI say--BRAVO! :D
VastaKustutaOh indeed! This even raised a chuckle from my other half, who is not ordinarily inclined to pony related humour.
VastaKustutaHNGGGGGGGGGGGGG I think my Smexysensor just broke.
VastaKustutaThis makes me proud to be British :')
VastaKustutaAbsolutely brilliant. Well done.
VastaKustutaNow I'm curious. I know the transcripts say that fluttershy says "lots of control". But I've always heard it as "loss" which makes more sense for a good cheer. If you have lots of control you are really focusing on your movements and voice. If you have a loss of control you are immersing yourself in your cheer and letting the moment take you.
Self-restraint just doesn't make sense.
...This was wonderful. I will not lie.
VastaKustutaEVERYTHING is better with Brits, after all!
*Sips tea*
Quite right.
VastaKustutaSmashing performance!
VastaKustuta@Twilight Flopple
VastaKustutaI don't know any brits that say any at all of the things in this video.
I say, one almost dropped ones monocle in ones tea one was chortling so hard.
Even when "classy," Fluttershy still manages to stay cute. Yeah, I know this isn't their style of talking anymore. I do have friends that come from England BTW, so I should know. But then again, don't we all have our ways of speaking English? Just lighten up and enjoy the humor.
VastaKustutaI concur, splendidly done!
VastaKustutaJolly good!
Good show!
Jolly good show! Hmmm, yes quite.
Still too loud. I say.
VastaKustutaI must say, these ponies are astounding.
VastaKustutaFinally, a foreign dub that perfectly captures Rainbow Dash's personality.
VastaKustutaI don't think we could survive a Rarity scene this British.
As a British person, this is how I hear the world
VastaKustutait was a bit rich, i think...
VastaKustutaThe only way this could be more British would be if they were wearing monocles and top hats.
VastaKustutaThere are not enough words to express the amount of win...
VastaKustutaAnd I wouldn't expect Rainbow to behave like that colour me impressed! Bravo.
VastaKustutaSmashing! Absolutely smashing!
VastaKustutaAs a Briton, this should offend me...
VastaKustutaAs a Briton this is why I love it...
If being British means one thing any more it means being able to laugh at one's self.
Roll on British ponies!
I am British, and I find this hilarious. But for your information...hardly anyone in Britain actually speaks like this.
VastaKustuta"I do say old bean, could you fetch me a cup of tea? Thank you!"
Is replaced by:
"Oi, get me a ****ing beer and a packet of fags, *****!"
@XeddriefAs the times change we evolve into............... less polite beings apparently.
VastaKustutaEvolution why you fail.
I say, that was a bloody good show.
VastaKustutaOh my, this pleases me greatly!
VastaKustutaI say, simply spiffing video, jolly good show old boy.
VastaKustutaRight, stop that, silly...and a bit suspect I think.
Anytime I hear an upperclass british accent I feel the need to go watch Monty Python. (or Jeeves and Wooster, I could go on and on)
@Xeddrief Or if your South London you would go, "Bloody 'ell. Gimme some beer mate, cheers.".
VastaKustutaTip top performance old chap, had quite the snigger, yes quite.
VastaKustutaModern Britishosity might not match this in the slightest, but as a dirty yank, I'll take it anyway. We need some culture, damn it, even if it's manufactured, and we'll take an accent!
VastaKustutaThat made me cringe so hard!
VastaKustutaTo anypony who says that we don't speak like that anymore; I live in Surrey, where some people really DO speak like that. It's unimaginably annoying and I have to grit my teeth every time they open their ponce-holes!
You know, I'm reasonably certain the line was meant to be "Loss of control", not "Lots of control".
VastaKustutaAlso, this is very true for every part of the country that isn't the jumped-up slice of poncery that I currently live in.
This sounds more like Americans doing British accents than actual British people.
VastaKustutaStill, amusing.
@Celestia +1 on Monty Python. Though Mr. Bean also comes to mind. Yeah, it's a bit of a dumb show, but I watch it.
VastaKustutaI am British and I didnt like this mock up, at all, feeling thats a steryotype of British, I can asure you we DONT speak like that.
VastaKustuta@ZeroG Ah it's not that bad, at least it's a intentional parody unlike Pip in Luna Eclipse.
VastaKustutaI'm British and found it hilarious.
C'mon, laugh at yourself. We Brits basically INVENTED self-deprecation!
I SAY, spiffing show, old chap! One puts the hands together in admiration and all that rot!
VastaKustutaI am offensive and I find this British.
VastaKustutaIn other news this was really funny, even if hardly anyone actually talks that way any more.
VastaKustutaactually, that line was unchanged. "lots of control."
and then everyone was suddenly Rarity...but worse. No, this was funny :D
VastaKustutaOh English and all your varieties. Splendid!
VastaKustutaBravo! er.. I mean... bravo...!
VastaKustutaA show full of Rarity? o_O
"Well, if I done it right, what are you sniggering at?"
VastaKustutaBobby-fish-and-chips-up-in-the-lift-barney-lorry-cheerio-ol-chap etc.
VastaKustutaThat was pretty good actually. I've met a few people who do talk like this, only toned down a fair bit.
VastaKustutaI also had to actually fetch a translator to deal with someone talking in chav at me once...
My brain is on fire O_o. Even american english is harn for me sometimes. If I hadn't seen show before, I would never know what this two are talking about.
VastaKustutaLOL I nearly choked on a potato chip laughing at that!!
VastaKustutaI say chaps, this has spurred a bit of a hullabaloo.
VastaKustutaSpiffing, what what?
Ah, laughing at one's country's historical cultures is really quite fascinating.
Especially when compared to today's 'slang' phrases and new word-meanings. How far have we stooped in the last two centuries?
Oh, the video? I'm meant to be discussing that? Right!
Fluttershy's accent rather suits her, but Rainbow's seems just a smidgen... off...
That Fluttershy voice sure was cute. x3
VastaKustutaI don't think the voice for RD fits, but it's still funny.
I also think it's HILARIOUS how so many British people commenting on here are like "OMG guyyys like, we dont even talk like that!"
Congratulations, you have just POINTED OUT THE JOKE.
Couldn't have done it without ya. -__-;
And then the whole fandom demanded ponies be translated to old antique English, myself included.
VastaKustutahey man I'm British too. but this is just hilarious!!
I have a deep crush for british accented women
VastaKustutabloody sods the lot of you
VastaKustutaCor blimey!
VastaKustutaNow we demand english Rarity!
VastaKustutaOh wait...
VastaKustutaNo, no, my old chap, they dubbed it in ENGLISH english.
VastaKustutaAye, this was one deadly vid, eh?
VastaKustutaNo need to git in a kerfuffle, here. What're we gonna laugh aboot if we can't laugh at ourselves, eh?
(sorry, I find it hard to write in Canadian...)
Just saying, keep the stereotypes coming.
As a Brit I find all the butthurt Brits on the Youtube comments really funny. I mean, WE make that joke about ourselves all the time. =P
VastaKustutaJolly good show old chap pass me a cup of the earl gray if you wouldn't mind
Tad over the top for my liking. Twice as much outdated upper class slang as necessary for it to be funny.
VastaKustutaAlso there's a better anglicized version:
This. This is bloody brilliant! For reference, I'm British (a Yorkshireman, technically), and I find this not in one bit offensive. We know people think we're upper class twits who are stuck in the Victorian era or something, but at least it's funny. Now, how would this sound in a Yorkshire accent...?
VastaKustuta"Oo, aye, now howdya ma'e a good'un, then?"
Yeah, nopony ever do that. Please.
it's such a piss-take, can't not laugh (rofl)
VastaKustutaIf we're talking of British shows what are good, then Red Dwarf must be mentioned.
VastaKustutaI'm British and I'm not offended by this stereotype. Although I do wonder how many yanks think we do talk posher than we actually do (even if not as posh as this parody).
Fluttershy was cute (as always, nothing can make her uncute to me) But Rainbow Dash saying i say, eh not feeling it.
VastaKustutaAaaaannnnd to nail my colours to the mast (British, as you can tell from the correct spelling of 'colour'...). That was very good, the only real comment is that I'm not quite sure about the 'I say' as a replacement for 'louder', but I enjoyed that even so.
VastaKustutaAnypony from Newcastle want to give that one a try...?
*Spits out tea* What a marvelous dub, eh gov´nor?
VastaKustutaI do feel this could get old quickly., so let us keep this gag contained in this one video, ´kay?
I wish the UK's version of this was actually translated into this. As offensive as it probably is, I still find it way too funny. XD
VastaKustuta@InquisitorM Scouse Pinkie? Nooooooooooooooooo! Not that I've got anything against scousers, I just see her as more of a cheeky cockney.
VastaKustutaDelightful little video though.
I'm English, and can confirm that this dialogue is 100% correct. Spiffing good work old bean. Now, anyone for tea?
VastaKustuta@ Luna-tic Scientist I shall corral some of my fellow geordie bronies and see what happens!
VastaKustutaI say, that is splendid. I tip my top hat to you. Now I must find a cup of tea.
VastaKustutaEarl Grey
And now for something completely different.
VastaKustutaFor those that are offended by this. why don't you make a american version. use whatever you want. 80's slang, tripping 60's, 90's rap lingo. lets make a good show of all this hubbub. eh.
VastaKustutaSweet this is the same person who dubs ponies with japanese, very interesting to watch :D
VastaKustutaIf you can do this I will have your foals.
Bonus points if you can make it completely unintelligible to anyone from outside the UK...
I say as I am of the British nationality I find this quite offensive as no one in England speaks so poshly.
VastaKustutaTally ho old interweb users!!!
I say as I am of the British nationality I find this quite offensive as no one in England speaks so poshly.
VastaKustutaTally ho old interweb users!!!
VastaKustutaJust because they say "Merlin's Beard" in Harry Potter, doesn't mean they say it in Britain...
VastaKustutaBut still VERY LOL!
ahhhhh ENGLISH, guys, ENGLISH
VastaKustuta(though I think irish Fluttershy would make me die a little inside from cuteness...)
but other than that it was hilarious :D big up the old blighty!
... and in a misguided attempt to make my little pony more "ethnic" ...
VastaKustutaHaha, gotta love the 'British' stereotype. Especially when ponies speak like this.
VastaKustutaI'm British and I really don't know why this offends some people. I think it is absolutely spiffing, wotwot.
Or, one could try doing it in a Brummie accent.
VastaKustutaOr Yorkshire.
...heck, anything.
I love Britain. It's rubbish here most, if not all of the time, but we can get a good laugh out of it.
I'm from Britain and this was the perfect way to start the day off. I love this fandom, chaps O_q
VastaKustutaPeople who say no one English acts like this has clearly not been to the Chap Olympiad.
VastaKustutaThe challenges include mixing a martini without the aid of a butler and the pipe smoking relay race.
I was meant to take part this year, but was a bit off my snuff at the time. Backgammon sprain, you know how it is.
Its' humorous and all... but one dose not us the the phrase 'I say' as elliptical sentence repeated like that, since 'I say' is used prior to both compliments and insults. Although it can also be use in agreement.
VastaKustuta... but whatever you want to do is just fine.
That was proper funny.
VastaKustutaCurse you Seth, now I want to play killing floor.
VastaKustutaThe Humour was quite british my good man. These good men and women should do an entire episode, My sugestion would be Griffin the brush off because scotish Gilda would cause great chortaling from thee.
VastaKustutaokey dokey I'm not even sure what to think. It is ture that no-one in british expect for the extremly high classes speak this way but also I do find this dub quite funny. When british citzens do find offence in sterotypical dubs I can see why but I this particular case I am bewildered
VastaKustutaHowever I did try with little effort I could talk in such a manner so I conclude
Normally, I'd be offended by the use of such outdated language, but that was bloody brilliant!
VastaKustutaI say, I'd pay a good 20 quid to see this series dubbed in Her Majesty's proper tongue.
VastaKustutaWe need this done to the whole series, now!
VastaKustuta"Was it a bit rich?'
VastaKustutaMy mother needs to see this...
VastaKustutaAnd then Applejack was British.
VastaKustutaDarn you Brits! You make everything hilarious!
VastaKustutaMust has British versions of every 'sode.
VastaKustutaThis was hilarious!
VastaKustutaFor those who found this offensive, well, at least it's still the right accent even if it's an old one. Better than most people thinking we Finns speak like the Swedes.
To my fellow Brits who saw reason to complain:
VastaKustutaYou have failed both your British Humour and Internet Culture tests. Please hand in your top hat 'n' monocle and prepare for deportation.
You may reapply for citizenship and/or internet access in three years.
Good day.
@Tears of a Valedictorian if they ponified the chap games my life would be complete!
VastaKustutaAwesome! I wish I could understand British...
VastaKustutaOh bother, that is how I speak.
VastaKustutaI'd definitely like to see more of these.
VastaKustutaCome on, Fluttershy! Be British about it!