I got a few emails on this one asking where Fillydelphia was. This poll was strictly for cities that have been shown in the series so far. Hopefully we will see it in the future, but for now, these are the only visible ones.
I admit, I voted for Cloudsdale. Ponyville may be where the mane cast hang out, but come on... cloud city, with cloud factories... You can't beat that!
Next poll: Favorite Male Pony. Charge!
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125 kommentaari:
what? i prefer canterlot
VastaKustutaand hot dang, i got first :p
VastaKustutaFavorite male pony? Small selection.
VastaKustutaIn Cloudsdale,you'll fall down if u r not a Pegasus LOL
VastaKustutaI prefer capital city Canterlot, that's where Princess Celestia is <3
I voted Canterlot since it's where I live. ;) Manehatten is good too.
VastaKustutaFavorite male pony? After "Sweet and Elite", I'm now torn between Fancy Pants and Big Macintosh.
VastaKustutaWell, let's see...
VastaKustuta-Big Macintosh
-Doctor Whooves
- ...uhhhh......
...Dang, that is a small selection. O.o
VastaKustutaFancypants should def. be on the next poll. :D
VastaKustuta@Viridian you forgot Prince Blueblood. Well done
VastaKustutaOh blast it, how the bleep did I forget about Fancy Pants!? D:
VastaKustutaYea, well, because of "Rainbow Factory" I'm wary of Cloudsdale. . .
VastaKustutaCloudcity...inb4 star wars jokes
VastaKustutaWe really need to see more of Manehattan.
VastaKustutaThese polls are starting and ending way too quickly o.O
VastaKustutaAs for male ponies, the results are most likely going to be Big Mac just ahead of Dr Whooves, with Braeburn, Fancy-Pants, and Caramel lagging behind.
Cloud city with cloud factories. That's not the only factory up there.....
VastaKustutaLets see
VastaKustutaWhat about that Turnip guy that said he knew Rarity?
Mister Fancy Pant?
Big Mac?
Favorite male pony... hm...
I'll vote Spike! He's an honorary pony right?
If not I vote that turnip guy that washes windows.
Will Brazilian Rainbow Dash be included?
VastaKustutaI think I'll vote for Soarin.
I would vote for pipsqueak for favourite male pony as he has Luna as favourite princess.
VastaKustutaI voted for Appleoosa just so I could say AAAAAAPPLEOOSA.
VastaKustutaSepia Tock for best male pony!
VastaKustutaponyville is not a city you derps
VastaKustutaVoted cloudsdale. I wouldn't want to work in the factories, though.
VastaKustutaFavorite male pony? That'll be tough. Braeburn's the sexiest, while Fancy Pant's is the awesomest.
@Tundra <this
VastaKustutaI voted Appleoosa because it reminds my of Armadillo from Red Dead Redemption
VastaKustutaI vote Fancy Pants. He's like a pony Clark Gable.
VastaKustutaDon't know 'bout you guys, but I'd vote for Flutterguy.
VastaKustutaCity. Village
Tomato. Tamato.
Lets not forget Snips and Snails!!
VastaKustutaMaaaan. I have huge affection for Big Mac, Braeburn, Caramel and the Doctor. Hardest choice of my life.
VastaKustutaI voted for Ponyville because of the Mane Six but Cloudsdale is a very close second. For obvious reasons.
VastaKustutaI voted Ponyville. I mean, sure Cloudsdale and Canterlot are cool. But Ponyville has Sugar Cube Corner, the Library, AJ's farm, the school house, etc. If you weren't a pegasus then you couldn't live in Cloudsdale, and the only reason I'd want to be in Canterlot would be to see Celestia and Luna.
VastaKustutaAnd for the new pole, I was torn, but I went with Big Mac. He may not say much, but we do see him a lot more than we will probably see Fancy Pants.
VastaKustutathere is an obvious difference between a city and a town
I went with Manehatten, I am tired of being in a small city.
VastaKustutaand cloudsdale is raciest by nature (only Pegasus can live there)
Fancy Pants is a baws!!
VastaKustutaOn this next poll, everyone who doesn't vote Fancy Pants is objectively wrong.
VastaKustutaVote for Fancy Pants on the next poll! (Big Mac = over rated!)
VastaKustutaOh, And on THIS one, I voted for Cloudsdale. It's just the coolest looking city by far.
eeenope >:
VastaKustutaSure, one has a larger population and/or higher class citizens. But the point of the poll wasn't to argue. It was just a representation of opinions.
@Mr. Sandcolt
VastaKustutaNow you're just being silly. All you need is a unicorn who can perform a cloud walk spell. Surely Twilight isn't the only unicorn capable of performing such a feat.
Oh, and I'm voting for Fancy Pants in the next poll. He leaves a very good first impression.
Ultimately voted for Braeburn.
VastaKustutaFancy Pants is an awesome dude, slightly more awesome than Braeburn. But he's not sexy. Yes, I can be shallow.
Derpy Who....
VastaKustutaOh wait....
MALE, not mail...
I'll get back to you on that
VastaKustutaWhat, no Mr Breezy, "The Dude", or Hayseed Turniptruck? lol
VastaKustutaI totally know who I'm voting for... Spitfire! Amirite? :D
But in all seriousness, I'm stuck between Hoity Toity, Fancy Pants, and adorable little Pipsqueak.
I voted for Canterlot, lovely as it is Ponyville is a town.
VastaKustutaBesides, it's where I live, it'd be wrong not to vote for it.
Oh and that new poll hmmm, i'm not sure who i'd vote for but if Blueblood wins i'd start running.
I choose ponyville cause all the ponies there are crazy and I like CRAZY!
VastaKustutaAs for best stallion...big mac attack for sure, always love silent characters, and hes preety close to that
I voted for Cloudsdale. A city made of clouds fascinates me, and I have a weak spot for pegasi anyways. Hopefully we'll see a bit more of everywhere. Cloudsdale and Manehatten feel very underrepresented in canon.
VastaKustutaCsnterlot... it's just so high-end. Not to mention all the best ponies are apparently known as important ponies. Fancypants, Caramel, Derpy and Rarity. Can't ask for better than that. :D
VastaKustutaBest stallion!? You're making me decide between Fancypants and Caramel!? What a cruel decision this is.
It's probably because the show spends a lot of time there that I voted for Ponyville. I could have gone with one of the bigger locales, but I think Ponyville represents one of those places that strikes the right balance between not too busy, and not too quiet. Sort of like where I live. Besides, how can life in Ponyville possibly be dull with the Mane 6 always up to something?
VastaKustutaSheriff Silverstar is best pony
VastaKustutaWell, since Doctor Whooves isn't a main choice, I'm gonna take Soarin. Just because he's awesome and loves pie.
Exactly this, actually.
@ Sethisto
VastaKustutaWhere the heck is Pipsqueak?
VastaKustutaThe fact that he is allowed into the poll is good enough reason to run screaming. Besides how does he qualify as a colt acting like a filly all the time?
Also he actually has votes... I'm scared. I'm going to go stare at a picture of the muffin queen for a while.
Big Mac and Fancy Pants are some of the greater colts, along with Snails and Soarin.
I'm sticking to Big Mac as a vote because Fancy Pants is almost bound to win by personality alone.
I also voted for Cloudsdale.
VastaKustutaAs for this one... Hm, Fancy Pants or Soarin?
One of the few high society ponies that doesn't look down his nose at everypony, versus the pie-loving stunt flier.
Best male pony is obviously Flutterguy.
VastaKustutaBut otherwise, definitely Fancy Pants. He was salvation incarnate in Sweet And Elite. I like how the entire conflict's build-up and climax was ultimately resolved NOT by overcoming adversity, NOT by deus ex machina, NOT by owning up to one's mistakes, NO. The entire episode's conflict was nuked into orbit by Fancy Pants just being an all-round awesome guy who sees greatness in everypony.
HOLY CRIPES ON TOAST, BATMAN. Clear the beds, the hospital ward for tropes and cliches is gonna be jam-packed after Fancy Pants effectively MASS-MURDERED them!
blueblood has more votes than snips and snails combined...
VastaKustutaalso, late roundup is late...
VastaKustutaI'd normally vote for Manehattan because, as far as we have seen, this is a city where we would normally be living in. The problem is, we didn't see Manehattan enough. The only vision we had of it was of small Applejack, and the rich douches that live there. It didn't really attach to me.
VastaKustutaCloudsdale is awesome, but there isn't anything for me to do there. A rainbow factory? Weather control? As awesome as that is, it's not my area of interest in life, and it isn't that what would make me want to live there. Appleloosa's pretty awesome as well, but not my kind of place to live in... Interestingly enough.
Now we've seen enough of Canterlot's high society, and I can safely say it's too classy for me to bear. Yeah, we don't know if everypony in there is a rich pony, but I feel claustrophobic when surrounded by all that stuff that doesn't have anything to do with me. So that only leaves Ponyville.
It's not a city per se, but it's a place where lots and lots of Ponies live. And it has pretty much everything they need. Seeing how that place is apparently more important than it gives away that it is, one can only imagine Ponyville as having everything anyone could need, within reason. It's not fancy at all, but it's not a boring place either. And even if we'd consider that "there is no Mane 6 there. Choose." I'd still pick Ponyville anyway. Because I just like the place, and could definitely picture myself living in it!
TL;DR - Ponyville is best city for me, at least! So I picked it.
Now... For best male pony. Voted for Big Mac.
I'm guessing most of you aren't big city enthusiasts if Manehattan's results are to judge. Honestly, I'm still hoping for a Las Haygas to make itself into the show. Get on it Hasbro!
VastaKustutaAs for male pony of the month, there's not really that much to choose from seeing that Equestria is definitely a matriarchael society. I'd definitely go gay for Braeburn. Just don't tell him I said that.
Where's Dr. Whooves?
VastaKustutabackground pony. his name is never officially mentioned
I'll admit, I voted for Canterlot. Just because there are some high-class, rich snobs doesn't mean ALL the high-class, rich people are snobs. Long story short, I like classy.
VastaKustutaAnd EVERYONE vote for Fancy Pants, he's losing to Big Mac!
Soarin' is best dude pony.
VastaKustutaI'll admit, I voted for Canterlot. Just because there are some high-class, rich snobs doesn't mean ALL the high-class, rich people are snobs. Long story short, I like classy.
VastaKustutaAnd EVERYONE vote for Fancy Pants, he's losing to Big Mac!
I would have picked Cloudsdale, but we didn't really see that much of it so far. Same with Canterlot and Manehatten. And I'm not really into old-western style towns, so Appeloosa was out, so all that was left was Ponyville.
VastaKustutaAs for favorite male pony, Fancy Pants gets my vote, mostly because he sounded like John Cleese, but he did lose a few points because his VA also voices Prince Blueba-I mean Blueblood. I would have voted for Snips AND Snails, since they're like the Abbot and Costello of MLP, but since I could only vote once, Fancy Pants got it.
VastaKustutafancy pants and big mac are a close tie in my book, and they will be neck and neck this entire comp. personally, i voted for big mac.
also, late roundup is still late, and now i'm going to bed.
VastaKustutaI voted for Ponyville in the last poll but not because it's where the mane six hang out. I honestly just love the small-town feel to it, where everypony knows everypony and the community is what a real community should be. I just really like it and I would love to live somewhere like that. :)
VastaKustutaI feel really dumb asking this, but who is Caramel?
VastaKustutaTrottingham, by Jove!
I was quite torn between Canterlot and Cloudsdale. After seeing more of Canterlot, it not only has the royal castle and gardens but it's structure is in the side of that mountain as we saw some of in Sweet and Elite. So it still has a heavy sky feel to it.
VastaKustutaCloudsdale will always keep a solid second place and maybe one day in the fics it wont always get super savaged in every take over!
Damn, seems like I always miss the polls! Oh well, would have voted for Ponyville anyway. Simple ponies are best ponies. :)
VastaKustutaVoted for Canterlot, where nobody sleeps because Luna comes out at night who is still adapting to 'normal volume'.
VastaKustutaThis next one I voted for the Sheriff :D
No love for Silverstar in the new poll?
VastaKustutaSure he didn't do/say much, but the mustache!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutagood, he needed some votes, hot-headed though he may be XD
I voted for Cloudsdale, it just seemed really fresh and original.
VastaKustutaWhy the love for Fancy Pants? I don't get it. He's just another rich pony but he stuck up for Rarity at the end.
I have to say if there is a weakness in the show it's lack of cool male characters.
But it doesn't bother me since so many cartoons (or liveaction for that matter) have had a lack of cool female characters I guess we were due for one that marginalized the males.
as others have mentioned, how come Pipsqueak isn't an option? I don't think he should be relegated to the generic "other/background pony" option. I mean, how many other ponies can you absolutely confirm their opinion that Princess Luna is their favorite princess?
VastaKustutathat being said, I picked Soarin', lol. Because pie is cool, and being a wonderbolt is cool. And because they haven't introduced Spitfire's apparent twin brother Rapidfire as a charactger yet...
How could Cloudsdale have lost?! Is it not where the Most Awesome Pony in all of Equestria is from!? Not to mention the Wonderbolts!
VastaKustutaSeriously though, I love the Classical architecture, even if RD wasn't from there I'd have voted for it. (Anyone else feel like Canterlot is more Arabic than Medieval inspired?) Not to mention it's a city in the clouds, which makes it 2x as awesome to me.
Best Male pony... there are so few choices... (though nice to see as of S2 there ARE more males than before) Personally I felt that even if he was the best of the 'upper class' that Fancy Pants was still too snobbish (and honestly, I'm shocked Prince Blueblood got any votes, must be for his looks instead of his character) Of the choices, I chose Soarin, he's nice down to earth (so to speak) and the hint of Canon RD+Soarin shipping is so cute ^___^
Pipsqueak doesn't count as male pony? o~o
VastaKustutaD: Now who do I vote for?
Where was Trottingham, Western-supermare and Stalliongrad?
VastaKustutaim sure ponyville got hit as its just what everyone see's constantly...cloudsdale is the best..period!
VastaKustutabest male well..thats a hard choice between soarin and big mac
im sure ponyville got hit as its just what everyone see's constantly...cloudsdale is the best..period!
VastaKustutabest male well..thats a hard choice between soarin and big mac
Breaburn, as annoying as he was, would have had my vote. He was funny annoying.
VastaKustutaThen Fancy Pants happened. This pony does whatever the hell he wants, and says what he thinks. No matter what he does, the Canterlot elite somehow just eat it up. More importantly, he knows it. He knows that a single word from him will change the opinion of his peers. But instead of taking complete advantage of it, he uses his powers of charisma for good. Sure, he probably gets a lot out of it, but who wouldn't?
What, no Pipsqueak? He's my choice
VastaKustutaBig Mac is best pony. Of all ponies.
VastaKustutapfft sif any town could beat Ponyville.
VastaKustutaHad a hard time deciding between Big Mac and Fancypants this time, went for Mac because hes OG.
I went with Ponyvillie. Mostly due to the fact I asked myself if I was a pony where would I like to live. It just seems like such a nice small town town. Besides. Cloudsdale and Canterlot are both within flying distance for visits. So woo sky trips!!
VastaKustutaAround Christmas Seth you should ask which pony everyone would like to receive as a Christmas present.
VastaKustutaEh I went with Canterlot, and now I'm voting Fancy Pants, like Rarity I'm a Canterlot Pony at heart
VastaKustutaI voted for an OC: Firewall!
VastaKustutaTTEOAP is best fanfic.
Within canon, I'll say Big Mac. You hardly ever see the others.
VastaKustutaCaramel is likely one of the Apple clan (some fans cast him as a hired farm hand, I think). I believe his one and only appearance was towards the end of "Winter Wrap Up" where it's mentioned that he did something to screw up the planting, right before Twilight leaps in with her organizational skills. I think fans were so desperate for a male pony with a canon name that he's gained a rather inflated importance.
I voted for Canterlot because I think all of the backgrounds set there, especially those in the opening two episodes of the second season, are absolutely incredible. The castle, the mountainside, the airships, the throne room, the hedge maze, the statue garden, the stained glass... Artistically, that place is boss.
VastaKustutaBig Mac would easily get my vote if he said more than this usual two words. However, when he has had longer lines I've not really cared for his voice acting. It doesn't really sound... natural, I suppose.
I went with Fancy Pants. I'd like to see him return.
But no Pipsqueak, Mr. Cake, Rarity's Dad, or Hayseed Turniptruck? They've had bigger roles and more lines than some on that list. And if he had a name, I'd consider voting for the groundskeeper during "Best Night Ever".
I voted for Ponyville, because Canterlot and Manehatten is full of 'high-class' assh*les, Cloudsdale is kind of racist to non-pegasus ponies and Appleloosa is really stereotypic. Damn it, Ponyville seems like the only decent place to live.
VastaKustutaCanterlot is the best and worst for one reason.
VastaKustutaStrong liquor
100th comment
Mayor called Ponyville a city in Mare do Well ep, so Ponyville is a city. It has its own Hydroelectric Dam.
VastaKustutaWhy is derpy left absent from new poll? Voting other then.
I voted Apleoosa so I could say the name
VastaKustutaI voted Apleoosa so I could say the name
VastaKustuta@Sgt Byrd
VastaKustutaDerpy is female, so she doesn't exactly qualify for the current poll.
VastaKustutaI know what I saying :)
Best male pony? Are you serious? As if Big mac had any concurrence at all...
VastaKustutaoh wait... Fancy Pants? hmmmm yeah he's nice, but seriously he's no Big Macintosh.
I also voted for Cloudsdale xD
VastaKustuta@Sgt Byrd
VastaKustutaAh, I gotcha. My brain doesn't really kick in until noon.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta(Re-doing my comment since I didn't realize the poll left out Pipsqueak, Mr. Cake, Rarity's dad, Hayseed Turnip Truck, and the gardener pony from "Best Night Ever"...)
VastaKustutaTop 5 male ponies, IMHO: Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Snails, Fancypants, and Mr. Cake, in that order; honorable mentions to Pipsqueak, Hayseed Turnip Truck, Rarity's dad, Sheriff Silverstar, Soarin', and Snips. Caramel has starred in one fanfic that I really liked (can't remember the name, but it's the one where he stumbles across a village of ponies without cutie marks), but he hasn't done enough in the show to make an impression on me. Jet Set, Blueblood, and Hoity Toity get no love from me, sorry. And I would like to see that gardener pony again, if only so they can actually give him a cutie mark.
Cloudsdale is cool as is Canter-lot
VastaKustutaBut Ponyville has every pony every pony I know
Beautiful buildings count for a lot
But in the end that's all they've got
It can get lonely up there
So I know where I'd go
Down to Ponyville to every pony every pony I know
Yes, I'd leave the gardens and the fancy show
To live near every pony
To talk to every pony
To laugh with every pony every pony every pony I know
Aw, I voted Canterlot.
VastaKustutaYou know... because... Princess Celestia...
No Dr. Whooves in the poll?
VastaKustuta(Oh noes, Pave is gonna tell a story...)
VastaKustutaTo me, the voting selection was decided do my history: I originally started my life on farm (Sweet Apple Acres), from which I moved at the age of 5 to a rather large village (Applelosa) which was located next to rather small city (Cloudsdale (more details at the end: "symbolism")).
Few years later we moved back to my mother's birthcity (Manehattan), where I would live my next +11-years of my life, while wishing to be live once again at my birthfarm during that whole time.
Fast forward to March-April 2009 and I'm on my way move into my birthtown (Ponyville), which is soon to become part of big merger with several other towns, villages (including Appleloosa) and a city (the same Cloudsdale). While officially we should be consired as one big "Cloudsdale" now, we still call Appleloosa and Ponyville as their own original names. And our are mails are delivered normally with same address via goverment held postal service (Mail Mare Inc. (oh now I'm just taking this too far)). So yeah, fancy mancy "hip" political thing happened, and things went haywire. But that's another story (no, that wasn't how Equestria was made...)).
Today I'm still wishing to move back to "Apple Acres" (yes, there's actualy quite many apple trees too, in case you wonder). But first I'll need to work hard to earn enough money to build my own barn/hut/cottage, into to edge of my very own Everfree forest. :P
And that's why I picked Ponyville. Why didn't we just pick that name as our new name of the municipal area? Because current politics here are super derped (in a really bad way, that is).
Those who don't know what the merger I talked of was, here's a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merger_(politics)
So what's the symbolism of Cloudsdale? Well even today, I won't able to visit that city without any kind of help, either from my acquaintaces or familily. In short, I need a car to visit there, and I don't own one. And car = wings = magic to help walk on clouds.
(Thank goodness Pave is not gonna sing about this again...)
VastaKustuta(curses for no editing possibility, forgot to add this).
So what about Canterlot? Certainly "ponified" version of the capital of my country looked nice. But then again, in reality that place is just way too growded and too expensive. Not to mention almost non-existing contact to anything similiar to Ponyville (plus extra +100 kilometres of distance).
I have visited and stayed at Canterlot several times though, mind you. But while mainly visitng at the amusement park. Oh, and of course it's also one of the capital places for cuisers, when you want to go South instead of West (hopefully on next Winter Wrap Up Ditzy Doo actually finally goes this location instead the airports at North like last year, or Western Docks like year before).
And that's how I "ponified" my decision.
After some thought, I voted Ponyville, but not because the main cast live there.
VastaKustutaWhy isn't Pipsqueak in the poll?
VastaKustutaHow did miss this pole? Oh right live in my own city
VastaKustutaWhat about the Doctor?!
VastaKustutaNo Doctor? Fine, Braeburn's my man. Sorry Fancy Pants!
VastaKustutaAw poor Cloudsdale it's so awesome! Looks like Big Macs gonna win....I'm voting for Fancy Pants because he is a genuine gentleman. He isn't a total snob like everyone else in Canterlot.
VastaKustutaDoctor Who(oves)?
Voted for Cloudsdale, I mean it looks serene and peaceful up there in the sky.
VastaKustutacloud city, with cloud factories... You can't explain that!
VastaKustuta@Levishm Rae I also note with displeasure that Mareseille, Whinneapolis, Mexicolt City, Seaddle, Baltimare, Appleanta, Detrot, Neigh Orleans and Mareskow are not on the list
VastaKustutaAnd, of course, Hoofington.