@Niko Well, Christmas is a time where you celebrate the time of how a big, fat round man dressed in red and white, break into your house by sliding down your dirty ass chimney while not having a spec of dirt on him afterwords and still manage to have his diabetes filled body get through. And instead of robbing your whole entire house while you sleep he actually gives you presents instead which you open the next morning.
OMG!!! Family guy and ponies!!!! Celestia as Herbert caught me off gaurd and made me laugh more than it should have.... Knew Derpy would be Jillian tho :P
@goodnamehere Yay that's true. Most of the ideas were from an older brony and I thought his ideas were funny so I put the clips in my video and I hope that younger bronies will enjoy the clips anyway.
#3 Scrubs, win. Flutterburb, win. Pina Colada, win. Crocodile Rock, epic win. Moon landing/Rarity earns cutie mark, win (Wall-E anyone?) Only thing I didn't like about it was Hakuna Matata. It started off like you were trying to synch up their mouths with the lyrics but then it just got too sloppy.
34 kommentaari:
YAY! working videos!
VastaKustutathat picture gets all my love.
Joke's on you Cereal. I don't celebrate Christmas.
VastaKustutaChristmas is nearly over to me.
VastaKustutaDoesn't really matter though because I got ponies so all's good.
@Kinrah *over for me
VastaKustutaCurse lack of edit function.
What's Christmas?
VastaKustutaMust be some new slang.
VastaKustutaanother joke on Cereal, i celebrated it yesterday... or two days ago actually. its midnight now =P
VastaKustutaChristmas is nearly over for me as well so a bit of EQD before bed ;)
VastaKustuta#1 Vhat?
Cristmas means nothing to me. I'm aitheist btw. And why are you here ceral? xD Plus ponies are like a cristmas present to me.
VastaKustutaI gotta agree with Seth, but I don't have eggnog, even though it's my favorite beverage. I'm a sad pony.
VastaKustuta#1: Happy Gilmore and Twilight Sparkle. <3
#2: Rarity Stewie. I don't care too much for Family Guy anymore.
#3: Not my cup of Nog.
@Niko Well, Christmas is a time where you celebrate the time of how a big, fat round man dressed in red and white, break into your house by sliding down your dirty ass chimney while not having a spec of dirt on him afterwords and still manage to have his diabetes filled body get through. And instead of robbing your whole entire house while you sleep he actually gives you presents instead which you open the next morning.
VastaKustuta...In exchange for all your cookies.
Seth, go rest or play Skyrim
VastaKustutashit man
@Nickvicious I can see why so many people love it :O
VastaKustutaChristmas is pretty much over for me, but to the point
@Pinkie Pie
Stay away from fruit cake
Time for music
In Sweden we celebrate the 24th, so I can be on EQD all I want. ;)
VastaKustutaEggnog? We don't have such weird, vile things here in the UK.
VastaKustutaOh hay look my picture :D
VastaKustutaSo much eggnog talk today. lol
VastaKustutaHah, the Family Guy Christmas song. Fun song. Good PMV too. The part with Snips and Snails seemed to fit too well for the characters. :P
The first and third ones had a few good parts to them.
OMG!!! Family guy and ponies!!!! Celestia as Herbert caught me off gaurd and made me laugh more than it should have.... Knew Derpy would be Jillian tho :P
VastaKustuta#2 Steve Magnet should have asked for the mustache comb.
VastaKustutaI was hoping for Sweetie Bell and the other CMCs would sing "All I want for Christmas is my cutie mark."
Wow. These three videos were the perfect blend of WTF and freaking awesome. #1 Hilarious
VastaKustuta#2 Family Guy FTW!
#3 Completely random but very entertaining
LEAVE THE BLOG FOR TODAY!! anypony agree with me on this?
#1 What??
VastaKustuta#2 Love Family Guy, although being a former guard of the Princess, I shouldn't repeat some of her wishes...
#3 *enthusiastic clapping* That was just to good for words
VastaKustutaNo. Christmas is time to be merry and enjoy the company of friends and family.
I don't know about you but I consider every brony my friend, especially our esteemed EqD blogponies.
Number 3..
Who do you call "kids" Seth?
Pinkie Pie is best "Hakuna Matata / Scatman John" ever!
VastaKustutai got my presents on the 20th so jokes on you lol
VastaKustutaI don't really celebrate Christmas.
VastaKustutaThese are my favorite type of PMV.
VastaKustutaTo the maker of #3, i don't think the majority of the target audience will get the humor, but i thought it was hilarious :D
VastaKustutaYay that's true. Most of the ideas were from an older brony and I thought his ideas were funny so I put the clips in my video and I hope that younger bronies will enjoy the clips anyway.
Very nice. always good to see new PMV hells.
VastaKustuta#3 Scrubs, win.
VastaKustutaFlutterburb, win.
Pina Colada, win.
Crocodile Rock, epic win.
Moon landing/Rarity earns cutie mark, win (Wall-E anyone?)
Only thing I didn't like about it was Hakuna Matata. It started off like you were trying to synch up their mouths with the lyrics but then it just got too sloppy.