• Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony: Turnabout Storm Part 2!

    The second episode of Turnabout Storm has been released! For those that haven't watched the first one at all, be sure to check it out before diving into this one.  It's definitely worth a watch if you have any love at all for the Phoenix Wright series. 

    Find it after the break! It does have a 720p version, so I'd suggest just watching it directly.  

    91 kommentaari:

    1. yes i have been looking foward to part 2

    2. I remember the first part:) it was really good.

    3. finally!

      I've been waiting for this for months!

    4. It's filled with so many emotional whiplashes, my stomach hurt.
      Seriously, this video wrenched my emotions in every possible direction.

    5. Cool. I really liked the first one. Now to give this one a-- ....oh boy. Over an hour? *sigh* Okay, then, here we go.

    6. I watched it just before. It's awesome and the over 1 hour runtime felt like minutes.

      Too bad that part 3 will take probably a long time. But it will definitely be worth the wait.

    7. God I love Ace Attorney...!

      This video got ALL of my love and admiration - if anypony here has NEVER played this series and likes this video, I -URGE- you to go and find a way of getting a copy...it's on DS and Wiiware, for a start.

      So much epic win - Part 3 is gonna be sweet!

    8. aw yeah, how long i waited for this....

    9. I wonder how hard the process is in making something a cool as this?

    10. Gag I'm torn...

      An hour watching this or watching my shows new years marathon,


    11. This video is pure win. Seventy minutes of pure, distilled win <3

    12. Adding this to my 'Come Back To' folder, I've got a news years party to gobble the food at.

      Too bad I won't see everyone again for an entire year!

    13. Part two here already? Better get some snacks, we're gonna be here a while.

    14. *Does Twilights Yes yes yes dance*

    15. Yeah saw this earlier, so worth the 1 hour and 11 minutes.
      My only regret is that I'll have to wait a few months for the next one.

    16. Awesome! I've been waiting for this and... holy buck it's an hour long.


    17. I watched this earlier today, really enjoyed the whole video. It's long, but it sure didn't feel like it. Ponies and Ace Attorney work together so well.

    18. 71 minutes of awesomeness. Trixie as prosecutor fits her perfectly, reminds me of Franziska. Having the judge was amusing, though I kinda wish that Luna was he judge. However, that gets explained for the same reason Celestia wasn't able to be the judge.

      I feel bad for what happens to Fluttershy though...

    19. Whew, just watched through it, and it finally got posted on EqD. Was quite worth the watch! :P

    20. so long!! I'll have to save it for tomorrow.

      Happy new year everyponi

    21. I remember a comment from Part 1- gotta say, the people who put Trixie as the prosecutor totally called it. Well, Phoenix has won courtroom battles with worse flankholes than her. Sides, if we've learned anything from canon... yeah, Trixie talks big, but she's got feet of clay.

    22. Huzzah part 1 complete

      *looks at the length of time*

    23. The improvement in the quality of the voices is astounding. Whoever was doing that Rainbow Dash kinda needs my bits. Especially being that I wasn't a big fan of her pitch last episode. It was an improvement across the board for RD, and I went from wondering if I'd prefer a text-only video to definitely being into the voice acting.

      I... kinda have to say that I'm not feeling the Trixie too much. What first caught me off guard was that her mic was clearly a lot less quality than most of the other actors, but it just... felt weird. And the way she rolled her Rs was... blah. As far as emulation of Trixie's mannerisms, it was a bit hard to swallow, given that the original VA rolled her Rs a lot differently than how this one does. And for such a bombastic, in your face character, it felt... I dunno, a bit flat? A bit restrained? At least, some of the time.

      That said, I'm griping a bit too hard. When this Trixie hits her stride, she really gets into it. Really, the voice itself is pretty great, and my complaints aren't exactly major ones. At least ones that couldn't be corrected with a better mic and perhaps avoiding a verbal tic that Trixie herself dropped mid-way through Boast Boasters.

      I complain too much in general. The voice acting is pretty good in general, and a lot better than what I tend to expect out of many fan-works. I actually really love the Twilight Sparkle voice, because even if it's not an exact impression per say, it's got that same distinct flavour that Tara Strong has.

      Phoenix in particular, I enjoy. The internal narration is across the board fairly great, and overall, I'm impressed. And I'm certainly awaiting the next installment.

    24. Finished it, VERY well done. The people they have doing the voices are excellent.

    25. Just finished watching it, and let me that was a great way to end 2011!I never felt so many emotions happening all at once since... I don't even know what!

    26. OmgYesFinally! Watching in a little bit

    27. Yes! God these things are amazing. Incredible job! Just finished watching it and wow did the time fly by. I must know what happens!

    28. The pieces are already there. DO NOT READ the following if you don't want to hear how this person believes the trial will end.

      Ace calls RD to the everfree so he can inform her she's getting blackmailed. Only way those photos won't get let out is if she takes a fall so he can keep his perfect record. She's greatly offended, activates the cloud she used as cover to get to the scene, and flies off. The first bolt hits harmlessly to the ground, scorching it. There is a third individual, perhaps the one who procured the photos. Gets struck midair (causing no sound and no mark). Third individual moves the body over the scorched area then leaves the scene. Bumps into Applebloom, panics, then blinds her and teleports both out of the Everfree.

      My guess? Trixie's the third individual. Also, twilight totally stole Wright's lie-detector and that's why she was suspicious when Trixie was panicking about Applebloom remembering how she bumped into something alive.

    29. This is great! Some of the voices sound a little fuzzy at times, but the script is amazing! The cliff hanger at the end left me sitting at the end of my seat. Can't wait for the next one.

    30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=s07W4-A7HQw#t=195s "Oh, are you mad?" Successful troll is successful.

    31. Wow, that was truly epic! The quality of voice acting is absolutely stunning!

    32. OBJECTION! Everything really scares Fluttershy :P

    33. Damn, that was awesome. My only issue is Trixie's voice kinda getting on my nerves, but I take that as simply reinforcement for how much I hate her. The characterization was great, the storyline was well done, Fluttershy was adorable as always, and this is really capturing the essence of the Phoenix Wright games. I wasn't a fan of what Phoenix had to do at the end, (mostly because I hate anyone being mean to Fluttershy) but it was his only option and an excellent twist. It was also great that Trixie's hatred for the Mane 6 let her fall for it and give Phoenix another chance. Nicely done; I am anxiously awaiting part 3.

    34. I have a theory, but I will wait for this to play out.

    35. @Clock Keeper
      Your theory is pretty spot in with the possible answer, I wonder if it was maybe an accedentel shot off from the cloud.
      I will say overall voice acting is good, but I hate the way Trixie pronounces her name with holding the T.
      Part of me wants to know what those pictures are, part of me is scared we will know.
      Price I pay for being loyal to Dash

    36. This was kind of boring to watch.
      I would like the Witness to tell the truth, lying is forbidden in this court!
      HOLD ON!
      How can you be sure that the Witness is lying, Mr Wrong? He may just be stupid!
      Why would you bring someone out here if you do not think they have the intellect to comprehend such an amazing crossover?
      That is simply, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie was using him as proof of differing opinions of what could happen.
      (You're not doing very well Phoenix)
      (She keeps undermining everything I say!)
      (Stop letting her!)
      Ahem, I'm afraid I have to agree with the Defence on this account. The Witness is obviously lying about their love of this parody.
      HOLD ON!
      The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie would like to ask for the evidence that proves he is lying!
      Aha, I have that. This comment on Blogspot, namely the Blog named "Equestria Daily" written by the Witness is proof that he has watched the parody and cared enough to comment, thus deeming it to be something he likes!
      Mr Wright is correct, please amend your testimony, Mr Aoki.
      I completely loved every second of this Video.
      The thing was over an hour long and had a 30 minute prequel, are you sure that there was no second you disliked?
      Well... I guess that I didn't like the occasional glitch in the text... And the fact that the nature of the photos was not mentioned was a little... Annoying.
      Therefore, as you have lied TWICE in your testimony, can we trust anything you say?
      I... Err...
      Mr Wright! I do not like the way you are simply picking at holes here. Mr Aoki, what would you rate these videos out of 100, with 100 being perfect and 0 being worst.
      Your Honour, I would rate them a high 99.9, as they were not perfect, but too close for something lower.
      Now, I shall give my Verdict on these videos... I sentence Everypony to watching them, as they are Bloody Marvellous. Court dismissed.

    37. Awesome, I've been waiting for this

    38. Well, I certainly know what to look forward to this year. That's all I can say without ranting like the fury of an angry Fluttershy.

    39. Skittles is now best Rainbow Dash Nickname.

      So Seth, you going to throw up a poll as to what flavor of Rule 34 was on Rainbow Dash's photos?

    40. @Pinstar

      I for one think that it's in fact compromising photos of Rainbow Dash dressed as an absurd looking clown, the dissemination thereof threatening to pummel her reputation and how cool everyone perceives her.

      Really, now. Rule 34. That's just stinkin' thinkin'.

    41. @Pinstar
      I'll agree Skittles is new fun nickname but Altercation makes more since to me. I've seen enough rule 34 on EqD with out venturing to any other places, an I'm freakin tired of people with their claims thet hold no proof what so ever of Rainbow Dash related things

    42. Did anyone else see Doctor Whooves in the courtroom (8:56)? This case must be really important!

    43. Did anyone else see Doctor Whooves in the courtroom (8:56)? This case must be really important!

    44. add here tony hawk and i'm done.

    45. my neck hurts now.. was just about to get up and go as I was scrolling down when I saw that picture and the headline "wha-WHAT!? *whips neck too hard to the right* OW!"

      this is going to be so awesome! XD *runs off to watch*

    46. Okay, I watch this and then I'm going to bed. Over a hour long?
      No problem, I'm gonna forget that sleep then.

    47. Oh man, this thing is amazing.
      Trixie fits the prosecutor role surprisingly well.

      And I loved how they even got BaldDumboRat to do Derpy's one single line at 47:14.

    48. @Tundra I agree so heavily with that statement...I thought I was going to throw up D: . Also, I typically like The Great and Powerful Trixie...This videos only fault is that it made me truly hate Trixie :(

    49. WOW...............been waiting for part 2 and its over a hour...grab some popcorn, guys.

      I just watched it and I think.....

      This is probably one of the best fan-made-crossovers I have ever seen (of any fandom I've been a part of)...and I've never played a single Phenix Wright game.

      Now I probably will ;p

    50. This is AMAZING!
      INCREDIBLE voice acting!

    51. best than most movies that i've seen that year

    52. Part 1 is so intense did fluttershy do it ?

      Just have to wait

    53. Yeah, waitin' soo long to see part two....
      Waiting to see part three of this epic show.

    54. Trixie's prosecutor! HAH CALLED IT!

      sweet Celestia that was amazing!! hope the next one is 2 hours long xD

      so umm about the photos... I bet all my bits it's either "Rainbow Dash is a lesbian" or "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style" jokes
      so when's Gilda gonna come in :D

    55. Most impressive indeed. Never played the game, so there's no nostalgia factor going. But holy crap, I've got a short attention span when it comes to new videos and I actually watched the whole thing, without even seeing part 1. I get that a lot of the banter is just how the game works, but it was just amusing enough to never get stale. The story however, was very intriguing. Will definitely be waiting for part 3!

    56. the pictures are obviously gen 3 rainbow dash!

    57. Died from jet pack explosion the guy only won every race because he was a cheater, calling it!

    58. Based on the reactions I'm pretty sure the pics contained Rainbow Dash only with nopony else, also that they were not overtly sexual since laughter and bemusement were the main reactions.

      I'm guessing some borderline risque out there stuff like infantism (diaper fetish) or saucy cosplay.

    59. Wha??? I just burned 70 mins?

      Best 70 mins of my life

    60. @Mike

      Took forever, but definately worth it: that was amazing

    61. Not the first time Phoenix has cast suspicion on someone he is certain did not commit the crime just to buy himself more time. The only issue is that this time, it's Fluttershy, who nobody wants to see be hurt.

      The Edgeworth scene at the beginning was amazing, BTW.

    62. Call me crazy but I would not convict Rainbow Dash of murder based on the evidence presented so far. (Not to mention the burden of proof of innocence has been placed defedant. In court the burden of proof of guilt is on the state. But I digress.)
      1. The shot was taken in pitch black light conditions. No one is that good. How could have Rainbow Dash see her target let alone hit the sweet spot between the insolating panels even if the cloud was placed there premeditated.
      2. Apple Bloom never saw the shooter for the same reasons.
      3. The second lightning bolt is uncounted for. If lightning never strikes the same place twice it could be said Ace was killed else where with a different lightning strike from a different cloud. AS clouds reside in a public domain any cloud could have been used to kill Ace without a trace of evidence. Rainbow's Issued cloud could have been taken after she had done her job. With Ace's dead body placed in the Everfree Forest the First Lighning Strike in the area as stated by the Prosecutor is actually the Second Strike. Again clouds reside in the public domain. Everyone has access to them and hoofprints can be easily wiped.
      4. Flutter Shy only saw and heard two lightning strikes.
      5. Applebloom only saw one lightning strike.
      6. Rainbow Dash could have just as easily been in Everfree Forest looking for the lost cloud as part of her job. However, She was never allowed to take the witness stand to explain her reasons for being there thanks to the mistake on the Defense's part.
      7. The Feather found at the crime scene is not a navtive species found in the area. While exoctic animals may not have cognative ability for murder another spicies of intelligent life does, Griffons. And they too can manipulate clouds.
      8. The insolating clothing would have directed the lightning directly into the ground. Both Aces body and the cloud could have been placed perfectly for the so-called killshot in the Everfree Forest. The killer would not have to worry about aim at this point just striking where Ace's body lay in the pitch black conditions.

      Yes, I've been on a Jury before and I was a pain in the ass because I would not let my feelings interfere with the case. Unfortunately, for Rainbow Dash she has a Judge that's in a bit of a rush to fnish court proceedings.

    63. Theory 1:
      Somepony, (whom unknown) moved the cloud into the clearing. One of Fluttershy's birds got loose and accidentally set it off. Fluttershy, following it, came upon the victim a few minutes later and was still in the forest when AB left, possibly the thing she bumped into. They all left the seen of the crime, but the bird left behind a feather. Rainbow Dash then came looking for her missing cloud, got shocked by it, and flew out really frightened, which is when Fluttershy saw her. Rainbow Dash flew fast enough to leave some feathers behind.

      Theory 2:Framed by Gilda as revenge.

      Also, Michael, Steven, Donna, Eric, and Jackie? What, no Fez?

    64. The way I'm seeing from all of your points, it does now seem to point to Gilda being the murderer. The feather that is to big for a bird or pegasus.
      We have seen Griffions can maneuver clouds as well as pegasi. That would also explain what Applebloom ran into as she said it was alive an breathing heavily, which could mean the second bolt struck instead.

      I still think those pictures are no rule 34.
      Let's just agree on that

    65. First thing he should do: take Twilight off as co-counsel and have her represent Fluttershy instead. This will hopefully get both of them to explain what they actually know, which helps RD and Fluttershy too, I think.

      Second thing, he needs to look at the autopsy report. My guess is that either the inward or outward part of the lightning strike would NOT be possible with him wearing the suit. This means a non-expert could have offed Ace (or it could be ab accident) and put the suit on afterwards to help frame RD.

    66. The names of the flies were great. xD
      Can't wait for part 3!

    67. One important thing for some of you who may not be familiar with the Ace Attorney series should remember is that the court system in Ace Attorney--and thus, the system we see in this crossover--is actually based upon the Japanese court system prior to their introduction of juries. It's a system that tends to favor presuming guilt over innocence.

    68. Lol how Trixie stopped talking third person when Applebloom talked about the creature she bumped into in the forest. XD

      I hope we´ll get the third episode much faster (I WANT IT NAAAOOO!) and that Twilight won´t send Mr Wright to the Moon. XDDD

    69. Top notch!

      Even though I've never played any of the Phoenix Wright games (while I do admit to loving the "Wrong" mashups), this series has picked up some definite courtroom drama here. Keep at it!

    70. This case is full of holes. Not knowing the legal system in Japan, I would have made a motion for recess to assertain the issue of the 2nd un accounted for lighting strike, after the balistics report showed that it had been fiered. And the evidence of the feather brings up the issue of a possable additional witness (if ponies and zebras can talk, then what else can? Could there have been something in the Everfree forest that could have effected the cloud?). And as for Apple Bloom's testamony, she was only 5 minets from Zacora's home. She should be able to corroberate the timing of the lightning as well, as it was able to be heared 15 minits away.

      As the witnesses did not heara 2nd bolt and the balistics report that the 2nd bolt firered and there is no scorch mark indicating that the 2nd bolt hit the ground, the question becomes where DID it hit? If the bolt that hit the victum has to hit at a very spesific location, how did it also leave a large scorch mark on the ground? It hit him, not the ground.

      I postulate that the 2nd bolt is what hit him, not the first. As it did not hit 'the ground' then it may not have made the same or same amout of noise.

      With this possable second entity (With knowledge beyond what Mr Wright has, I suspect a gryphon. also able to manupulate clouds, and have large feathers) and events unacounted for, further a recess in order to examin the facts further.

    71. I've never played any Phoenix Wright games but are they all this bad when it comes to law? I saw so many blaring mistakes when it came to trial practice and rules that I had to get up and walk away. The burden of evidence rests with the prosecution not defense! And Trixie presented facts that there was no evidence for! Maybe I'm over thinking things

    72. Disneyfreak, the justice system in PW universe is hurried up for faster deliverance of justice + lawyers kind of act as their own detectives. There's a suspension of disbelief that is needed a bit. It's not meant to be realistic in any way. It's done in its own way.

    73. @Shippoyasha

      Indeed. Even with it being a different court system, it's not remotely realistic. And it's not supposed to be. The Phoenix Wright games are courtroom drama puzzle games, not an accurate depiction of real life.

      So basically, those of you who are familiar with law that are watching this will need to regard it as you would any other fictional piece of courtroom drama, rather than expecting it to match up to a real legal system.

    74. I havent even played the games and these vids are great!

    75. I finally got my non-brony friend to sit through the entire first 1, and he's watching the second one tomorrow.
      He may join the herd yet...
      *evil laugh*
