And Spike for those of you that' don't like her.

Have some news!
200th Roundup CAKE
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So Great and Powerful~
Pony Sidebags and Backpacks in Brazil
For all the ladies out there, or guys that want to be HARDCORE, Brazil has added two new Pinkie Pie items to their stock of pony merch. I haven't seen the side bag thing before here in the USA, but I'm pretty sure the backpacks were floating around a while back.
Snow Pony
I'm totally going to make 10 of these when I get to New York.
Nonsensopedia Ponified
The Polish Uncyclopedia has been covered in pony. Apparently this website is really popular over there! Check it out here.
Austrian Radio Show Subtitled
Just in case the transcript yesterday wasn't something you guys would ike to read, someone has added subtitles to the entire radio show. Check it out below!
Pinkie Pie Opens a Bakery
The best bakery ever? It's closed though. She probably ate all the stock.
CR from The Guy with the Glasses Being Interviewed on Celestia Radio
Tomorrow at 2:00 PM Central time, fans of CR might want to hit up Celestia Radio, apparently an interview is goin down, and they want you guys to ask questions in chat.
Tee Raiders Hosting a Pony Shirt Today
One of those crazy "Buy it before it's gone" sites is hosting a really neat Rainbow Dash shirt for just 10 bucks. Check it out here!
Rainbow Dash PS3 Case Mod
LED's are seriously the greatest thing ever invented. My computer is way faster now that it glows red. I can tell!
I wonder what the effect on a PS3 is though? Anyway, check out all the images of it here, as well as a look inside the case!
Fallout Equestria Trailer
This was actually posted a while back. Sadly it was all in Russian. The new one is translated though so... enjoy!
Babble with Bronies Opens a Website
The Babble with Bronies show has expanded into it's own domain. For fans of it, you can find everything here!
Successful Meetups
Mexico City
Pretty cool! They didn't give me any other information on it though.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Seattle Meetup Pinkie Pie Par-tay
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Jigsaw Renaissance
815 Airport Way South, Seattle, WA 98134
Episode watching, food, fun, and cutie marks!
If you'd like bring food to share! Anything is great, but there will be an apple theme (go Applejack!)
Kids welcome before 10pm.
Meetup event link:
European/Australian Battlefield 3 Pony Servers
Server 1 (Ponyville)
Server 2 (Canterlot)
Santiago de Chile Meetup
Merch/Ebay Stuff
CMC Hoodie
ReplyDeleteoh, this is awesome. first on the Nightly Roundup #200 and the #200 drawfriend. KICK ASS.
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst your bubble Seth, but we haven't gotten snow here in NYC since October and it doesn't look like anymore is coming within the next 10 days.
ReplyDeleteHappy 200 though, can't wait to see you at BroNYCon!
Happy 200th night, EQD! And that cupcake looks deeeelissshhhh. The things Spike would do to get his claws on one!
ReplyDeleteTime goes by so fast :O
ReplyDeleteKudos on 200 roundups! That's a nice milestone to reach.
ReplyDeleteThat silly sapphire cupcake looks too delicious to be allowed... I really want one.
200 roundups you say? And now we wait for the counter to hit 99999999 then the universe to implode on itself.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it technically #201, since there were two of the same numbered roundups?
ReplyDeleteRemind me to put a pinkie pie figure at the local "PinkaBella Cupcakes" just too perfect.
ReplyDeleteDat sapphire cupcake... Me nomsta.
ReplyDeleteOH GAWD! MLP Chile!! *Heavy voice* I am veery happy thanks For posting our stuff :D
ReplyDeleteInsert celebratory post here. (Yay!)
ReplyDeleteThere were two Roundup #189's. This is Roundup #201. What?
ReplyDeleteI want to read fallout equestria now!
ReplyDeleteSHUT UP!
@karrotline you wont regret it :)
ReplyDelete@wackypony says the guy who firsted
Holy crap. I'm awake for a roundup. Now I KNOW I need to go to bed.
ReplyDeleteYay 200 Round ups!
ReplyDeleteYou Rock, Woo Hoo
@wackypony made for you
Girls girls you're both pretty, can't we all just get along
@CTOONfan1 This is also what I think whenever I see the roundup get posted. >___>
ReplyDeletei did not first, i huzzahed.
DAT HOODIE! So much want!
ReplyDeleteTwo hundred. Two hundred. And I've not seen a single one during the nighttime. XD
ReplyDeletePerhaps we should celebrate this milestone with some fireworks? Anyone got a decent .gif maker?
Oh, and a massive brohoof to all the EqD staff from me.
Another kinda early Nightly Roundup, nice. I like when they are posted around this time. And number 200 too. Trixie is best Roundup #200 entertainer.
ReplyDeleteDat pst. *whispers Seth that she has "Dentistry" maxed* Ooh, that sapphire cupcake. So pretty. And just as I suspected! It's made with rock candy. Mmmm. Been a while since I've had rock candy. <3
And a cute little filly Trixie cake, awww. Much too adorable to eat. :3
Pinkie backpacks and bags. If they come with an actual Pinkie Pie in them, then I'm so there. lol
Dat Twilight snowpony. I told her not to spend too much time outside...
That Nonsensopedia... The nonsense has been doubled! I was going to say I couldn't read it. But then I simply translated the page with Google Translate. And some of the outcome was just hilarious to read. Understandable as a whole, but still pretty funny in spots.
Pinkie's Bakery! Definitely one of the best bakeries. <3
Interview with The Guy with the Glasses. Wow, awesome.
Oooh, Dash shirt for only $10. Only #13 with shipping. Not bad. Though I wish their hoodies weren't $30. :(
Doh ho ho! That red makes things go faster joke. ;) But wow, that case. It's beautiful. So many LED's too. That case is way way over 20% cooler. Best PS3 case hooves down I think.
I remember that Fallout Equestria trailer. Nice to get a translated version. Gave me shivers a little bit. lol Nicely made and good translation.
That cupcake is absolutely too fabulous to eat. Lets frame it under "200th Round-up" and watch as it transcends through space and time :>
ReplyDelete> $12.95 for that shirt, including shipping.
ReplyDelete> I have $12.71 on my card.
I'm on lsd right now andd nighty roundups are so freaking awesome like dat fallout trailer thing oh my god this night hasbeen fucking awesome
ReplyDeleteCongrats on hitting 200.
ReplyDeleteHopefully we'll see another 200 come out fine.
>That FO:E Video
ReplyDeleteMother Of Celestia...
Oh my, that Fallout: Equestria trailer. Had me tearing up a bit.
ReplyDeleteStill the best fiction I've ever read!
Where exactly is that bakery. I NEEDS TA NO!
ReplyDeletei WANT BRONYS IN MY COUNTRY!!! I feel so alone when I see those meetup is anyone from Colombia!?
ReplyDeletedamn I think that Seattle meet-up was posted a little too late lol Ah well, I was far too busy today anyhow.... I want to go to a meet up so BADLY!!! xD
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS ON THE 200! I'm so proud of this community and everything you guys do ^^
Hey Seth, just so you know, it's only snowed here in NYC only one time this year :[...
ReplyDeleteTwo-hundred Nightly Roundups.
ReplyDeleteI must comment.
Trixie cake is awesome cake.
ReplyDeleteI saw a Pinkie Pie backpack at walmart. It was pretty small though.
The Walmart I work at has absolutely NO pony merchandise... another reason to resent my town lol
ReplyDeleteCałkiem ładnie pierdolnięta ta nasza nonsensopedia ^^ Trzeba by tylko dodać hasło w stylu "być wychujanym" i opisać numer z "PonyArchive".
ReplyDeleteSnow in January in NYC? At the rate we are going, we will be lucky to get flurries in the next week. Might wanna hold off on the snow pony idea Sethisto.
ReplyDeleteHappy 200th Nightly Roundup!
ReplyDeleteDamn I really want to go to BroNYcon it looks so awesome :( why do I have to live in the UK.
Mmmmmmm cakkkeeeee, nom a nom.
That snow pony looks pretty epic.
Amg I want to visit Pinkie's Bakery!
That FO:E video was cool ^^
ReplyDeletelol, hooray for our crazy climate! And now that it's been mentioned, the weather's probably going to take a completely different turn and give us an ice storm, which will melt before bronycon, then a volcano will appear, or something really odd like that.
BTW see u there, Sethisto. Perhaps we'll make lava ponies, but certainly not snow ponies.
Hurray !! 200th Nightly Roundup !
ReplyDeleteAnd soon, 100000000 views !!
I want to go to BroNYcon...but I live in France...Screw this...I want to live in America.
Anyway, keep up the good work. Seth, Phoe, Cereal, you deserve all my internets and my brohooves. it has been 7 month that I'm in the brony fandom, and I keep opening this blog everydays since 7 month.
HUZZAH Roundup #200
ReplyDeleteAnd goddamn it Seth, I'm so jealous now. I really want to go (and I'm within driving distance too grrrr) but a) I'm only 17, b) my brony friend most likely won't be able to drive us both there (doubt his parents would say yes) and c) I don't have enough money for hotel rooms.
I approve.
ReplyDelete*plays the Parasprite March*
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on 200 Roundups man!
Now, I need a recipe for that shapphire cupcake. It looks gneuinely tasty.
Fallout Equestria trailer. BUCKING AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteHappy 200th nightly roundup EqD!
ReplyDeleteFree gummy's classy cola for all!
Thats not an Austrian Radio Show...
ReplyDeleteThats germany!
just as info :D
"My computer is way faster now that it glows red."
ReplyDeleteIt's red, so it goes faster!
What a cool surprise to see Trixie up at the top this morning. I think that's the first time any of my artwork has been used out of a Drawfriend.
ReplyDeleteI admit, I want to try one of those sapphire cupcakes. I fear for my teeth though... Is that rock candy?
That's a pretty great Dash shirt... I think they're going to sell a lot of those.
Snow Twilight is awesome. A snow Rarity would be easier to color though...
Good luck making a snow pony here in New York. All we've been getting is rain for almost 2 weeks.
ReplyDelete~Equestria Life Founder
snow ponies? SNOW PONIES?! AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm part of history,
ReplyDeleteGood Morning to Me!
Well, there goes another 10 bucks from my paycheck.
ReplyDelete>red ring of death
>computer goes faster?
Wooo! 200 round ups :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 200 :D
ReplyDeleteThat Sapphire Cupcake is a work of art.
Words can't tell how much I was surprised when I visited ponified nonsensopedia for the first time. I had my jaw dropped for about five minutes.
ReplyDeleteYou can't see such things on polish internet often.
I'm from Poland, so I'm sorry for my poor english in this comment.
I'm surprised that the Fallout: Equestria trailer took so long to get translated. Considering how fast this fandom works in some areas, over 2 months for a translation seems like too long.
ReplyDelete#200! Wow!
ReplyDeleteDat sapphire cupcake...
Everyone's already said it, but congratulations on 200 roundups. Here's to many more. Whoo-hoo!
ReplyDeleteAnd hate to burst your bubble Seth, but like my fellow New Yorkers have said, snow probably won't be happening in the New York area for a while. Still, great that you're gonna be here, and for BroNYCon no less. Great bits of news here, as always. Especially that PS3 mod. I'm tempted to try something similar on my computer case.
We're going to be needing another digit pretty soon. -.-
ReplyDeleteAgain in Santiago!?
ReplyDeleteWhen are they gonna do a Chile meetup closer to my home...
So close, yet so far...
>Translated FOE trailer
ReplyDeleteI came.
Oh and congrats for the 200 roundups! May many more follow, Seth! You're doing an amazing job, keeping this community together. ^^
Nothing ever happens in Syracuse NY... :(
ReplyDeleteNothing ever happens in Syracuse NY... :(
ReplyDeleteand That is why I hate Trixie even more.
ReplyDeleteDAT PS3!
ReplyDeleteAlso 200 roundups!
@BlueJay Chill
ReplyDeleteHave you ever considered forming one yourself?
wow 200 hundred of these...n to think ive read em all!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Corsoosroc nothing ever happens in France.
ReplyDeleteSnow in NYC? Hah Seth you're more likely to see snow in Western New York state this time of year or in the Adirondack Mountains.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 200! =D
ReplyDeleteCool PS3 is somewhere on this site! I feel like less of a minority. Although a group/clan/whateveryouwanttocallit for playstation still eludes me...
ReplyDeleteAn epic roundup for an epic number.
ReplyDeleteThat saddlebag.... I want it.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at BroNy Con :D
aannndd.... GRATS ON #200!
200 Wow I remember when you first started these... I also remember when this site had only 15k hits. How the times change
ReplyDeleteI've thought about it, but the only people I know who enjoy ponies in this area are a friend of mine and his girlfriend. I'm just half-way into converting them (more like three quarters of way, really), and we already talk about ponies on a regular basis.
Actually, I'm not that far from Santiago, but a three hour drive is not something to be taken lightly.
I guess I should go look at some Chilean forums and see how many people are from ValparaÃso and around...
Too bad I'm not more socially active.
Awww, Nonsensopedia admins have changed back the site...
ReplyDeleteBut screens we have there:
ReplyDeleteDE QUE CIUDAD ERES??!!!
Please respondeme!!