• Nightly Roundup #199

    It's never too early for a roundup! Have some news.

    MLP Online Sprite Streaming

    Urimas is doing livestreams of MLP online every day at 5:00 PM GMT. If you want to watch him work, hit up the channel here when it happens!

    And of course, you can find his examples here.

    My Little Investigations Application Deadline Reminder

    For those that wanted a crack at joining the My Little Investigators team, the deadline is right around the corner. Hit up the new reminder post here, and toss your application in before the 31st if you want a shot at it!

    Ponemon Mod Project Seeking Assistance 

    The guy working on Ponemon is looking for some help in all sorts of art aspects.  If you can sketch, create 8 bit character images, rasters, paintings, or a bunch of other stuff, hit up his website or fire off something (Sketch, image, ect) to his email address

    45 Minutes on Why FiM is Good

    Confound this show and it's addicting ponies.

    Twilight Plays DDR

    Yep... She's not bad at it!

    MLP Radio Report in Austria

    An Austrian radio station recently did a report on Bronies. Sadly it's not in english, so someone go translate it!

    Successful Meetups

    Pensacola Meetup

    I see a huge lack of Trixie and Fluttrerbitch shirts here!  A travesty!

    check their site out here.

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Jigsaw Renaissance Party

    Date: Thursday Dec 29th, 2011
    Time: 7 PM - 10 PM
    Jigsaw Renaissance (in Inscape Arts building)
    815 Airport Way S.
    Seattle, WA 98134

    * http://www.jigsawrenaissance.org/2011/12/pinkie-pie-party/
    * http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-SeaTac/events/45531512/

    Blog posts en route to party will post to: http://www.jigsawrenaissance.org/

    * making new friends, laughing, sharing
    * dancing, music, merriment
    * We'll be showing ep 1, ep 2, and perhaps another 1 or 2;
    * We'll be playing and showing content from all over the Internet;
    * We're making life-sized plywood figures of our beloved Pony friends to grace the party
    * Bro-hoofing!

    People can direct questions to Lion Kimbro LionKimbro@gmail.com 206.427.2545.

    Tampa Brony Airsoft Rave Party

    Where: Tampa, Florida
    When: January 6 2012

    Copy paste:
    We're going have food, drinks, music, cosplay rave dancers and good times all around! Please, come on out! THIS WILL BE AN ALL NIGHT EVENT. Showing all episodes so far, and a whole bunch of stuff! Ages are 13+ This will be a FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT! SO PLEASE MAKE IT GREAT!

    Group Page

    Event Page

    Old Republic Guild

    The guild name is "The New Lunar Republic"
    Faction: Republic
    Server: Vornskr

    Contact Synx or Cmdrshepard for an invite

    Midwest Brony Division Jam Session and Drawing Meet-Up Part 3

    Friday, January 6, 2012
    Time: 4:00pm until 7:00pm
    MAC Building at the College of DuPage



    51 kommentaari:

    1. First time I've actually been up for a Roundup. Keep up the good work, Seth!

    2. Why must all Pony Guilds be on the Republic? Give the Empire a little love!

    3. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    4. East coast is finally awake for a roundup! Yay!

      Also, Octavia be EVERYWHERE! Do you even sleep?

    5. Twilight's got some moves!! O__O Dat ending.


      Only 45 minutes of why mlp is amazing? Psshhhh

    6. Twilight can't possibly be that good at DDR. I refuse to accept that.

    7. @MagicLlama Yup. I've been on a break in commenting for too long. You people have really forgotten about me in just a gap of three days? Tsk, tsk.......

    8. I forgot that Rob Renzetti worked on this show. I loved "My Life as a Teenage Robot," and I guess MLP really was, as the dude in the video said, "the perfect storm."

    9. Yay, early Nightly Roundup. I like these. :3

      Ooh, MLP Online sprite streaming. Sounds fun. Maybe get to see some of the sprites for the game be made.

      Eh... that 45 minute video. Honestly, I think some people over-complicate why it's a show worth watching and why it's considered good. It has good storyline's, likeable developed characters, good animation. There, done. lol

      Wow, lookit Twilight tearing up that DDR pad. She can really move. She needs to start doing some fancy flips and such now. ;)

    10. Works for me. The roundups always come after I got to sleep, so this works for me. Hmm, Ponemon. I'll see what can be helped with, even if it's something small. A 45min video on why FiM is good? Might have to wait until morning for that one. And ponies playing DDR? Always a win. OK, off to bed.

    11. @MagicLlama


      But almost every day for over half a year now I've been in many of the posts' comments here. :P

    12. Godzilla vs Spike

      just saying who wins?

    13. Celestia Moonit Seth, My body instantly goes to sleep mode upon finishing the round up, and I had fic to write... Oh well winter break is amazing is it not?

    14. Oh shit, I'm actually up for one of these.

      Any word, by chance, of a Michigan meet-up?

    15. is there a colorado brony meetup by any chance? the brony community is so dead here....its boring....

    16. a black guy! :D we dont get much of those

    17. I just finished watching the 45-minute video. Wow, that was awesome. Seriously, take some time and watch it. Show it to non-Bronies.

    18. Whoo, hats off to the CoD bronies. I went there for a quarter and it was actually pretty cool for a community college. Also, the studios that hang over the pond at the MAC are frickin' awesome.

    19. I read "austrian" as "australian." And I'll admit it. I lol'd very hard after seeing "it's not in english, so someone go translate it" immediately after XD

    20. hey, a round up at a decent hour! do this again!

    21. Yay! we're official! we had a meetup and got it posted to EQ Daily!!!

    22. lol vertex^2. Such a fun chart till your legs break at the end.


    23. @DrProffessorMan
      There's an entire website dedicated to Colorado Bronies, actually, at www.coloradobronies.org

    24. so now we have two republic brony guilds on the same server. I dont see the point in that.

    25. so now we have two republic brony guilds on the same server. I dont see the point in that.

    26. The Austrian radio broadcast transcription. I've added notes whenever I felt there might be something that's not well known outside Austria (written by me, copy, distribute, use as you want):

      "Digital Leben" (note: translates to "digital living" or "life") *jingle*

      Male voice: News spreads over the internet faster than over any other media before. But not only world-moving news spread over forums, social networks or weblogs but nowadays also pictures and videos find an audience of millions.

      The head butt of Zinedine Zidane against Marco Matarazzi in the final game of the Soccer World Championship about five years ago had enormous resonance on the net. The following day a computer game existed with the goal to head butt as many Italian soccer players as possible. Head butt scenes were reenacted on open streets, filmed and uploaded.

      A perfect example for an internet hype, also called "meme". It is possible to call memes "thought units" that multiply through communication of their carriers, the simpler definition is "running gag" of a world wide internet community. In the frame of a three parted series Konnie Lee will present especially successful internet "memes" of this year.

      Part 1 focuses on the children cartoon series MLP that not least got an internet phenomenon because of the "Anonymous" hackers. (note: Austrian and German hacker groups working under the label of "Anonymous" used MLP characters as mascots, for many people the first time to see e.g. Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie)

      *mlp title song plays*

      In October 2010 the US-american TV station "The Hub" started to show the new series MLP:FIM. The series is based on the toy series MLP by Hasbro that was successful in the 1980s. Already back then a TV series existed about the talking ponies.

      *old mlp title melody plays*

      To make the ponies popular with young girls again, Hasbro ordered a renewal of the series. With success. But nobody expected this type of success. The TV series MLP:FIM did not only hit the target demographic of little girls but also found a huge male fanbase online, ranging from teenagers to over 40 year olds. These male MLP fans, called "Bronies", let their enthusiasm for the series roam free on various platforms, post images of ponies or cut videos. The wired magazine calls this trend "neo-sincerity" and sees connections to the success of others like the musical TV series "Glee".

      *Glee melody*

      The irony of the 1990s is out. "Guilty pleasures", secret preferences, no longer have to be defended with "I don't *really* like it, just ironically". The fan community of Bronies celebrates MLP openly, without irony. They like the humor of the series and also its core message about friendship and tolerance. Repeatedly the production quality of the show gets lauded, which is for a big part thanks to the original english voices of the characters.

      *twilight sparkle and applejack speak*

      Out of this fandom, every day countless amounts of images with funny texts and videos that use scenes from MLP and rearrange them. Very popular are film trailer mashups that combine the audio from known film trailers with the images from MLP. For example "300" becomes "300 ponies", "V for Vendetta" becomes "P for Pinketta" and "Inglorious Basterds" becomes "Inglorious Ponies".

      *Inglorious Basterds audio*

      Or scenes from the series simply get looped.

      *fluttershy cheering *

      And out of that new videos get made.

      *music plays*

      And so the MLP meme grows and creates even more memes.

      *MLP:FIM title music plays*

      Male voice:

      This week in "digital leben" we look at internet memes with special impact. Tomorrow it's the "Pepper spraying cop's" turn, whose image of treating "Occupy" protestants spread around the world.

    27. That 45min review is amazing!

      Just got finished watching it :D

    28. Normally I dont read the round up, but the "45 Minutes on Why FiM is Good" was so worth it!

    29. Watched the entirety of '45 Minutes on Why FiM is Good' and i'm now even prouder of this Fanbase and MLP: FiM. Time to rewatch every episode :3

    30. @Octavia
      You're right with the overcomplication. MLP FiM is just fun, pleasurable to watch and enjoyable to listen. Though I'd focus a little more on our fanbase because many of our projects are at least a match for the show itself. ChainAlgorithm, MandoPony, AcousticBrony, Stonershy, Dagryphon, Pen Stroke and many, many others.

    31. I always wanted to go to a type of party. Like this but sadly I have no money. And my parants do not know I like this show :(

    32. Vertex²? That's no DDR, it's an ITG machine! NERDRAGE

    33. Polish Uncyclopedia has been PONYFIED!

    34. @Present Perfect
      Gah, beat me to it.

      But yes, RAGE! Just like when people see PIU and call it DDR...

    35. Is it bad that I kinda want to see an 'Unsuccessful Meetups' category sometimes?

    36. I can't believe I watched all 46 minutes of Paleo's explanation of MLP. But it was worth it. Great video, Paleo!

    37. Whoa a Bronymeet near me. I gotta see if I can wedge a 53foot trailer there.

    38. Well this just figures, a meet up finally pops up in the Tampa Bay Area and it's during Bronycon. D: Well maybe next time.

    39. Finally a meetup in Tampa.

      Enjoy BroNYCon !!!
