Cereal was going to drop this later tonight, but it makes more sense for Spitfire's REA to take over a roundup in my opinion! It's also short, so we need something to discuss.
That poll earlier was totally wrong. Spitfire has the best mane.
Have some news!
One more important note:
Ponyarchive currently has a trojan redirect embedded in their site. DO NOT GO TO IT
Search and Rescue Dash Patch!
Apparently this one is from the United States Air Force Auxiliary. There are a few more images of it here!
Kamicon PMV Contest
The people running Kamicon in Tuscaloosa, AL are looking for some PMV makers for their AMV Contest. If you are in the area, and want to contribute, hit up this page for the full rules!
Skyrim Pony TF2 Map
Because Skyrim, Pony, and TF2 is the TRIFECTA OF AWESOME
Mystery Clip in Hasbro Licensing Video?
Now that we have seen both Winter Wrap Up and Hearth Warming Eve, I think that just about covers all the snow episodes. Strangely enough, this video has a short clip of Fluttershy running through the snow. It looks like a scene in Griffon the Brush off though, with some winter in the background. Maybe we can expect another snow covered ponyville in the future? Who knows!
Successful Meetups
Green Bay Meetup
This one was a Total Success from the sound of it! Check out the video below, along with the writeup.
Facebook Page
Russian Meetup
That's a lot of Russian pony fans! Hit up the writeup below.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Boston Meetup
When: Friday December 23rd
Where: Northeastern University
Second Meetup
Where: Boston Common
When: December 31
Everfree Roleplay Forum
What is it? A Slice of Life, Status-Net(Twitter like) based RP site.
Note: Each character registered requires authorization by an admin or moderator. We will not accept Crossovers, Mary Sues and Gary Stus. Everything is urged to stay within the MLP realm and canon.
MLP Media Forum
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Dash Hoodie
Pony Hat
158 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI'm suprised they didnt say anything about the top musicians removing their own videos
VastaKustutaOh yeah, here's something to discuss- the whole "removing videos" on Youtube thing
VastaKustutaI am joining the Royal Equestrian Armour!
VastaKustutano really that image of spitfire!
not much else huh?
nothing about youtube copyright claims (notably the false ones) or about Woodentoaster going MIA?
@RavensDagger ECACTLY!!
VastaKustutaWtf I meant exactly
VastaKustutaQuestion. Whats with all this Spitfire REA about? I seem to have missed something.
VastaKustutaRemoving their own videos? This is new...
Anyway, that is such an awesome patch. I want it.
@BombedrumbumI am not alone!
VastaKustutagreat so who the hay is NCF? and why are they trolling us?
Rescued in ten seconds flat, swag.
VastaKustutai thought REA Spitfire was too much... for someone.
VastaKustutaSearch and Rescue: Saving your Ass in Ten Seconds Flat.
VastaKustutaBest. Slogan. Ever. Of all time. Always.
Yeah, Bomberdrumbum, i saw that today. Do you know what's going on? And more importantly, where i can go to still listen to their music?
VastaKustutaI'm sorry i had to my first comment ever on EQD was a first comment a great way to start if you ask me.
VastaKustutaBut on a more serious note who's removing their own videos? Does it have anything to do with hasbro asking pony archive to stop torrenting out the episodes?
VastaKustutaAh, finally he found use of my vector as patch :D
VastaKustutaBeen a proud member of the REA for over a year now.
VastaKustuta@LittleBrendon either SoundCloud or Bandcamp are currently the main sources
VastaKustutaJust a quickie, some of the top musicians who supposedly removed their own vids actually temporarily unlisted them so they could download them and back them up. Some should be reactivated.
VastaKustutanope its not Hasbrony its Adolf Bush!
(no really he the one who is filing claims to every pony vid out there.)
Woodentoaster removed his vids to protect them from trolls (notably the NCF anti-bronies)
WoodenToaster removed all of his videos, and i noticed some videos were taken down for copyright infringement
VastaKustutasome of his?
VastaKustutaWoodenToaster made his videos "private" to try and prevent his channel from being attacked. :)
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOkay, here's what I think (since when do you people care about my thought on anything?)
VastaKustutaIn leiu of Alex S getting his whole account removed, the trolls are now getting new targets. Many popular (brony) artists have and are removing their own videos so as to not get shut down. Now, many illegal things are going on with the whole copyright system. Now, if you are with me.........Let's go hunt us some trolls!!
VastaKustutaNo, but i understand what's going on now, i didn't realize what this trolling thing that's going around was until now.
VastaKustutaAles S' new channel (no vids) go give his some love n' tolorance
Oh, my. That header image is something...different.
VastaKustutaThat dash patch is pretty good.
I can't comment on any of the videos as I can't buffer them now sadly.
and @Bombedrumbum we've been through trolls before, they will blow over in awhile (at least I hope so) till then well...bah.
*repeats love and tolerance, need to avoid thinking of the moon*
MORE winter IS coming!
VastaKustutaCopypaste from a friend:
VastaKustutaSo I googled all sorts of crap on false copyright claims
1. Its illegal to falsly calim ownership of a copyright
2. The only way to regain it is to drag the accuser in court
3. Youtube is illegal for its practise of auto-shutting videos.
Oh, and there's more.....
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMoar copypast!!
VastaKustutaThis is very much the same scenario of murder used with firearms. Youtube/gun manufacturer is providing the means, while it is completely up to the user to decide how they will use it.
For instance, everyone here knows about Limewire, right? It is almost always used to illegally download files, however, that is not its soul purpose. They make you check off that you do not intend to illegally obtain files using their product, so, because they don't do that for Youtube, they have the ability to report copyright infringing material.
What Youtube is doing is completely legal, otherwise they would have been sued by every band that has ever had their music put on there in infringement of their copyright.
What the trolls are doing is illegal, but, with all of the tens of thousands of copyright infringement claims that, how could Youtube possibly check every one of these claims to ensure their validity?
@RavensDagger thanks.
VastaKustutain reference to the video. I'm not sure if it's blurred just for the collage or if the mystery clip is blurred in the show.
VastaKustutaif it is the latter, then I guess there would be a flashback involved.
VastaKustutaThat's the first ep in season one when Twilight is in Applejack's reunion. It's surprising to see how much time passes from the beginning to the present, huh?
Anyway, what happens when the view count reaches 99,999,999?
Dat REA-supporting Spitfire... she certainly has the best something alright. Also, she seems to really like big guns. Doh ho ho.
VastaKustutaHoly crap! That Dash Search and Rescue patch is one of the most badass and awesome pony things I have seen I think. I want one! lol
Wow, the Skyrim TF2 pony map was also really cool. Even added a lot of the places from Hearth's Warming Eve. And that Fluttershy facing the dragon was great. From the looks of her sword, that's not the first creature she has slain today.
Ah, I had to look a couple times to find said scene in the Hasbro video you were speaking of. Eh, it does look a lot like the scene in Griffon the Brush-Off. Only with snow added to the background.
I saw the Dash hoodie on Ebay already. It's pretty cool. The tail makes it feel a little furry-esque to me. But it's still pretty nice. Kinda pricey of course.
In leiu of all the removing videos, I would like to point out that makkon just released a smile christmas album teaser thingy
VastaKustutaSmile? you mean small?
VastaKustutaLink or it didn't happen!
Yeah, more winter ponies, creo!
VastaKustutawell, it's not entirely his, he just has one song in it (from what ot shows), but the vid is up on his channel.
Reminds me of a Cracked photoplasty contest I saw once about error messages. One was all about LimeWire. The pressed button says I will not use LimeWire for copyright infringement. And error message popped up and said, 'Is that some kind of f****** joke?' With a check box that said 'Warn me before I lie to LimeWire.'
VastaKustutaas i posted before we need Hasbro to denaunce the copyright claims like saying anything MLP:FIM wont be taken down that way NCF completely loses their trolling power
VastaKustutaWAY TO GO JOHN!!! :D
Ha, the part in the Skyrim pony TF2 map when it shows queen Rarity was pretty funny for me
VastaKustutaThat's not "Griffon The Brush-Off".
VastaKustutaThat's a new episode. I know because I don't recall it snowing in "Griffon The Brush-Off" or "A Bird in the Hoof".
Yeah.. do NOT open ponyarchive, as the site has added a timed redirect that now sends any visitor who stay's for 15 seconds to a very nasty explicit troll site. Analyzing their code, the redirect is a simple timed redirect, and the troll site is using google analytics to collect data, and plays a flash video , that according to a google search, is NOT something you want to see... ever... It also drops an infinite click bomb to try to make closing the window impossible.
VastaKustutaFortunately, I use add ons that prevent flash or scripts from auto running, requiring my manual acceptance to run.
I certainly hope ponyarchive will just give up and fade into the night quietly. This is a sad insult to both Hasbro and the entire brony community. This tantrum is sad.
VastaKustutaIndeed thanks for the warning mate.
Also what add-ons are these?
Spitfire has regained her well-deserved spot as Best Pony for tonight.
VastaKustutaHay yeah!
if someone does contact Hasbro make sure to tell them we have nothing to do with Ponyarchive
VastaKustuta@MagnaDrake A few nights ago a mildly saucy drawing was posted as a Nightly Roundup header image, then the next day a second (slightly more saucy) one popped up in the drawfriend the next day. The images were pin-up style posters, encouraging everypony to join the REA, which most likely stand for "Royal Equestrian Army/Airforce". Everyone really liked both images, as shown in this post: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/12/kids-are-asleep.html
VastaKustutaCereal ALMOST posted the second image as the NR header, but appearently it was a bit too saucy.
And now, the wonderful Spitshy of dA made the image you currently see as this NR's header.
Oh dear... Frame by frame the Hasbro vid, and you find:
Twi first meeting the Apple family
Twi backpack
A pony themed toy KITCHEN SET
Pony shirts, Badflank Mane 6
a nifty new bedding pattern with lots of little ponies
OK... Hasbro, make G3 disappear.
Umm... Mare, git in that kitchen and make your stallion a sammich??? I no like dat message. I make my OWN sammiches! That toy brings up some interesting gender bias.
At least the backpack was cool.
That bedding, i must acquire!
Nothing beats the awesomeness of Badflank Mane 6, except Badflank princess ponies!
VastaKustutaI went there, myself to confirm (using some significant precautions, and because Iw as curious)
turns out, avast comes up warning me about a browser exploit and attempted trojan attack on my computer.
those meanies tried to put malware on my computer.
seth should actually post a bullettin explicitly warning people to not visit their page anymore if it can infect their computer like that.
Noooo I've been waiting forever for a Boston meetup! I go to college near Boston.
VastaKustutaAnd on the day of the meetup, I'll be at home with my family for break. aka NOT in boston D:
I'm using Plugin Customs for Safari. I used to use FireFox, but I have an older PowerMac, and not an intel Mac. It was getting too slow, so I had to fall back. Between AdBlock, Ghostery, and Sessions, and the afore mentioned Plugin Customs, there's nothing from FireFox that I can recall missing.
VastaKustutaBetween all of them, i can be pretty selective of what I allow to load. My old computer bogs down with too many embeds, so it helps me my allowing me to load one embed at a a time.
Add the websites of ClipNabber and OffLiberty, and no youtube or soundcloud content is beyond reach. OffLiberty is even cool enough to be able to download from Soundcloud, even if the file has maxed it's downloads out. I prefer OL for audio, and CN for video.
Most of my pony episodes were captured with CN.
VastaKustutaFrom a legal standpoint that is pretty much impossible for them to do, as it would mean forfeiting their ability to enforce the copyright.
Oh hey, I'm really good friends with the guy who made that Search and Rescue patch. Cool to see it here on the Roundup.
VastaKustutaOk i need to know where to get One of those patches RIGHT now!
VastaKustuta@statoose Thanks for the info. I thought it was a kind of group or something.
VastaKustutaThat Dash hoodie... my first thought:
VastaKustutaOMG! Scoot's obsession finally made her snap and she skinned dash to wear as a coat! (lol, its late and I have a morbid mind)
then maybe we can get them to get NCF IP banned
VastaKustutai mean would you like it if some trolls stole your Identity infact while were at it someone call Gabe im sure hed love to hear someones been using his Identity
VastaKustutaI think we should all post the ponyarchive urls on the ncf youtube accounts to fuck up their computers
VastaKustutalol it can be our Christmas Present to the trolls
VastaKustutaPony Archive can't stop at infantile insults, but now they try to infect your PC? What crybabies.
VastaKustutaAt least I revoked their NoScript permissions in FireFox.
"Ponyarchive currently has a trojan redirect embedded in their site. DO NOT GO TO IT"
Oh wow really? I'm starting to agree with the crowd who thinks it's just some random trolls. Bronies this terrible? Unheard of!
@DXLelouch Ponyarchive said on its Twitter page that they are sure the letter came from Hasbro and not from trolls. They got confirmation from reliable source. In other words don't do anything stupid guys...
VastaKustutaProbably got hacked. After all, people here were threatening to hack them...
Yeah, you know, that's not such a great idea, people.
I'm sorry but what does NCF stand for, and what do they have to do with YouTube trolls?
VastaKustutaStay classy, Pony Archive.
VastaKustutagood point.
VastaKustutaNiggest Crook Force, really that is what stands for, these guys have an irrational hatred for bronies, but in my opinion I think they are just a bunch of 13 years old brats trying to look cool on the internetz, anyway, it is stupid.
VastaKustutaSome people can display an incredible amount of stupidity...
You tell them "don't go and hack Ponyarchive" but for some mysterious reason their tiny undeveloped brains understand the exact opposite, sigh*
Are you stupid? There's nothing on ponyarchive.org/ponyarchive.eu that is somehow related to a virus or trojan. It's simply an invisible iframe that redirects to http://1.ooskar.com after a short time for trolling purpose. But your average snakeoil antivirus avast,avira or norton flags it as a "dirty trick", because malware spreaders use iframes too.
VastaKustutaSeveral videos were taken down by trolls, but the videos taken down by "Hasbro, Inc." were taken down by Hasbro. When taking down a video by a company, the email address that files the complaint needs to have its at address be the one of the company (i.e., @Hasbro.com).
Any videos that were taken down by Hasbro, Inc.. were taken down by Hasbro. It's why Seth pointed out that he's 'on the fence about youtube', but understands them when they took Pony Archive down.
VastaKustutaAhaha oh god it just came up for me when I was studyiong the page source.
That was brilliant.
VastaKustutaThen how do you explain the videos taken by "Hasrbo, Inc"? That shows how broken the YouTube copyright claim system really is. They don't check legitimate claims over fake ones, so even those made by "Hasbro" are likely to be false as well.
VastaKustutaSome people foolishly believe that the NCF (forgot what it stands for) are the ones taking down the pony videos somehow with a @hasbro domain (fyi impossible). This NCF guys are probably the Adolf Bush and such people.
VastaKustutaBecause Hasbro took it down? (read: It's why Seth pointed out that he's 'on the fence about youtube', ) Why do you think everybody is suddenly so angry with Hasbro?
VastaKustutaYou didn't understand, there are videos taken down by "Hasrbo, Inc" yeah HASRBO, they don't even care to verify if "Hasrbo" is a the real one.
Ponyarchive really did the worst this time.
VastaKustutaHow should we act with the host/hosts of PA?
VastaKustutaHasbro stated they their initial contacts were ignored by many due to a misspelling on their part.
Uh, wow. PA acts like a complete ass towards Hasbro, making everyone look bad, then they pull this little stunt?
VastaKustutaNo respect.
I think Ponydoom should move to Vimeo. =p
VastaKustuta@ilovehotpocketsalot the end of days when it reaches 99,999,999
VastaKustutaPonyArchive is returning the love it got from community. I doubt that it's their doing but even if it's so, I can't really blame them
VastaKustutaAnyone else get the chills when this kind of stuff happens? (the site hacking and the takedowns of videos and such)
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta^Have you even read the stuff they say? It's not "love". It's immature, rude, and stupid.
VastaKustutaIn other news, trolls suck.
About the clip of FS running, it didn't look like Griffon the Brush Off.
VastaKustutaIn GtBO she had her eyes closed when doing her run away from Gilda, she only opened them a split second before taking flight.
OK, so out of curiosity I decided to visit PonyArchive to see what they were up to this time.
VastaKustutaLet me just say that if you are running a good, proactive anti-virus software and a good web browser, it will be very difficult to see it. I had to turn off two shields in my avast! anti-virus to even see the site, and even then I didn't experience any nasty effects aside from that indeed disturbing video (it's the worst kind of porn you will ever see), as I was running it in Google Chrome in incognito mode (Google Chrome has a sandbox for web pages).
Still, I think it's advisable not to visit the site right now - what you might see will require copious amounts of brain bleach. And just to be safe, I'm running a quick anti-virus scan to make sure nothing harmful has been done to my computer - and I will be doing an off-schedule full scan later tonight just to be absolutely sure.
Indeed, PonyArchive's reaction to this entire mess is very infantile and childish, not of the way most bronies react to things in my opinion. I can't believe that not only did they refuse to comply with the takedown order in the first place, now they have sunk to using insults and trolling. Aren't we supposed to be strongly against trolling in general?
VastaKustutaAhem, I don't know what really happened, but I think it's sensible to entertain the possibility that their site was hacked and that this isn't ponyarchive's fault.
VastaKustutaTo all those labelling it a virus it's just a re-direct.
VastaKustutaI used to think they were doing a good service for people who couldn't get the episodes legally through iTunes, but now I can't bother trying to defend them anymore. Any respect I had left for them after their stupid little "boo-hoo, the big meanie Hasbro shut us down for doing things they told us to stop doing that directly cut into their profits!!" note, completely vanished after this idiocy. So fine. If they want to dig a deeper hole for themselves, that's their concern. I'm not bothering with them anymore.
The pony map is awesome. So much detail!!
VastaKustuta...but in the Hasbro marketing vid, I'm not seeing Fluttershy. Can anypony help me out with a timestamp?
And MizuTakishima: As a girl who used to play with her brother's Matchbox cars and hated Barbies, I can honestly say that heavily-gendered advertising won't stop kids from playing the way they want to play.
VastaKustuta36 seconds in.
Thanks for the warning, maybe you should putit on the front page beneath the banner, as a lot of guys around still don't know that the site is down.
VastaKustutaAt the time Pony Archive was most active it wasn't cutting into Hasbro's profits.
Many episodes were unavailiable on itunes and those of us in europe couldn't watch them on the hub since we can't get it here.
We're forced to stream/download it.
VastaKustutaIt's very easy to mask an email address behind another. There's even free software to do that available online, you don't need any particular skill to do it. Scammers do it all the time, and the only reason Gmail set off the bullshit alarm in that screenshot was because the mail itself was already flagged for phishing through heuristics.
Now, the point is that YouTube doesn't validify takedown requests. They can't due to the DMCA (going through requests before removing the video could very easily lose them their safe harbor status), so I'm not blaming them for it. But it's a fact that they don't validify that the complainer actually owns the material, nor that they are who they claim to be (See: Alex Saadeh being reported by Alex Saadeh). For that reason, I don't think your argument for why it's definitely Hasbro is very solid. I'm not saying it's not Hasbro (I doubt it's them but accept the possibility), but the email check is in no way absolute proof that it's not trolls.
"Ponyarchive currently has a trojan redirect embedded in their site. DO NOT GO TO IT "
VastaKustutaCrud, I visited there yesterday because I was curious about this "rude message" everypony was talking about.
Does this mean I might have a trojan? It's true that I use NoScript but still...
also about copyright claims on youtube.
VastaKustutaTheLivingTombstone got copyright claims on his party cannon video.... FROM EA!
@wispy Spirit
VastaKustutaDidn't you hear? EA copyrighted fun.
VastaKustutaYou mean like host direct downloads of itunes rips, on a site advertised by a main fandom portal which Hasbro has repeatedly shown they watch?
Yeah. Brilliance, there.
VastaKustutaClipNabber and Offliberty bookmarked; thanks for the pointers!
The roundup seems a more appropriate place to comment again on 90 million views the the Drawfriend to me, so CONGRATS! I love the search and rescue patch, all it needs to complete it is a different vest with Mare Do Well.
VastaKustutaAnd I am all about another snow episode!! I do love snow ponies =D
Goddammit Pony Archive!
VastaKustutaGoddammit Youtube!
This is turning out to be a pretty shitty winter.
VastaKustutaI never used PonyArchive, so I could easily be mistaken about this, but didn't they only fairly recently start advertising the fact that they were offering iTunes rips for download? And if so, does anyone else think that might have been the trigger for Hasbro's cease and desist letter?
Spitfire!!! :D
VastaKustutaI searched up pony archive on google. I DID NOT go to the site but as soon as i closed the google tab i was attacked by 2 trojans.
VastaKustutaCan anyone tell me what happened there?
Best plot of all time.
VastaKustutaAfter Rarity in the Rain, of course.
VastaKustutaIt's not worth repeating because it's wrong. You are confusing copyright with trademark law.
@Adrian Brony
VastaKustutaWhat browser are you using?
Hey look everyone a completely unrelated topic! Anyone else disappoint in the lack of Dovahshy in the sub meme poll?
VastaKustutaI'm scared. D:
VastaKustutaCould these trojans on Pony Archive affect Linux users? I'm using Firefox 8 on Linux Mint 11.
I admit. Spitfire has best flank.
VastaKustutaI doubt it. I carefully checked what was up the Pony Archive website, and as far as I can tell there's no virus. There is a clever troll, an inappropriate message to Hasbro and a link to a video that judging from the file name you don't want to see. Once again I don't see a virus anywhere so it's probably safe, But I don't see the MLP episode files in plain view either.
So the moral of the story is that it's best to just stay away from the website for now.
"Saving your ass in ten seconds flat" That is so full of win.
VastaKustutaWhoops, sorry... You're right, that is trademark law.
That Fluttershy video was sadly just a reuse of an old clip. It even ended with a banquet from the very first episode (where Twilight visits Applejack)
VastaKustutaThese REA photos are going to give me a heart attack from them. Oh my...
VastaKustutaAn Embedded Trojan... Well its official, PonyArchive is an enemy to our community.
VastaKustutaI need that pony bedset...
VastaKustutaThe Search and Rescue Dash Patch is an amazing idea and everyone who wears it is great. That aside, those are great too who don't wear it. :p
VastaKustutaThis is one of the few times when I wholeheartedly approve of "10 seconds flat".
In other news, everypony has magnificent manes.
Why can't PonyArchive act like adults? I usually ripped my episodes off YouTube, but this is a disgrace anyways.
VastaKustutaAs for the music trolls, why? Does humanity make no sense?
What am I saying? No humans make sense. Still...
I'm disappointed in the guys behind ponyarchive. Really. -.-
VastaKustutaNot what you should be doing. Really really not. I'm... really disappointed. I'm not angry, just disappointed.
Why would I go to Pony Archive anyway? There'es nothing there and they didn't have anything I needed even BEFORE they were shut down. I can rip a 1080 from Youtube for two-thirds the size.
VastaKustutaAnyway, what sort of STUPID stunt is that anyway? "Hasbro are being dicks, so everyone who visits the site, enjoy the virus we've just given you."
Now, instead of having one entity that never want to see you again, you have thousands.
PonyArchive is no longer credit to team.
VastaKustutaBuck 'em.
I think Alex's account was restored, all his vids are back.
VastaKustutaGot mad respect for our boys in uniform. Got ponies on their sleeve and still know how to be a badass.
VastaKustutaThanks for the compliments on the Patch guys. This wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for RainbowGambler. He is credit to team!
VastaKustutaTake this as a lesson in humility folks. yes, absolutely Bronies can be jerks, just like any segment of the populace. To deny this is is to support prejudice in its worst possible form, to deny and denounce the evil of a group based upon your affiliation with it. To our credit we are for the most part denouncing this disservice done in our name. But do not deny the vigilance necessary to maintain your integrity. In the end, your good name and your word are are your truest possesions and the ones which count most. Ponyarchive has given the fandom a black eye. Let's begin the healing process by recognizing that. -Illya Leonov
VastaKustutaClipNabber and Offliberty are my favorites. I like ClipNabber cause it lets me select WHAT resolution of the video I want to download, and usually offers MP4 format. As far as I can tell, it streams the youtube encode as a file download, skipping any reencoding process. You get a quality file fast.
Just scan their page for "Clipnabber Classic" to get the free service, and bookmark that link specifically.
I noticed that Clipnabber can be intolerant of ANY extra tags, such as embed or featured tags, so you may have to trim them to look JUST like the example link below the URL box. Look through the menu of supported sites to get an idea of what else it can rip.
Offliberty is MUCH more tolerant of extra tags, and can sometimes download the videos that Clipnabber gets hung up on. They also offer a button to download the MP3 track of the video. I use it for capturing songs off youtube videos. The video download option unfortunately defaults to the highest resolution files (sometimes I prefer 720p over 1080p for file size reasons, or cause my computer is old), and it tends to grab the flv versions of SD video way too often.
All in all, they are great tools. The fact that OffLiberty can download audio tracks from places like Soundloud and Band Camp are nice too, for a person with an aging computer like mine. Soundcloud won't even play, seriously! The latest version of flash is intel only, and I have an old PowerPC G5 from 2004. BandCamp will let me buy and DL, but sometimes it plays, sometimes it don't.
Both of these have proven to be my favorite tools for preserving youtube videos and music.
Considering the trolls that are out and about, I find it even more important in these unfortunate times!
Also, to clarify, my report on Ponyarchive states that they are using a time delayed page redirect to send you to a nasty porn troll site. As far as I can tell, there is no virus or stuff like that, but there is google analytics code, so they may be trying to access cookies there. I don't know, and I'm not gonna experiment to see if they are or not. Fortunately, the rumors of viruses and what not are simply security flags by (thankfully) over protective security software doing it's thing as it detects the site's malicious nature.
I'm not convinced they are hacked.
But on a positive note, I saw no links in their code to any pony content, aside from their Pinkie Pie image, and crude message parodying a letter to Princes Trollestia. That is actually a VERY good thing. No pony content means Hasbro no longer has anything on the line, legal wise to fight over with them. Technically, they HAVE complied with the Cease and Desist (minus Pinkie Pie), but at this point, they are using what amounts to fair use (parody, satire, commentary) for the intent to convey a negative opinion of Hasbro. At this point, they have fallen into what I think is now in the realm of legal, but the most malicious form of it I think they could have chosen.
The reason I don't feel outsiders or hackers are involved, is the message. It's personal, very brony centric, and Is aimed at Hasbro, and not the fans. It's their poor behavior and claim to be planing on defying the Cease and Desist that left them a DANGER to US as fans of the show. If they had stirred the hornet's nest, it could have triggered a chain of events that might have led to mass youtube shutdowns by a Hasbro forced to show compliance with protecting their IP to court of law.
That would have been bad. We can't hit Hasbro with a stick, we need to offer them sweet honey coated cash, and let them be aware of our buying power.
One more thing...
NOOOOO! Fluttershy's Nursery Train car was out of stock! Now I can't complete my ultra manly Pinkie Pie train! MAAAAAAAANLY TEARS!!!! :D
Regarding what some have said about the iframe redirect and there being no danger of a virus/trojan:
VastaKustuta1.ooskar.com, the site that this iframe is redirecting to, is a known shock site. It is also an attack site and DOES contain malware (viruses/trojans).
Please see Web of Trust information and comments here:
There is indeed a danger of your computer being infected by visiting Ponyarchive right now if it is redirecting to 1.ooskar.com.
To everyone who hasn't visited the site yet, DO NOT go there because you are curious about it. It is not safe.
Anyone who has visited Ponyarchive while this redirect has been happening is likely to be infected, so I would suggest doing full scans with any antimalware/antivirus/antispyware programs you may have.
VastaKustutaIt is *trivially* easy to spoof a from address in an email. Spammers do this constantly, just for one easily verified example.
Are you guys crazy or what?, Ponyarchive OBVIOUSLY got hacked, stop complaining, drama queens!
VastaKustutaAGH! I'm in CAP, I WANT THAT PATCH!!!
VastaKustuta@John Feulner *Brohoof*
VastaKustutaSo yeah, according to Gilda episode, we:
VastaKustuta-got a group of people here,
-let PA perform social suicide by their attention "seeking",
-which caused them to snap
-and we tell them they suck.
Congrats fellow bronies, we deal with enemies pony-style.
VastaKustutaactually, the last step is more "let them run off and hope that when they come back they aren't a bunch of dicks.
these trolls removing everyone's videos are probably being hired by the government to end our ponies. they're just jealous
VastaKustutaOh shit, I think my computer got infected...
VastaKustutaMystery Clip in Hasbro Licensing Video?
VastaKustutaWe could looking at another Winter Clip where Fluttershy is the star cause we haven't seen a Fluttershy ep and Applejack and Rarity we can say they had Two Episode's each but in Rarity's Case Three Episode's, she is such a hog when it comes to Episode's
VastaKustutaFor you (and anyone else who may have been infected):
If you need help getting rid of the infection, you may be able to find someone to help you at one of these forums:
If you choose to seek help at one of these sites, please make sure to follow their instructions before posting. Don't ask for help at more than one of them at the same time.
Also, these kinds of forums are very busy, so if you do ask for help, please remember to be patient.
I hope this will be of help to those who may have gotten infected. =)
Can somepony/person explain to me what exactly is in the "video" on PonyArchive?
VastaKustutaBecause I really don't want to go there.
Omfg, my dad's computor has a trojen cause of PA. Its a good thing he thinks its from something HE downloaded or else he would flip out on my ass.
VastaKustutaBut is that something the people of ponyarchive are intentionally doing themselves or is this some weird third party prank?
VastaKustutaIt's a shock site. Porn, from what I've heard. I don't want to go there, either. :/
@Grapefields I like this theory!
VastaKustutaSearch and Rescue from US Air Force Auxiliary? As in Civil Air Patrol US Air Force Auxiliary? Awesome... Now where is this?
VastaKustutaSF bronies, hardcore.
VastaKustutaSystem Restore points are your friends. That and Malware Bytes.
VastaKustutaI have Iolo as my system doctor.
Damn Filly.
VastaKustutaThat Air Force auxiliary is called CAP. I know because I am a Cadet in CAP ;) And yeah, the main thing we do is search and rescue. Downed aircraft, lost hikers, and other stuff like that. We also Respond in natural disasters. I really need to get a pony patch for my uniform :P
VastaKustuta@Search and Rescue Dash Patch!
VastaKustutaIs this offical?! o.O
@Mystery Clip in Hasbro Licensing Video?
Well it will still be winter next episode right?
Speaking as a Civil Air Patrol officer myself, I think that a Rainbow Dash patch would be awesome.
VastaKustutaAnd that's cute. The wittle Cadet who came up with the patch is trying to make himself look cooler.
Not USAFAux, it's CAP. It's just like Scootaloo.