• Nightly Roundup #193

    I stole Rarity from Cereal.  He's asleep, so don't tell him.   The daww levels are TOO MUCH.

    Have some news!

    Everfree Northwest Summer Convention!

    Another crazy convention is in the works over in Seattle.  This one is looking to be pretty epic in scale! Have some copy paste:

    "Officially announcing Everfree Northwest, a three-day, one-of-a-kind summer event celebrating My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Everfree is an event organized by the fans, for the fans, and welcomes My Little Pony enthusiasts from all over the world. The first annual Everfree convention will be held the weekend of August 17-19, 2012 at the Seattle Airport Holiday Inn. Badge Pre-Registration opens January 15th and hotel rooms are already available at our special group rate, so head on over to www.everfreenw.com. There you can book a room, find more information, and join our forums to discuss this exciting event and other pony-related fun! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @everfreenw or the latest updates."

    Epic Cupcake Time 2 World Premier at BroNYCon

    I think I've watched the first one 30 times. Have some copy paste!

    We are pleased to announce that the EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE of the sequel to "Epic Cupcake Time" will be screened at BroNYCon January 2012! Additionally, Bree, ECT's voice of Pinkie Pie, will be in attendance! Since Ms. Andrea Libman (Pinkie Pie's VA) herself will be in attendance, this means we'll have TWO Pinkie Pie voices in one convention-- it's enough to break the FIFTH wall!

    Everfree Radio Episode 8!

    Everfree Radio is proud to present our 8th installment! This week we interview famed musician Mandopony. We then talk fanimation with Bob, Erica, and Bree about making and voicing Epic Cupcake time and its upcoming sequel! Tune in!

    Electric Brony Podcast Limrick Contest

    Another crazy contest is going on, with a 60 dollar steam game up as the prize. Check out this page for all the information on it!

    Brony@Home Competition

    Processing the WORLD one network at a time!

    Check the video out here

    And hit up the forum post if you want to join! Apparently there will be 9 prizes to win.  

    Successful Meetups

    Northern California Meetup

    So many California meetups! I can't keep up.



    Idaho Brony Meetup 

    Idaho Bronies "Not a Brony meetup" meetup at 20th Century Bowling in Boise, Idaho. Held on December 20th 2011. 

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    A.P.B:R Guild

    Guild: Super Pony Enforcer Force
    Server: Colby (West NA)
    Leader: ANgrantAN
    Requirements: Love of ponies
    Age: Less than a day

    Canter-bury Meetup

    Copy Paste:

    Hey Bronies of Canter-bury! Seeing as the shaking's slowed down, we've
    decided it's safe enough to hold a meetup ;) On the 7th of January the
    bronies are going to head on down to Westfield Riccarton (probably to
    watch a movie or do whatever else we can think of) It'll start at 11am
    and end whenever. It'll be awesome to see you all there!


    Uberstrike Clan



    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Appletini Martini Glass
    Berry Punch Wineglass 
    Doctor Whooves Custom

    68 kommentaari:

    1. I'd just like to add that Celestia Radio is interviewing Sherclop Pones (creator of Friendship is Witchcraft) today (1pm PST 12/21/2011) so be sure to check it out if you're a fan of the series like I am.

    2. Not much news, that's nice. Have some relaxation and give yourselves some pony time.

      I myself, am going to set some marathons and try to get a stream up. More news at eleven.

    3. Three days of pony? Still not enough!

      BroNYcon and now this are some of the few things that I would happily move to the US for.

    4. Awesome, that Everfree Northwest convention is going to be awesome, not to mention it's local!

    5. Hell yes, a three-day pony convention in Seattle! I am SO there! :D

    6. Still can't wait for Bronystock! DJ Alex better be there!

    7. Anyone else wait patiently for the nightly round ups due to insomnia?

      On another note: Epic Cupcake Time 2? I can't wait!

    8. Why do all of these conventions have to be so far away? Also, you derped the Not-Fanfiction tag, Seth.

    9. Limericks, eh?

      There one was a group they called bronies
      Who watched a kid's show about ponies
      And haters and trolls
      Tried their best to cajole
      To which they replied: "You can blow me."

    10. So much pony!


      Yep, though for me my insomnia is caused by ponies lol.
      It's 2:21 am for me but it's all just pony time to me.
      Confound these ponies, they drive me to never sleep!

    11. *steals Rarity from Seth* <3

      Oh dang it! I stole a bag of marshmallows again. I always confuse those two!

      Ooh, another Brony convention. Though it's a bit far for me to travel to unfortunately. Even with so much notice beforehand. Heck, I still haven't gotten to attend BroNYCon yet.

      The sequel to Epic Cupcake Time? Speaking of wanting to check out BroNYCon... lol And both Andrea and the person who voices Pinkie on ECT will be there. That should make for some very interesting conversation and moments. I hope they get recorded. :D

      Another contest. This one with the choice of any Steam game up to $60. Pretty cool. Pony limericks is the name of this game. I can't wait to see some of the entries for this.

      Ooh, Berry Punch wine glass. I know someone who would probably love that.

      Shorter Nightly Roundup tonight, but that's okay. I should be in bed right now. lol

    12. Highly recommend Everfree Radio.

      I only listened to it for the voice actor interviews at first but I tried the whole show and it's really good.

    13. @ Bronyhub

      Lol mine is the regular "college professors don't think I need sleep" induced insomnia. Really messes with your sleep pattern.

      I wish there was a con near my state.

    14. Oh cool another convention. Maybe next we will combine this one and broNYcon to make the biggest pony convention ever imaginable, it will be glorious!

    15. Berry Punch wine glass is win. Subtle enough for someone in the know to understand but otherwise it looks like any old emblem was put on the glass.

    16. Canterbury meetup? Might have to go to that.....

    17. @Lymus

      More like RIP Ponyarchive a new one for the horse manure they're pulling.

      They need to be wiped from the internet. If Hasbro is forced to sick lawyers on them, then the way courts work in this country, it'll likely force Hasbro to begin actively patrolling their IP, which will lead to forced removal of YouTube content as well.

      Ponyarchive needs to shut down for real.

    18. Woohoo, it's that rarity pick! Current favorite drawing of her yet!

    19. Oh drat, my computer is on its last legs again, I can't keep it up long enough to write a long comment.

      News is nice.

    20. @Octavia

      Hey, is that Lauren Faust over there?

      *Steals marshmallows from distracted Octavia*

    21. I think Seth derped on the Brony@Home Competition video; the actual video is here http://youtu.be/Epx0iwIngfY

    22. I need to know of any St. Louis or Southern Illinois Brony meet-ups. I'd totally be down to meet some other Bronies. :D

    23. I vow to go to BroNYCon one of these days. Too bad this one looks like it'll be the most epic.

      You know what, Seth? As long as it's not Trixie, I'm okay with that. Time for Cereal to find a new best pony.

    24. Rarity is my second favorite pony beside Applejack

    25. I wish they had a UK version of Bronycon or something like it.

    26. @Ulrik
      Applejack is best pony, And rarity comes in at about #3 on my list lol

    27. Everfree NW starts on my birthday! Too bad I live in Indiana...

    28. At least Seattle isn't far from where I live, but I would not for the life of me drive down there... I'd rather go if it's in Vancouver.

    29. I still don't know if Rarity is hiding from something in that picture. But whatever works I guess. I already live in NY, so BroNYcon (and the airing of ECT2) is the biggest thing going on in my area. Doubt I'll be in Seattle unless I win the lottery tonight (unlikely.) All in all, good tidbits of info here as usual.

    30. I can't wait for the seattle meetup, i am more than willing to make the drive down from Vancouver just to be there!

    31. Hey! I'd just like to say, as the "organizer" (I really just kinda threw it together, and hoped for the best) of the 'Not-A-Meetup,' I'm honored to have my event mentioned in the illustrious Equestria Daily's Nightly Roundup. It's also an honor to have been the one to have "organized" an event that has gotten an IdaBrony meetup in the round up for a second time! There was confusion, a library, a Baskin Robin's, bowling, singing, and RickRolling. Look forward for pictures from the encore meetup, "Totally Not Not a Brony Bowling Meetup," next week, which will mark the third time the IdaBronies make the roundup! Hey, Seth, is there a record for any groups making the roundu most? But I look forward to planning more roundup worthy meetups like this one for the IdaBronies! IdaBronies, you da bronies, we da bronies!

      P.S. I'm the one with headphones and the DJ PON-3 shirt.
      P.P.S. If this double posts, I blame my phone.

    32. Edit: Next weeks meet-up is called "Definitely a Brony Bowling Meetup." Look forward to making the roundup again with the "Definitely-a-Meetup!"

    33. http://wilid-tamara.blogspot.com/

      I am a faithful pegasister from Poland and also lead the Equestria Daily type something only just spins,my blog will never reach the Equestria Daily heels but for me it will always be great ;D

    34. A three day long pony con? Wow that is one Hell of a feat to try and accomplish I'm not Gonna lie. Something like that takes a huge effort, the stress those poor ponies are gonna be under trying to get this all set up and organize...bronies I'll have you in my thoughts. Good luck to you! I hope its a complete success, and if it is expect me next time!

    35. Some yahoo actually posted something about "avenging" Ponyarchive on Ms. Andrea Libman's Fan Page on Facebook. I'm thinking about flagging (the FB equivalent of it anyway) it.

    36. I guess this will be the last time I ever submit content to EqD, I honestly think that if you are not in Sethisto's personal or impress his personal tastes then he could give f**k all about what you are trying to do for the fandom.

      He could not even be bother to list all the prizes correctly, but only the grand prize, or even mention what the contest is.

      Next time my friends and I try to encourage creativity or try to give back to the community we now know EqD is not the place to go to get the word out.

      Anyway, to correct Sethisto's laziness. We are picking 5 finalists from all the limericks we get. Those finalists will get the Humble Indie Bundle 4 for being finalists, then we will pick a grand prize winner from said finalists who will be able to pick a steam game of their choice.

      I know I am going to get a lot of hate from people for daring to criticize God Emperor Sethisto but whatever. I can put up with trolls and nut huggers.

      Love, emdefmek.

    37. @emdefmek

      Oh yeah, and the reason I am mad over this is because every time I have submitted something here the information has always been incorrect or in some way screwed up.

    38. @emdefmek

      Dude relax
      just email seth and/or cereal tell them what happened and ask em to correct it. Dont bother going on a rant in the comments that people are probanly not gonna take the time to read

      Love and Tolerate

    39. I could not help but look at rarity's (between the legs part) Why is it blushing pink?

      SHE HORNY!

    40. The content in this is overwhelming! I'm about to explode!

    41. Why is the closest Brony group to Chicago (on Meetup, anyway) listed as Milwaukee? For shame!!

    42. Someone forgot the No-Fanfiction tag

    43. And verily, from every shire's ende
      Of Engelond, to Canterbury they wende,
      The fellowe fans of ponies for to meete,
      And all did say that this was frickin' sweet.

      (With apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer)

    44. Am I the only one just a LITTLE pissed off that Everfree NW is happening in the same general time of year that we have NW Bronyfest?

      I mean, they could have at least s scheduled them a month apart.

    45. I remember that nightly roundup a while back that just said "it's coming" with that image in it. Now, it's a Seattle meetup? Okay.

    46. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh OH MY GOSH!
      Really excited about the announcement of a big meetup in Seattle! I can only hope and pray I can go!

    47. Confound this Everfree NW! It's the largest con that's closest to my house, but I can't afford to spend $129 per night plus travel expenses right now. Blarg. Ponies punish my wallet...

    48. Hopefully they can invite the VAs again for Everfree NW since it's so close to Vancouver and it would be awesome /)3(\ for the west coast people to finally have a chance for a greet and meet

    49. Off topic, but I just want to say it.

      I declare today, December 21, Winter Set Up! Let us all bring in the snow, help animals hibernate, and lead the birds to the south!

    50. I'm excited!! only 30 minutes from my house is essentially a MLP comic con. so much win! so much Pony!! so much.... money oh well time to start saving!

    51. I'm excited!! only 30 minutes from my house is essentially a MLP comic con. so much win! so much Pony!! so much.... money oh well time to start saving!

    52. Wooo, finally a Christchurch meet up. I'm so going to that :D

    53. If the VA for Pinkie in Friendship is Witchcraft showed up, then would ALL the walls break?

    54. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    55. the Seattle Con looks like it will be awesome. Im only like 8 hours away, hopefully will be able to go. Sadly if i do it'll probably be alone :c

    56. i wish i could go to BroNYCon so bad X(

    57. Seth! You didn't repost the Mario Kart 7 Brony community code like I asked. And you didn't reply to the e-mail I sent to say why.

    58. Jealous of all these meetups. We got nothing in Minnesota.

    59. @Eddmario

      They should try to get that one AND the VA from Fighting is Magic. That would obliterate all walls everywhere FOREVER!

    60. Thank you so much for mentioning my APB clan!

    61. I found derpy in the everfee convention picture.

    62. Why is nothing good ever up here in Maine? xD oh well, 5 more years and I'll be able to go to these without parental escort xD

    63. If (most certainly hopefully) the MLP: FiM fandom remains this large.

    64. those Meetup-Writeups are quite handy, cause im running out of Ideas of what to do
