I was going to use a certain Spitfire followup image for the Nightly Roundup, but I thought better of it. Have some Fleur in a Santa hat instead.
To the news!
Humble Brony Bundle Hits 6000 Bucks!
That crazy project to bombard the Humble indie Bundle with donations has hit the 6000 mark! We just keep climbing. If you want to contribute to the project, hit up the website for it here!
A news article on Video Game Writers also dropped a small article about it. They butchered the sites pretty hard, but at least they are trying. See? I'm not the only one that gets news wrong sometimes! Professional blogs do it too!
Bronystock Convention Survey
The upcoming Bronystock convention in Palo Alto, California in 2012 has set up a survey for you guys to take, asking for your input on what kind of music they will have playing during the event. Check out the survey below and read the information at the top!
Bronystock Survey
Babble with Bronies Episode 3
Have some copy paste:
It's that time of the week again, the weekly Babble with Bronies event announcement.
Seeing as this is the last episode I will host on Vokle.com, I figured I'd end it lazily, the audience can ask me what they want. Want to know about the show's past, present, and future? You can ask that. Want to know about me? You can ask me that, but whether I answer is of course the question Want to ask about ponies? Of course you can!
As per usual, the event is at Vokle.com, all that's required is for one to sign up with an account and RSVP at the event. It's on December 17th at 3:00 pm CST.
Contact: [email protected]
Brony is Top Meme of 2011 on PCmag
Yah, I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge. Just in case you needed more affirmation though, another news site has nominated us as most popular meme of 2011. Check the article about it here!
Wordsearch is Magic!
Frith has brought us another puzzle for you all to complete. Now go do it!
Pony Sugar Cookies!
Hasbro Donates 150,000 Bucks to Charity
A whole bunch of Celestia's are about to invade people's houses. Hasbro has donated 150,000 dollars worth of toys to the Today Shows' 18th annual Toy Drive.
Check out the video here!
Eqeuestrian Inquirer Upgraded
It just keeps getting more advanced!
Doctor Horrible Singalong Project Seeking Voice Actors
Over on Ponychan another crazy project has started up. They need singers for Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon, and three miscellaneous ponies. Check out the thread for it here, and the first part of the project here!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Finnish Image Board
Copy Paste: Ponilauta.fi
Ponilauta is a new Finnish imageboard open for business and pony related discussions. Ponilauta is mainly for Finnish bronies but it also serves an international section for everypony! There are sub-boards for ponytalk, random babble, artcraft and one for the NSFW material.
In Ten Seconds Flat Forum
WoW Guild
Server: Staghelm
Faction: Horde
Name: Elements of Harmony
Join: Whisper Dredlocks or send an in game mail.
New Social Networking Site
Canon or OC characters are welcome.
Bronyism Facebook Page
Alberta Canada Facebook Group
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Dice Bags
Pinkie plushie
Handmade Discord Doll
Random Merch
Cutie Mark Blanket (Fluttershy)
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40 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaMeh, not that much I'm interested in tonight. And I still think that Discord plushie is creepy as hell.
VastaKustutaAlso, First?
Ha, well, pinup Spitfire was fun, but tongues will wag, eh? ;)
VastaKustutaThose sugar cookies look fantastic! I'd be so proud of that.
And, way to go Hasbro! Keep up the charity; keep reaching out to your fans. You're getting cooler and cooler as time goes on. =D
Yay wordsearch!
Be sure to watch the Hasbro donates 150k video.
VastaKustutaIt features an appearance by Pink Celestia on the Today Show.
What is this 'Night' you speak of?
VastaKustutaThe first sign that I've been up to late on finals: the nightly roundup is up.
VastaKustutaI wonder what those $150,000 worth of toys would look like...
Dat Picture.
VastaKustutaHow about a Cutie Mark Quilt with all the ponies cutie marks stiched together.....
VastaKustutaOh right. That one fanfic.
Awesome Pinkie Plushie, might I add.
VastaKustuta*Sigh* I was planning on converting Doctor Horrible to ponies. Ah well, too late now.
VastaKustutaI could have totally stolen first, but I took an arrow to the knee.
VastaKustutaWell, with all this brony activity, it makes me think we're part of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, requiting new members, and Sethisto is our great and powerful fearless leader (Kamina). Let's show those haters the power of the Brony community! RAW RAW FIGHT THE POWER!
Seriously though, I just felt like getting that off my chest. This community has really turned into quite something.
Did anyone else see the 'MOOO' first in that word search?
VastaKustutaBronystock is going to be so AWESOME! I can't wait to hear DJ Alex S and Acoustic Brony.
VastaKustutaIt looks like 1,500 Pink Celestias swarming in a terrible hoard toward 1,500 stockings.
I think Seth has moved on from Trixie to Spitfire as his new best pony...poor Trixie
VastaKustutaThat dice bag...
VastaKustutaDO WANT.
I smell a Christmas idea...
Never was a fan of the saucy art, but I really liked the REA recruitment posters. Hope we get more in the future.
VastaKustutaConfound these bucking artists, they make me attracted to ponies.
Hey an Alberta pony group, don't really use facebook for anything but hey it's something.
VastaKustutaYeah, the other Spitfire image that was in today's Drawfriend most likely. :P
VastaKustuta6000 mark? The image cap says $4,750. Unless I'm reading something wrong. But that's still really good. "as the site’s owner “Cupcakes Nom” details in a post on their forum." lol I was going to say... wat? xD Ah well, at least they included an image of Derpy. :)
Huh, a survey to see what types of music people would like to hear at that Brony convention. Good idea. Even get to pick the three artists you would most like to see live.
Another site naming Bronies as one of the top memes of 2011, pretty cool.
Oooh, word search. I'd say I'm going to do it, but honestly I'll most likely get involved with something else and forget it. lol Still, looks to be fun. :)
Pony sugar cookies! I'm salivating now. >.>; The Octavia cookie... I look so derp. And kinda pissed off. lol
Oh wow, $150,000 in toys. That's rather generous of Hasbro. And pony toys to boot. Of course all the girls will be getting the Celestia's and the boys will probably be getting the "boy toys". I wonder if any of the boys will ask if they could have gotten a Celestia instead. lol Probably not, but it's a kinda funny thought. :P
The Equestrian Inquirer opening, though maybe just a bit long in my opinion, was enjoyable. Fun music. I still say they could really use a boom mic. But it's not too bad. Nice little logo/crest too they were using.
I get the feeling 'slugs' in the wordsearch is supposed to be Snips...
VastaKustutaBest news intro.
VastaKustutalots of amazing stuff bronies! Keep it up!
VastaKustutaI'm glad The Humble Indie Bundle is growing.
Nice donations everywhere and more news sources falling to the ponies, yes all according to plan.
VastaKustutaಠ_ರೃ that discord figure/doll/idk what that is just.....yeah I don't have any words for that.
Okay, I can see how the "Mount up!" recruitment poster might be a bit much for the front page. That Spitfire is serious about recruitment drives, that's for sure.
VastaKustutaI wonder how the Dr. Horrible parts break down (the thread link doesn't work for me)... Is Nightmare Moon the lead? Bad Horse isn't a speaking role, after all. I could actually see Twilight being any of the three main roles, depending on who has the other ones... Although really Fluttershy seems the most like Penny.
VastaKustuta@Harwick Hoping you get this, follow my above comment or this link to the real thread http://www.ponychan.net/chan/phoenix/res/3466.html#6025
VastaKustutaThat brony bundle rticle was a bit wrong but they were nice, a little correction and it would be fine, really nice to see everypony donating.
VastaKustutaHasbros donation is a nice gesture, if only I wasn't pink with them.
Those cookies look nice, it's a nice break form the piles of great looking cakes.
A Dr. Horrible singalong? I'd like to hear that sometime.
Really nice roundup this time.
I am not a meme, i am a culture
VastaKustutaOMG that cockatrice is SO CUTE! Didn't think that was possible!
VastaKustutaPlenty of good news to go around here. Floods of donations, word search, one of my favorite interests meets the other (pony mention in PC Magazine.) Plenty of win to go around. Though if I ever wanted to go to Bronystock, I'd need to find an excuse to go to California. Not that I need one, but you guys get the point.
VastaKustutaSpitfire? I'M HER-.... oh.
VastaKustutaYou should discreetly add it somewhere else, then. Because if there are any more REA recruitment pictures, I must have them. I must, I must, I MUST!
Sethisto is best Cupcakes Nom.
VastaKustutaCupcakes Nom, lol
VastaKustuta@Kinrah I get the feeling 'slugs' in the wordsearch is supposed to be Snips...
VastaKustutaWhatwhatwhat? Oh horse apples. I'd better fix my "interests list" on my FIM community. Yes, it should be Snips. Where did I get Slugs??
I love the Equestrian Inquirer, The theme is a bit long for a short news broadcast but a pretty good remix anyway.
VastaKustutaI glad to the see the Bronyism page back, It got hacked by a troll the other day. I hope that does not happen again.
That was one of the better articles on Bronies
VastaKustutawait a minute Ohad Kanne didn't tell any pony in Equestria Bad Company he was interviewed!
VastaKustutaNooooo! The dice bag is sold out!!!
VastaKustutathanks for checking out the article... i'd love to make corrections to the story, since i obviously botched my info :)
VastaKustutaWhat did i get wrong?
Nevermind, i think Cupcakes set me straight. thanks for the heads up :)