Have some news!
Rarity is Fabulous for 13 minutes
Yay Rarity. We might need to hide this one from Cereal though!
DOVASHY in Skyrim
Downloadable here!
Twitter Art Raffle
Someone on twitter is doing a raffle for free art! Just toss an @relaxammal with a random number between 1-100
Group Sing Project: "Find A Pet"
Have some copy paste:
Dear Bronies of the World,
After my moderate success with the Brony group sing of the Owl City parody “Fluttershys” featured in Nightly Roundup 153 I have joined forces with the awesome ToasterRepairPony. Together we want YOUR voices to help us sing “Find a Pet” from “May the Best Pet Win!”
Submissions are non-discriminatory, that is, if the audio quality is good enough (static/BG noise, not the quality of your singing voice), we’ll try to use your submission to the best of our abilities.
Deadline for submissions is January 6, 2012.
-Bpendragon, The Eternal Optimist
Important Links:
More information and discussion: http://www.ponychan.net/chan/
Bpendragon’s Emails (both are checked daily):
ToasterRepairPony’s Email: [email protected]
Collective Intelligence and Equestria Daily Presentation
Monica created this crazy presentation thing for her class.
It's kind of short, but has some interesting information buried in there. Check it out here!
Why You Should Watch MLP:FIM, The Video
So many slackers need to get to watching it already!
Filly Synchtube Banner Contest Update
Have some copy paste:
Hi EqD email reader! The contest i had posted in the nightly roundup had to be delayed several days because of a real-life emergency. Therefore we're having the judging be on Wednesday December 7th, With the first prize being a 15$ steam game of their choice, and second and third place runner ups will be getting a 5$ game of their own as well. The theme is "ponies enjoying the holidays!" and submissions must have a link to the Filly synchtube channel (www.synchtube.com/r/filly) and be in a 300x1000 format. Any submissions should be sent to [email protected]! Good luck, Winners will be informed via email!
The Motley Fool on Pony Toys and Our Demographic
A marketing/Money website recently did a short radio that included a segment about Bronies. It's not a huge look into any spectacular, but it's kind of funny to hear the poor guy's website getting raided every time he posts about MLP and equates it to little girls. Check it out here!
Pinkie Pie Pastry
Total Overflow sent this one. It looks delicious actually!
Successful Poland Meetup
Another outside the USA! Seems like these are overtaking us guys!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Belgian Brony Meetup Update
Last night I tossed some copy paste out for a Belgian meetup, but they lacked a place to go! Have an email address: [email protected]
Battlefield 3 Platoon
Oklahoma Brony Group
Copy Paste:
Hello Bronies! Do you love music? Do you love getting together with other bronies? live to far away or can't afford to travel to NY?
Well, I'm officially introducing BronyStock: A brony convention with live musical performances and appearances by some of the fandom's biggest names.
I will be releasing names of guests one by one, leading up to the event. There will be things that everypony can enjoy such as: artists, speakers, appearances, music (well obviously), episode watching, custom figures, and plenty more!
So nows the part where I ask for your help: Whilst we already have the venue set up and plenty of other boring logistical things in the process of being finalized, I want to hear what you ponies want to see at BronyStock whether it be your favorite musician, your favorite artist, Q&A's, cupcakes with hot sauce, whatever! Also if you have any questions, concerns, requests to have a booth at BronyStock, suggestions, or just want to help out with the boring logistical stuff (which really helps me out), then shoot me an email!
So nows the part where I ask for your help: Whilst we already have the venue set up and plenty of other boring logistical things in the process of being finalized, I want to hear what you ponies want to see at BronyStock whether it be your favorite musician, your favorite artist, Q&A's, cupcakes with hot sauce, whatever! Also if you have any questions, concerns, requests to have a booth at BronyStock, suggestions, or just want to help out with the boring logistical stuff (which really helps me out), then shoot me an email!
The event is currently set to take place during the summer, in beautiful northern California.
You can contact me at [email protected]
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Brooches
Scootaloo Beanie
Giant Fluttershy Plushie
Doctor Whooves Plushie
Goodnight all!
ReplyDelete'Night Shy. I'll read this in the morning~
ReplyDeleteWell, good update.
ReplyDeleteAnd with that, I shall say goodnight to all.
Fabulous Rarity is fabulous.
ReplyDeletefinally a roundup........but nothing too interesting.... sigh
That banner! The colors! My rods and cones; they hurt! (Nice job though. I approve.)
ReplyDeleteI really want to eat that Pinkie Pie, and I don't know whether this should bother me or not.
Well! Now that that's done I'm headed to bed. I love you EqD, you stay fabulous, as Rarity would desire. =D
Grr, Blogger ate my comment first time. That header image is nice, so colourful and cheerful looking.
ReplyDeleteTheres alot of Skyrim videos popping up it seems, I don't really mind
*insert obligatory "arrow in the knee" joke of your choosing*
That Pinkie Pastry is really nice looking. Nice short roundup today.
Mornin' guys :)
ReplyDeleteThat's some nice work, Ponychan! Maybe Ponibooru'll do the same?
ReplyDeleteAnd Pinkie Pastry that wasn't a pie? Woah...
I have some swedes; Cornish Pony Pasty anyone?
That Fluttershy shout was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteNorthern California? Wrong end! :(
ReplyDeleteWell, still cool this is happening.
Northern California? Wrong end! :(
ReplyDeleteWell, still cool this is happening.
That ponychan image is a bit scary. lol
ReplyDeleteDovashy, haha, that was pretty good. I need to learn the "yay" shout.
OMG I want the Scootaloo beanie.
O_O Life-sized Plushie?! *drools* While it's not Rainbow Dash, if I had the $$$ I would definitely be bidding... so torn as to whether I want to see a life-sized RD plush like that! (due to cost) lol
ReplyDeleteAlso... wow... that ponychan banner... it's mind-warping... so many cute characters... I never thought I'd see such a huggable Discord! (top-right)
Lastly, Kudos to the "Why you should watch FIM" Video, informative yet well-rounded! Sharing it with all my non-brony friends :)
Ashton, check out http://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-My-Little-Pony-Rainbow-Dash-4-Feet-Tall-Custom-Plush-Big-Life-Sized-/190609957027?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c613d20a3
ReplyDelete@Nightly Roundup #179
ReplyDeleteWow...this is like where's Waldo, but more like find everything that is iconic. Like the Halo character, Patrick Jane from "The Mentalist", Agent Smith from the "Matrix" movie serie, and etc. It's more like "Name Those Characters!"
Dat Ponychan image. Dang. So much pony. Some of them are rather hilarious. 60's Spiderman. Nigel Thornberrry pony. Lawl. Ponychan is... well, Ponychan. 'Nuff said. :P Though I see Octavia... must be that imposter there. Will the real Octavia please stand up? Nah, you all better have a seat. Have a seat right over there. :P
ReplyDelete13 minutes of Rarity. So much white marshmallow. And I'm okay with this. :)
Dovashy. <3
Oooh, free art raffle. Too bad I don't use Twitter. Still, cool. Can't say no to free art! Well, I guess you -could-... lol
Ooh ooh ooh! Another singing project. I love these. Can't wait for this one and when one is organized for The Pony Everypony should know. I still lack a good mic unfortunately. But if I somehow manage to acquire one, I may just have to join in.
The Collective Intelligence presentation is rather interesting. Seems straight forward and intelligent. Though I noticed in the section about Derpy the eyes are labeled as an "animation error". I'm not too certain about that.
The Why You Should Watch video was is pretty good. Lot's of good information for anyone new to the show and community. Very nice job with it.
Wasn't that Motley Fool radio show clip already posted here the other night? I remember this from one of the other recent Nightly Roundups.
The Triple P's. Pinkie Pie Pastries. It actually sounds like a pastry shop. <3
Massive Fluttershy plush. Wonder how much that one will go for.
Aaaannnd... Good morning!
ReplyDeleteThanks for these roundups Seth. Great start to an early morning.
Ponychan Image
ReplyDeleteI see the fine art of claiming Hugs? vectors without asking is still alive an well. You could AT LEAST apply some sort of color mod to it people.
@ 7a60f57c-20be-11e1-b3a3-000bcdcb5194:
ReplyDeleteUGH! Confound you! Now I may have to further add to my monumental creditcard debit! These tears alternate between joy and sadness... *hugs you anyway*
Too... much... Awesome... Must... resist... must... AAAAAAAA! *faints*
Considering the small plushies go for $1K+ I doubt I'll win (I hate to admit it, but there is a limit even for a RD plush), but I'm watching it... Thanks for the link!
Ashton - dunno, a different giant Fluttershy went for just $315 last week. Ebay sales vary pretty wildly, it seems like.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Rarity video.
ReplyDelete'COULDN'T YOU JUST SIMPLY DIE?' is always great when taken out of context.
Is that Ness in the Ponychan image? Ponies + EarthBound = AWESOME
ReplyDeleteI spy Molestia in dat image.
ReplyDeleteI've already seen FiM-explanation videos that are WAY funnier and more informative, so that one just kinda fell into the void. Nothing wrong with it, aside from being boring, but no reason to watch that over Ballad of the Brony.
ReplyDeleteMorning everypony!!!
ReplyDeleteOh. Wow. Look at that. It's everything ever.
ReplyDeleteOh. Wow. Look at that. It's everything ever.
ReplyDeleteWoo! I was wondering if EqD would actually post that image or not; I'm glad they did! I hope this provides a bit of a peek into what Ponychan (well, specifically /oat/ and /chat/) are like!
ReplyDelete(I'm a little to the right of the center, if anypony's wondering).
Rarity is an awesome pony, to bad shes down at the bottom of some peoples favorite list =(
ReplyDeleteRarity is an awesome pony, to bad shes down at the bottom of some peoples favorite list =(
ReplyDeleteEquestria Daily used my picture.
ReplyDeleteMY WORK IS ON EQD !!!
*Goes Twilight nuts*
OMG guys Luna is missing from that Ponychan pic hell not even Nightmaremoon is in it
ReplyDeleteOMG its Tom the rock
ReplyDeleteHaha everypony get confused about this, but nope.
ReplyDeleteAnd we didn't have anypony posting as Luna. "Luna (Wife of Celestia) actually got banned 2 days before we made this, not sure if related.
It's funny seeing my OC on Equestria Daily. She just looks so out of place being drawn with color pencil... Can't wait till i get my tablet.
ReplyDeleteWow... Ponychan actually pulled it off. RDN keeps talking of one, but I think the first one fell through and the second one is suffering a setback at the moment.
ReplyDeletelol, whats the G3 pony doing in the ponychan image? xD
ReplyDeleteThat Dr. Whooves plushie is kinda creepy.
ReplyDeleteHellspawn -> There's two, but I guess you're talking about the Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteThat poster just likes to post as G3 pinkie :) He's very nice.
That Fluttershy Plush... If only I had money.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on twitter is doing a raffle for free art! Just toss an @relaxammal with a random number between 1-100
ReplyDeletethat username doesn't exist. did you spell it right seth? or is this fake?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can name a lot of those characters (non-pony) in the PonyChan Image
ReplyDeleteNess, Giygas, Jazz Jackrabbit (the green rabbit holding a blue gun), Thomas the Tank Engine, 60's SpiderMan, Spartan-III, Cheese, Professor Layton, Silver the hedgehog, Axew (Pokémon), Lugia (Pokémon again), Pokémon Trainer etc.
If you look closely there is a small Johnny Cage shadow Kicking on Megatron's shoulder.
ReplyDeleteI shat bricks.
Hey, thanks for sharing my presentation!
ReplyDeleteTo Octavia: The part about Derpy was taken straight from the MLP Wiki, as well as sourced back to original conversations with Jayson Thiessen and a MLP layout artist on Ponychan. Derpy came into being because of a layout change and an artist not wanting to fix the resulting error.
See sources:
My main point about Derpy, however, was that it was something that stayed in the show due to fan response - which shows us the power of a fan community's collective intelligence against major media corporations.
Glad to see the Ponychan pic is on EqD! :D Chika here, represented as Ruby from Pokemon Special.
ReplyDeleteThat giant Fluttershy is the best giant plushie yet.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know where you got them from. I was around at the time those took both took place. ;) But if you reread, it says that it was an "inside joke". Also. Jayson's also states it as being done by some cheeky animator.
California? Darn. Still too far away.
ReplyDeleteWhat city is the Norther California music thing in? I live in the San Francisco Bay area and my ability to attend this depends partly on what city it's in.
ReplyDeleteOh gawd. The picture got it's own post on EQD. This is awesome.
ReplyDeleteAku from Samurai Jack. Nice.
ReplyDeleteHey its Gorillaz (next to Orange Spike near bottom left). I also spy Molestia.
ReplyDeleteAwww... Im in there... <3
ReplyDeleteFirst thing to find in that picture is Bush
ReplyDeleteZobaczmy ile Polskich Bronies przegląda ED.