Have some news!
Philippine Brony Convention
Meetups are oldschool outside the USA! It's time for full on conventions!
The Philippine Brony community is planning a convention in the future. They are giving a few months notice to get everything ready, but the actual event will take place at the end of march. If you are in the area, hit up the deviant art page for more information! I'll keep the updates on it going until it's a bit closer, so be sure to check the roundups for any new developments!
Main Page
Secondary Page
I swear one of them sent me a banner for this a while back. I don't see it though!
Toys R' Us Buy one Get one Free on Pony Stuff this Week!
So... Go hit them up!
It looks like the blind bag set is totally eligible for this for once.
Fanfiction PDF Gallery
Maximillian Veers busted his wrist! Someone else has taken up the mantle of PDFing all fanfics. Check it out here!
Ponies Invade Another Magazine
![]() |
Source: Andrew |
Brony@Home Project a Huge Success, But Needs More!
Copy Paste:
After the first mention here, the number of newcomers who joined Brony@Home amazed me. To those in the team, congratulations on our fandom advertisement, and progress, shooting up to the top 2500, and still rising. But now it's time to recruit more members! Those who don't know what this is: It's the largest worldwide project that uses unused computing power to simulate proteins, to understand how they cause cancers/diseases when they don't work properly. The program runs invisibly in the background, so you never know it's there. Details can be found in the link below, with instructions, links, and tips.
As we have all these members, I'm also creating a competition, with prizes for those who contribute the most, consistently (so those with slow computers can win, too), and of course, random draws. Details aren't finalised, but I should have something official in a few weeks, so look out for another mention, or check out the link below. You don't have to register, so pop in and say hi!
http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/54588/t1697092-brony- home/
Really Old Interviews: Fancy Pants VA Interviews Rarity/Spike/Applejack
Apparently they all knew eachother earlier. Tevor Devall runs a podcast, and did a bunch of interviews a while back. Obviously pony isn't really a topic, but they are neat regardless. Check them out here!
Episode 12, March 8 2008: Tabitha St. Germain
Episode 22, August 6 2009: Cathy Weseluck
Episode 29 March 16 2011: Voltron Force! (which includes Ashleigh Ball)
(thanks to patrick for finding the specific episodes!)
My Little Seinfeld - Twilight Sparkle's Dance
And then a fourteen year old knew how to resize his cake image for me better than all of you! Confound these 8mb max quality pictures!
Pony Stockings for Charity
Pff, Trixie is so not scrooge...
These are going for 10 bucks a pop over on Southparktaoist's Deviant Art page. He plans to donate proceeds to Wounded Warriors and the Marine Corps Museum.
Check them out here!
School Presentation - English Class Shakespear Edition
Bronies React to: Season 2 Episode 9
Check it out here!
The Pony Everypony Should Know Chords for Guitar/Piano
All you musicians out there might find this one interesting. Someone has created a chord list for the entire song. Check it out here!
Successful Newmarket Brony Meetup
Minecraft, Nyancat, and thumbs up. Yep, those are totally bronies right there.
If you want to join, hit the group up here!
Or their internet radio stream here!
Centril WI Successful Meetup
Another meetup! They just keep growing!
No writeup this time around, but have the image.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
French Pony Forum
Belgium Brony Meetup
Copy Paste:
Since the Benelux Brony Group recently had their brony meet-up in the Netherlands, and a few Belgian bronies much regret that they could not go, I decided to organize one myself :D--------------------------------------------------------------
Date, Location, Activities, etc. .. are all still blank. With the upcoming exams, it’s also going to take a while to decide everything.
If we can agree on a date together, we’ll start a thread about it on the wall
Somewhere between 2-7th of January (Second week of the Christmas Holidays)
We’re going to drop Sunday, because no shops will be open at that time (And then we can’t buy any ponies D: )
The same goes for location. We’re currently deciding where to hold the meet-up.
In Antwerp or in Ghent.
At the moment, no activities are planned besides hanging around in the city like Zombie Ponies. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to share & care!
Gulf Coast Brony Group
Mario Kart 7 Group
Name: MyLittlePoyFiM
Code: 63-1403-1442-2377
Phoenix Brony Mafia is Magic Meetup
When: December 10th
Copy paste:
Like Ponies? Like to hang out with people who like Ponies? Are you
from the Phoenix area? Well this is the event for you! Introducing the
Phoenix My Little Pony: Mafia is Magic! for those who don't know what
Mafia is its a party game where you try to find out who's out to get
you and who you can trust the wiki article is here
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_%28party_game%29) we also play
other games like we didn't playtest this. So come on down everypony!
we'll be playing till like 5am. http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-Phoenix/
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Stockings
Rainbow Dash Shoes
Fluttershy Plushie
Fluttershy Plushie 2
Pony Stockings
ReplyDeleteGoing to watch Twilight's dance again. Best dance ever!
ReplyDeleteDance party at twilights place
ReplyDeleteSeinfield, now thatts a good combo with ponies
ReplyDeleteTwi, you really should've taped yourself dancing. If you'd sent it in to Harry Hill at YBF!, you'd be £250 better off by now.
ReplyDeletePinkie as Kramer...
ReplyDeleteSweet Moses.
Wait, really? I hope MaximillianVeers gets better.
ReplyDeleteI've forgotten how.much I loved Seinfield XD
ReplyDelete>No clever worldplay or in-jokes for older fans.
ReplyDeleteWay to research, magazine!
Incidentally, that's the US Toys R Us shop. The UK one only has the older gen toys for sale (I just looked).
ReplyDeleteAt least it has the newer toys in now, but a lot of them are out of stock.
Oh good! A Mario Kart 7 MLP group. I'll add that right away. :D
ReplyDeleteTwilight isn't a bad dancer, Commander Shepard approved her dancing personally.
ReplyDeleteI've been with the Tom's hardware folding@home team,
ReplyDeleteand I'm in the top 50, but now that I know there's an
brony folding@home team, sorry Tom, but I'm gone!
Twilight has the best dance I've seen yet. And that Seinfield clip was just hilarious xD
ReplyDeleteAnd Gulf Coast Bronies is the closest group to me I've seen yet :O
Something about that magazine article disturbed me...couldn't tell at first, but I finally realized it:
ReplyDeleteWhy is Rainbow Dash breaking the fourth wall of it and not Pinkie Pie? O_o
"[My Little Pony] is free of clever wordplay or in-jokes"
ReplyDeleteWait, really?
Did they actually watch the show?
Crazy Dancing Twilight is Best Pony. :-)
ReplyDeletehaha twilight is the best pony! and my favorite! i'd love to have one of those stockings...to bad i don't do stockings for christmas anymore :(
ReplyDeleteOoooh interviews! I can't wait.
ReplyDeleteThe magazine was wrong. There's lots of wordplay and in-jokes obviously. Though I do appreciate that it's well hidden, I hate it when cartoons make the adult/pop culture references too blatant.
Honestly I'm just glad for the coverage. I don't mean to sound negative towards the magazine, just had to point that out.
ReplyDeleteAlso Tabitha St Germain's nickname is "T-Bone"? That's George Costanza's desired nickname! It all fits!
are there such things as unsuccessful meetups?
ReplyDeleteAw, man, and I went shopping for pony stuff yesterday!
ReplyDeleteThat cake has my name on it, and my B-Day is tomorrow.
@karrotline UH-HUH.
ReplyDeleteDefinitley go listen to the Tabitha St Germain interview. She's so funny.
ReplyDeleteSomepony please snag a interview with her. Everfree Radio, EQD, etc.
I think Twilight being a poor dancer makes her even better. That means I can dance poorly with her. <3
ReplyDeleteEh, the US has BroNYCon. Which was the first full on Brony convention. So I wouldn't say that. But there's a lot to getting a successful convention going smoothly. Even the smaller ones. I think most underestimate just how big the task can become. And this is coming from someone who has been lead and staffed at dozens of conventions over the years.
Darnit, Toys R Us always has their sales at times I'm not able to visit one. And there's none around me for a good drive. Ah well. I've got most of the merchandise they carry that I want at this point.
That little magazine article states the storylines have no clever word-play or in-jokes. Are you guys really sure about that? ;)
Yeah, a lot of people commented in the post to the episode right after about her dance being a lot similar to Elaine's from Seinfeld. I'm not a huge Seinfeld fan, so I didn't pick up on it until people started linking that part from Seinfeld. It just makes the whole thing even more hilarious and great. lol
*whispers* Psst, Seth... hey, Seth... Trixie is SO Scrooge. ;) Also, it's not a true pony Christmas without a pony stocking hanging up. :)
I think that English class assignment is our funniest presentation here yet. It had me cracking up several times. Hilarious Macbeth parody you guys.
Oooh, a list of chords for The Pony Everypony Should Know. Too bad I don't play the piano or guitar. D: But still cool.
Oooh, interviews! I'm listening to the one with Tabitha now. (Still would LOVE to have someone interview her! I hear she's a riot. :D )
ReplyDeleteNo clever word play or in-jokes from MLP? I don't know about that, magazine article writer.
ReplyDelete@ bombe
ReplyDeletelike what? only one person shows?
Wow I'm actually still awake for this. Dammed homework. Good thing vacations are just around the corner, more time for poniponiponi.
ReplyDeleteThat magazine has do some better research before publishing stuff like that, but at least it isn't anything negative.
Twilight danced fine in the episode party of one. So what happened twilight? Mable you need to read those dancing books over again.
ReplyDeleteGod I want to go to one of these brony meetups, I just think im not old enough. a brony is 15 and older right? If so, then damn...
ReplyDeleteprotein folding algorithms are cool and all, but I'm just going to keep playing around with Foldit and waiting for practical quantum computers so that the really tough stuff is made easier.
ReplyDelete*sees the list of scientific papers that have used distributed computing power*
you know what? I'm in.
I never realised how much Elaine from Seinfeld sounded like Twilight. Then again I used to watch Seinfeld because my dad would insist on watching it. I should try watching it again, I might have been too young for it the first time around.
ReplyDeleteI've got the feeling that whoever wrote the magazine just let one episode play in the background and didn't pay that much attention, if they even watched it at all. The fact that they apparently watch "Suited for Success" and didn't find anything interesting tells me that they really weren't trying that hard.
Entertainment reporters are notorious for not doing research. In all honesty, that blurb sounds like the entire thing was paraphrased from an article I remember over the summer. There the author also suggested that the show didn't cater to older fans with jokes and references that were for them alone. To her credit, however, that author took the input from the fans who responded and penned a brief follow up correcting that point, mentioning the Sondheim homages and others.
ReplyDelete:Reads magazine artical::
ReplyDeleteHmm no in jokes or clever word play......
Some one has clearly not watched the show before writing about it.
ReplyDeleteBad dancing? I've had a gif of that epic dance in another browser all night long while chatting on MLPFourms.
ReplyDeleteOh man, if I can get my 3DS hooked up to the Internet, I would SO join that Mariokart 7 group!
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree that whoever wrote the magazine article didn't look into the series. Guitar and piano chords? Neat. And if I get a hold of Mario Kart 7, I know where I'll be hanging out.
ReplyDeletePinkie Kramer! lol XD
ReplyDeleteHehe, I love that Seinfeld TWILIGHT SPARKLE dance.
ReplyDeleteThe correct term is 'Twilights Sparkle'.
ReplyDelete"Unlike other cartoons popular with grown-ups, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic makes almost no concessions to its older audience."
ReplyDelete"...and the storylines are free of clever word play or in-jokes."
"None of that, though, has stopped the 'Bronies,' as male fans are known, from spreading their pony love online..."
Way to not do your research and make it seem as if we like the show for some off/weird reason.
"...makes almost no concessions to its older audience"
ReplyDelete"...free of clever word play or in-jokes."
Whoa. Trevor Devall not only voices FancyPants, but Prince Blueblood as well! So he voices the best male pony, and the worst!
ReplyDeleteMIND = BLOWN
What a poorly researched article. At least they didn't try to draw a connection between bronies and child porn in the first sentence or choose a transsexual adult baby as the representative of bronies like some articles I've read.
ReplyDeleteAnd Elaine from Seinfeld was the first thing that went through my mind when I saw Twilight dancing. Excellent crossover video.
Mario Kart 7 group added. :)
ReplyDelete"Pff, Trixie is so not scrooge..."
ReplyDeleteYeah, Scrooge learns a lesson and becomes a good person.
@The RPGenius BURNED
ReplyDelete"Ponies invade another magazine"
Hi, I see that there will be a belgian brony meetup. Somepony knows more about it? I'm a bit interested.
Whoa whoa whoa, Ponies alongside Sidney Crosby?!?!?!
I need those shoes in a US 11!
ReplyDeleteDude, I'd want to hang out with Twilight in a thunder storm *because* she's a bad dancer. And we would dance.
ReplyDeleteNow, if you'll excuse me, I'mma get me some blind bags. "Cause ya don't ask whyyy when it's Heartstrings and Bon Bon~ Doo dee doo dooo, doo dee doo dooo, doo dee dooo~"
I sure do hope they get more Collectible Ponies Sets in stock again this week.
ReplyDelete@Puzzle Plate
ReplyDeleteI second on the Burn. That was some Burnating right there. The whole friggin country side. With the pesents in their thatch roof cottages.
In other news...
Twilight Sparkle + dancing = Do Not Mix
That is all...
If I imagine those RD shoes hard enough they will manifest themselves onto my feet! *HNG*....Nope.
ReplyDeleteI loved her little nerd dance. I can't get it out of my head!
ReplyDeletelove the set with all 6, plus some wierd recolors. going to have to find a way to buy it without my parents finding out...
ReplyDeleteF@H for Bronies?! Re-configures PC and PS3 clients.
ReplyDeleteshit I don't have a facebook and don't want one... but I am a gulf coast brony... this shit isn't fair.
ReplyDeleteI joined the Mario Kart 7 group, too. We should organize a specific time to all log on! (For those of us who have the game.)
ReplyDeleteIndeed. There should be a better way of organizing games or something, rather than just randomly showing up. Would also be nice to have a battle group as well.
ReplyDeleteGulf Coast Bronies Admin here! Thanks EQ Daily for the BUMP! @SgtGarand - come on over! we'd be glad to have you, we're growing pretty quickly but we still have a small-group feel in terms of how we all communicate with each other and how often we post :D
ReplyDelete"Free of clever wordplay or in-jokes."
ReplyDeleteWait, what? Whoever wrote that must think that "free of" and "ripe with" can be used interchangeably.
I have my Excuse, now. since i turned my 8 year old brother into a little brony, I bought him the collectors set, and got a free one for myself. (my parents are still teasing me for shopping at we love fine, i wonder what i'll get now)
ReplyDeleteCentral WI Brony meetup... Wish i woulda known about it XD
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"Dancing Twilight Sparkle" could be a reference to fan art, fan animation, or some form of content celebrating the beloved character, Twilight Sparkle, in a playful or creative dancing scenario. These roundups often curate highlights such as fan works, news, and community activities. For the fandom, such content might be a way of showcasing creativity and celebrating their favorite characters through fan contributions.sex crimes in the military.