• Nightly Roundup #174 - SQUIRRELS

    My power supply died earlier, so I had to swap it with a new one.  The poll has been updated with Rainbow Dash, you will have to hit it up with a new vote though. 

    On with the news!

    Stepmania Pony Pack
    More Stepmania songs have popped up over at the Everfree Forums for those that want to give their fingers a workout.  Check them out here!

    Horses now Legalized for Slaughter

    I don't really know how many actual horse fans are out there, but apparently a recent bill has shifted them to being perfectly legal for slaughter.  Multiple new factories are in planning stages right now.  We may very well see horse meat in grocery stores around the USA.

    You can check out more about this here!

    Epic Pony Christmas Setup

    Minus the older gen hippopotamus ponies, this is a pretty badass setup! Check out the full gallery here.

    Glorious Tree! 

    Pony Everywhere.

    MLP Minecraft Episode Project Seeking Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Background Ponies

    Earlier on in the day, this minecraft post popped up. The team behind the first one is seeking some assistance with voice acting. Hit up their youtube page if you are interested!

    French Pony Podcast

    Another new podcast! This time focusing on the french.  Hit it up here.

    Dash replaces Nyan Cat

    No clue what magazine this is, but apparently Dash is awesome in it. 

    Brony High School Speech

    Trixie Monologue In Front of Class

    Needs to be about 100% more female!

    Babble at the Bronies Episode 2

    Copy Paste:
    In this episode, we have a special guest appearing on our show, or more accurately, two. BronyTom and BronyMach will be joining us as we discuss all things MLP.

    We'll be discussing your story: what got you into this universe, what does MLP:FiM mean to you, etc. Also, I have some very important announcements to make regarding the future of the show. Fear not, it is at this point only future-scoping, but it is worth talking about.

    All that is required to join is to sign up for an account at Vokle.com (link: http://www.vokle.com/) then click the "Join Event" button on the BwB event (link: http://www.vokle.com/events/37002-episode-1-your-story)

    It's at 3:00 pm CST (4:00 pm EST) this Saturday December 3rd. Hopefully this time we won't run into any technical problems, and I hope to hear and share all the good news this fandom has to offer.

    Contact me at this email address, [email protected] for questions regarding the show.

    -The Observer

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Malaysian Comic Fiesta

    Event: Comic Fiesta 2011
    Date and Time: 17/12/2011 - 18/12/2011 [8.30 AM - 6:30 PM]
    Location: Hall 5, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre [KLCC]
    Entrance Fee [On-site]: RM15 per day


    Irish Brony Meetup

    When: Saturday 10th December 2011/ from 1 pm to 10 pm


    Tuscon, AZ Meetup

    Where/When: Game night at Hat's Games December 4th


    SC2 Brony Tourney Group


    Kansas City Brony Meetup


    Central California Brony Meetup



    Australian Steam Group


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Fleece Scarves
    Dash Painting
    Pinkie Pie Pillow
    Twilight Sparkle Plushie
    Plushie Blobs
    Luna Plushie
    Firefly Custom
    Rarity Plushie
    Custom Sketchbook
    Wallets and Sculpted Ponies - He actually sent me one! Trixie has never felt so powerful, and leathery.  Best pony. 

    162 kommentaari:

    1. Dash replaces nyan cat? Of course she does!!

      Dat book cover with Trixie.

      Squirrels? Discord, you know what to do.....

    2. Derp, I mean wallet, great and powerful wallet.

    3. in after someone comments on Flutter-squirrel girl.

    4. Horses now legalized for slaughter. 'Tis a sad day for the brony community........

      That is all.

    5. wait, i'm not? where are the ninjas?

    6. @wackypony PHEW, HE DIDN'T SEE ME.......

    7. That Luna plush.

      If I lived there I am sure I would object to the slaughter of horses

    8. Lol. derp.
      What I meant was, I don't have any serious problems with horse meat. I like marshmallow ponies, not horses.

      That doesn't mean I'm gonna eat it though. Gross.

    9. Horse meat? Really? That's just disgusting...

    10. It's a very Pony Christmas!

      You, know, I had seen FiM in passing at this time last year, but I wasn't really into it until January. I feel the need to ponify Christmas like a crazy guy.

    11. I could never eat horse meat without thinking of eating a pony, which i could never do.

    12. La vie fabuleuse mais pas toujour facile des personnages

      = Le fabuleues but not always easy life of characters

      Dash called nyan cat an amateur.

    13. The horse meat thing is not a black and white issue. Even PETA supports the new law as counterintuitive as that seems.


      Basically it's the lesser of two evils.

    14. I don't see why horses being legalized for slaughter is big news. It's not as if they're particularly intelligent. Now if it were a really smart, intelligent animal, like pigs... oh, nvm, we totally slaughter those, and no one cares. Ergo, no one should make a fuss about horses.

    15. That Christmas setup sucks, there's no Scootaloo! Though, Dash's presence there does make up for that, but only a little.

    16. Ugh....horse meat? Why? WHY? I know animals are there for us to use and all but......uh....? seriously wtf? I don't even have words for that.....eat a chicken or something....or a cow but a horse? why? just...ugh...

    17. @Tylendal

      if they're put down humanely and not bred for meat slaughter like we do cows, then i'm not against horse meat on the market, i just won't partake.

    18. @Tylendal

      More of how I consider horses as companions animals, like dogs and cats.

      Regardless, I'll probably avoid it.

    19. there have been places that sell horse meat in the states for decades...so i dont see the big deal..its just "another" meat..much like buffalo steaks and other such "odd" meats out there my understanding is in europe its not that uncommon at all...deer, rabbit, elk, moose...theres plenty of woodland critters cooked up and eatin daily..that are akin to horses..you could always have a horse slaughted just not in mass quantitys like cows

      weird i figured tonight that ROUND 2 of naughty/nice would have been posted
      it has been put up on the hub!!!
      10 votes per day per IP address

    20. I was really hoping they wouldn't legalize horse slaughter.

      I don't want to live on this planet any more.

      (kidding, but god does that suck)

    21. @Discord mmmhmmhmmhmmhmm.........Chaos........

    22. after saying all that..i still wont eat outside the normal range of animals(cow/pig/chicken/fish)...and id have to agree as horses being more of a companion animal...especially if you take into consideration there intellect

    23. @Woof Hooves
      sorry for the double post, but I disagree on the "just another kind of meat" thing. Once you've owned a horse, it just makes you sick to here this news. (or at least it makes ME sick)

    24. Interesting news for the most part, I like the magazine, Dash is far superiour to Nyan cat.

      That wallet is pretty good too.

    25. Yeah, where's the update on Naughty or Nice? Pinkie and Discord made it to the next round.

      With any like those two will win and we'll have a Pony mareathon on the Hub!

    26. Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm looking forward to seeing official My Little Pony Horse Meat Cupcakes for sale!

    27. For the French podcast :

      Our podcast will take place Saturday 3rd November, at 5pm (gmt+1)
      You can find us on http://www.livestream.com/mlpodfim at this time


    28. HERE is the Naughty Or Nice voting page. Also, please say what the percentages are at, I can't see since I already voted 10 times...

    29. Well that sucks.
      There's finally a meet-up near me in Central Cali and I leave that weekend for orders to Japan. D:

    30. @Jelfes

      88% in discord's favour and 95% for Pinkie.

      I may be a few % off Discords since I had alreayd voted for him.

    31. @Discord

      If you two win i'm not sure Equestria could contain a victory party like that.

    32. I still can't understand the distinction between a horse vs a cow, or a dog vs a pig, etc. as food animals. I've had horse before, and it was quite good.

      People who make the distinction are nothing more than narrow-minded, hypocrites who are scared of seeing reality beyond their small, urbanized, lives, shielded from the means by which food gets to their table by the convenient out of sight, out of mind mentality of shopping at the supermarket.

      For people claiming that horses are pets, not livestock, let me tell you something. My family has several cats. One cat in particular was more or less considered mine. She would sleep in my bed every night for years. When she was older and more docile, she would actually spend the night sleeping in the crook of my arm. I cried when she finally passed away, and I miss her to this day, she was the perfect pet. I love my cats. That being said, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if the opportunity arose to try a dish prepared with cat-meat. Apparently in Switzerland it's used to make meatballs. I bet it'd be delicious.

    33. i dont like the horse slaughtering bill...horses to me arnt the kind of animal to slaughter...it just dont seem right. interesting nightly round up....im goin to sleep!

    34. The magazine with Nyan cat and Rainbow Dash is called "Safarir", a popular French-Canadian magazine full of parodies and really stupid stuff. the name is basically fused words that translate to "makes (you) laugh"
      yeah, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw it. French Canadians barely know what a meme is.

    35. Man the current totals on that new poll are puzzling to say the least...

      I like Twilight Sparkle just fine, but if I'm stuck inside during a thunderstorm, the bookworm wouldn't be my first choice

    36. Here's the deal with the horse thing.

      Around 2006, there was a movement to make the slaughter of horses illegal in the US, it succeeded. But what ended up happening is they were being shipped to other countries, where they were being horribly abused. So now the sponsors of the bill to make it illegal have done a completre 180 and were trying to get it legalized again, because atleast if they are being slaughtered here, it is done in a humane fashion, and the horses are living in humane conditions. Of course this is all relative, because we're talking about humane slaughter. There are millions of horses in the US, and only less then 1% of them are raised for slaughter, so that means 99% aren't. This was actually the much lesser of two evils, and a very good idea.

    37. Oh tmyeah, betted hunt down the weather patrol and make them vot in that poll thing for me. Too lazy to.....

      Oh!!!! Ohohoh!!!!! Its a Me scarf!!!! Oooohhhhh I wish I could get that Me scarf :( (No I'm not vain at all).

      That Pinkie wallet looms prettyfang awesome!! Wish I had 45 bits to blow ><

      Why does it seem like that Sketchbook ALWAYS for sale?? O^O??

      Pretty awesome pony yard too!!!

    38. I'm somewhat curious if horse meat is healthier or better-tasting than what we already have. I mean, there's not a shortage of beef and/or chicken.

      Halfway through the post I stopped to do research and found out that Mexico is the largest horse-eating nation in the world. So that answers why this change is being made... there's millions of Mexicans here; they want to eat the cuisine of their homeland and the politicians want to pander to them.

    39. Hmm, that stepmania pack looks good (wink wink, nudge nudge)

    40. @Tylendal

      Calling someone down because of their opinion is wrong, especially in such a harsh manner.

      And that livestock=pet argument can be put anyway. I've had dogs over the years, and they're fantastic friends and companions. To sit down to a meal knowing it was a dog (albeit not a pet but one breed for food) would make me uneasy.

      And different countries are different countries so that "if it exists there, what's the problem with it here?" argument is also something you can use to justify yourself.

      It's all opinions.

    41. Holy crap: That Christmas setup. I know that place. Back when I was in Hawaii, my uncle's neighbors would always go all-out on holiday decorations in Mililani (on Oahu), and boy: I had no idea that they're bronies!
      ...well, I guess My Little Pony fans in general, considering the other ponies, but a brony none the less!

    42. Well, I made a typo. Should've been can't*.
      Also, should've been bred*.
      *Awkwardly withdraws*.

    43. @Tylendal
      They don't understand man, because most of them have never been out of the states.
      I've been to the Philippines and to Vietnam and all those areas, and yes, they serve dog, and yes it is delicious. Bit stringy though. Horses are just another animal, hell they're dumber than dogs (at least dogs can be taught to not shit whenever they feel like it). I don't see what the fuss is. The only REAL problem with horse meat, is there aren't any real slaughter houses yet, nor are there horse meat inspectors yet, soooo the quality of things I have reason for concern.

    44. INB4 someone slaughtering horses to be used in making a certain baked good.

    45. I never tried horse meat... then again, I don't think it was ever offered here in Canada. I don't see an issue with it really if horses were raised the same way as cows... call me cruel if you want, but meat is still meat. I can't say that I've tried dear meat either, though for some reason I don't think horse meat is much different.

    46. @Unsuspecting Herd No, it isn't. There's a reason that horse meat has always been a lower class meet used to feed dogs and other animals. It's a very tough and gritty meat because horses don't accumulate much fat, which acts as a tenderizer.

      It may have lower fat content but I don't believe it would be any healthier than lean cut beef. Besides, who the hell wants to eat horse meat?

    47. Finally a Central Cali meet up! About an hour away from me. That's the closest I'll probably get!

    48. And oh god, now you KNOW someone will try making horse meat cupcakes... lol.

    49. @EddMario too late:

      sevooHypreD said... Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm looking forward to seeing official My Little Pony Horse Meat Cupcakes for sale! December 2, 2011 12:21 AM

    50. @Whitbane
      So, you're saying that people who are against the concept of horse meat AREN'T coddled by a distancing from the actual process that brings the food to their table? Because that's all I'm saying.

      And again, why would you feel weird about eating dog meat just because you have a pet dog? Pigs make great pets, but I bet you have no problem with pork.

    51. I bet that there are a few vegetarians here, no?

    52. Just a third party, but can we stop the "horse meat" debate before it degenerates into a flame war? On an MLP site, no less.

      Dumped votes on PP and Discord. I'm a bit worried about Optimus Prime in the next round though, he might beat Pinkie.

    53. There are already recipes out there for ground beef cupcakes and muffins... http://kellyskornerrecipes.blogspot.com/2008/03/meat-cupcakes.html

      It wouldn't take much to change the recipe for pony meat!

    54. I was kind of bummed about the whole horse meat issue, for reasons I don't quite understand myself. (After all, I'm no vegetarian, and to my knowledge, horse meat always had been legal in Germany anyway)
      ...then I remembered Cupcakes and suddenly the whole thing turned hillarious

    55. We don't need horse meat cupcakes, meat pies work better anyways. I have a recipe for a deer pot pie that I could adapt for horse easily enough, and then if I colored it pink I would have Pinkie Pie!

    56. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    57. That's what you get for getting a power supply by DiabloTek or such. :P Nah, I'm kidding. I just got a new power supply for my computer about a week ago. A nice 750 watt OCZ.

      I saw an article on the horses for human consumption issue the other night. Though I admit I didn't have time to read it at the time. That article linked up there feels a bit... on the biased side honestly. Though I would be on the side opposed to it myself. Then again, I'm also a vegetarian. So I won't be eating it either way. But it is kinda disheartening to think about.

      Yay, pony Christmas setups. I knew there would have to be some this season. :)

      And more pony-themed Christmas trees too. Too bad there hasn't been more actual pony ornaments made like the Pinkie one. But sitting pony toys on the branches works too. :P

      Dash > Nyan Cat. Though you get a Nyan Dash if she eats Nyan Cat. <3

      That high school speech was pretty good. Though I got a bad vibe off those guys in the front row right in front of him. I dunno, just did.

      Oh com'on, Seth. That Trixie Monologue was hilarious and awesome. I loved how everyone could barely contain their laughter during it. I admit, I probably would have been trying pretty hard not to laugh as well. :P

      Oh my goodness, the plushie blobs are absolutely adorable! They're like... fluffy little balls with hair. lol <3

      The custom wallets are a bit on the pricey side. But they look pretty good. Darn Seth, gets all the good stuff for free... *continues mumbling to herself* Also one too many L's in powerful. :P

    58. @jodyjm13 heh, the embed was close enough

    59. Voting for round 2 of the Hub's Naughty or Nice poll has started!

      They're limiting it to 10 votes per matchup per day, so while there's ways around that, we bronies should respect fair play and follow their rules, right?

    60. Oh Seth you accidently the links for the Cen Cal meetup.

      Event page

      Other Facebook page

    61. @Tylendal Actually, you're wrong about horses not being intelligent. Horses are about as smart as dogs (some studies have shown them to be smarter, but that seems to vary by breed) and show many of the traits dogs are known for: loyalty, attachment to human companions, and the ability to learn and follow commands.

      The reason we eat pigs isn't because we think they're dumb, it's because their bodies have a lot of fat and meat on them, which makes them valuable as a source of food. They develop this fat naturally even if you don't overfeed them.

      Horses are very lean animals with lots of muscle instead of fat. You can't really get a lot of meat off of them, unless you overfeed them horribly and make them morbidly obese.

      So yes there is a difference: mainly that it's hard to make a horse profitable as a food source for humans unless you subject it to a level of overfeeding that could easily be considered torture.

    62. I've contributed my votes (Pinkie Pie is doing what ponies gonna do: pwn)

    63. Other, since Cheerilee wasn't on the list.

    64. Other....I wasn't on the list..neither was Tavi.

    65. Have you seen my wallet?! It's the one that says, "Great and Powerful Mother Fucker" on it!

    66. oh man, Fluttershy with Squirrel Girl's powers? Doctor Doom is /screwed/.

    67. You get lots of free stuff, don't you?

    68. I have the original Squirrel Girl comic somewhere. A 90s Iron Man special. The character was created by Steve Ditko himself, and in her first appearance defeats Doctor Doom with nothing but the power of squirrels. Absolutely perfect.

    69. FRESNO!!! Somepony please make a brony meetup closer! Like Tracy, Modesto, Manteca, Stockton, or Livermore! I demand a central valley brony meetup!!

    70. @Bombedrumbum
      Is this a US thing?
      'Cause I was pretty sure horse meat was already being used in some food products.
      One of them being what we call "Fårepølse" (translates "Sheep sausage"... no idea if there is another English word for it, or if it even exists outside Norway) here in Norway.

    71. horse meat... its food roght, no big deal =P

      it sucks how the "nighty" roundup is like 12 hours behind in sweden, always gets it in the early mornings =(

    72. stupid facebook it block everything from me. But I will not comprimize my principles

    73. I think we're losing part of the big picture here.
      Why is no one in an uproar that Rainbow Dash was left out of the poll for best pony for so long that everypony else got an unfair advantage. I bet Twilight wouldn't have so many votes if we could have all voted for who is obviously the best pony: Rainbow Dash.

    74. Horse slaughter was illegal in the US? Huh.

      @Chopper's Top Hat

      More muscles = more meat.


    75. @Tylendal

      Dude, just because you feel comfortable about it doesn't mean you can start insulting people who don't. I sure as hell wouldn't be happy eating a horse. To automatically assumed that I have been 'coddled' is complete and utter rubbish. I've been in a slaughterhouse. I've seen animals get killed for food before. You know what? It was disturbing, but I was ok with it because I knew thats just how nature works. Humans were meant to eat other animals. Fair enough.

      But horses are different, probably even more so than dogs and cats. They may just be little more than pets now, but throughout history they've fought alongside humans in battle. There is much deeper connection there than just a faceless piece of meat.

      And my dog isn't just some dumb animal we keep around for fun. She is quite possibly my best friend. I could no more eat dog meat than I could eat human meat. If you are that heartless that you could...well, good for you, but don't insult the rest of us for it.

    76. @Anonymous There's more than one type of meat. Meat from muscles tends to be tough and often stringy, and most people just don't find it very appealing. There's a reason why cows and pigs, who of the most fatty animals, are the most popular for meat consumption: people don't want muscle meat.

      While horses will have a good amount of that kind of meat, it's not the kind that makes very much money. Pretty much every animal raised for meat gets fattened up before slaughter due to this.

      I actually think that given the alternative, it's better for slaughter to be legalized in the US because otherwise it'll just happen in other countries with less regulation. But let's not pretend that it's completely humane, painless process or that it's exactly the same as killing a pig or a cow.

    77. I had to vote for Twilight, I love quite evenings watching a movie, reading a book or just talking with someone who's interesting enough to carry on a conversation with.

    78. I don't plan to be trying horse meat but I would give it a try. One of my friends owns two horses and they are very respectable, powerful animals. I'm not for the slaughter of horses but I'm not opposed to it either. Still, its sad to see such dark times fall on a historically close friend.

    79. Okay, why do you have to make fun of previous gen ponies?

      I thought bronies are about love and tolerence?

      Learn that without the previous generations your Friendship is Magic wouldn't be made.

    80. @sevooHypreD

      This made me think of this popping up in my email about a week ago.


      Somewhere Sergeant Sprinkles is shitting brix.

    81. As a horse fan and one who rode horses in amateur competitions for well over 10 years (and still rides for fun occasionally) I can say that... I really REALLY don't personally LIKE the bill and I will personally never eat a horse.

      That said, I can't really oppose the bill because I am also an american and believe in freedom. I'm not going to tell people they can't eat horse meat if they want to.

      But don't expect me as a customer.

      ...Also, I wonder how this will affect the "Human in Equestria" Fanfiction when we get to the point where the human has to explain that he's not going to try and eat them... XD

    82. I'm a horse fan. I have 4 of them. Horses are like pets, or even family members. How dare you eat them! >_<

    83. Also, I bet the maker of cupcakes had SOMETHING to do with this.

    84. I read about the horse slaughter bill on Jezebel (a Gawker site). The horses were always being slaughtered, they were just being sent to canada and mexico, which means that it wasn't possible to track tohe condition of the horses as they were slaughtered. This bill creates American jobs and makes it easier to kill the horses for their meat in a more controlled and hopefully humane way, just like cows and pigs.
      I've never eaten horse, nor have I been around them in any interested capacity, but that's all they are to me, animals, and aparently they're eaten regularly in other parts of the world.
      Though I am curious to know what it tastes like.

      The bill is a good thing. Now the horses will be slaughtered in the US instead of other countries, which was the case until now. This bill doesn't go around rounding up your horses and ponies and killing them. Only horses bred for it, just like cows and pigs and sheep.

    85. Damn, that French poster messed me up. I thought it said 'vil', not 'vie'.

      Good thing I have that broadcast to listen to for practice.

    86. Horse meat? I'd try it, but then again I'm sort of known for my weird taste in food.

    87. To everybrony who has NEVER given G1 a chance...

      Yes, the songs and animation from the 1980s can be pretty pathetic. Cringeworthy even! Still, I have seen 5 story arcs/movie from G1, and let me say, they are WORTH watching. I mean, some of this G1 stuff is actually pretty dark. I grew up with that ancient looking 80s animation style, so I'm tolerant of the lack of technical sophistication in old MLP animation.

      Just go and watch the My Little Pony: The Movie, Rescue from Midnight Castle, Escape from Catrina, The End Of Flutter Valley, and Return Of Tambelon. Trust me. Even if it's all you ever watch of the old stuff, give those few a chance. I did, and I liked them. Yes, the production is more basic than our beloved FiM, but it's not bad. There is a lot of that same kind of general make up as the season openers of FiM have, what inspired FiM. Big epic adventuring, with a few truly dastardly villains who know how to mess a pastel pony up.

      ***SPOILERS*** (Rescue from Midnight Castle)
      Geez, the villain from Midnight Castle is a soulless creature of pure evil that made me /)O_O(\ at some of his actions! He goes on raids, ponynapping terrified ponies by plucking them from the ground with flying dragons, He turns three of the ponies into demonic looking tusked monsters that look like a cross between a dragon and a warthog, just to pull his chariot. He needs a fourth, and threatens to decapitate Spike over acquiring the fourth pony, which ends up being Applejack, who he also turns. All this, so he can ride his chariot into the sky and bring about a never ending night using the Rainbow of Darkness.
      Far darker stuff than what the Hub airs these days.

      Even the lighter stuff is still decent. Just give it a try. If you only watch one, start with Rescue from Midnight Castle, and try to watch My Little Pony: The Movie also.

      Just cringe and bear the songs and cheesy 80s animation, and try to enjoy them. I can definitely see some of FiM's roots in these classic MLP shows.

      I had enough faith in the classic stuff to buy the $40 MLP season 1 Box Set (yes... I know, G1 has a box set, while they argue over the worth of putting out a G4 box set). Show your support. Show that box sets of MLP sell! If those sales go up, it may also help to justify a G4 box set.

    88. ^^^
      One note regarding the DVD Box Set for MLP Season 1... I believe there are some missing episodes, part of one of the story arcs. It's been complained about, but with youtube and a DVD burner, that can be easily remedied, so I don't mind that much! LOL!

    89. Holy crap something I sent in got into a nightly round up! almost done with all my life goals now

    90. @Jelfes

      I blame sleep deprivation for my not catching your post.

      Now if you'll excuse me, I need to hunt down copious quantities of caffeine.

    91. @Sukebei
      The poll was restarted when Dash was added to the list, so everyone started from zero again.

    92. @richfiles
      I remember watching bits and pieces of G1 when it first aired, and thinking it was decent for a toy cartoon aimed at girls. I'm not willing to risk $40 on a box set based on those memories, but if I find it on clearance or used for around $10, I'll certainly give it a shot.

      As to why the G1 ponies get a box set while G4 has to settle for single-disc releases, one word: nostalgia.

    93. The Trixie bit, he could be male and be going for what Trixie's original gender was gonna be lol.

    94. Finally got around to the nightly roundup. Though it's more of a morning roundup since I don't have the energy to wait for it to be posted. As usual, nice bits of information, even if some caused me to raise an eyebrow. Now as far as the poll currently up, my thoughts have pretty much already been echoed as to why Twilight has the lead. I'm personally a bit of a bookworm myself, plus I watch my fair share of documentaries and other "educational" material, so I could only imagine the kind of conversation we could carry and how long it would go before running out of topics to discuss. By which point it would probably already be the next century. *Chuckle* Anyway, that's my take.

      On another note, just got off the Hub's website and Pinkie & Discord are destroying their opponents.

    95. @Discord
      And those totals haven't changed in 6+ hours.

      In the other polls, Optimus is beating Snake Eyes 65/35, and Dan is beating Tick Monster (??) 68/32. I don't think Dan will provide much of a problem for Discord, but Pinkie might find Optimus a challenge...

    96. uhm, oh my. horse meat is now legal in the us? oh dear.

      time to go make some Cupcakes i suppose.

    97. I want a wallet now. Actually, I need one, my current purse is all busted...

      TO EBAY!

      Oh wait I have no money... ... TO EBAY!

      Also my Other/Non-Canon vote is for Octavia. Just throwing that out there, I know she doesn't count. But in my head canon she is bestest pony ever ;_;

    98. To those commenting about the horse Slaughter bill: Owning horses I'm kind of in the middle. However the bill is mainly going to be used to help horses who are starved and neglected beyond help which in a way is a good thing there are people who own horses and have no idea what they are doing and end up hurting them and there are those who will outright abuse them. I for one would never send one of my own to slaughter.

      The only thing I am against is if slaughterhouses go to horse auctions. That is not fair to the animal. There are many good horses that go to auction. However if any go cheap a slaughterhouse COULD pick some up.

      Again I'm on neither side I own my horses for my own reasons, and don't even think about the idea of slaughter. Just giving you guys a better idea on the good and possibly bad this bill will bring. I'll leave it at this.

    99. Horse meat? Pinkie pie is gonna be busy making cupcakes.

    100. I had recently made a big fuss attacking the vegans who came out in force over Thanksgiving and acting with a sort of religious zeal. They had used emotional hyperbole to attack those who preferred turkey, claiming people are "murderers" and "walking graveyards". Having said, I'll acknowledge I'm a bit of a hypocrite and just quietly glare at the bill but say nothing.

    101. Horse slaughter Iegalized eh?
      Well, i would never eat horse meat, maybe because i consider horses more like companion animals, like dogs and cats.

    102. @Vinyl Scratch

      ... Really? That's your argument? That's just pathetic. There's nothing inherently making one animal more worthy of human ingestion than another. Hell, if we could sustain their numbers and make sure it was humane, I'd eat dolphins.

    103. Yeah I never understood the need for some bronies to go the YouTube videos of the previous generations just to assault the fans. I can understand the sentiment though. Nothing pushes my buttons more than a generation jerk in topics about "the real Pinkie Pie" being only the G3 version or when someone says they hate FiM because it "doesn't feel like MLP" or "it's not the version I grew up with and the design sucks" or even worse yet refuse to watch FiM only because of their perception of bronies.

      I'll admit every generation has its charms and I think it got better with each new iteration. That said, I find the 80s version to be nearly terrible and preferred Tales over it, and a few G3 videos over Tales.

      I'll echo the sentiment about the movie, though. It's so terrible but a blast to watch.

    104. Hmm, a Kansas City meetup. Not sure if I'm up for doing a meetup, but I'll have to consider it.

      As for the horse meat, I'll try it. I've ate stranger things, no reason not to give it a shot.

    105. Anyone who thinks they're 'just animals' has obviously never had one. A horse is like a good dog; They are one of the few animals that have feelings, and you eventually bond and they become part of the family. I'm horrified at the thought of eating one of my horses

    106. Strangest thing I've tried was octopus.

    107. @pmcollectorboy Frogs legs... mmm, frogs legs(it's probably not a weird thing to eat for many of you, but it was for me). They're surprisingly good, actually.

    108. Because Squirrel Girl can beat MOTHA-FUNK'N GALACTUS!

      Kansas City meet up, if it was in Lawrence, I'd be there.

      And horse-meat. My only problem with the article is that it says that the reason it's not sold today is that there's no regulations for it. Beef is regulated and inspected so we don't all get mad cow disease (yay prions)....I'd be cautious of the horse meat only for the lack of proper inspection. Other than that, I'm ok with any food that tastes good in a hamburger, and doesn't make me ill o.o.

    109. I've tried the really small frog legs you see at Chinese buffets. They really do taste like chicken.

    110. It aint right, Horse Slaughter.

      As an Equine Furry, I do love Horses, in a theraputic and companionship way.

      I have not tried horsemeat, I will reluctently haul horsemeat.

    111. It's called "Babble WITH Bronies", not "Babble at the Bronies." ;)

    112. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!


    113. Ponies are the reason I don't mind Christmas this season. 8^D

      Safarire has RD on the cover?! Maybe I'll go back in town today! BTW, I saw that mini MLP:FIM tent at Canadian Tire last week. I have no idea what I'd do with it so I didn't buy it. It could make a dandy indoor doghouse but I don't have a dog.

      Horses aren't dumb. Some miniature horses have been trained to be seeing-eye horses. Being herbivores, they process a lot more volume and thus need to defecate quite a bit more often than dogs. Again they can be trained to go outside, but you have to be able to let them out, not expect them to hold on for 16 hours like a dog.

    114. Just when I thought I couldn't be any more disapointed in the Obama presidency...

    115. *sigh* MLP would have made highschool so much more bearable.

    116. They way I see it: If it is your companion, then you simply can't eat it due to emotional barriers.

      I see horses as companions, same as dogs and cats. I could never bring myself to eat the meat of a species who I have found companions in. It's like eating your best friend.

      That's how I stand on the matter, I cannot eat those I have actual emotional attachment with.

    117. The Trixie Monologue was pretty funny, and about the horses, not only is it kinda just wrong, but who would actually eat horse? I know I wouldn't it's just wouldn't feel right eating a horse. I'll just keep eating steak and pork.

    118. What's all the fuss about horse meat? C'mon, I'm sure you didn't even TRIED. Illegal? Not in France, my friend. Oh, and don't tell me I don't like horses. I (more precisely, my sister) own two horses, and I've been doing horse riding for over 8 years. Don't forget that in the end, they're animals, they're herbivorous, and that we're omnivorous.

      But anyway, on another matter. The poster with Nian Dash says, in French:
      "The faboulous (but not so easy) life of characters".

    119. Wasn't too happy to see the news about horse slaughter, as the Humane Society worked pretty hard just to ban horse slaughter-houses quite recently. As if we need to add another animal to be the victim of disgusting factory-farming. X(

      Anyways, anyone who doesn't like it should go here: https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=5095 and send a really quick email to senators: you don't even have to write anything in the letter if you want, as they already have one written out! HSUS is trying to pass The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. They've gotten bigger stuff than this passed before, and they can do it again if enough people participate. :)

    120. Oh cool idk that bronytom was going to be on Babble

    121. I'm not too upset about the horses, except that now there are more potential victims for factory farming. :C Anyway, I wouldn't mind at least trying it, as long as the horse hadn't been abused.

    122. This has been the most upsetting wrap up I've read. Horses are not to be eaten. First off they are not safe to be eaten. All the horses slaughtered in the US are pets and therefore have not been raised to be eaten. That means they have trace drugs and other things that their owners put into them to keep them healthy some of which is not safe for humans.

      Now all the logic of why we shouldn't eat them aside lets look at the fact that they are not farm raised animals. They are PETS! They live with their human owners and get brushed and loved and hugged and I know that most owners that end up having to sell their horses don't think that there is a possibility that their old friend is going to end up in a slaughter house.

      Every horse I sold I kept track off to make sure they stay in good homes but it's hard to know what happens after that person sells them. It breaks my heart to think that a baby I raised might ultimately end up being brutally murdered in a murder factory because of Obama.

      I think somepony needs to do a fan fic and swap out the real life horses with MLP characters to give us all some perspective on how the pony feels being led into a murder factory to be killed. I for one, am unhappy at this news so expect me to over react and get all emotional for the next week or 6.

    123. It doesn't make sense why a type of animal should be banned for use as meat because of sentimental reasons. Sure, one person may think fondly about particular species of animals, but that attitude doesn't apply to everyone. After all, any kind of animal is a pet to someone somewhere. Some people have pet insects, snakes, sheep, ect. Others think of them as disgusting or as a source of food. Sentimentality works fine as a personal reason not to eat something, but not as a legal reason.

      Intelligence doesn't count for much in terms of choosing what kind of animals we eat either. Plenty of people eat octopus (which are very intelligent), for instance. It is actually very difficult to measure an animal's intelligence, because they aren't inclined to have the same behaviors as we do. The only thing that animal intelligence counts towards is what use we can make of the animal while its still alive.

    124. I should point out that horses are more humanized in peoples families too. So in a way it's like saying it's okay to slaughter children.

      In the zoo community this is an even bigger affront because a zoo sees their horse as their lover and soulmate. It puts this on the same level as the death camps for them.

      If people decide it's okay to eat horses here then dogs will be on the menu next and soon after cats and rats and next thing you know we will be eating everything that crawls on the land. Do you really want to have to keep your pets locked in cages so no dirty humans will catch and eat your pet dog or cat? There is already a problem of horse thievery in the US and now that the thieves can just take your horse to a feed lot and sell it for quick cash and have it slaughtered long before you have a chance to find them is unconscionable.

      I see this as being the first step into the fall of our civilization.

    125. @Onipolice
      It makes sense to ban it because horses used in slaughter here are not raised for slaughter. They can't pass USDA guidelines because they are all former pets being raised at peoples homes where all manner of fuckery can go on. The only way to do this safely would be to make it so that only special horse farms that raise horses for food can be used for slaughter much like cattle farms.

    126. Whoa! It's the first KC Brony meetup since I joined the fandom! A meetup in my own city!

      ... wait, its site is a Facebook page. And I don't use Facebook, so I can't see anything but a login page.

      Is there, like, an email I could use to contact someone for information or something? I'm not giving in and bowing to Facebook now, I've made it for this long!

    127. not in pro or against horse meat being legalized, but if anyone is interested in knowing, it has been long used for pet food producing.

      also as an interesting fact. horse meat is cheaper and healtier than cattle meat. maybe thatds why it got legalized?

    128. sorry for the double post but


      i'm afraid that what you said has already happened. try to look at the street markets in Taiwan, dogs are a legal food source, let alone cats and monkeys.
      also you can look at any animal in a way you look family depending on how close to you you raised, Heck i have known people who have pigs as pet and love them as they'r own, but even tough there is still the pork industry at full potential.
      and about anything that crawls as being edible, i invite you to come down here to Mexico (specially the state of Tabasco) where people eats almost anything that crawls (not to the full extent of the word, but there is a really big variety of food).

    129. It's not healthy at all. And it's only cheap because it comes from stolen pets and unhealthy sick auction horses. I know this personally cause I've been in the horse business for 18 years. I've gone to auctions and I knew Killer buyers and know what they look for. Healthy horses rarely end up selling cheap enough for meat.

    130. yea, when we grab the unhealty ones then its not healthy. but when i meant that overall horse meat is healtier than cattle meat i meant in on the way of the fat/protein ratio as well as the aminoacid content comparing.

      as for the part of only selling sick and ones raised as pets, well i think that won't be an isue since if the law passes, the FDA will stablish raising criterias as well as meat condition standards, wich will make "pet horses" not make the cut for the meat market. and if we think about it for a while, i think when the article said "many factories are on the planning stage" means that they are stablishing the breading protocols.

      and like i said before,i'm not pro, nor against this rule on passing, i'm just statings the facts based on what i learned in my years in food science.

      on a side note, i guess i can't argue well enopugh about the horses costs since i haven't been to any auctions, just said what i saw as average market price for pound of meat.

      also about a fanfic in slaughtering mlp characters, there is one, pretty gory to my taste, but since you asked the name of said one is "cupcakes"

    131. Yeah, Secretariat, Citation, Whirlaway. Great pets, they were.

    132. Even if they canceled Friendship is Magic today, I could love the awesome fan art and the fandom forever.

    133. @Onipolice Very, very true. Pigs for example, are VERY smart (at least if you measure intelligence by comparing them to humans), and people eat way to many of those. Not only that, but pigs are kept and killed in pretty horrible conditions. I keep chickens and will not eat chicken because they are such awesome animals, and a lot smarter than most people give them credit for. Does that make them more 'valuable' than an animal like a cow? No, of course not, but at least if you eat just cow or deer or whatever, you aren't killing as much, as cows are much larger than chickens, and not as many have to die to feed a person.

      So it shouldn't make a difference in that way if people would eat horses instead of cows. The big problem I have with it is that for one, it will just be adding another animal to the factory-farm line up, and if you know anything about factory-farms, you know that they are NOT nice places. The other issue is that morally, it would be a pretty awful thing. Again, it's not like horses are 'worth more' than a cow or pig or whatever, but people don't think of them as meat animals, so if people start eating them and throw that moral out the window, I don't think that would be a great thing. That would just be going backwards. Heck, how is your dog or cat any more 'valuable' than a cow, pig, or chicken? Any one of those could be a pet(and ARE for some people!). But that raises a lot of moral questions that I'm not going to raise here. Point is, if this became a big thing, then, judging by how other meat animals are raised, there is a very big chance that tons of horses would be abused and raised in disgusting conditions.

      ALL animals should be respected and treated right, especially farm animals, who are way too often abused beyond belief by humans.

      This bill could mean not just horse slaughter, but horse feed lots, which would raise the abuse-potential by a LOT. Farm animal welfare laws in this country are already horribly lacking, so we need to work on fixing those, rather than add another animal to the mix, and one many people think so fondly of.


      Horse slaughter in the U.S. would likely lead to abuse, and is just not worth it.

      And in case no one saw it, here's that link again: https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=5095

      Please go sign this if you're against horses being eaten: the more emails they get, the more likely they will be to pass the law that will stop this!

    134. ^Wow, why did I use the word 'raise' so much...XP

    135. a bunch of awesome stuff YESH!! a brony meet up will be held in Tucson AZ where i live i want to go but i cant oh well...back to the pony servers :D

    136. I am really against horse slaughter not just because it's wrong but because I'm Right!

    137. To everyone complaining about the legalization of horse slaughter: horse meat is delicious. You should try it before you decide you're against it.

    138. yay glorious pony tree

    139. The issue with horse meat is all a matter of marketing, which is why I'm sure the National Meat Association will pay me truckloads of money for my brilliant advertising slogan...

      My Little Pony: It's What's For Dinner™

    140. @Wolfgang Fegelein

      Yes, because the fact that it tastes good makes it OK to eat. I bet human meat wouldn't taste too bad if you didn't know what it was. OK, now I'm making myself sick.... Seriously though, I know how good chicken and pork tastes, but I don't eat it.

      @ponyvangelist LOL. That is all. XD

    141. Horse meat...that seems a bit wrong. I feel that Bronies need to unite and save horses...it just seems like something we should do and I'm sure many are opposed to it.

    142. The problem is, it's all fine and good to save horses, but who's going to pay to feed them? To care for them? I find the idea of eating horse meat as disgusting as anyone, but I've also seen what happens to horses when their owners cen't sell the herd, and can't afford feeding. This is a big problem down by my relatives in Central Illinois, and the horses do not look the better for it.

    143. I don't want the horses for slaughter :(
