I totally zoned out and thought I already posted this. My bad!
Naughty or Nice round two is currently under way. Pinkie Pie is up against Strawberry shortcake, and Discord is VS. Baroness from G.I. Joe. Obviously, we need to win this. Go hit up the site here!
The commercial thing also has a few new voice clips buried in there, primarily Pinkie Pie tossing out the disclaimer. I'm sure you guys can remix that into something.
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ReplyDeleteI saw the video already...was there suppose to be one here?
ReplyDeleteQuick heads up guys, you can vote for each character five times, or seven and three, or whatever. You've got ten votes. Go vote ten times!
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie is OWNING, and Discord needs more votes no matter what
ReplyDeleteAnyone else kind of feel bad for vote-bombing a competition intended for kids?
ReplyDeletewait theres going to be a marathon for the winners? so what happens when discord and pinkie pie win both? SUPER MARATHON TIME!!!
ReplyDeleteActually, you can vote in each bracket each time, so you can vote for Pinkie and Discord 10 times each!
I fear we may be giving discopie shippers everywhere more fodder... oh the horror! The horror!
ReplyDeleteNo contest Discord
ReplyDeleteMy little pony is basicly taking over the internet/world......seriously o_O
ReplyDelete@Captain British
ReplyDeleteNope. Kinda proud, actually :)
ReplyDeleteAnd we may even reach beyond the stars! @_@
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie for most awesome friend ever!
ReplyDeleteLooks as if you can actually vote 10 times in each bracket...making it 20 times.
ReplyDeletewow just noticed it lets you vote 10 time per "bracket" and i voted for discord 10 times. time to got vote on pinkie pie
ReplyDeleteWhat the hay, guys. You said that the poll is rigged, yet you keep posting news about it.
ReplyDeleteMake up your mind.
WAIT, every tenth vote went to Strawberry Shortcake???
ReplyDeleteI know children are voting there too, but really?
New video for round 2 - Disclaimer at the end
ReplyDeleteGuys, I don't know if you were looking at the competition yesterday, but Pinkie Pie had 96%! What the buck happened?
ReplyDeleteShould we really be flooding Hasbro's games like this? It kinda breaks them for the actual kids. :/
ReplyDelete@Gent The correct answer being: absolutely!
ReplyDeletePossibly trolls or pony haters or kids who just REALLY like the other shows.
If it comes down to Pinkie Pie versus Optimus Prime, I'm afraid I won't even try to vote.
ReplyDeleteIf the posting of this doesn't make a huge dent in the voting tonight, we'll know it's rigged.
ReplyDeleteMy niece loves Pinkie Pie, and she's not allowed on the internet, so I'm voting for her by proxy. :D
ReplyDeleteI almost feel sorry for the characters who have to face off against MLP characters xD
ReplyDeleteI'm doing this for the kids. Do you want those poor tykes to get stuck with a Strawberry Shortcake marathon? Celestia, no, that's a fate worse than death.
Looks like they added an IP identifier to the poll this round, which pretty much confirms macro shenanigans in the last round. Kind of silly to limit people to *10* votes... should be 1 per faceoff honestly.
ReplyDeleteVotes cast!
ReplyDeleteThe poster says "Calling all Hub fans!" I don't know about you but I'm a fan off the Hub
@Gent I dunno it seems okay to me. It kinda proves to the Hub that MLP:FiM has the biggest support and that so many people love it. Besides given the choices for characters I think Pinkie and Discord are really the obvious winners in their field. The Baroness is certainly naughty but can you actually see /anyone/ out naughty-ing Discord (though if you ask me the Joker came pretty close, closer than the Baroness at least) and Shortcake is nice but not at all interesting or funny like Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteI just might have to vote for Baroness... She's a stone-cold bitch, and all Discord wants is to have a little fun. And Naughty+Baroness=Saucy. You shouldn't do that for Discord. Ever.
ReplyDeleteI'll only vote once so the poll looks slightly fair, but hurray, we get a pony marathon!
ReplyDeletecome on everone just vote 10 times each and we'll see if we can get it to atleast 95%
ReplyDeleteThe standings are so broken it's not even funny.
ReplyDeletei think we broke it... it doesn't work anymore
ReplyDeleteScrew you guys, I'm pulling for Dan from Dan vs.
ReplyDeleteSo if Pinkie Pie and Discord both win then...Double pony mareathon?! :O
ReplyDeleteThis is why we cant have nice things. All bronies just flood it and it crashes and burns...
ReplyDelete2 mini marathons=one real marathon
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ReplyDeleteMini Marathon before my birthday? Well okay.
ReplyDeleteExpecting 17 dubstep tracks using just that new Pinkie sample by tomorrow, guys.
ReplyDeletePinkie pie is wrecking SBS
ReplyDeletePinkie saying "Many will enter, few will win" makes me think of some sequel to Cupcakes when she pitches the remaining four to fight to the death...
ReplyDelete10 votes to PP
ReplyDelete10 votes to DisQ
wonder if they planned for the brony invasion of the contest?
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie: 90%
ReplyDeleteDiscord: 93%
This isn't a vote...this is a massacre.
Sorry guys; I just can't do it. It just doesn't feel right voting on this thing. It feels like playing tag with a bunch of 4-10 year olds and not going easy on them.
ReplyDeleteSeth, I'm sure you DID post Round 2 before! (Begins digging)
ReplyDeleteThis is so great. I love this fandom!
ReplyDeleteWell, Discord is awesomely chaotic, but Baroness is evil AND hot.
ReplyDeleteSo, a Dragonequus or a hot military chick?
Sorry Discord.
When I saw not Joker was out of the running I was bout to go to go to the hub and everyone there. Then I saw who he was competing with and well... Joker never stood a chance. But still why did Batman get out on the first round?! Whatever PINKIE PIE FOR THE WIN!
ReplyDelete@TwiWrite Flare
ReplyDeleteBut that's exactly what's so funny about it!
Fuck yeah, MLP's going undefeated
ReplyDelete*cough*unlike the Packers*cough*
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ReplyDeleteBronies: The world never stood a chance!
ReplyDeleteArgh. The voting is being laggy. Oh well. The FiM characters got all 20 of my votes yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIt is disappointing that we cannot have Pinkie Pie vs the Batman.
ReplyDeleteOh well, MLP all the way.
The site's made in flash.
ReplyDeleteWelp, time to pull out that IBM...
I sense a MLP marathon on the way Discord vs Pinkie xD
ReplyDelete@Captain British
ReplyDeleteYes, I do
XD!!! 93% vs. 7% for discord and 90% vs. 10% for pinkie pie!!! XD this is to awesome
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ReplyDeleteAll according to plan...
Hasbro, if you ever do this again, leave MLP out of it. It's not fair to all the other shows. =]
ReplyDeleteHURRY EVERYPONY! get your wiffle bats of justice
ReplyDeleteIf it gets down to Pinkie and Prime, Than I'm sorry but I have to stick with the one voiced by Peter Cullen.
Optimus Prime is awesome, sorry.
No, wait, I'm not sorry. GO PRIME!
@Captain British Kinda, lol.
ReplyDeleteI gotta agree with the one who said they were going to vote for Dan. I like Discord and all, but come on, "Dan vs Pinkie Pie" is too good to pass up.
ReplyDeleteScrew feeling bad! We're blowing this thing away, and I WANT a FiM ultra-marathon!
ReplyDeleteLet's see here...
ReplyDeleteBaroness or Discord, ey?
I know who I'm voting for.
is it possible to vote 10 times a day, how silly XD
ReplyDeletePinkie vs. Strawberry Shortcake? No contest. Pinkie will devour her (ha ha, see what I did there).
ReplyDeleteF"ck you guys I'm going with strawberry shortcake ! (Sarcasm)
ReplyDelete>implying Strawberry Shortcake isn't better than pinkie pie
I hate parties and I don't like pies. Disgusting if you ask me.
I think Discord's got his bracket sewn up, but Pinkie Pie will have a tough time against Optimus Prime...
ReplyDeleteThe Baroness defeated Megatron? Poll voters, I am dissapoint.
ReplyDeleteWell, when you think about it, most of the other shows in this contest have pretty big adult followings too y'know. Like Batman for example? And Transformers has also been huge. GI Joe, while being inherently male, is more aimed to a younger audience, and don't even get me started on Strawberry Shortcake. DEEEEUUAAGGH!!!
ReplyDeleteNot sure what this Chris vs. show is, but it looks like it could also be nifty.
Basically, cartoons aren't just for kids guys. Most of us can say we're pretty legit Hub fans. I also believe if the Hub had an issue with it, they'd contact us somehow. We're a pretty understanding community, so if they wanted to keep the contest to the young'uns, we'd let them.
i feel naughty, those other shows never stood a chance.
ReplyDeleteoh well, FOR THE PONIES
@Shutter Is that real? if so, link?
ReplyDelete"A mini-marathon for those who win!"
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean a full-length marathon if Pinkie Pie and Discord win?
I think we will win.
ReplyDeleteAfter that one time I actually saw Strawberry Shortcake, I think I can vote bomb Pinkie to the top with no guilt whatsoever. Over on the Naughty side I think I'll stay out of this. A few of those actually look like decent shows.
ReplyDeleteWhether Strawberry Shortcake is a better friend than Pinkie is debatable. Strawberry doesn't have a mean bone in her body and basically goes through the whole show letting people walk all over her. But whether Friendship is Magic is a better show than Strawberry Shortcake is not debatable at all. Ergo... Ponies!!!
You realised that NOW? :P ;)
voted for Discord he was at 92 voted again and he was at 93 it works people
ReplyDelete@TwiWrite Flare
ReplyDeleteI can see what you're saying, and normally I'd be the last to care about the whole, "ponies should take over the world" campaigns, but this is a Hub poll. Winning this in a landslide tells the Hub there are either a lot of MLP fans, very dedicated MLP fans, or both. Convincing the Hub there's a massive market for this show's a priority if we want more seasons and better merch. Of course, nothing's more convincing than cold hard ratings and sales, but every little bit helps, amirite? So yeah, I'm all for it.
As for the kids, meh. I remember when I was kid, I never cared about any of these network contest thingies. I didn't want any all-day marathons or jazz like that, just gimme a consistent programming schedule and I was happy.
(I do remember voting for Scooby Doo as President of Cartoon Network, though. good times...)
Time to do your part and fight for friendship....and chaos too!!
ReplyDeleteam I the only one who felt bad for voting discord in round 1 instead of voting for the joker? I love the joker!
ReplyDeleteWe have to vote strategically people, and that means voting for Snake Eyes against Optimus prime. Otherwise it's going to be Pinkie Pie vs robot Jesus, and that can't end well.
ReplyDeleteAlso, having watched a couple of episodes of Dan vs. (damn funny BTW, check it out if you have the chance) I feel bad about voting against Chris, he's a really good friend.
If only bronies were politically organized..
ReplyDeleteif only the united states was politically organized....
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie 90%
ReplyDeleteStrawberry Shortcake 10%
Wonder who's gonna win :)
I would pay $100 to hear Prime say "I am Robot Jesus" in the show.
ReplyDeleteits for there own good that Pinkie Pie and Discord win
ReplyDeleteHmm almost
ReplyDeleteLetting people walk all over you doesn't quite meet my definition of being a good friend.
i kinda want optimus to win just so we can make him lose(am i evil mwhahahahahaha)
ReplyDeleteAnd now, as a Spanish brony, I am sad for not being able to tune "Hub" around here.
ReplyDelete@ Discord
ReplyDeleteIf only the united states wasn't just a big , british conspiracy
:U We can vote ten times each!
ReplyDeleteTime to use all the votes! (Although it loads really slow)
lol. discord dominating with 93% and pinkie with 90%.
ReplyDeleteWe got this.
I almost feel sorry for Strawberry and Baroness. "Almost"
ReplyDeleteman, Strawberry Shortcake never stood a chance, I hope the Hub have good vacuum cleaners because nothing but crumbs will remain of her.
ReplyDeleteIt's kindve hillarious how one-sided the voting has become in favor of MLP, especially when compared to the other two face-offs. On the hero and villain sides, its more like 70/30.
ReplyDelete@Monster Hunter Brony
ReplyDeleteNah.Pinkie Pie will eat the crumbs just like she'll eat Optimus's soul next round. :3
It's pretty awesome just how much Ponyville is dominating this thing.
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW when the Bronies are on the Hub when it takes a minute to cast one vote instead of two seconds.
ReplyDeleteYES WE ARE GOING TO SO TOTALLY! WIN!! forecast = Discord vs. Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeletefound a possible glitch in the code... if u have the main page and the bracket open in 2 tabs it still counts 1 vote per click... not sure if it sends em both though, i found this not meaning ti though :|
ReplyDeleteI believe there is going to be a full day marathon of MLP which is going to be AWESOME
ReplyDeleteNo, it isn't real... yet.
ReplyDeletewell if it is the pinkie from cupcakes then who knows what could happen
At this moment Discord stands at 93% and Pinkie stands at 90%. lol Not much of a challenge so far it seems. :P
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing Avatar is a Nick franchise. All bets are off if I'm forced to decide between Discord and Azula.
ReplyDeleteAgreed the real challenge will come next for Pinkie as quite a few Bronys will have a hard time voting against Optimus.
Hehe. I don't even own a tv and I still put all my votes on the ponies
ReplyDelete@Unkown That's why I voted for both of them. Hell, HUB probably purposely put them against each other to troll the bronies that are Star Wars fans.
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ReplyDeleteJust sayin', both discord and pinkie got over 90% of the votes. ....!!!.. I just noticed.. both of the mlp fim chars.... if they win.... hmmm.... discopie shipping... yeeessss.....
ReplyDeleteAs a brony, I know that Discord is definitely gonna win the Naughty part, but I think Optimus Prime should win the Nice part since Transformers: Prime is a pretty good show too. Besides, what's wrong with a little programming variety?
ReplyDeletePinkie will turn Optimus into Cybernetic cupcakes instead of Rainbow Dash(changed the future and made it happen)
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with the post mentioning that Azula is greater villian than Discord. In fact, I bet Azula would absoultely destroy Discord in a fight.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'.
ReplyDeleteIt was rigged, or so we thought, you used to be able to change the web address and view week2,3 and the final results. It was going to be Megatron and Pinky.
They changed to IP restricted voting, and changed the page. notice even though we are in week 2, still says week 1 in the address bar. meaning the pages they are working on have diff names now, and they just copy paste the stuff when they need to update the contest.
Hard to say discord/pinky is going to lose when they have 90%+ of the votes ^^ which brings it back to, did they just guess and figure that was how the contest was going to end, only to find out otherwise? or did they get called out on it by people like me who stumbled upon the pre-setup?
how will they do a marathon of Discord, except replay season 2 ep 1 and 2 all day?
ReplyDeleteand, to P.Slater, Avatar and My Little Pony are the two most epic shows of all time. I own all three seasons, and will own every season of MLP, eventually.....
What were they thinking when they made the poll? They might just stop it and launch a MLP marathon because everyone already knows MLP will win or left MLP out of it so the other shows could have a chance.
ReplyDeleteits 10 votes PER grouping PER day PER IP ..so if you have multiple computers..you can vote 10x on each and every one of them EVERY DAY!!!!...this also includes school/work/libray machines..go slam those votes
ReplyDeleteid HIGHLY recomend everyone vote for the tick monster to get dave OUT OF THERE!!!!!..same goes for snakeeyes to get prime gone.....
i could see dave vs discord being a dave wins..same goes for prime vs pinkie....lets keep it from getting there!!!
I voted pinkie and discord. @P.Slater Avatar was pretty good for an american take on anime but i don't think its as good as other anime. If only 4kids didn't kill One Piece in america.
ReplyDeleteSo Optimus Prime beat Batman, eh? Truly, that was a showdown for the ages.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the "target audiences" will think. I don't think many of them know about us.
ReplyDeleteThey will know us by the sound of our warcry and the thunder of our guns, the march of our jackboots and the screams of terror from their fallen comrades---
Oh, sorry. Got a little...megalomaniac inside me.
But don't worry. They'll know us. They'll know us soon enough.
I feel bad that Neither Batman nor the Joker made it, Batman TAS is seriouslyone of my Favorite shows. But, we must have a double pony mareathon. Although it's going to be tough to decide between Optimus and Pinkie
This poll was doomed from the start.
ReplyDeletePnkie pie Vs Optimus Prime, is going to be epic.
ReplyDeletePlease, for the love of god, when discord eventually goes against Dan, please vote for Dan. You'll already have some MLP, but Dan vs. Is an actually great show. Give it a chance and watch it, support it so it hopefully gets a season 3. It's seriously one of the best written cartoons I've seen in a long time. Pleas, give some other show a chance.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Dan derserves some attention, and we already got a few Dan vs. Pinkie clips, so...
Haha anything non pony doesn't stand a chance.
ReplyDeletepinkie nad discord are pretty much domming with 90% of the votes
i voted for Baroness
I'm a little afraid for when it will come down to Pinkie and Discord... Who do I choose??
ReplyDeleteUh guys, you can actually vote 40 times. Ten for each pairing.
ReplyDeleteWith that said: destroy the pony competition!
I'm guessing that Optimus might win the next round, from the comments over here. I'm still voting Pinkie, though.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, if Pinkie Pie wins, they should remove MLP from the vote next year, or it's going to be perma-MLP from now on.
They totally got John De Lancie to voice for these little videos, which seems like he's still very interested in voicing Discord. Maybe they got him to do these lines while he's doing another episode! :O
ReplyDeleteI love that de Lancie did a one liner for these things. It makes me so happy!
ReplyDeleteIf it is still set up, It will be Discord Vs. Prime. ( Only because it's the only outcome that's partly believalbe with the voting the way it is.) That or...( and I'm almost certain this one will happen) Pinkie does win, but is "nice" enough to let someone else have her spot. ( That way it's not just two MLP mini-marathons..) World Pinkie might Bow out, right before the last vote...Because she is nice like that!
ReplyDeleteI started laughing my ass off once I saw the limited #s of voting.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing somepony was voting for Pinkie/Discord and refreshing, then doing it again.
Gawd... You people make me laugh.
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ReplyDeleteI just notice I can also dump 10 votes in Snake Eyes to counter vote Optimus Prime... But that will be really rigging the system to make sure Pinkie Wins.
ReplyDeleteAre you loco in the coco? remember when pinkie THOUGHT her friends didnt like her anymore? what if she KNEW her fans didnt like her anymore? you could bring about an age of suffering, the likes of which the world has never seen, or even had the imaginative capacity to dream of! all for the brave little toaster on steroids..... tsk tsk.
I wanted to vote Cupcakes for naughty, but it wouldn't let me
ReplyDeleteI wish I could vote this many times in the ballot box.
ReplyDeleteI voted for Pinkie and Discord, though I'm surprised Batman and Joker didn't get to move forward. I must admit I'd have a bit of trouble dividing my loyalties in the areas of Pinkie vs. Batman, but Optimus Prime... not so much. I mean he's great but not enough nostalgia to make me betray my Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteI do admit I'm gonna feel kinda bad to have to vote for Discord over Dan. I really love Dan vs. I'm probably going to still trow some votes Dan's way.
Oh lord, I almost feel sorry for the HUB right now. I get the feeling they weren't planning on having double MLP marathons going on. But if they did...I wonder if that means they'll have something special going on between the episodes? *SENDS IN VOTES*
ReplyDelete@DoxykYou are my fucking hero
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that Discord would just turn Azula's lightning into maple syrup in mid air.
Besides, Azula was shown to be pathetic and insane by the end of Avatar. She was a good villan for a time, but she destroyed herself in the end.
Pinkie Pie and Discord are going to win for sure! Now we can an extra mlp: fim marathon when they win :D
ReplyDeletei was kinda hopin' for megatron vs. pinki pie. but discord is also good
ReplyDeleteI don't even get the hub, so no marathon for me. But still. Pinkamena Diane Pie and Discord FTW!
ReplyDeletei think its already obvious who won
ReplyDeleteSo who else finds it hilarious that the bronies will blow this competition out of the water?
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie and Discord are absolutely going to win this. :P
One one side, there's the naughty/nice competition. On the other is news about a new PP song for the Hub. Think the two are related?
ReplyDeleteI can open Naughty vs Nice page.
ReplyDeleteI can watch the intro.
I can vote.
I can open the character profiles.
Can't view character vids due to copyright restrictions. Seriously. Something is really fucked up in this particular field of law.