• My Little Pony: Budding Friendships

    The Harvest Moon style pony game is still chuggin along.  It has had a whole boatload of improvements since we last reported on it.  From the looks of it, most of the RPG aspects have been boosted, as well as the overall art.  Hopefully we will be planting carrots and bucking apples in the near future!

    Check out the screenshots after the break, or hit up the website!

    They also need a few more members to fill out their team.  If you have any talent with Graphics, Programming, or audio, toss an email to  killerjaguar26@gmail.com.

    44 kommentaari:

    1. Ooh, this looks interesting. I like how many pony games there are popping up.

    2. I'm not a fan of the Harvest moon games, but this looks well-done.

    3. oooo do want!

      I played HM: Grand Bazaar, so I think I have a good idea how this'll work.


      If there isn't dating that's just stupid, that's whole appeal of Harvest Moon. Not that I don't like the farming, but the dating thing is what has always attracted me to it.

    5. Yes, very interesting.. This is another game i would like to play..

    6. @Rarity
      Shipping in pony games, I wouldn't be too surprised...

    7. Pony games. Pony Games. Where for art my pony games?

      Oh where oh where are my pony games, oh where oh where can they be? I looked at the Gamestop and I looked online, but my pony games are nowhere to be seen!

      Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of pony games. Big ones, small ones some as big as your head!

      Young pony, there's no need to feel down.
      I said, young pony, pick yourself off the ground.
      I said, young pony, 'cause you're in a new town
      There's no need to be unhappy.

      Young pony, there's a place you can go.
      I said, young pony, when you wanna play ponies.
      You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
      Many ways to have a good time.

      It's fun to play at the P-O-N-Y games.
      It's fun to play at the P-O-N-Y games.

      Hmm...maybe I should cut back on the sugar....nah!

      MOAR SUGAR!!!!

    8. @Stormcaller

      I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts is now endlessly playing in my head and it's all your fault. I hope you're happy.

    9. @Celestia

      Wait that sounded negative, im not unhappy about it.

    10. Guys, there won't be romance ;(
      It really downgrades the game for me, since it's in every damned harvest moon game! How could they remove it? SRSLY?
      Me? I wanted to get this. I read on on the website, and see STUPID reasons for there not being any romance. I don't want this anymore..

    11. @Celestia

      Achievement Unlocked! Get Song stuck in Princess Celestia's head.

      Woohoo!! Victory! Victory for Stormcaller!!

    12. Ponies...plus Harvest Moon?

      Well, there goes all my free time.

    13. looks interesting cant wait to play

    14. @Celestia
      now you sound more negative tho.. We (or I) understand you..
      Btw what games are out now (playable)?

    15. Oh........ My god.
      That looks SO FUN!!!!
      I LIVE Harvest Moon games!!!

      @Whoever complains about no romance in it
      That's what that Pony Sim things for. And there's friendSHIPPING in it, that should so count!!!!

    16. @Stormcaller oh god, so much random stuff :3

    17. I never played Harvest Moon myself, but I know the gameplay. It's looking really good in the screenshots. I'll give it a try dating included in it or not.

    18. So many pony games coming out soon! This will be epic!

    19. Okay, WHY have I never found this?

      Hmmm... sorry to sound negative but something about the main character's sprite just puts me off. Perhaps increase the size of it's eyes or such?

    20. i'm... unsure as how to feel. i love pony, and i love harvest moon (though, i admit, i prefer the rf spinoff much more these days) but i'm unsure how to feel about this union.

    21. So their reasoning behind the lack of a relationship system is that they wan't to stick as closely to the canon as possible.

      Where does that leave background Ponies? Unless they specifically go into detail about their daily lives in the show, doesn't that leave most of their lives up for interpretation?

    22. @Rarity
      having checked the site proper, they say no on dating. so... yea...

    23. Very nice! Looking forward to this one for sure; I remember liking the heck out of Harvest Moon. :)

    24. Hm this looks cool, I've been wondering when a good RPG would pop up.
      Note to self: find catchy song to annoy with.

    25. If we nag Nintendo enough, do you reckon they'd put it on DS, or better - Wii?

    26. Ponies ?? + Harvest Moon ?!
      My body is ready.

    27. There are no words to describe how excited I am to hear about this crossover game. /)^3^(\

    28. pony + Harvest Moon HELL YEAH.......no shipping HELL NO!!

      Harvest Moon without a romantic aspect is just silly

    29. @Zio_Matrix

      Spirit of the show, not canon. That doesn't mean interpretation of background ponies is out, only that any such interpretation should be something that could believably appear in the show.

    30. Soon enough, my hoo- hands will be full with all of the pony.

      Fighting Is Magic, anyone?

    31. Screenshots look good. This should be interesting.

    32. Farming is obvious.

      Dating seems to be implied, with that Rarity text likely being the equivalent to a heart event(walk to Carousel Boutique while it's raining), and the Twilight text being a date during the Winter Wrap Up, or a heart event during the winter?

      There will be holidays including Winter Wrap Up, Running of the Leaves, and I guess Nightmare Night and the Summer Sun Celebration? Plus others possibly.

      What other activities might there be. Fishing? Cooking various things with a surprising variety of pastries? Will we travel to the pie family rock farm to do our mining? Or will the game not take after every single aspect of the HM series?

    33. @ndrazzar

      Indeed. I am so random sometimes.

      Any who. I have never played a HM game before, but I must say I'd play this one. Screen shots look great. Can't wait to play this and the other pony games coming out sometime within the next un foreseeable near 4quarter soonish almost there future.

    34. Bummer about the lack of romance/marriage, but I understand why they opted out of it, especially if there's an option for the PC to be stallion or mare.

      And no, I don't mean issues over mare/mare couples... but rather that the series lacks a suitable number of male characters with canon personas, and it wouldn't be fair to give mare characters any less than six choices themselves.

      Regardless, I still look forward to this as I rather enjoy the Harvest Moon series (was dorking around in "Friends of Mineral Town" earlier today even) and it meshes so incredibly well with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

      Also, I am probably one of the few people who nods approvingly at the idea of keeping the mane character an earth pony. (Seriously, it's a pony game about *farming*, earth ponies need more showcasing of that "nature affinity" you know.)

    35. Oh! I didn't know about this... looks good! I love Harvest Moon, even without romance (I'm sure they can still have friendship events or something, not everything NEEDS romance - it works fine in HM, not so much here), so this could be neat. And the dialogue looks really well-done.

      I'll keep my eye on this.

    36. soooo i was like lalalalalal checking pony news
      *looks* oh "My Little Pony: Budding Friendships" thats kinda kool =T *keeps looking through news*

    37. Hey guys, glad to see the response here. I'm part of the group working on this game. I suppose I can address the lament about the lack of romance or shipping:
      Shipping isn't really a universally approved thing as far as the fandom goes. As one commenter said, we're likely going to have friendship events to fill the gap. I think it works most naturally with this premise. You essentially aren't limited to a certain number of "spouses" or anything, since you can befriend anypony.
      I agree that Harvest Moon always handled a family and romances tastefully, and they were a large element of the game. In the case of My Little Pony, though, I don't see it as nearly as important. The show's lessons are always about friendship, and in my eyes adding a romantic element feels a bit more out of place.
      Perhaps a gigantic backlash could change this direction, since it's not like it's set in stone. I think though, that with friendship events, romance won't be missed.

    38. Well, A pony game that concerns character creation and follows the storyline of the show? Perfect!

      I'm bookmarking this!

    39. @Jadke

      It's cool, man, while the lack of a romance/marriage option will be missed by some it's not likely to be a deal-breaker for anyone.

      Besides, I recall someone else was working on a pure dating-sim anyway, so folks can get their fix there.

      If by some chance something changes to where romance/marriage *does* happen in Budding Friendships, I'd rather it was because the folks behind the game found the idea workable and didn't mind redoing some things, not because us fans made you feel that you *had* to include it. (There are even Harvest Moon games that exclude that feature as well, but maintain the "socialize with the townsfolk" thing, so this decision isn't entirely out of line with the series its based on.)
