The first one is an awesome Winter Wrap Up remix. The song never gets old, and this refreshes it even more!
#2 is creepy as hell. I'm sure some of you will enjoy that!
And the third is Everfree, cause that place totally has a music track now.
1.) Winter Wrap Up - Piranha Remix
2.) Pinkie Cake befriends Scarlett Peace - Discord's World
3.) EverFree n B (Original Mix)
26 kommentaari:
Number two is befitting of my current mood
VastaKustutaHuh... Those were all... Not my cuppa tea...
VastaKustutaIs that a good thing or a bad thing?
The first one is interesting.....
VastaKustutaI enjoyed number 1...
VastaKustuta#1 - Alright
VastaKustuta#2 - Creepy but good
#3 - It's good....may download it.
Wub wub wub on dat second one! I thought it was pretty sick.
VastaKustutaOoh, pretty cool Winter Wrapup remix.
VastaKustutaThe lyrics to Discord's World are good. But the wubbing is a bit much, at least in my opinion. Made it harder to hear what was being sang. On that note, it was also a bit hard to understand the singing for the most part.
Third was decent. Kinda cool and fun beat.
#1 No complaints, good ol' winter rap up remix.
VastaKustuta#2 Made me feel like i was in a smogy tunnel.
#3 Very smooth.
#3 Very nice though it came off alittle dubstep-esque
VastaKustuta2 is my usual mental state
VastaKustutaThey all rock. #3 is a bit too soft for me, but the other two just fit perfectly.
VastaKustuta#1 eh, wasn't to good
VastaKustuta#2 I really enjoyed BEING CREEPPED OUT!
#3 It's Epic...
i liked 1 but the vocals could have been louder.
VastaKustutanumber2 is just damn creepy, and number 3 isnt my thing really. :)
I liked #1 and #3. I have to agree that #2 is difficult to understand, which took away from the song for me.
VastaKustuta1st one was nice but I think I live the original song better
VastaKustuta2nd was rather creepy, pretty much how Discord himself would like it.
3rd one just isnt my cup of tea
Summed up I say they are all nice work, I have to admit that. Just not exactly my type. :)
The first one had so much potential. I thought finally someone knew how to edit, because they changed the pitch of the main voices. Then they get to the chorus, and the background singers are all still in the original key? What? NO! It just ruined the whole thing.
VastaKustutaEh another Winter Wrap Up remix.
VastaKustutaScarlet Peace why would you do this! I miss your beautiful gorgeous singing voice! This is still pretty cool, if a little Wub. I gotta get the non-dubstep original of this stat! The third is pretty swag, I actually really thought it sounded cool.
Very nice remix on #1, always like to hear the voice change done well. #2 has an awesome creepy effect going on, but it would be nice to understand just what is being said, all I can make out is is kinda garbled. #3 Is pretty smooth, abit slow, but def awesome. =D
VastaKustutaMore music wewt
VastaKustuta1: Really liked this one! Defiantly one of the better remixes I've heard ^^ Great job!
VastaKustuta2: Really weird and creepy. Sometimes the singing doesn't match the music, its all over the place, and its often muddles chaotically together. Altogether its awesome, and fits discord perfectly. I couldn't stop listening and had to see it through to the end xD Great job too!
3: I can see why people have been saying that this one is smooth. It sounds awesome! Really enjoyed listening to this one, it was very well done :)
Overall, this was a pretty good music post- Defiantly better then some I have heard in the past. Seems like everyone is always improving, and it sounds great guys ^^
#1 A nice remarkable touch! ^_^
VastaKustuta#2 Creepy, yet an acceptable music to the very end! ^_^
#3 My favorite out the three, which has a Nintendo Vibe with a smash bros. brawl sensation! ^_^
I really would have liked #2 if the wobbles had more purpose. I feel they didn't sit well, almost as if they were just there for the sake of having it.
VastaKustutaA really interesting track nonetheless.
#1 amazing
VastaKustutanothing more to say
Wow, #1 is the best Winter Wrap Up mix I've heard, to date. You can't beat minor key remixes, in my arrogant opinion.
VastaKustutaThis entire post is amazing. On a slightly relate note, the first one makes me want to go read a Tron/MLP crossover fanfic for some reason.