• Music: Twilight Dusk / Celestia Origins extended battle theme / WolfofSadness's Party Anthem

    Wavehack, Makkon, and AgileDash in this one.  Seems like all the pony musicians are releasing stuff at once! 

    1.) WaveHack - Twilight Dusk
    2.) Celestia Origins extended battle theme
    3.) AgileDash - WolfofSadness's Party Anthem

    28 kommentaari:

    1. Number two- Makkon never ceases to impress me

    2. I've had #2 playing non-stop all day. It's just that amazing.

    3. A battle theme?
      oooh but fighting is bad :(

    4. Gotta love Makkon's description, looks like he's in on the "arrow to the knee" fad as well! Quite a few programs used, though, wow.........

      Number three is definitely a good song. I like it! Nice and amazing.

      Number one is good as well! The Twilight voiceovers are a nice touch (i think I hear my laundry calling? Way to fit that into the song LIKE A BOSS)

      All in all, I gotta love Makkon's song, it's my favorite of this post (and many prior :P)

    5. Eh, they're not something I'd listen to.

    6. Not because everyone else is choosing it, but #2 is definitely the standout of these three. Such a powerful song that would be easily at home in an epic movie scene.

    7. Okay, i've been a makkon fanboy ever since I became a brony (his work is actually what got me into bronydom), so I gotta say this:

      I used to dream of making music like makkon, then I took a reality check to the knee

    8. Yeah Makkon's new song is up! Dont skip out on the second one now. it good.

    9. Urk! Too much talent!
      This is when I wish I had artistic talent...

    10. I thought that "Impressions of Celestial Origins" couldn't get any better. Obviously, I was wrong. But they're each better than each other in their own way, if that makes sense.

      Leave to the creator of the song to make another epic version of it.

      The creator of something knows his creation more than anyone else, so if anyone can do it, it's the creator.

      ........did I make any sense?

    11. i like numba 2 i picture Celestia having battle with Discord in a big epic bg place stormy clouds,raining and such

    12. @Fluttershy

      Fighting is Magic.

    13. I'm in love with #2. <3 I've always loved epic battle music, and that is just plain awesome.

    14. Number two takes the cake! Damned nice song. To the playlist!

    15. I like all the songs in this music post. :)

    16. Lol, that's just creepy. Number 3 is based on a song that is a month old, but I had personally just discovered in this morning.

      I had it on loop all afternoon and was listening to it when I loaded this page. Perfect timing to get the remix ^_^

    17. Makkon is not composing for Hollywood why?

    18. @Namahs Srsly? what song would that be? because i created that all myself with no remix in mind... weird.. so its technically not a remix.

    19. @AgileDash Based off the name alone i'd say hes thinking Party Rock Anthem. Sounds nothing like it to me.

    20. Makkon must have a great daytime job to be able to afford all that software. Those sound libraries don't come cheap! 30GB of audio files for each one?! Dayum.

    21. I listened to the extended battle theme within an hour of the relese. Makkon is amazing, and I love his orchestral arrangements.

    22. I listened to the extended battle theme within an hour of the relese. Makkon is amazing, and I love his orchestral arrangements.

    23. I could not be happier with all of the music that I have encountered today. Just about all of it was great! Yay new stuff fer muh cars playlist!

    24. 1. Surprisingly catchy!

      2. Great theme for battle, big or small.

      3. Very upbeat.
