• Music: Rainbow the Speedy Pony / WolfOfSadness - The Headless Horse

    Music time! We have a Christmas song to start it off, and a song that made everyone 0_o halfway then somehow redeemed the hell out of itself! 

    1.) MLP Rainbow the Speedy Pony. A Hearth's Warmth Carol
    2.) WolfOfSadness - The Headless Horse

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Cursed Nexus S won't load the videos
      Ah well, I'll check 'em out when I get home.

    2. sorry just had too, but I like the second one.

    3. @Steve Jobs
      Oh irony that you aren't using an Iphone. :)

    4. I just got a serious Touhou vibe from that second song. I don't know if that's wrong to say or not, but I liked that music, that's all.

    5. @wordsofthedusk
      Lad, only hipsters buy my shitty excuse of a "product".

    6. Love them both! I know what HW song im playing or my party this weekend. bwahaha. >:) They will be none the wiser.

    7. Ahhh. The wonderful sound of pony music! It sooo takes the edge off, especially when having to do freaking math!

    8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4w4pEgrD7A

    9. #1 clever.
      #2 different but still alright.

    10. Oh look; more dubstep.

      I reiterate guys: more than one genre ogf music exists. This is getting cliché.

    11. #1- I see what they did there! Using phrases like "going down in history" from the show, nice, I know what I'm playing when it's cristmas.

      #2- Nice remix of the vocals, I like this one very much.

    12. #1- I see what they did there! Using phrases like "going down in history" from the show, nice, I know what I'm playing when it's cristmas.

      #2- Nice remix of the vocals, I like this one very much.

    13. From 1 to 2 it was like jumping from Christmas to Halloween in theme...

      The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming Eve?

    14. @Steve Jobs days why dis orks got day robot fing! Da fangled iPhone gets stomped by dis orks boot, since Da Damn spacies ave them all da time.

    15. #1 was great! I'll be singing that to myself all evening now.

    16. #1 This was rather cute. Cute little ponified Holiday song. :3

      #2 Kinda fun remix.

    17. Why ..... Why .... WHY Did this one get posted and not my other one :( I'm not to proud of this song :(

    18. @WolfOfSadness

      well then Ill go and check out your other one.

    19. @Steve Jobs

      I say this with the utmost amount of love and tolerance

      Fuck you :)

    20. 1. Very nice, what a classic.

      2. Pretty neat.
