• Music: Hush Now Quiet Now (Lucid Dream Mix) / Phase 3 - Taps / Howdy Partner

    PinkiePieSwear, Taps, and Yelling at Cats! Something for everyone in this one.

    Check them out after the break.

    1.) PinkiePieSwear - Hush Now Quiet Now (Lucid Dream Mix)
    2.) Phase 3 - Taps ( A gift from me to you )
    3.) Yelling At Cats - Howdy Partner


    1. #2 was kinda nice to :)

      Never liked yelling at cats though, not a big fan of AJ either so i can't say i like the third one...

    2. Nice songs, BUT what happened to the nightly roundup?

    3. LOL. i already have these on my iPod already ^-^

    4. that's not how you write everpony!

    5. #1 is very very nice. soo relaxin'!

      #2 that taps guy is mighty fine! them wobbles sound nice!

      #3 lol nice rap. lot better than what i could do.

    6. #1 Very very beautiful
      #2 hmmm sounds good!
      #3 awesome XD

    7. #1 Listened to this the other day and it is so relaxing.
      #2 Is an interesting mix.
      #3 Not really a fan of Rap but this is is pretty good.

      Also this is my first comment here on Equestria Daily but I have been a brony since before the second season started. You may have seen me in the filly chat streams too. Love the music the community comes up with.

    8. All were pretty good. Didn't think I'd like the third at first, but it was good. I found it funny that he specified AJ not "swinging that way" for Dash. :P

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Heard PPS at around 7 this morning (EST). Loved the song entirely, can't get enough.

    11. More PPS is always great.

      2nd song was meh.

      3rd song was great. Not only is it about best pony, but the lyrics really speak true to Applejack's ideals, minus the swearing of course. I can really see Applejack singing this song. :P

    12. Holy, this is the first time that I've liked all three songs in a post. I'm just blown away and I'm torn between number 2 and 3 for my favourite slot.

      Got three more users to follow.
