• Music: The great Magician / Pwny Anthem / Scarlett Peace Tracks

    People keep emailing me asking why I like Trixie. Even if the the topic at hand is completely outside the realm of having anything to do with her, the question still pops up. And my response: I have no clue. Shes obnoxious, full of herself, and a dick to the mane cast, but something about her is just entertaining. Also the fan content is great.  Robe and wizard hat ponies ftw.

    We actually have three from Scarlett Peace this time around. Shes Really talented, and totally getting a better mic soon! I've embedded one song, the rest can be reached via the url's.

    1.) The great Magician (Lyricist needed!)
    2.) Pwny Anthem (by Archie.V)
    3.) Love Song to Bloomberg - Scarlett Peace / Discord's World - Scarlett Peace / Far From Home - Scarlett Peace

    34 kommentaari:


      Seriously, three music posts in a row. Amazing.

      As an aside, I completely get where you're coming from, Seth. Robe and wizard hat ponies ftw indeed.

    2. Number one reminds.me of an old rpg for some reason, then Trixie came In. still a good song. The art is strangly intruiging to me @__@

      Number two live up to it's name, lol

      Scarlett is a pretty good singer, "far from home" is a good song lyricswise and musicwise. Hope to see her more often soon.

      Hehe.....style: pony. Hehe......

    3. I'm not into ponies in socks, but ponies in hats? This I can roll with. ~they see me rolling, they hatin'~ haters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn. Seriously though, hat-adorned ponies ftw!! Applejack is number one in my book, and then comes Trixie. Sweet, sweet ponies in cute, cute hats......

    4. HMMMMMMM scarlett has an absolutely LOVELY voice! :D

    5. @Seth
      Not that it's any consolation, but I'm pretty sure the internet would give you a hard time no matter what pony you liked. They just happen to be extra jelly they're not Great and Powerful.

    6. OK, 3 music posts in a row... this latching-on to all things original-pony-music is getting OLD now. In fact, we're past old here. Music just seems to have replaced PMVs here on EQD now (or rather, since August or so), which I am not the biggest fan of.

      There used to be excellent PMVs showing up on a regular basis, and yeah we still get them from time to time, but because they've become too normal for bronies to do now, most of them have been shoved to the sidelines...

      And this hasn't happened to music why? I mean, YES, I can see the need to promote new artists and original music, but shouldn't there be a limit or standard somewhere, just like there is for PMVs?

      Not to mention the quality of the music or whether or not it actually relates to the show/characters themselves... but that's a different topic.

      And to be fair, 1 and 3 are pretty good works, with respect to said "other topic", eheh.

    7. I gained my affection for robes and wizard hats from Bloodninja <3

    8. @CrayolaBrony Shut up and enjoy the music

    9. Trixie is fun because it's easy to interpret her differently while still remaining true to her character. Is she an arrogant bitch with a bone to pick with anyone who doesn't automatically get down on their knees and shine her hooves, or is she a lonely, penniless showmare who just wants her life to mean something?

      On a somewhat related note... TOOOOOOO many musics.

    10. @CrayolaBrony

      We actually do filter out quite a bit of the music. There has been a pretty large surge lately though.

    11. @Sethisto

      Ah, I see. That's reassuring.

      Apologies if I offended anyone with the complaint... guess I shouldn't have let it get to me as much as it did.

    12. Aha! I knew the comments I made about there being too much music was true. Why the hell are there so many brony musicians? And that comment about the quality and whether or not they relate to pony is earning my ire. I remember when people would just shower the musicians with praise and critique and these days seem to have passed us. I am not pleased with this in the slightest.

    13. No one ever asks me why I like Trixie. :(

      #1 Really liked it. Good tune. I was pretending to play my violin during some of it. lol I do that sometimes when I'm not actually playing... don't judge me!

      #2 Pretty good. Good beat. Seems more club-like to me.

      #3 Hmm. I'm glad to hear she's getting a better mic soon. The singing seemed a tad off in spots. And a little emotionless. Though the subject matter is one of a sadder disposition. Lyrics aren't bad. I think overall it's a sweet song.

    14. Yea... Archie's music approaches RD's level of awesomeness (or radicalness? guess i too wouldn't qualify to be her pet...)

      As for the Critic... There are tons and tons of music/vids that don't make it on Eqd. If seth tried to post every single one he wouldn't have any sleep OR time to clop to trixie and we certainly can't have that.

      As for "quality" or "relativity" I'm sorry but I think you need to stop blowing smoke out ur flank. These artists are good, support the show and our fandom. They deserve our praise for their effort, not criticism because Eqd happen'd to feature their work with 3 music posts in a row. That's just the way the cookie crumbles... deal with it.

      Now that my "Love and Tolerance" argument is done Let me say how I normally would respond...
      "Shut the BUCK up and enjoy the music... or GTFO we won't miss you"

    15. @Octavia why do you like Trixie then? ;)

      Really liked all 3 of the tracks ^^ will def have to go on a downloading spree later.

    16. People always ask me why I like Hoity Toity the most, as well :P Sure he's an arrogant bastard, but he's a SEXY arrogant bastard. With an ascot, and a powdered wig! YOU CAN'T TOP A POWDERED WIG!

    17. Three music posts in a row?! YES PLEASE! I quite like the second one, maybe it is going on my ipod

    18. So much music, so little time...
      On top of that, my headphones broke. Gotta get new ones. Luv the music, though

    19. #1 Don't know why, but this reminds me a little bit of Professor Layton...

    20. As usual, great music. And their can never be enough music. I mean honestly. Then again, I like a good beat. Music fills my soul with joy. But not everyone enjoys music. Which is understandable. Can't wait for more fan art.

    21. Good to see Archie V.'s music getting the recognition it deserves.

      I can't get enough pony music, LOL.

    22. I can't go for more than three days of no music posts here.. I get withdrawal symptoms!

      These three music posts in a row were glorious. MOAR MUSIC.

    23. @Bombedrumbum and Discord
      Hatters gonna hat, now that fits where you're going (unless hetzer is meant for the tank, in which case I have nothing to add)

      Oh the music? Right, it's all good for me, as always. #1 sure reminded me of Alestorm for a moment (pirate metal FTW!) and since I like to go all over the place, #2 is completely different, but I love it all the same.

    24. Lyricist needed, eh? Mic needs to get on that. 'Twould be glorious.

    25. I rather like Trixie because she showed those three up when they challenged her in the middle of her performance and began heckling her, and then when her wagon was destroyed she STILL fought the Ursa Minor, something neither Dasjh, Applejack nor Rarity did. She's got faults, but a lot of strengths too.

    26. 1. Trixie theme ftw!

      2. Very catchy.

      3. Acoustastic!
