• Music: Closed For Winter / Blue And Orange / I'll Come Back For You

    Rarity, Rap, and R... Repeat! Number three was bundled with a song that was taken down, so have it again. 

    1.) Closed For Winter - Deerhooves
    2.) [Parody Rap] Blue And Orange
    3.) Pony Suite: I. I'll Come Back For You

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Musics! They shall chase away my boredom!

    2. Nothing with the new Billy Strings from the last episode, I guess lack of green day fans.

    3. They were all worth a listen. But I seem to be drawn more towards the first one than the other three. No, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Rarity is there. This is the kind of music that I listen to on a regular basis. I daresay this could be snuck onto a major radio station and no one would guess it was born out of the brony community. I could only imagine it being played out live. If you're still reading, then you've guessed I'm genuinely impressed with the first one. There might be better stuff out there, but having only been in this a little over a week, I haven't had a chance to sample everything else. :P But in all sincerity, hats off to this Deerhoves fellow.

    4. Really enjoyed #1 and #3 but the rap just isn't my thing.

    5. Ouch, my iPod's gettin' hit badly today. Too. Much. Good. Music!

    6. @AjTheEngineer I dunno about Doc, but I'm pretty happy myself! Great music!! Rap usually isnt my thing, though

    7. That first one is quite beautiful. That little bell that starts at 0:52 also reminds me of the bell Rarity has on the door to her boutique. Nice addition.

      The second one... oh goodness. A rap about shipping. Lmao. Also, Applejack and Dash are better than Lyra and Bonbon? Lies and slander! lol But seriously. I think someone really likes AJ and Dash shipping... just hunch. ;)

      Third one sounded a little odd to me in places. But that could very well be the speakers I'm currently using. Overall I found it to be alright.

    8. I rather enjoyed blue and orange. It was pretty funny and kept me entertained. Just what a parody is supposed to do lol. Great job

    9. 1: Nice piece to be sure, although it sounded a bit synthetic. Excellent anyways.

      2: Shiprap w/swearing in the first two seconds? Bad idea.

      3: Cool at points, off at others. It was good, but it wasn't anything special.

    10. loving #1
      #2 is awesomesauce
      #3 was posted before

    11. What's with the low rating? Are they that bad?

    12. #1 is just wow. And #3 was pretty cool too.

    13. I really liked #1, it had a quiet tone that reminded me of how sound is lost in the dead-silence of snowfall. The thickness of falling snow greatly reduces the range of sound, and this track reminded me of that. As a result, it also began to feel like it was a representation of a pony alone in the falling snow, perhaps lost, trying to be heard and trying to hear responses that seem just too far away.

    14. 2: about the correct reaction, all told.

      1 + 3: unfortunately do not equal 2+2 in quality, but not bad between them. Just a tastes thing.

    15. wow, just saw the rating, somepony must REALLY hate appledash

    16. @Flutteryay

      Nope, school's coming out and average HS students have little homework left to do. So all the wannabe parasprites have lots of spare time to try to do something that apparently passes for paraspriting, which is give low ratings to posts.

      All it is achieving is a lot of instant 5-star ratings from bronies who want to balance the meter out, and also more bronies looking at the content of the post.

    17. @Mattatatta credit the majority of those low ratings to wackypony >.>

    18. @Mattatatta

      that second part is what I was going for. <_<

    19. @Mattatatta
      I'm in high school, I average two major projects every three days. So I find that kinda offensive, I would also give out ratings if I had my computer working but I normally just forget to even put one but I leave at least a nice comment

    20. The first one is good for fading into the background.

      The second one I liked the most, which is odd, I usually hate rap. Dropping a cussword in the first two seconds was ballsy for a brony, which is why I actually decided to give it a try. Gotta say, I liked it. :3

      Third? ... ... -_- I'm sorry, composer, but you seemed to just... have no beat. Or you were flaunting it intentionally, but it didn't grab me. Apologies, but my hooves are tied.

    21. nicely done all who worked on them. keep up the improvment in your music.

    22. "Blue 'n Orange Blue 'n Orange Blue 'n orange" That's gonna be stuck in my head for awhile.

    23. *sigh* I guess I still have a lowish tolerance for rap music (I do like some though). #2 didn't sit well with me really, and I couldn't get into it. Then again, I'm not even into fanfics either.
      #1 was alright. I mean, good to listen to in the background at least.
      #3 was pretty epic, but not something I'd listen to every day. It's like music that would go before, or during, a huge battle or something.

    24. with a few pitch corrections here and there the 3rd one would be epic.
      But yea the rap was funny and the 1st one is an auto download.

    25. Wow....I don't normally care for rap or tbh anything thats not electronic but all three of these were great. Especially #3.

    26. Thank you all for the lovely comments, and thank you SO MUCH to Sethisto for posting my song!

      What a coincidence, I love your story Through The Eyes Of Another Pony! Glad to see I could give back in just a little way! ;D

    27. Dont really liek Rap, but I like a good joke. I gave it a listen and I chuckled, glad I listened (oddly enough several pony raps have set well with me, amusing since I cant stand most of the... er... horseapples that the rap labels put out...

      Still trying to understand how an instrumental can be "pony" music (unless it's a remix of a known 'pony' song)

    28. LOL that rap was hilarious. However, it won't make it into my automotive audio arsenal. It will, however, find it's way onto my computer.

    29. 1. Atmospheric.

      2. Good rapping, but I have to facehoof at the shipping.

      3. T-T So powerful!
