• Music: Brony kid raps fast / A Winter Alone / Hush Now, Quiet Now Remix

    Getting to know all the musicians in the fandom has been really awesome, especially considering their work completely overflows on my playlists. It's neat to see the face behind the pony track.

    I also found out at least half of them are from outside the US. Imagine that!

    Have some music.

    1.) Brony kid raps fast
    2.) AJ The Engineer Befriends Jackle App - A Winter Alone (Experimental Cover)
    3.) Hush Now, Quiet Now (Fluttershy's Lullaby) - Remix

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Well, this IS a worldwide fandom, and the U.S. is not the entire world. It's only one country. So I'm not surprised that most bronies are from outside the U.S. xD

    2. #1 - Badass as usual, I mean it's Lulz, how can it not be? :)

      #2 - If I could, manly tears would be shed. This is just an incredibly beautiful song... TEAR DUCTS Y U NO WORK? :|

      #3 - So awesome! Words can't explain it, I smiled so hard while listening to this. Liked and faved on YT :D

    3. 1# was awesome!
      2# was beautiful :3
      3# very nicely done!

    4. @GaruuSpike On the contrary, most bronies are in the US, as is evidenced in a ponychan map thing. There are, however, more(popular) musicians outside of the US.

    5. Very good music here, I really liked #3. A close second is #2.

    6. #1 LOL. you have successfully brought the lulz to me mr. ibringthelulz!

      #2 so relaxin'!!! :D

      #3 thats pretty tight. sounds dance-like!! vocal splitting was great!


    7. You guys do realize the way Puddinghead said it was right, right? Pegasus is a Greek word, so the plural would be Pegasuses. Of course it's a proper noun so a plural makes no sense, but whatevz.

    8. @Peter One: This is really a random place to post that. Two: She doesn't say Pegasuses. It's more like pegasususus. Don't quote me on that, I'm not going to ount how many times she has the, "(s)us," in there, but it wasn't twice.

    9. Hm, weird...because I thought that the plural of 'pegasus' was 'pegasi'. That's what the encyclopedia says, anyway.

      I love them all. I love our generation. :3

    10. #1 Dat Audio Technica mic. Was pretty good. Some parts were dang fast. LULZ is a pretty decent rapper so it's so be expected. I enjoyed it.

      #2 That's such a great song. One of the best from the community I think. And this is a very nice remix of it.

      #3 Certainly catchy. Good Hush Now Quiet Now remix.

    11. weeeee fun music... back to skyrim.

    12. I finally get around to listening to these and the first has a copyright strike from Peter Parker, he must have gotten jealous from Rainbow Dash stealing his line.

    13. Oh thank Celestia, finally an instrumental version of "A Winter Alone." Always loved the melody, but my stars the contents of those lyrics make me want to hulk smash.

    14. 1. That speed!

      2. Very mellow.

      3. Lol, nice track skipping!
