• Music: Becoming Popular (AVA Rock Style Cover) // Rainbow's Blood (ArtAttack Remix) // A Different Kind of Spark

    Christmas Derpy is best Derpy. Christmas music is also best music!

    1.) Becoming Popular (AVA Rock Style Cover)
    2.) Rainbow's Blood (ArtAttack Remix)
    3.) A Different Kind of Spark

    24 kommentaari:

    1. EHEHEHHEEHE. Can't wait to see the raging comments on #2.

    2. 3rd is really funky fresh 2nd I need to listen to some more but 1st is made of wins so pure its gonna be my dirge when my ashes are shot of the party canon by the space pope!

    3. First one was good, good cover of Rarity's song. Second one, meh, didn't really like (how dare you sing of Dash's blood?!). Third one, average.

    4. Excuse me, but as someone who just finished his 4th holiday season in a Sears shoe department, I simply cannot allow you to convince me that Christmas music is best music.

    5. Excuse me, but as someone who just finished his 4th holiday season in a Sears shoe department, I simply cannot allow you to convince me that Christmas music is best music.

    6. Really liked all the music in this post.

      The lyrics in the second one...they're interesting, though as an ArtAttack remix nothing could make it bad.

    7. The second song.... I laughed and smiled at the lyrics. NO REGRETS.

      brb, listening to the others

    8. #1 - Oh snap, this just might be my favorite cover of Becoming Popular.

      #3 - D'awwww this is such a cute and beautiful song, liking it :)

    9. #1 The rock music was awesome, you kept the original awesome singing of Rarity's, but the two just don't quite seem to go together. However, I'm a sucker for rock so I enjoyed it anyway. Nicely done.

    10. #1 fit quite well!

      #2 all i can say is "lolwut?"

      #3 is SO HAPPEH!!

    11. I'm surprised #2 was posted here, even if it is a remix. Liked #1 and #3.

    12. Wait, Rainbow's Blood, Product o the month..

      Oh yea, just what I wanted to listen to, ponies on the rag.

    13. That second song... lmao. The lyrics are just hilarious. How can anyone not like this song? Or at least giggle when they see those lyrics? xD

    14. #2 kinda made my blood run cold. I just can't handle it. Without a drop of sarcastic irony, I can say good for you if you can find it funny, it's just that I... I can't.

    15. Meh,none of them were good. Average. I am dissapoint.

    16. @Kyso
      Same here...it's just too creepy. 0.0

    17. That first one was awesome. Rarity's voice seemed put of place, but you really captured the essence of Angels and Airwaves' instrumentation. Yes, it was short, especially for AVA whose songs are upwards of 5 minutes, lol. I'm not sure if you meant the second one to be in their style as well, but it seemed more like a +44 song to me. Still really good though. Nicely done. Now if only we can get Tom DeLonge to become a Brony and sing this song. Hmm, how epic would it be to get Blink-182 on an episode? I'm sure they could give a great lesson on the importance of friendship. I'm only half-joking.

    18. The ancient evil I keep trying to bury within me just loves number 2.
