This is a pretty awesome little project. Someone from Ponychan created a full season one custom box set, complete with custom DVD menu's. Toss some special features in there and I'd be all over it! Hopefully if we ever do actually get a box set, we will see those added in to the mix.
The rest of the menu's can be found after the break, as well as a short video demonstration.
ReplyDeleteThe video quality may be bad, but the thing that is being videod is AWESOME!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, ALL MY BITS~
ReplyDeletedas neat.
ReplyDeleteWow,those are some pretty sweet covers.
ReplyDeleteThis needs to be made....
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the looks of this!
ReplyDeleteToo bad I'm poor =/
If Hasbro/the Hub was smart: pay guy few hundred bucks, buy all that stuff. Work out kinks. Release as DVD pack. Win.
ReplyDeletePonychan bronie now wishes he charged more. But We have his menu. *cue manaical laughter*
Ah, he recorded it with a camera to prove to those who thought he was lying that he made working DVD menus. I thought he simply did it as "video proof" in the first place. lol I was going to go "wat?" But they look spiffy.
ReplyDeleteOh buck me... ALL OF MY BITS FOR THIS.
ReplyDeleteAll. My. Bits. Please.
ReplyDeleteOhh if ONLY this were real....
You know there is no chance of the official ones being anywhere near this good.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that they cut the hub logo. Maybe i'm wrong.
ReplyDeleteMake it bluray and then shut up and take my money!
ReplyDeletethere are logo/watermark/interuption free high quality vids running around out there if you dig hard enuf.....i made my own "clean" box set some time ago for season 1..but the last 2 episodes were flawed
ReplyDeleteOH MY! TAKE MY BI-.... Naw darn. *empty wallet*
ReplyDeleteAnd by real I mean, avalible for us to purchase lol
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they can send me the menu screen's so tat I can use them and they can have all bits
ReplyDeleteI insist, this must be transformed in a liquid; that way I can replace my blood with it.
ReplyDeleteBrony Box Set: One motivated brony + a few hundred hours uncompensated labor = Excellence
Official Box Set: Unprofitable = Nonexistence
Official Box Set: Sleep-deprived, indifferent two-man design team with other projects on their minds + motivated but clueless Project Leader + humorless executive suits full of "helpful suggestions" + five-figure development budget = Mediocrity
@Tora Pony merch in a nutshell
ReplyDeleteSeriously Hasbro, you have a community that is willing to make content for cheap/free. WHY ARE YOU NOT MILKING THIS?!
ReplyDeleteWell my custom set looks less spirited in comparison.
ReplyDeleteMine's on Blu-ray though! :D
Yeah, these custom menus have been kicking around on Demonoid for about two months now as a torrent. It's got these menus, the .png's for each episode title along with blanks to make your own, .mp3's for background songs on each disk, and two sizes for that DVD cover. Looks and sounds like from the video that the menus from this torrent were used. The torrent recommended using the program DVDStyler to make the disks. I've been playing around with theses menus and DVDStyler to work on a gift for my niece and nephew.
ReplyDeleteHasbro wants us to support them.
ReplyDeleteHasbro makes awesome things for us to support, but horrible ways for us to support it.
I would go broke if Hasbro released good stuff. Is it a good thing that they haven'
ReplyDeleteMy keyboard be derpin!!
They ought to get in touch with Shout Factory. I wonder how open they'd be to suggestions like this from the fans...
Nothing happening.
See, companies should take this as a warning. Your demographic can mess around and make their own shit, just like this, and make themselves happy if you don't provide.
ReplyDeleteSo either give us stuff we want to buy or buy our kids, or sit back and watch us make things for ourselves, tell others how to do it, and just not sell it for our own profit...
But even with all the skills of putting backwards compatible on PS3s, or making our own DVDs like this...we are STILL willing to pay YOU to do it if only you would. True fans like us will still pay you for quality stuff even if we can get it for free, because we want to support you, but you have to give us something to support. I would have paid CN or whoever to get the KND boxset...instead, I got it from a friend. That's money some company could have had from me had they provided.
Now, I do think Hasbro has been great to us, though not so much with providing quality products. We as true fans understand legal issues needing to be done and respect the work put into this and will gladly give what we can to support it. But please try to meet us half way here. Until then...I say make these yourselves.
looks great only thing is that he used the hub version with all the extra tv logos, should've used the itunes versions
ReplyDeleteHere is the original source:
ReplyDeleteI would TOTALLY buy a DVD box set like this! Up to $40! I agree with what others have said - when Hasbro/ShoutFactory fails to provide what we want, we make it ourselves and they miss out on our money.
ReplyDeleteTo sum up, I agree 100% with what Tora, Bombedrumbum, and SketchyDee said. Go back and read their comments, everyone.
I think we have a perfectly valid explanation why we haven't seen a S1 box set. I absolutely want one and am personally willing to pay good money for it. However, the community has been given the explanation that retailers need to be on board. Retailers believe the DVDs for this type of show are best sold in cheaply priced 1-2 episode discs. This is what we've been seeing because it is what retailers who carry MLP toys and DVDs want to see.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we are a very vocal fandom online right now, it is likely that Hasbro and the retailers will still make more money catering to the traditional demographic for the show than from us. This is not Hasbro being idiots. This is them sticking to a proven business model during a poor economy.
I'm sure that Shout Factory could whip up a DVD set for Season 1 of this quality in a trivial amount of time. It wouldn't be very hard for a company that releases DVDs as part of its primary business. It's really all about making sure it will be all the parties involved, including the retailers.
This is nice work, but it isn't really want I want out of a MLP box set.
- I want a quality Blu-ray release with 1080p video and surround sound. I want to watch Sonic Rainbooms explode onto my big screen with maximum awesomeness.
- I want special features: Interviews with the cast and staff, cut scenes and songs, info about Lauren Faust's early sketches and ideas, and so forth.
For this I would be willing to open my wallet, without any doubt. But are there really enough people like me out there to justify such a product?
I don't think comments such as "if you don't make it the fans will" or "Hasbro is being stupid" are really going to cut it. I think the only thing we can do is to support the show as well as we can and hopefully Hasbro will see us a viable revenue stream and not an internet fad which will pass within a year.
Holy crap those are like professional quality. I'd love to see something like the on an official box-set
ReplyDelete@SketchyDee Yes. If Hasbro doesn't make a DVD set which they are under no obligation to provide aside from providing them on iTunes which they already do, we'll steal and pirate your material. That'll show you.
ReplyDeleteIt's precisely this kind of fanboy stupidity that makes companies believe they have to support official stupidity like the SOPA bill.
And people wonder why the government is short-sighted enough to create bills like SOPA. Here's why.
ReplyDeleteYeah. If Hasbro doesn't give us the DVD's we want, we'll pirate our own. That'll show them.
Flawed, fanboy stupidity at it's finest. The fact that something as damaging as SOPA exists at all, is halfway because of moronic stunts and blockheadded opinions like this.
This is the kind of thing that makes the entire internet look bad. Not to mention something that makes an otherwise great fanbase like the MLP: FiM fanbase look really bad, as well.
I expect the response to stunts like this will not be an official DVD set. It will be Hasbro deciding we can't be trusted and closing down more sites, providing more Cease & Desists, and ramping up their own legal defenses.
Not exactly what we all wanted, but it'll be what we deserve at this rate. Good job.
HaHA! I actually found and made this (bootleg) box set a reality a couple months ago. Nice to see it on EqD!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the DVD kit creator's intention was to rob Hasbro or DHX Media of money, but as a fun exercise, just as I thought actually putting it together was a fun exercise. As they come out, I fully intend to buy the official single-disc releases as well as the (hopefully) eventual full-season releases. (I even own a few of the iTunes eps.) But for now.. this is pretty awesome!
Looks like I'll be making my own season one set using these until such time as a commercial one is available.
ReplyDelete@NightStarX You're forgetting something; no one is asking Hasbro to *give* us DVDs or BluRays. We want to BUY them. That is not piracy, or the fandom proving "we can't be trusted". That's a company walking away from profit.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Hasbro and/or Shout Factory, I'd say to fans: "okay, we're not sure there's enough of a market to make producing a full box set doable at a reasonable profit. Rather than take a rise at losing money, we'll make them on a subscription model -- the fans pay money in advance for a box set BEFORE they're made, and if enough people (a specific number) prepay, then we'll make the box set, and if not we'll refund your money."
And they can do that over the internet. No retailers. Very little risk on their part. The toy department doesn't have to change anything. All the onus is on the fandom to either put up the cash, or shut up about it.
And the Hasbro exec who okays this gets to look like an internet pioneer and get his/her picture on all the cool industry websites & magazines.
That is actually pretty nice. Someone call Hasbro and get this guy in touch with them.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a DVD without Inspector Gadget telling you how to use it.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm the OP from Ponychan, and this is my DVD. First off, thank you EqD for posting this article, and thank you everypony else for your compliments. I'm glad you all like my custom box set. Hopefully Hasbro and Shout Factory will make an official set, however it's doubtful due to the prior news we had about retailers not wanting them. Also, I can see that I have made some people on here upset. Well, I'm sorry, but I live in Canada, and piracy laws are different here than in the USA. In Canada, it is perfectly legal to download stuff for personal use, yet it's still illegal to upload it (therefore I won't share my ISO's, like I've been asked to). Also, to the people on here that think I don't support the show, you are all wrong. I buy all kinds of MLP:FiM toys and DVD's (check my YouTube channel for proof - there's a video of when I bought my first toy), and if Hasbro were to release complete seasons on DVD, I would buy those in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteI want them on Blu-Ray! =)
ReplyDelete@FlutterShy1989Damn, bro! If we can help in any way, please let us know. I've already sent a 'love letter' to Hasbro but it would be silly to hope that it may have any effect.
ReplyDeleteHasbro should really just hire bronies to help make the stuff (DVDs, merchandise, etc), then commercialize the whole thing and give the helpers a cut. Then Hasbro earns, the helpers earn and everyone gets good-quality products.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people keep using the wrong logo? The rainbow is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe correct logo is the first result on a Google search. How can people keep finding and using the incorrect logo?
I want this... No, I NEED this!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, why haven't Hasbro released a Season 1 Set - or they could just hire this guy!
People still make DVD's? Far out, welcome 2007. :)
ReplyDeleteWhy is that episode called 'Griffon the Brush Off'?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteBecause that's the name of the episode. It's a pun on "Given the Brush Off," which is an expression that means "curtly dismissed," much as Gilda tried to do to Pinkie in the episode.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI just made a NEW video showing how to make your own DVD's just like mine!
do what the @Lord says >=)
ReplyDeletesomething else i want is FIM on swedish television, english voice acting... and that they will show it on a channel i have X)
I wish they put it on 2-3 discs. Are they using/making this in Blu-ray?
ReplyDeleteHasbro, you make this happen and I give you my bank account number.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who forgot about the official comment from Hasbro and ShoutFactory.
ReplyDeleteHasbro and ShoutFactory do not get your money when you buy a dvd at a retail location. It is the retailer's money they get. The Retailer buys the DVDs from Hasbro & ShoutFactory, and the retailer is only going to buy those DVDs if they can actually SELL them and make a good, not a decent, profit off of them.
So its not Hasbro or ShoutFactory that we need to convince. Its the big retailers like BestBuy, Walmart, Target, etc. We need to convince THEM that they can make money off of us.
ReplyDeleteLike I said...we are willing to pay money for this stuff. I don't want to pirate it, nor do I think people should sell it and make money when its not theirs to make. But a boxset like this would hold us over until its decided should people make their own set without selling it. Especially if they strip the ability to view the shows on the internet for those who dont have the hub, or those overseas.
And now however, I would have to agree with Shiranai. I would like more exclusive things with my boxsets, and its more of the retailers not wanting to take this up more than Hasbro. But hopefully when they see how many people would spend more money for a full boxset, then maybe Hasbro will have enough to back up their argument of releasing more than what has been.
Besides, with how times are changing, I'm sure parents would want to have a whole collection for their children, with Blueray and the whole deal. Heck, soon DVDs may be out of date, and parents will buy their kids the most updated stuff they can find with how much they can afford.
I apologize if I came across as a dumbass fanboy (or a dumbass fangirl) because even if many people did stuff like this for a time, I would still spend money to get the real deal...but like with PS3s (though that was something they bought and updated themselves, which shouldn't make what was done an issue), this stuff will happen and people will make their own things, doesn't mean the fans wouldn't buy the product when they put out something worth buying. True fans wouldn't pirate with the intent of not spending money on something they love. But if retailers can't see what fans are willing to pay for for themselves and their children, this may be what results, sadly including some who will not pay money for the real thing because they "made it themselves".
ReplyDeleteValid point, though hopefully if they dont see all this, then Hasbro and Shout Factory could show them our views and hopefully show them how many people are willing to buy this stuff.
It seems obvious they would make a profit from selling a boxset.
ReplyDeleteGee, with my DVD Authoring Pro and my skills, I could've compiled that... I've compiled better. Why didn't I do that? *slaps self in the face* -3 Credits to me to lack of creating originality and the manner of ignorance and perpetualness in doing the same things over and over when there is no hope of achieving the goal...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I can do that. Infact, I can make the complete series HD style and burn them on DVDs to make a Multi-Disc Set DVD Season 1 Complete Set! Wait till I make my project!
ReplyDelete@Jimperator Bad call. You give them your bank account number and they take all your credit and assets, including your DVD. (Sad Face)
In many industries, hiring a contract child resistant packagingto complete the production of parts is often now a modern necessity. With many companies cutting costs by getting rid of in-house production, they often turn to manufacturing specialist companies to carry out this work for them.