• Mare-A-Thons Tonight!

    A couple of marathons are going on tonight.  You can find all the information on the Bronystate one above, and the Mare-Athon Synchtube channel below. 

    Note: If you have a marathon coming up, please submit it at least a day in advance. 

    When: 5:30 Eastern, 3:30 Arizona (Blog) time.

    What: All episodes + Friendship is Witchcraft


    14 kommentaari:

    1. All episodes + Friendship is Witchcraft.

      SIGN ME UP

    2. I Still haven't watched FIW, my irrational hatred of parodies of things I love has prevented me from doing so.

    3. Darn I'm going out later, cannot enjoy


    4. @ftfc

      It's decent. I like parodies, so I enjoy it, but if parodies aren't your thing then I don't think it will change your mind.

    5. I'll have to make my own personal marathon. I'm tied down with something until late tonight, unfortunately. Oh well.

    6. @mattwhite924

      It's mainly the gross bastardization of characters that causes my rage.
      I also avoid those guys that add lyrics to game music. My reaction to those are pretty bad.

    7. ahem, sorry about that, seth. i got home late last night and fell asleep, and didn't remember to send in the info til morning before work XD.

    8. wait does this mean theres a new episode tomorrow?

    9. Friendship is Witchcraft is actually very good. Sadly, there are only four episodes.

      5:30, you say? I could do that.

    10. Yay, Friendship is Witchcraft. And dat Octavia.

    11. Woah, Friendship is Witchcraft? I'm there!

    12. @ftfc
      It's totally different than from something like, asy, APPLE.MOV. FiW is, IMO, hilarious. The creators are true bronies and the parody is.. respectful, somehow. The series is incredibly well done; however, I understand if you were to not like it.

    13. I truly love these mare-a-thons. Just watch pony stuff all night and talk about pony related shtuff. Excellent in my book :D
