• Humble Brony Bundle Strikes AGAIN!

    I'm pretty sure we dominated the hell out of this one.   3,500 bucks is going to be hard to beat!  And if someone does try to wipe us out, It's a good thing.

    Cupcakes has a copypaste for you about the future of Humble Brony Bundle.  Check it out below!
    The Humble Indie Bundle #4 has launched, and now supports both Child's Play (who provide games to sick children in hospitals) and the American Red Cross (disaster relief, blood drives, much more)! Thanks to your donations we've been able to contribute $3500, in addition to the $1250 we already gave last bundle!

    So where do we go from here? UPWARD! How much can we raise? How much can we, by working together, collect for sick children and people suffering from disasters? I don't know! Another $1000? A total of $7500? Could we hit $10,000 total donations across both bundles? As more donations come in they will be added to the current payment on the Humble Indie Bundle site. I'm not holding anything back for the next bundle: this is the big one. Let's make it count, everypony!

    The first Humble Brony Bundle was supposed to just get things kickstarted. We were supposed to build up some steam, spread the word, and be in position to really do a good job this time. Well, we're well beyond that stage now thanks to all of you! We're in position to really show how generous and caring bronies are! So please, DONATE, spread the word, and then donate AGAIN directly to the Humble Indie Bundle, because you've gotta share and you've gotta care!

    44 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. I saw this before it was posted and I must say Im realy proud of this community, I wonder how much can we raise that number.

    3. We can raise THIS many bits!
      *arms wide apart*

    4. @Comments 1 and 2
      An unexpected turn of events!

      This bundle is relevant to my interests. And good job contributors! Buying PR is rarely so morally sound.

    5. The amount we managed to raise was so high, it's almost unbelievable. Bet we can do it again in the next bundle.

    6. For the Buffalo!

      *throws a pie at Sethisto*

      Under the Appleoosa/Buffalo concordia agreement, that song is not allowed!

      Bronies are still awesome :P

    7. You know, I keep thinking I couldn't love this community more and then you guys go and do something like this. I believe this calls for a group hug :D

    8. It was a great idea back then, and it most definitely is now, I don't regret getting into this one bit. I really thought the donations would stop once the initial 1500 was dropped on the previous bundle, but it kept coming!

      Way to go, Bronies!

    9. I wish stuff like this would get on the news, rather than the usual "OMG GUYS LIKE PONIES?!" that is usually shown.

    10. Yeesh, I actually JUST got my Indie Bundle, like, literally a few minutes ago. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised to see the $3500 from the Brony bundle.

      While I'm never one for self-back-patting, I gotta say it warms me heart to know we're actually doing some good in this world.

      On a somewhat related note, this whole situation reminds me of that comic by Pashapup of Pinkie visiting terminally ill children and brining'em cheers.

    11. This fandom is truly amazing. Seeing all of us work together to do something like this really warms my heart. Keep going, guys. This is a wonderful cause, and is making a good name on our behalf.

    12. Even though I didn't contribute towards the Brony donations, I still pitched in my $10 for the indie bundle. It all goes to the same stuff, right? :P

    13. At first glance I thought the $423,000 was just from Bronies and was like "holy crap!". lol But $3,500 is dang nice. I'm poor so I can't contribute a whole lot, but I hope the amount of donations continues to increase.

    14. I just donated $20. Combine that with the $20 I donated to the first Humble Brony Bundle and you get a numerical representation of a mere fraction of how much I love this show and this community.

      We are truly making the world a better place through our kindness and generosity.

    15. Man Now I should have joined in the Humble Brony Bundle.
      I'll join next time.
      Till then I've donated to the Humble Bundle and now going to play some games and feel good about it.

    16. but why so early, they really drove up that average price. probably a whole entire couple pennies!

    17. Beautiful, just beautiful.
      To everyone that donated, "You rock! Woohoo."

    18. Which is a good thing! Think of all the cheapskates that will be forced to pay a dollar more for it, our donation even forces non-bronies to donate more, what's not to like? You're already getting incredibly high value at $5, after all :).

    19. You know all those folks who said that a single person couldn't make a difference in the world anymore? They were only partially right. An avalanche or a flood all starts with a single snowflake or drop of water. They may not initially be aware of what is happening around them, but when enough individuals all work towards the same goal...well, there's $3500 in the face of all the neigh-sayers. And here's another $50 to keep the ball rolling.

    20. Fine, an other $50 for the herd. I'll be out back, putting on my Scrooge costume.

    21. Thanks everypony! I'm very pleased that the Humble Brony Bundle inspires such pride in you guys. This wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you, so THANK YOU! :D

    22. Is the Humble Bundle page infected with a virus? Because the last time I downloaded a Bundle, my computer got virus'd.

    23. YetAnotherBrony: Nope! Trust me: the people visiting and running the site are VERY technical-minded individuals on the whole. If there was a virus it would be resolved extremely quickly!

    24. ohh migosh awesome! :D bronies unittteee >:D lol what was in that bundle anywayyyy :O i wasn't a brony back then ooorr a humble bundle goer :O

    25. OoFluttershyoO: The $3500 contribution (currently up to $4250) is on the CURRENT Humble Indie Bundle still going! Check it out using the links in the post!

    26. I put $25 in the last time, I put $25 in this time. AND I bought my own bundle this time, too.

    27. Excellent work bronies :D

    28. I gave out 20USD in the last bundle, and gave 75USD when I woke up and saw this. Also, gotta keep in mind that I paid 10USD for both bundles so I got the games as well.

      115USD spent on two Humble Bundles. No regrets.

    29. What the FUUUUUUUUUUU- It was supposed to go differently! The HBB was supposed to put in each bundle $1000 or so, and then beat the first donor whenever they got beat; not dumping in all cash at once! :\
      ...Whatever guys, I'm sending a complaint mail, and after that I'll chip in something. What you're doing is still admirable.

    30. @Tosxychor
      From what I remember, that only applied to the previous Humble Introversion Bundle. The rest of the money was planned to go to this HBB, and it did.

      Really, when you think about it, it'd be silly to have a reserve ready to just beat other buyers.

    31. Tosxychor, what MrPoniator says is correct. On the Humble Introversion Bundle I was going to save funds to remain at the top because I was hoping some healthy competition would arise. I wanted to be able to sound the trumpet and call in the brony cavalry and topple any opposition.

      Then we hit like $4500 donations and no one even tried. Very sad. But we had accomplished the MAIN goal: the word was out there.

      So, THIS is the big one, where we just give it all away. This whole thing isn't really about being number one as much as it is about giving as much as possible. I truly hope someone comes in and donates $5000 because healthy competition for charity's sake is the very definition of radicalness. Or is it awesomeness...

    32. Donated, tad disappointed it only accepted payment in 1 currency (just like the actual bundle site), Paypal are cheeky with their conversion rates.

    33. Great job guys-- we wrote you up at VGW:

    34. Something my anti-brony friend said about this:

      All of the people who donated to the brony humble bundle cause COULD have donated to humble bundle directly.
      Instead they donated to a brony bundle FIRST, which was THEN donated to humble bundle.
      I hate them because they're trying to raise the brony name.


    35. Thanks Kristen! Also thanks to EqD for telling me about it, the organizers of Humble, HumbleBronyBundle, and everyone so far that's donated. Keep up the good work yo.

    36. Kristen, thank you for spreading the word!

      New Age Retro Hippie: I'm sorry that your friend is such a spoilsport. Also, I must share my endless support for your Earthbound-related name and image. Mother series battle music is best battle music. <3

    37. Just paid $7 direct for the games, and $13 to the Brony Bundle. Downloading on Steam right now.
