• Holliday Music Followup EXTRAVAGANZA!

    It looks like the swarm has come to an end! I had a holiday folder going that didn't quite make it, so lets end the year with a bang.

    After the break, you will find the following:

    1.) Preview: Pinkie Pie's Christmas Party Song (From the Christmas Carol Visual Novel)
    2.) Christmastime In Equestria (Music with some seriously awesome Zelda vibes)
    3.) Jingle Bells (Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Style!)
    4.) Celestimas (More Christmas music!)

    15 kommentaari:

    1. One of my favorite parts of ED: Music. Woo

    2. either my comp is messing up, or there is a giant video and missing banner.

    3. #2 broke the fourth wall!
      Or, it broke the post's wall, at least.

    4. #1: I dislike the voice.
      #2: Great!
      #3: Same thing as #1.
      #4: Pretty good.

    5. #1 I like it, quite catchy
      #2 Oh I listened to this yesterday! This is great!
      #3 Cute
      #4 I heard this one yesterday, too. I really like the beat and main synth line.

    6. @naahdude

      He/She's currently my favourite musician. "Magic is Timeless" is my personal favourite track by him/her

    7. 1. That is a tongue twister of a song.
      2.It was pretty simple but having the snowflake button integrated into the video made it nice.
      3. Pony's make a classic even better.
      4. Thought this was the best one of the four.

    8. lol posted by Trixie in a Santa Hat!?! wonder who that could be...

    9. #1 thats one long intro. 4 minutes lol. but it was a good pinkie pie impersonation.

      #2 ooOoOO i like this!!

      #3 LOL Fluttershy sounds funny in this. idk but i like it!

      #4 wow! this is actually really good! Its got that holiday electro spirit!

    10. That first one... I'm really liking this visual novel. Of course they used Vinyl and I for any music. In reality, what an odd ensemble to play music together with. But I guess it is possible. :P And... dat song. lol How very silly and interesting a tune it is.

      All the others were good too. The third was also especially cute.

    11. I'm so glad that most ponies think my video (#3) was cute ^^
