We have some new Hearthwarming Eve screenshots up on The Hub's facebook page. Apparently they have been floating around for a while! Guess that's what I get for playing Equestrian Idol on Skype.
Check them out after the break!
And new banner by Ahrkeath, I forgot to add that to the drawfriend.
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First block.
ReplyDeletequeen rarity? oO
ReplyDeleted'aww fluttershy
ReplyDeletethis looks like it's gonna be a really awesome episode :D
ReplyDeleteI can NOT wait!
ReplyDeleteLooks... AAAAWESOME! /)^3^(\
ReplyDeleteFluttershy! <3
ReplyDeleteHmm Nice, the stain glass window made for the mane six is there, nice continuity and shot placement :)
ReplyDeleteLook at all the clones.
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of Lyra in the second picture.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder...
ReplyDeleteIn the first pic, are the rehearsing, or are they genuinely mad at Pinkie? IMHO, It could go either way.
Dat copy-paste audience.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to see it
ReplyDeleteBlasphemers! Rarity is not Queen!
ReplyDeleteDo you like bananas?
Cuz you about to go bananas, ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOON.
I liek Pwincess Woona.
So many similar looking ponies on lower picture :b
ReplyDeleteI guess we can confirm that HWE takes place after RoH. Which leads to a gripping question: Will an animator ever bother to give us some sort of accurate order of episode occurrence?
ReplyDeleteRainbow dash: THIS IS CLOUDSDALE! (Kick)
ReplyDeleteNeed to watch . . .
ReplyDeleteAh, different flags, the Unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies were likely seperate nations of pony ethnicities before unification under the current royal diarchy.
ReplyDeleteThis probably explains why there seems to be a large pony aristocracy that aren't Alicorns rather then some complex genetic hullabulloh. One wonders that if there existed extensive histories prior to the unification of equestria (long enough to form kingdoms and cultures at least) where in the hell where the princesses prior to the union?
LOL AJ didn't get earth pony role. TS didn't get unicorn role either. The two of them are the most leader like ponies of the mane 6 so presumably they let PP and Rarity have the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteWho thinks pullback from first screeny to second?
Wonder if any males in the play
ReplyDeleteHaha, that's some wonderful copy pasta for the second picture. Can't wait for this episode!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh it looks like we're going to learn a lot about Equestrian history like we thought. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, spot the Lyra time.
ReplyDeleteOh hey look! It's the Discord glass thing! At least he didn't just disappear completely.
ReplyDeleteThe symbol on Rarities banner, isn't that the same unicorn head that Twilight has a bust statue of in her library? Just thought I'd point that out.
ReplyDeleteI bet ALL the bits that the leaked song that shall not be named is gonna be in this episode!
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is Dash wearing in picture 2?
ReplyDeleteThe third, you can see me in the left side
Rainbow Dash in armor, YES!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, dat Pinkie/Dashie hug in the second image.... HNNNNNG... *squee*... SO... CUTE
ReplyDeleteSee two very vague screen shots from the episode freak out!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut really can't wait... And is pinky dressed like the bard? Oh I hope she is
Lyra Overload! LYRA OVERLOAD!!
My little clony, my little clony - I used to wonder how unique I could be - then I lost my individuality - lots of Colgates - Seafoams too - a dozen Lyras - Bon Bons for you, a herd of Raindrops and Sparklers there, pony clonies everywhere! My little clony - do you know you're all copypasta?
ReplyDeleteam i the only one seeing a bit of TF2
So does that first image mean there was a war between the three races years ago? If it does, then all the war technology seen in the show, like Pinkie Pie's party cannon, may be actual weapons from so many years ago.
ReplyDeleteI wonder when in the timeline this is, seeing as how Discord ruled before Celestia and Luna, then Luna was banished for a 1000 years. Is this before Discord or between Discord and Luna's banishment?
Is it just me, or is Pinkie's tail missing in the first image?
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash will wear armor - I rhetorically jizzed in my pants.
ReplyDeleteHere's to them still staying unknown afterwards! <3
They're putting on a Hearths Warming play eh? Cool.
ReplyDelete@Y0SH1 M4S73R
ReplyDeleteYeah... Thanks to the imperfections of having limited time to maintain perfect continuity, more of less the order they air in. Little mistakes are exactly what they are, mistakes in a children's cartoon.
The ONLY instance of chronological play order error that I feel exists ANYWHERE in the series is having Winter Wrap Up and Fall Weather Friends swapped. I likely attribute that to scheduling errors than anything else.
Anything else is just minor errors in production, due to there not being enough f**ks in the whole wide world to worry about such things during production...
Cause, you know... It's a fun little cartoon, not a 200 million dollar movie production.
Deal with it.
This episode looks really interesting... Yay! One episode for Halloween and another one for Christmas :D
ReplyDeleteThat would explain their world. They are technologically advanced but use traditional methods, possibly due to the war and much of the planet was devastated until it was over, and due to less population and warfare, the land would be reclaimed by nature and the atmosphere screwed up by pollution
Looks like they've been slipping on how many background ponies they use...
ReplyDeleteBut it must be a pain to put so many different characters, so I can ignore it. xD
Well, it's definitely in Canterlot. Do they take the train there now? Looks like the first scene up there is pre-blizzard, when the three races didn't get along.
ReplyDeleteI see Spike on stage as well, so he actually gets to be a part of things this time. Narrator, perhaps? If they're singing in that second picture, then he finally gets in on a song too (more than just playing the piano, that is.)
P.P.S : Think about it bronies, were gonna get to see ACTRESS Pinkie... You know, just incase waiting for the episode was easy XD
ReplyDeleteWhat you mean "Smile, sm" ***BANG***
So Earth Ponies ruled the land, Unicorns the mountains, and Pegasi the skies, looking forward to how the "play" works out.
ReplyDeleteSad it's gonna shatter so many fanon origin stories, one of the downsides of a super active and energetic fanbase I suppose.
Awesome! I remember seeing these earlier, actually.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like pic 1 is the "real" version of the set piece in scene 2, since it has actual depth and looks much more realistic than the clouds on sticks in scene 2. A flashback to olden times? The ponies taking their roles out into the real world?
ReplyDelete@richfiles (sorry I couldn't link your name properly, I'm currently on my phone!) but yeah, that song XD
ReplyDeleteFirst pick is probably the play and done with some magic - we all know what Rarity did at the end of Suited for Success, so I can't imagine they wouldn't have similar things done for plays.
ReplyDeletenah, just lots of disagreement.earth ponies and unicorns keeping to themselves, and pegassi actively going all sparta with xenophobia
ReplyDeletenah, just lots of disagreement.earth ponies and unicorns keeping to themselves, and pegassi actively going all sparta with xenophobia
She's not a Gladiator, she's a god damn Hoplite! <3
ReplyDeleteIf the show follows continuity, and I'm sure it will in this regard, then it probably went like this:
1) The ponies put aside their differences and founded Equestria.
2) Discord took over for teh lulz.
3) The Princesses appeared out of thin air and defeated Discord.
And everything after that is common knowledge.
Then again, I could have misinterpreted something. But I'm fairly certain that the show has already hinted at this timeline in Return of Harmony, so we'll see.
Pony cloning in large crowd shots is mostly due to memory limitations in flash. Scenes become increasingly more difficult to animate once you get a very large crowd of different ponies.
ReplyDeletemy thoughts every time i read about a new episode :D
(A) That looks awesome. Can't wait until Saturday.
ReplyDelete(B) I totally thought the Fluttershy catching snowflakes picture was a screenshot from the new ep until I actually opened the post. :)
Bottom picture looks like they're singing. Can't wait for this episode.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for this episode!
ReplyDeleteas a paladin, RD wearing armor pleases me
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash- Leader of the Awsome Republic
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie-Chairmare of the Party Coalition
Rarity-Monarch of Utopia
@Wisdom Thumbs
ReplyDeleteThis appears to be the case - though there is the possibility that the sisters were around before that, but we don't know for sure.
It really looks like they're going to use magic to make the stage and props look real. Which would be AWESOME because then we wouldn't have to put up with awkward clouds-on-sticks in every shot.
ReplyDeleteWait... Spike's in the play. Is he going to play a dragon, or narrate? Because if the former, that would be hella interesting.
The obvious story idea would be that the play's conflict somehow parallels a conflict between the friends. I'm assuming there will be some sort of "peace and goodwill to all men (or pony)" kind of moral to tie in with the holidays.
ReplyDeleteConsidering this is a children's show and the relatively happy world Equestria is, I doubt the conflict was an all out war that bronies seem to over eagerly assume. Even then there's been plenty of other children's shows and stories that have created intriguing conflicts between parties without resorting to violence.
Of all the background ponies, you think there wouldn't be doubles of the ones that people LOOK FOR.
ReplyDeleteBut, nope. Six versions of Heartstrings. Silly Hasbro.
Pinkie dressed as Shakespeare. Luna help us all.
ReplyDeleteThis message is an automated response. Richfiles is unable to reply at the moment, on account of having a bullet being surgically removed from his head from mentioning the song "Smile sm" ***BANG***
bzzzt... bzzt...
error 0F5C25FA...
How do I love thee, Sparkler? Let me count how many times you appear in that screenshot...
ReplyDeleteI see 14.
And a baker's dozen Colgates.
I'm sensing a song in that second image! Also, from what we've seen in that "Hub Carolers" commercial, would there be a total of two songs?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, can't wait!
I'm going to be pleasantly surprised if my fanfic comes through this unscathed.
ReplyDeleteBut if it doesn't, I'll still be happy. Very, very happy.
ReplyDeleteGood lord do you deserve a damn medal...
What happened to pinkies tail? And I guess it make sense that Twi and AJ aren't the Earth and Unicorn leaders. They'd be way to bashful about the whole thing. Imagine Rarity PLAYING UP the drama for stage acting? Or Pinkie for that matter? I can't wait for stage manager Twilight to freak over their antics.
RD: "halt! who goes there?!"
ReplyDeleteRD: "oh its you pinkie pie."
pinky: "i like your hat. are you a broom?"
RD: "no pinky, ive been assigned this duty by the royal guard to watch this spot for intruders."
pinky: "ooo! can i join?"
RD: *sigh* "it doesn't work like that. we can hang out later, i cant let by without a pass?"
pinky: "umm, i brought something better i brought a basket of treats!"
RD: "pinky... will you go already?!"
pinky: "okiey dokie." *hops*
RD: "the other way pinky..."
pinky: *hops other direction*
RD: *sigh*
@Wisdom Thumbs agreed, of couarse I still have lots of room to maneuver around it. Thank goodness for war fics
ReplyDeleteHey it harder than it lets on, I know
Strange, given how Pegasus ponies are normally seen as more frail than Earth ponies, you'd think they wouldn't be the ones wearing armor save for the Royal Guards.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, I believe it's a great opportunity to finally explain once and for all how the races ended up being equal in the end, I for one can't wait to see the explanation behind it. There isn't enough love for the seemingly 'inferior' Earth Ponies!
Something tells me Pegasuses felt superior to everyone back then, if only because Rainbow Dash is playing that role.
Wait, is Rainbow Dash wearing Roman armor or Greek armor? I can't really tell.
ReplyDeleteInafter crazy silly theories. lol
ReplyDeleteLook at them outfits though. So stylish. Even Dashie. ;) But seriously, I'm quite fond of their clothing. Renaissance, Medieval, and Roman. Gonna be an awesome episode.
ReplyDeleteSince Pegasus are greek in origin, I assume it is a Sparta uniform
why must they tease us like that? :(
ReplyDelete@Woof Hooves
ReplyDeleteThat is her point and you WILL help her defend her point!
Yep, looks like this ep will validate Kkat's assumptions about the Pegasus Enclave.
Rarity looks like that old gen pony that was a queen wich name I can't remember right now
ReplyDelete@palaminopegasus That... Actually make a lot of sense.
So stoked!
ReplyDeleteBut, ha, those guards look so bored!
@ponydoraprancypants *applauds*
ReplyDeleteDash is mentally face hoofing at all the clouds on sticks, since... you know... she's a pegasus, and could move REAL clouds onto the stage.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm back! I survived that shot to the head from when I mentioned that song "Smile, Smi" ***BANG***
Send In The Clones.
ReplyDeleteSpartan Pegasi Canon!!!
ReplyDeleteThis! Is! EQUESTRIA!
Dash in armor makes my day complete.
I like to think the crown isn't actually part of the costume, it's just something Rarity brought along. This episode looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe title picture made my heart explode
ReplyDeletePrincess Rarity makes a return?
ReplyDeleteOH GAWW! NOT G2 AGAIN!!
All this shipping has gone to my head...
ReplyDeletethat Pinkie/Dash hug is just so cute!
*Fangirl squee* I love Pinkie pie's outfit. :D
ReplyDeleteSo is Pinkie the star of the play?
ReplyDeleteBecause that would make me squee so hard.
Okay, that sounds vulgar, but Pinkie is best pony, now and FOREVER!
Let me explain this for you guys:
ReplyDeleteIn the first picture it shows the three ponies rehearsing for the show they're going to put on about the disagreements between the pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies.
In the second picture it shows the crowd watching show in Canterlot Castle.
Oh I see what you did there writers. Since the pegasi of myth are of greek origins, that makes the psuedo-greek architecture of Cloudsdale suddenly make a lot more sense.
ReplyDeleteAnd the entire episode spans the play, which is one big 30 minute long musical number...
ReplyDeleteI count 12 Colgates in that crowd. Obviously she has a cloning machine. Someone fic this, stat.
ReplyDeleteGetting excited for this ep~
Looks like we're going to see something absolutely awesome! I love S2 so much!
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of Colgate's
ReplyDeletehmm...the first screenshot's not on the facebook page anymore
ReplyDeletelol, colgate's in the crowd so many times over.
ReplyDeletePretty certain its confirmed by now that Dash is Greek.
ReplyDeleteMythological Greek Animal? Check.
Cutie Mark that looks like the symbol of Olympus from Herculues? Check.
Greek-Style Gala Dress (Both versions)? Check.
Greek-Style Armour? Check.
Also, Cloudsdale seems to be very heavily influenced by Greek architecture.
ReplyDeleteRarity for tallest pony? Apparently.
ReplyDeleteI would imagine all pegasi are greek
I love what I'm seeing here. This is definitely shaping up to be one of the best episodes yet. Now I really can't wait for Saturday to come. Guess there's nothing to do but summon every bit of patience I have. Then again, when it's something I enjoy, I have all the patience in the world.
ReplyDeletePrincess Rarity!
I think I saw Derpy three times in the audience.
ReplyDeleteDERP!!! /)9.6(\
Second picture copy pasta ponies like crazy :P
ReplyDeleteSo is it a coincidence that the Mane 6 all got lead roles? Gotta love cartoons :D
ReplyDeletePinkie certainly isn't dressed as nicely as Rarity or Dash, so does that mean the Earth Ponies weren't as well of as their Unicorn and Pegasus bretheren?
ReplyDeleteOce upon a time, ponies were giant hippos. There were unicorns and pegasii, but mostly earth ponies. Then Discord took over and the GRAND PEGASUS ENCLAVE tried to stop him.
ReplyDeleteThe rest, they say, is history.
@Lightning Fast They did save Equestria twice
ReplyDeleteWonder How they explain the Zebra, Ass and Mules
I'm interested in the mythos behind this holiday.
ReplyDeleteAlready knew about the separation of Pegasus, Unicorn and Earth ponies.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm betting on no appearance of Celestia or Luna this episode, even a cameo.
Flutterjack. Twarity. DashiePie.
ReplyDeletemy god......IT AN EPICDIMIC
ReplyDelete@mycutiemarkisagun I'm working under the asumption that FO:E will be at one point canon; they have Bullets, Tanks, and other implements of murder.
ReplyDelete@The Numberman
ReplyDeletePerhaps they had different forms of governments. The Pegassi were ruled by a warrior cast, the unicorns had a monarchy and the earth ponies some kind of city council with a mayor. Compared to a queen a mayor always looks poorer, despite the fact to both are the leaders of their own ponykind.
that crowd scene has so many clones...
ReplyDeleteSo I guessing from the screenshots, Episode 11 is holiday-related but not Christmas.
ReplyDeleteSince this actually explains the Foundation of Equestria and not the legend of Santa Pony. It makes a bit sense.
For some reason I get the impression that Pinkie has her first decent role of the season in this episode. I'm probably wrong though.
ReplyDeleteA few bits says that this episode is going to have an anti-racism, "Don't judge a book by its cover" moral.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a good thing, actually. I see a lot of racist kids in Elementary schools. :O
The Fluttershy scene reminds me of something...
ReplyDeleteTwilight: Try catching snowflakes on your tongue. It's fun!
Rainbow Dash: I never eat December snowflakes. I always wait until January.
Rarity: You EAT snowflakes? *shudders*
Pinkie Pie: *eats snowflake* Needs sugar.
Fluttershy: *singing a happy song*
Applejack: Hot chocolate's ready, everypony!
WHY does looking at Dash in that armor keep reminding me of SKYRIM?!?!?!?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteUm... Hi. I know this comment is not about the post, but I'm a little left out. I don't celebrate Christmas, and I'd really like it if someone here drew or did a fanfic about Ponies somehow celebrating Chanukah.
ReplyDelete*Rainbow dash stomps on her cloud, and produces lightning* SPARTANS!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have a feeling that this will have a lesson at the end of the ep with a season Greetings
ReplyDeleteMan I kinda wanta know what will happen if the gang starts to dislike each other over the play, because Fluttershy (being a Pegasus) Acts more like an earth pony anyway. (How did they even get her on stage?) Which side does she join?
ReplyDeleteHeya Tangle,
Check out #18 in this Drawfriend for Dash with a Chanukah theme:
Stain glass window = plot consistency
ReplyDeleteFrom Facebook: "What is this place, filled with so many Colgates?"
ReplyDeleteI find it amusing that while everyone keeps commenting on all the clones, nobody has mentioned the fact that, other than the guards, there's not a single male in the entire room. Apparently stallions don't care about history, or are banned from plays.
ReplyDeleteAs for how Discord fits into all of this, I still like the idea that, as the "Spirit of Chaos," he's literally been around for eternity as part of the governing forces of their universe, but only recently gained the ability to manifest in a physical form. And maybe that was even because the pony races were fighting with each other. Then some sort of unified effort against him led to Celestia and Luna becoming alicorns, and the races joining together. So maybe Spike will be playing the role of Discord in the play. Probably not, though.
Anyway, no matter how this plays out, and however wrong all the fan theories are, this is going to be interesting.
@Crunch Nugget
ReplyDeleteI just noticed that and something else I won't say about the crowd. Also anyone else notice the guards have changed color since season 1? No said anything about.
Ponies Total War.
ReplyDeleteSo, before I enlarged the second screenshot, I thought the stained glass window of Discord was depicting the Cutie Mark Crusaders...
Looks a bit like that fanfic "The first Winter Wrapup" with the different kinds of ponies feuding with each other.
ReplyDelete@Lightning Fast
ReplyDeleteWhy would it bit a coincidence? I'm assuming they were specifically asked, though I could be wrong of course.
@richfilesActually saw this thing saying that those were swapped so that Winter Wrapup would show how they have to change the seasons themselves.
ReplyDelete@Lag-y Eyup, that was my instant thought after seeing her Spartan outfit.
ReplyDeletePoor Pinky is a lowly Dirt Pony (what Earth Ponies were previously called by the pegasus and unicorn bigots)
ReplyDeleteThe whole crowd is made of Pony clones! This supports my notion of the way new ponies are actually produced! (Princess Trollestia's Happy Fun Cloning Facility)
ReplyDeleteExactly, and it's not like $200 million movies are ever without plot holes. Avatar had friggin plot BLACK HOLES!
@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteColor's not the only difference. IIRC all the guards we saw in season 1 were pegasi, while the guards in season 2 (not counting Luna's) have been unicorns.
Save the world twice, star in play. Just like real life!
ReplyDeleteFailed to notice that as well...
I do hope we see Luna's unique bat guards again, they rocked!
Awesome, can't wait, and all that, but why hasn't there been anything about episode 12 yet? I hope they're not going to take a break again...
ReplyDeleteThere has, check the links at the top of the page.
Okay okay... enough is enough. Is it just me or does it seem that since Lauren Faust changed positions, that almost every episode has been focused on either Rarity or Rainbowdash??
ReplyDeleteAnd what's the matter with Rainbow Dash??
@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteI just did some checking and it looks like we were wrong, the dark colored unicorns guards did show up in season one during Twilight's flashback to how she got her Cutie Mark.
Dat banner.
ReplyDeleteThe Pegasus flag is hard to make out, but appears to be a winged shield on a field of stars. Rainbow Dash's costume is Roman in design; a warriors battle dress complete with helmet and upper body armor. She stands high on a cloud looking down on the Earth Pony.
ReplyDeleteThe Unicorn flag is a unicorn stallion's head on a field of gems. Rarity's costume is medieval European in design; a royal monarch's crown and robe. She's standing on a high rocky cliff embedded with jewels, also staring down at the Earth Pony.
The Earth Pony flag is interesting, in that it appears to be four segments; the bottom two seem to be a sprouting harvest brown tilled ground and a flowers blossoming on green grass. They possible represent the cycle of harvest and cultivation. Pinkie's costume is Renaissance in design; simple, practical and mostly in a subdued color of brown. She is standing on a small hill with the topmost dirt disturbed, as if in preparation for planting. She's looking up at the Pegasus, and her flag is knocked down.
So much could be speculated about the different races roles from just that one scene. Very interesting indeed.
I just had a vision of ponies doing the Charlie Brown Christmas Dance...
The unicorn guards are missing the teal saddle attachment to their armor.
ReplyDeleteI am saddened by this. :c
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT
ReplyDeleteWouldn't mind seeing that info...
Cause The running of the Leaves also makes the very same fact abundantly clear... That they have to manually force the changing of the seasons. I'm still standing by the swap being due to a simple an error in scheduling, or a Hasbro/Hub derp being the reason for this. Regardless, fall comes before winter, no argument there. When I made my DVD box set, I swapped those two episodes, and left all others in order.
I don't take any other continuity issue seriously.
Blame Doctor Whooves or Ditzy Doo/Derpy. LOL
Wherefore Pinkamena hath no tail?
ReplyDeleteThree candidates for the founding of equestria, but I feel the animators are getting lazy with background characters, look at the audience. Not a single stallion besides the guards. Great post tho!
ReplyDeleteTHIS...IS...AWESOME! Best Christmas present ever!
ReplyDeleteIf you look carefully, the Discord stained-glass window is the version without the Mane 6. So this could be a pre-RoH episode, chronologically.
ReplyDeleteEven when knowing the summary of the episode, I can't help to feel the reference of "Star Boys" on the first screenshot (Pinkie Pie obvious reminded me of "king of the Moors").
ReplyDeleteThose who have no idea what I am talking about, here's the specific Wiki-link: http://bit.ly/vQDfvX
ReplyDeleteOh this episode is SO going to rock!
ReplyDeleteand then, Rainbow x RoyalGuards shipping was cannon
ReplyDeleteGladiator Dash is best Dash.
ReplyDelete@Frenchi Awwww yeah!!!! Twarity FTW!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's clearly the set...
@Sgt Byrd I tried spot the derby but she was no where to be seen. Also there are about 8 colgates
ReplyDelete@Sgt Byrd I tried spot the derby but she was no where to be seen. Also there are about 8 colgates
ReplyDelete@Sgt Byrd I tried spot the derby but she was no where to be seen. Also there are about 8 colgates
ReplyDeleteBased on these pictures, I'd say the story will be something along the lines of the one told in the "Teacher for a Day"-Iphone App.
ReplyDeleteIt's basically about how the three types of ponies disagreed, went to found their own kingdoms, and ended up in the same place.
The Earth Ponies then founded the city of Ponyville, the Unicorns founded Canterlot, and the Pegasi founded Couldsdale. And they all lived happily ever after.
Until Discord. And Nightmare Moon. Then both of them in the other order.
What convinces me even more is that the story describes how the mane 6 are to put up a play about the founding of Equestria (Be it for a less formal audience and using copypasta.)
Dash reconfirmed for being fucking badass.
ReplyDeleteim getting so AMPED FOR THIS =D
ReplyDeleteall three pony races represented and pinkie is poor farmer earth pony. S:SS
Ooh, very nice. One question about that first screenshot, though: where's Pinkie Pie's tail? Did she somehow manage to tame it enough to tie it into that neat little bow? Considering how long her mane stayed nice and straight when she was preparing for the Gala, I doubt it...
ReplyDeleteEh, it's probably in the same hammerspace Mare Do Well's mane and tail were kept in beneath that costume. Oh well. :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePegasi confirmed for natural warrior race.
ReplyDeleteRairity always trying to look pretty .
ReplyDeleteDERPY HOOVES is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteLEONIDASH! :D
ReplyDeleteSpartan Dash is now canon! I-I don't think my geek level can go much higher!
*everyone in the world* HOW HIGH IS IT?
IT'S OVER 9,000!! XD