• Gendid's Artist of the Week #7: Psychedelic Brony

    This week, Gendid had a one on one with an uprising musician in the community, primarily the psychedelic aspect.  Check out the interview below, and some of his work after the break!


    37 kommentaari:

    1. Yay, more music to listen to!


    2. I certainly like this style of music. I somewhat expected #2 to be ponified Yesterday, though that's already been done. Really good music. I will be looking for music from this brony.

    3. Oh, that was cool. The small integration of Avast into the song was done perfectly.

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. Wow, this is amazing music. The conversion of popular show/other/fan songs into these is just done so perfectly.

    6. Ok, someone agree with me that #1 was so freaking awesome! /)^3^(\

    7. And #2 was sweet as well. Felt like going to a jazz lounge for a coffee and deep rooted conversations on philsophy and the like. :)

    8. I'm absolutely loving that first one.

    9. He sounds like a really intresting person =)

    10. Haven't looked at the interview yet, though based on the two examples posted on EqD I can't say either piece is psychedelic at all.

      What I am hearing though is a very talented and versatile musician who can genre hop between soundtrack swing and an instrumental with fancy Latin finger-picking that's akin to Ennio Morricone's celebrated spaghetti western soundtracks. That's certainly no mean feat. (And he's a fan of the 13th Floor Elevators and Grant Green too!)

    11. I don't get it ... As much as I like both of these pieces of music, how would anyone listen to them and know they are pony-related? Shouldn't that be a requirement?

    12. Gods-damned high schoolers being so freaking awesome! How the hell can he be that good and so well-versed in music so young! AAAAAHHHHHHH!
      Man, I feel old now. Ah well, keep doing your thing, brony, and best of luck to you. I'll be watching for your work from now on!

    13. @ponydoraprancypants

      There's a picture of ponies in the video, that's enough.

    14. #1 is [EFFFFFFFFF] AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. Holy Crap!

      Wes Montgomery and flamenco?? The version of Evil Enchantress he does that's on his YouTube page sounds like the Zombies meets Procol Harum with Robin Trower meets something I can't quite put my finger on...

      Because his playstation broke a couple years ago???

      Totally awesome! I'm finding it hard to express how impressed I am!

    16. Bandito Applejack is best Applejack?

    17. @ponydoraprancypants
      All a song needs to be to be related to ponies is if the artist would never have written the song without MLP or they want to find evoke some kind of feeling that the characters/some element of the show make them feel, and wish to extend that feeling via the medium of music.

      There's a blurry line between what is "pony" and "not pony", and a song with lyrics, a song that remixes things from the show or a song that uses sound clips from the show aren't necessarily more "pony related" than a song without them, or a song that doesn't need them. Case in point, an otherwise unrelated pony dubstep song with Fluttershy voice clips layered over it is far less meaningful in terms of how "pony" it is than a passive, thoughtful, original song meant to evoke Fluttershy.

    18. I'm really pleased that he's finally getting some recognition. He's a truly wonderful and talented artist.
      I'm kind of disappointed on their choice of song samples though. While they're both fantastic, they should have included his cover of Evil Enchantress, where he really lives up to his name, and pulls off a piece that wonderfully emulates the style of Jimi Hendrix and Iron Butterfly while still being extremely unique.

    19. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    20. Seriously go sub this guy, he has only 71 subscribers. 71 Celestia damnit!! He deserves so much more! :(

    21. @Altercation

      I certainly agree with your post. To me, however, the songs above do not evoke anything pony related. I listened to them without looking at the fanart attached, and I did not detect anything that made me think of FIM, or any of its characters. In my original post on this topic, I asked what about THESE particular songs had to do with FIM. Do you have any thoughts on that?

    22. Psychadelic Brony's "Sunshine of Your Crusading" is clever and very well done. See http://www.youtube.com/user/PsychedelicBrony#p/u/3/JyRx_40gcbw

    23. 1. Make interesting music
      2. Put it on youtube in shitty quality and offer mp3 download link
      3. ???
      4. Put a hoof to your face as everypony else did

    24. Halfway through the first one, I finally realized it's the Cutie Mark Crusaders' song. Awesome.

    25. @Kujiiro

      Yeah, and I feel like a tool for complaining about that one. It's really quite excellent. My sincere apologies to the artist.

    26. @ponydoraprancypants
      It's okay (Psychedelic Brony here), I expected that to happen :P

    27. I remember this artist. Seems I haven't heard stuff from him as much lately. He's pretty good all in all. I see he's got that issue with modern music production and quality many of the fans of jazz and older music have. :P

    28. YEEEES! I've been waiting for this to happen. PsychedelicBrony is awesome.

    29. @ponydoraprancypants

      well the first one is the CMC theme so that's definitely pony-related.
