Shout! Factory has thrown up a page for the new MLP DVD that will be releasing on the 28th of February, including a slight leak of the title to one of the future season two episodes. Sadly no synopsis is given or any other information, I'm sure we can toss out all sorts of theories on what "The Last Roundup" actually means.
Maybe Applejack lost her rope? We haven't seen a fic about that yet! Rainbow Dash's wings have had enough!
Check out the store page here!
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I am so excited.
VastaKustutaTo YouTube!!!!
VastaKustutaMaybe Applejack lost her hat?
VastaKustutaWhy over a barrel?
VastaKustutaThe Friendship Express has replaced the Cole Train as the best train.
VastaKustutaSo that means an Applejack episode? Took long enough!
VastaKustutaLet the theories begin, then. Though I definitely think it would center around Applejack. Maybe about her trying to avoid a prior disaster? That's the best I got. LOL.
The episode selection is a little unusual, but I will buy the DVD regardless in hopes of a full boxset.
VastaKustutaCool! But I'd still rather wait for a complete dvd set instead of having random episodes from both seasons. Sorry Hasbro and Hub :)
VastaKustutaWhy did I think about Toy Story 2 when I heard that?
Sounds something like the last nightly roundup on EqD. :P
VastaKustuta"Last roundup" huh? My guess is an Applejack centric
VastaKustutaepisode like others are tossing out. But I'm definitely
curious as "applebuck season" is one of my favorite episodes,
despite the fact I'm not an applejack fan. Hopefully this
one will be good too.
Where the heck is my Fluttershy episode?!
VastaKustutaWHaaaaa?! Release on my birthday!? This must be a sign or something...
VastaKustutasoon we'll find out.
VastaKustutasounds like something to do with herding animals. might involve rope.
My only thought on this is "I'm glad it's not being released NEXT year" then we're all be speculating on whether "the last roundup" was the Series Finale.
VastaKustutaNew episode? Awesome
VastaKustutaLast Roundup will be about Applejack's parent's, and how they died! On that Last roundup! That or, it'll be about when Seth decides that we've had too many Nightly Roundups and calls it quits.
VastaKustutaThere's been a strong lack of Applejack altogether, bout time she had some love.
VastaKustutaI'm sure I'm not the only one hoping for a Fluttershy episode very soon though.
The last roundup could be an Applejack episode.
VastaKustutaDefinitely an AJ episode, awesome. Poor mare never seems to get her own.
VastaKustutaI guess it will involve a train, since this is the friendship express.
VastaKustutaWe're leaving togeeether.. But still it's faaareweell! And maybe we'll come baaack.. to Equestria, who can tellll? I guess there is no one to blaame.. we're leaving grouuund! Will things ever be the same agaiinnnnn? It's the final rounduuuup!
VastaKustuta@Tyranoman I'm with you on that one. Though thanks to this website, there's no shortage of Fluttershy. That should be enough until the episode.
VastaKustutaI'm thinking AJ, but all I'm getting are depressing episodes... o_O I doubt MLP would do that.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAll the episodes there seem to be all the big ones when it comes to "Big friendship lessons", so I'm gonna guess that "The Last Roundup" continues that trend in some way.
VastaKustuta"Huh 11 comments that's pretty quick"
"26 comments o_O"
Ahhh we move fast when there is a chance to glimpse new pony info. It's just a shame that these are only DVDs... -_- Wish they could release some blu-rays.
I sure hope it's an Applejack episode. She's best pony.
VastaKustutaThat said, I think the inclusion of Over A Barrel is a little random. Kind of a weak link in what is otherwise a strong line up of episodes (depending on if Last Roundup is good).
I'm tempted to shout out "Yay Applejack episode!" but if I do, I fear it's then going to be about Apple Bloom or Big Macintosh or fluttershy... which wouldn't be a bad thing, but it would make poor Applejack sad thinking she had an episode, but it never was about her...
VastaKustutaSidenote: Anyone else think 13.98 for 5 episodes is pretty freaking awesome in and of itself?
VastaKustutaWhy did you have to bring that up? Now I'm gonna have "When She Loved Me" looping in my head for the next hour!
@Nebbles Nothing so far has been depressing, so I highly doubt MLP would go down that route. The most 'depressing' I think they ever got was during "The Return of Harmony."
VastaKustutaBased on name alone, I hope it's an Applejack episode. She really needs another.
VastaKustutaDo da do do, do do do doo
Oh and my guess Over a Barrel is in is probably because it's the first episode with a train in, and since it's called the Friendship Express, you need trains. Hearths Warming Eve apparantly has trains as well, and probably the last round-up will have one too.
VastaKustutaLast roundup?
VastaKustutaWithout a doubt a Trixie episode.
If it is an Applejack Episode...I suddenly fear for Granny Smith. o.o
VastaKustutaI agree. All the episodes on the list seem to have something to do with trains or some type of long or dangerous journey. Mare in the Moon has Twilight traveling from Canterlot to Ponyville and meeting the others, Elements of Harmony has the Mane 6 travel through the Everfree Forest, Over a Barrel has a train journey to Appleloosa, and the Hub Carolers commercial uses clips from Hearth's Warning Eve that feature a train.
Maybe The Last Roundup has the Mane 6 go back to Appleloosa or some other wild west town. Regardless, it does sound like an Applejack episode.
Over the Barrel's included? Well, I'm going to have to see if Hearth's Warming Eve is a good episode... I wonder which episode The Last Roundup is. Definitely SOUNDS like an Applejack-worthy episode.
VastaKustutaBack to Appleloosa maybe?
VastaKustutaSeems like the theories about "The Last Roundup" are starting to take shape. Let's just not get too far with the speculation, lest we want to be horribly disappointed the day of.
VastaKustutaI honestly don't have much money to spend but... yep. Preordering.
VastaKustutaNot bluray, don't want.
VastaKustutaSigh... Nevermind, they don't ship to spain :c
VastaKustutaThe Last Roundup is Derpy's episode.
VastaKustutaI think I am incapable of being disappointed by this show. Even when my expectations are left in tatters before the title sequence begins, I am more than happy with what actually happens.
Al it's a legal issue... They don't ship to spain because another company handles Pony distro in Europe.
VastaKustutaSince Hearth's Warmin Eve hasn't aired yet (at the time of this post). the episodes are all chronologically listed.
VastaKustutaThat must mean that The Last Roundup is a future episode.
if they're that worried about sales I think they should kickstarter the dvd and blu ray box sets. Compile how much it'd cost for so many and send links out to the kickstarter page to all the major brony sites and see if they get enough.
VastaKustutaBrony's who help can consider it a preorder with level bonuses and shout factory gets the necessary funds AND the proof to Hasbro that sets WILL sell.
If they don't make it in the time frame then nothing is lost and they can continue these non liner releases like they seem to think is the only way it'll sell.
Oh god... I just realized it! Last Roundup = Last Nightly Roundup! Seth! Quick, run to Mexico before the SOPA bill comes for you!
VastaKustutaThe problem is, people can donate from all regions where as shoutfactory only covers NA. The problem isn't just the raw numbers, but rather the raw numbers PER REGION. Specifically the North American region that Shout Factory covers.
VastaKustutaOne for me
VastaKustutaSomehow the words "The Last" associated with anything Friendship is Magic fills me with a sense of dread beyond description.
VastaKustutaI'm not going to try and rediculous theories, but we'll find out about the epsiode soon enough. And eh, $14 for 5 episodes. Slightly painful, not too bad. Just slightly cheaper than the iTunes epsiodes.
VastaKustutaThe last roundup?
VastaKustutaSounds depressing.
@InkBluPegasus This first thing that came to my mind and heart
VastaKustutaam i the only one that finds it weird they included a season 2 episode that hasn't came out yet along with the season 1 episodes??
VastaKustutaMildly annoying random mix of episodes. Unfortunately, that is likely going to make some people not want to buy it, in hopes that they'll get a box set later for sequential episodes, and just general boxy goodness. And if enough people have that mindset, it means lower sales on these, making the box set less likely, so fewer sales all around. I guess that's why they need a new marketing director.
VastaKustutaAlso, my prediction for The Last Roundup: The sheep and other sentient non-ponies get sick of being treated like livestock, so start a rebellion. Although that's probably not too likely, I suppose. "Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that it's important to have lots of friends behind you when the slaves get uppity."
It will probably have aired by the time the DVD comes out.
VastaKustutaApplejack episode would make me happy.
VastaKustutaThis reminds me of when they first released Sonic The Hedgehog SatAM on DVD. Damn now that I think about it, it took them damn near 15 years to put out a complete series for StH:SatAM. Hopefully that doesn't happen with this show.
VastaKustutaThis reminds me of when they first released Sonic The Hedgehog SatAM on DVD. Damn now that I think about it, it took them damn near 15 years to put out a complete series for StH:SatAM. Hopefully that doesn't happen with this show.
VastaKustutahuh... I wonder if Braeburn's gonna pop up again,
VastaKustutaAnyway, the last roundup.... the title has some promise, could be interesting, Maybe we'll finally know where Aj's hat came from :D
Well at least it's coming here in Canada, I am not going to buy it because it only four episode. I will wait for box set come out. Still waiting for to show up itunes here or some other legal and DRM Free place to buy form the internet.
VastaKustuta@MyBoyJ Well, maybe "disappointed" was a poor choice of words. I sure haven't been disappointed by any of the episodes. Mostly 'cause I try to keep an open mind towards what's going to happen. It's that same open mind that led me to MLP to begin with.
VastaKustuta@DPV111 I associated "the last" more along the lines of "the last time that happened, we were so horrendously screwed." In other words, nothing negative. The most negative they ever got was "Return of Harmony" and even then they still managed to squeeze in some humor amongst everything going on. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about this episode if I were you.
VastaKustutaOver a Barrel, are you fucking serious.
VastaKustutaImagine the ep happens to be dvd exclusive...or at least, gets released before airdate.
VastaKustutaAlso, I think people seem to ignore that theres a train in the dvd cover. which could lead to why over a barrel, hearths warming eve (hub promo had a train), and possibly the new ep are in it specifically.
VastaKustutaWhy Friendship is Magic 2 parter is in it, though, i have no idea. Probably just to get new viewers a chance to get to know the characters? *shrug*
VastaKustutaThey're killing off Applejack?!
VastaKustutaMy guess is the the dare between Apple Jack and Rarity is comming to pass
VastaKustutaWell looks like there's that Applejack episode everypony has been asking for now all we need is some Fluttershy
VastaKustutaMy guess is the the dare between Apple Jack and Rarity is comming to pass
VastaKustuta(don't just buy it)
Our shout factory bro said preorders are seen as strong indicator of popularity, and would be taken into special account when considering an actually cool release in the future.
Yeah, it's a Seth episode.
Buck that DVD I want the episode's in order so that I can watch them in order and not have to go though every DVD to watch the whole season 1
VastaKustutaThe Last roundup? Hey it must be the good applejack episode that was lost.
VastaKustutaI imagine the full-season box sets will come when and if these smaller DVDs prove successful. Anime companies do the same thing.
VastaKustutait's possible to watch those DVD in europe too, right? I don't know about those region codes stuff :/
VastaKustutaPreordered for great justice.
Oh snap the brony's right...
The last round up, that can mean something, something really bad can happen to poor ol granny smith...
And to show as to why it can, the theme of this has been seen even in something as harmless as sesame street...
VastaKustutaThat must mean we are for sure gonna get a box set....
Either now, or much later.....when the show is long dead and it's fans go underground like satAM's and keep the flame going for years to come.
I actually got the box set, it came with cool features... More notable, IT CAME WITH LEGIT FAN ART, both on the cover and it's discs.
Another was that they had their never told 3rd season ALL PLANNeD out, they just had the plug pulled way too early.
I miss that show.
Wow...I never type this much, sry bronies ^^'
So it looks like the episode selection is completely arbitrary, not even adhering to a single season, so we can forget about them releasing multiple volumes to cover all the episodes. As jazzed as I would be to own an MLP DVD in any form, I can't help but feel like I should just hold out for a season boxed set (preferably on Blu-ray).
VastaKustutaHoping this "Last Roundup" episode is a decent Applejack one!
VastaKustutaSomething tells me they wont have enough for the masses. Oh well im buying it anyway even if I have to wait forever for it, it will be worth it.
VastaKustutaIf Hasbro thinks I'm gonna pay for a DVD with random episodes, they should think again... what depresses me is that the sales of this rubbish is what will probably decide if they make full-season DVD sets or not U___U
VastaKustutaWell, it's not a season; but five episodes that we're legally allowed to have? That's Awesome! Definitely getting this when it comes out.
VastaKustutaThat's a near certain Applejack episode! I'm so excited!
VastaKustutaBut hey, is that episode list what it INCLUDES meaning there's more? Or are they the only episodes on it? If so, that's a random selection if ever I saw one.
I remember hearing that there was going to be a Derpy episode called "The Last Roundup"... I dismissed it at the time but now that the name has popped up I am slightly curious. Though it's most likely and Applejack episode, I have to wonder if Derpy will be important somehow.
VastaKustutaScrew that dvd. Why can't they just release the episodes in airing order?!?!?!
VastaKustutabwahaha youre all WRONG! it will be the Scotaloo Episode! :P
VastaKustutaPlease oh PLEASE be an Applejack episode! She needs one so badly! D:
VastaKustutaAfter reading Fallout Equestria, the implications of this "Last Roundup" episode sound depressing. :P
VastaKustutaI found that funny. Gj seth
VastaKustutawish it had discord,but still going to get it anyway. BTW, get it on Wal Mart, it's 10 dollars, plus like 1.50 S&H.
VastaKustutaidk. the way cartoons are today.. "last roundup" might be granny smiths last episode. they might deal with the subject of losing a loved one. you know this is a "semi educational" show
VastaKustuta@Bunny Kins
VastaKustutaApplejack's tragic death by stampeding Parasprites.
*Daisy* The horror! THE HORROR!!
Nopony better die in that there future ep, else I'mma flip mah shit! In seriousness though, DVDs are cool. I reckon we'd better be buying these up in order to get an eventual box set. Episode lineup is kind of odd, but assuming the last two are gonna be awesome, it's a spectacular choice of episodes.
VastaKustutaWhat if...The Last Roundup, is actually about all of the Mane 6's friendship..ending..and in the next couple of episodes it's up to Twilight or Spike to get them back together
VastaKustutaI already have every episode downloaded. I would buy them on DVD though if they ever released a season set...
VastaKustutaThough I want bonus features. Bloopers from the voice actors, deleted scenes (even in just story board form) commentaries, ect..
Then I would buy it.
I can't wait for The Last Roundup episode!