• Drawfriend Stuff #277

    More steampunk ponies? Bionic Gummy? Rainbow Dash with those badass blade wings? This needs to be a series of it's own.

    Have some art!

    Source 1 

    New banner by SkyTheMoonWarrior

    Source 2

    Source 3

    Source 4

    Source 5

    Source 6

    Source 7
    Saucy Twilight! Because saddles.

    Source 8
    Saucy Twilight 2 (Also because saddle)

    Source 9 Megasweet

    Source 10

    Source 11

    Source 12

    Source 13

    Source 14

    Source 15

    Source 16

    Source 17

    Source 18

    Source 19

    Source 20

    Source 21

    Source 22

    Source 23

    Source 24

    Source 25

    Source 26

    Source 27

    Source 28

    Polish Moon Folklore! 

    Source 29

    Source 30


    1. subscribing to EqD on twitter was the best idea ever

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cheerilight??? That's a new one! Although I guess it kinda makes sense ...

    4. There are a few in here I liked, but as for 7 and 8 just no...

    5. I think this is the earliest drawfriend yet.

    6. #1 Why of course Dash is badass with blade wings like my character Razorwing

      #5, #13, #22 Luna is now officially my second favorite pony

      #20 Here fishy fishy...
      Also noticed the saucy stuff was not completely posted just the source, thanks that works perfect. So now I won't have to see it when scrolling along. Now both sides are happy

    7. Whooa 10 is awesome. Also 29 looks great! Great draw friend as always
      Twilight is very saucy ;)

    8. dat 10 and 11. wow. those are extraordinary. also OMGTWILIGHT ;D

    9. 11
      That was quite something with the manes.

    10. Oh, my! So much good stuff today!

    11. #25 glad to see there's still more scootachicken on the interwebs.

    12. @Travis Smith
      Huh I always thought that's what was done with all the really saucy pics course once in a while something a bit suggestive might pop up that has been the method for quite a while I believe.
      It's a great method too because people like me who like looking at everything and don't mind saucy pics can still look while people who have their personal feeling towards pic that at kept happy, yes?
      Im already sick of hearing people bitch about parts of the fandom they don't like so we don't need any more.contervesy developing here. Is it so hard for people to simply ignore things? *shrug*
      :) stay briny my friend

    13. #1
      I would want to write a fantic, but I would feel too self conscious.

    14. Wait, saddles are saucy now? Sheesh, sometimes this fandom...

    15. @Pinkie Pie That's the same thing I was thinking. I had to double check my Twitter to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

    16. Steampunk ponies are best ponies.
      #16 Hooves family is awesome! Just look at those dresses! Love the expressions!
      #13 It seems, book covers are becoming new trend. I approve.
      Saucy pics are not-so-saucy (and have wrong proportions).

    17. #29... I REALLY wish this would be expanded upon... the relationship between Discord and Luna would be worth knowing.

    18. This was a truly excellent assortment. Standouts include the two steampunk pictures, Rarity with her crown and necklace, the one with the sword, laying-on-the-ceiling-Pinkie, and the last one with Cheerilee and Twilight, the last one just because that's the first I've ever seen of that sort of pairing.

    19. Saucy Twilight? no I shouldn't....oh well *click*

    20. @Jackle App

      You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. It's nice to see that the saucy pictures now hide behind links!

      I almost stopped looking through the drawfriend-stuffs because sexual pictures of cartoon animals designed for little children is nothing but sick in my opinion...

    23. Early Drawfriend, huh? And I was just wondering what today's would hold. Guess I didn't need to wait long. Awesome new banner; almost makes me want to take up snowboarding.

      #1 They all look so high class.
      #2 Maybe a little less punch next time.
      #3 That is such a cool shot of Rainbow.
      #4 AJ looks like she's trying not to laugh. XD
      #5 LOL. Considering what I see here, I think I would need to take this class as well.
      #9 I'm not entirely sure I get what's going on here, but it looks pretty funny.
      #12 Clearly one pony's joy is another pony's nightmare.
      #15 Rarity looks stunning in this one.
      #16 Looks like any pony looks great in a cape.
      #17 I don't think I should try to figure out what's going on here.
      #18 So cute.
      #20 LOL. Wonderbolt bait.
      #24 That's just so adorable.
      #25 Something tells me Pinkie should have thought her costume over a little.

    24. Steampunk, rule 63, furaffinity, freaky anime re-imaginings, tons of shipping, loads of Luna, a dash of Christmas spirit, and stupid sexy Twilight.

      All is right with the world.

    25. It just don't seem right that you can take a naked pony, add clothing, and get to saucy.

      But you can. Oh yes you can.

    26. 17) I blame sticky cotton candy hair.

      26) This reenforces what we all know: That RD is a badass.

      29) I like this one. Oh hey, Lauren makes a cameo.

    27. @ombutescentdin
      I'm not a fan of saucy pics.
      But, what else did you expect to see
      when you click on a link that clearly
      says: "SAUCY TWI!"?

      But yes. Thanks for putting the
      saucy pics as links instead of
      the actual pics.

    28. I don't get the saddle bit... why is it tabu ?

    29. #25 What are the chances of Pinkie Pie and scootaloo being distant relatives?
      They DO have the same mane color...

    30. Good sir! Who is your saucier, I must know!

      Michelin star!

    31. @Hansi
      There are no humans in ponyville. Why have a saddle? Saddles are used for riding.



    32. This is by far my favourite Drawfriend EVAH!!! I'm so proud of my Polish folk of making that reference with moon :* Broohoof to everyone who knows the story of that guy /)*(\

    33. @amddude actually... they have saddles in the show... they use them as bags and on Halloween as costumes

    34. 13 gets +1 for Luna having "On the Origin of Species"

    35. @Alexaroth
      I saw a saddle once in winter wrap up and I honestly have no idea what the storyboarders were thinking. It won't ever be used for its intended purpose (as a riding device) and it certainly wouldn't keep Twilight warm, being so small. A cloak would work much better.

      Saddlebags have a function. The ponies are able to put things in them.

    36. I don't get it, how are saddles -

      *opens links*

      I say ಠ_ರೃ I am not amused. But art must still be appreciated.


      Anyways, 12 and 26, extremely well done. These hit the top spot for me in today's drawfriend, and also indicates that I don't need to buy a tablet for my work to look so good...

    37. Hmm needs to be about 20% saucier

    38. @Mr Mailbox

      Then keep that opinion to yourself if you would, good sir.

    39. @Alexaroth

      It's not taboo. It's the understanding that the saddle half-frames and draws attention to their rear. Essentially, for a people that goes around naked all the time, something like that (with the artist's obvious intent to make it so) would have a flair of allure to it.

    40. How can I be upset about 'saucy' pics when I think they're more funny than anything?
      Oh fandom.

    41. You picked some real goodies today. Lookit Fluttershy's heart-shaped mouth at #12! And Gummy's... helmet at #1? Oh my.

    42. @Kayriel I take it your opinion is more valid to be expressed? Why so?

    43. 8: Another "Whoa Nelly!" moment. Twilight needs to wear a choker more often.

      15: Rarity is the White Queen

    44. I like the saucy pics. I was actually more upset at the idea of Rainbow Dash beating up Twilight.

    45. You win a free internet for adding #28 ;)

    46. LOVE #20. Poor Soarin. He's worse off then Scootaloo's association with being a chicken.

    47. Hooray for Luna & Twardowski!! Love Polish references on EqD!

    48. Surprised nobody's said anything here about the awesome new banner.

      It's awesome.

      Also yay drawfriend!

    49. #1 That's brilliant, as I have said before i'm not generally a fan of steampunk but some of the stuff that comes out of it is awesome.
      #2 Interesting, that's well drawn.
      #3 Again, pretty well done, I like it.
      #4 Very cute, more festive themed things.
      #5 Fluttershy, stop being a bad influence on Luna! (never thought i'd say that)
      #9 Oh Derpy.
      #10 this actually looks pretty sad, very nice atmosphere though.
      #11 Oh my, very sad looking.
      #13 Nice drawing, I like it.
      #14 Perhaps that wasn't the best festive idea.
      #15 Lovely style.
      #16 Argh need to stop syaing this, very nice style, I like it.
      #17 Wait, what in?
      #18 Hey get out of my photo albums!
      #19 I really like the background here, it just makes the picture.
      #20 Magical floating Pie...
      #21 Discord! What are you doing?
      #22 Luna really doesn't have festive costumes nailed yet.
      #23 Incinerating things with solar power takes more effort than you'd think.
      #24 Cute, I like it.
      #25 Oh Scootaloo, why does everypony think she's a chicken?
      #27 Very nice, I like the idea.
      #28 Very nice drawing, I love the shadows.
      #29 Very good, I like the mirror. Poor Luna.

      Nie drawfriend, I don't mind the occasional saucy thing if they're behind links so I can avoid them.

    50. The show featured saddles multiple times, most prominently in the beginning of "winter wrap up" where Twilight goes through her checklist to not forget the saddly. Spike is regularly seen riding Twilight, so saddles would not be useless in the MLP universe.

      That said, the Twi pictures likely were not declared saucy because of the saddle, but because of the intentionally suggestive pose.

    51. I would love to jump in on this Saddle debate...yet tis not the place for such.

      Lovin this drawfriend...needs more Woona!

    52. awesome drawings, love the banner too, its badass

    53. 4. Looks like AJ is feeling the holiday spirit.

      7. While I agree with the sauce tag, why are saddles now considered saucy.

      13. Gorgeous.

      15. "all the royals...They will see I'm just as regal..."

      18 Dawwwtastic.

      20. Muwhawhawhaw. The way to a stallions heart.

      21. Discord you dog.

      22. Silly Luna, those go on three tree.

      24. Absolutely adorable.

      25. Mauwhawhawhaw. Quick somepony do fanfic of this.

    54. Steam punk is the best punk. Great drawings and banner!

    55. 14 and 18 dawwww

      Twilee? welp that's new.

      Glad to see the saucy warning again. But these saucy pics were cute imo (no twilight your face won't do anything).

    56. Theory:
      Saddles are kinda like a coat in the MLP universe.
      They're usually used in inclimate weather.

      Rarity wears one with an attached umbrella to avoid the chocolate rain.
      Twilight wears one during Winter Wrap Up.

      I suppose it's like wearing a good hat and skiing naked... Which I have heard you can do. Heat rises. *shrug*

    57. Theory:
      Saddles are kinda like a coat in the MLP universe.
      They're usually used in inclimate weather.

      Rarity wears one with an attached umbrella to avoid the chocolate rain.
      Twilight wears one during Winter Wrap Up.

      I suppose it's like wearing a good hat and skiing naked... Which I have heard you can do. Heat rises. *shrug*

    58. Great banner; I love the low angle and the resulting distortion of Rainbow Dash, which heightens the feeling of action.

      #1: Another fine steampunk image, and one that's more subdued and forboding than usual, as a nice change of pace. And yet another background appearance by Spitfire, who's finally getting the recognition she deserves. ;)

      #2: "Don't know my own stren'th!" Another well-chosen low angle viewpoint for an amusing image.

      #3: More steampunk? More steampunk. Interesting design below the main image.

      #4: Nice to see another Christmas Applejack; the snowflake on her nose is a nice touch.

      #5: Amusing gag and nice art, but the details bother me: Why is Fluttershy, of all ponies, teaching internet/texting lingo? Why is Twilight's paper turned so that it's upside-down to her? Derpy can't spell 'muffin'?

      #7: Yeah, it's more than the saddle that makes this image saucy, though it's tamer than some images that have been posted before with little comment.

      #8: Gah, so close to being arguably innocent, but ultimately this is just another saucy image; just a minor alteration would've made this adorkable enough to appeal to me.

      #9: Well, that was random. And Pinkie Pie wasn't even involved.

      #10: Another stunning image from Miradge, even if it's a bit obscure in its symbolism. Any excuse for more Roseluck art is welcome, though.

      #11: Both manes (and tails) are done just beautifully in this drawing, and the concept itself is intriguing (is this an alternate reality where NMM won, or is Celestia faking her out before the banishment?). I have no idea why the artist considers it an "epic fail".

      #12: Cute Fluttershy in an unusual style, but it's Twilight in the background who steals the show. I really like this artist's ponies.

      #13: I don't know if it's canon, but I love to think of Luna as a bookworm, and this image perfectly represents that concept.

      #14: Well-drawn, funny image; Celestia looks great, but Luna's expression is simply priceless. Favorite of tonight's drawfriend.

      #15: Rarity's looking very swank here. I hope Studio B brings back the fire ruby for an outfit like this.

      #16: A wonderful portrait of the Hooves clan in some elegant robes.

      #17: ... How on earth is Pinkie doing that?

      #18: A wonderfully cute and silly drawing of Celestia as a little filly. Love the poster on the wall.

      #19: Stunning drawing of Twilight, and an inspiring meaning behind the art.

      #21: This very much looks like something Discord would do; nice job on the body language and expressions of all the characters.

      #23: Finally, some more Celestia being badflank. Seeing her so effortlessly undo the disaster Twilight had wrought was one of the high points of "Lesson Zero".

      #26: Another wild pony drawing with a wacky Twilight in the background; yay!

      #27: That's a great iconic portrait for Celestia; it would work very well on a t-shirt, yes.

      #28: I love drawings that combine ponies with old folklore.

      #30: Wait, when did Twililee become a thing?

    59. @Applebloomismywaifu

      Applebloomismywaifu made a comment other than "first"?


    60. Wow, the Drawfriend was really early today. Already posted when I got on, dang. But anyway, to the art!

      #1 Steampunk is so much fun. You can get so creative with it and designing the contraptions. And it just looks really awesome. So many really cool things about this one. Gummy, the Spitfire poster, Dash's wings, Pinkie in her outfit.
      #2 Ah, Rule 63 Applejack. Thought it was Big Mac at first glance. Just a really orange Big Mac... with long hair I guess. lol He's got quite the kick it seems.
      #3 Really really nice Steampunk pic here. So smooth and with such crisp colors and lines. Love the little skull symbol at the bottom. I also noticed Dash has a pretty well-rounded... uh... rear. lol Can't wait to see the rest in this series.
      #4 Dat Jack Frost pun. Aw, Applejack is adorable in this one with a little snowflake on her nose.
      #5 Lmfao indeed. lol That's certainly an interesting speech class Fluttershy has going. Love Derpy just kinda hanging out up there nomming on a piece of paper with a muffin on it. <3
      #6 More Cadence art. Pretty cool.
      #7 Dat Twilight image. Twilight, what a nice... saddle and neckband you have. Very lovely. :)
      #8 Dat Twilight image... again. lol And she has her lovely saddle on too. Yup, nice saddle. Nothing else to see here, folks. :P
      #9 Why is Dash wearing a feed bag? lol I think that's maybe the second time or so I've ever seen one in fanart. And an even better question... why the heck is Derpy on fire?! D:
      #10 Wow, that's really cool. And ah, it does signify something. Wasn't sure. Really beautiful piece. Especially like how the thorns were done.
      #11 Aww, Celestia's crying. :( I really like the lighting and shading done on Nightmare Moon. It kinda looks like NMM and Celestia were done in different ways or with different tools. Celestia's lines are much more blurred while NMM's are much crisper and defined.
      #12 That's a really cute and fun art style. Fluttershy's mouth and tongue are hearts, aw. I must say I absolutely adore the hilarious expression Twilight has in this. Too darn adorable and funny.
      #13 Very gorgeous Luna piece. I love the cape she's wearing. Quite nice and it complements her color scheme well. Really nice atmosphere as well. Now I'm wanting a room with a balcony and drapes like that. *sighs* I can dream at least. lol
      #14 Ooh, kinda a continuation picture from the Fluttershy the other day, yay. Luna may not be amused, but she's definitely adorable. <3
      #15 Rarity in her play outfit, very nice. So fitting for her too. Queen Rarity. I'm sure she'd quite like the ring of that. lol

    61. #16 Oooh, pretty outfits. Derpy's outfit is so very muffin-like. :P Dr Whoof looks so regal in his.
      #17 ... Wat? lol What the heck, Pinkie? Did you glue yourself to the ceiling again? Nah, she doesn't need glue, she's Pinkie afterall. Nuff said.
      #18 Lmao. The poster on the wall that says "grow". xD Who is that in the poster though if Celestia is still but a little filly? And it looks like she won an Oscar award. Also, d'awwwwwwww Twilight bwob plushie. <3
      #19 Wow, quite nice. Those wings are beautiful. It has that strong presence and feeling to it as well.
      #20 It's a trap! And Soarin is so going to fall for it. Dash knows how to attract men. Use food. :P
      #21 "Mare-abia". D'oh! Such ponified takes on regional places. lol Yeah, it certainly does seem like Discord has it made here. And he certainly strikes you as the type who would do something like this too.
      #22 Aww, Luna seems to be getting into the festive spirit now. She even strung some Christmas lights around her horn. It was looking good too, until she walked too far and pulled the plug out of the socket. :P
      #23 Badass Celestia and her ray of death. Wouldn't wanna be found on the other side of that beam I'm sure.
      #24 Aww, this one was drawn for the Your Siblings art charity. So nice to see they're getting so many submissions for it. This is adorable. Especially little Scoots.
      #25 Doh ho ho! That poor orange chicken is never ever going to live this joke down. It will go down in FiM history. Pinkie: "No, I'm not. I'm a chicken! Bhawgak!"
      #26 Hah, another hilariously awesome pic in this style. Again, Twilight is being great. And maybe just a little pummeled. Just a little bit. lol Dash is looking a little worse for wear herself too. Guess Twilight can fight a little bit. Great cartoony expressions. :3
      #27 What a pretty shirt design. Loving the sun design behind Celestia. Another good addition to the extensive pony shirt line WeLoveFine has.
      #28 How very interesting. I learned new stuff today. :) I like how it looks washed out of colors for the most part. Seems to fit it well. Yay for unique and interesting pieces.
      #29 Dat image of Luna in the mirror. This is kinda cute. Luna snuggling up to Discord. He's one lucky Dragoneqqus. :3
      #30 D'awwww, Twilight has the cutest blushing face. They strike me as a kinda interesting pair to ship together, but still adorable. Cheerilee is giving Twilight the bedroom eyes stare pretty heavily right now.

    62. Guys, we should all have, as a fandom, a giant meeting to sort out and debate on a steampunk pony world. We need to collaborate as a community and work on this.

    63. What's wrong with sadles? Ponies used them before.

    64. @The Dread Pirate Roberts, @Baked Bad, @Alexei J. Humeniy
      Trust me, it's more than the saddles that make those pics "saucy"...

      I don't know it yet, but I'm going to make sure I learn it.

      @CityFlyer502 made reference to it.

    65. Twilight and Cheerilee is certainly not a new thing. it's been around for ages. There's a fan fic called "the F-grade Drinking Game" on this very site i believe. It was hinted at in the start of "School Daze" too. Regardless, it needs to happen more often!
      Anyways, Awesome pictures! Saucy pictures are funny, you just have to imagine the reaction of the character if they somehow found out these pictures were being distributed. That's why it was so awesome that saucy Mayor Mare were being made earlier in the year.

    66. Also i wanna know the context behind #10! Roseluck could be the best earth pony and we'd never know it.

    67. All of them are great! #10, #15, and #29 specifically. #29 totally gave me a Galactica feel from BSSM.

    68. so am i the only one who that that was big mac at 1st in #2?

    69. YEAH! Awesome Luna and Celestia art all around!

      For some reason Luna and winter holidays go together splendidly. More, please!

    70. the saddle looks great but...twis winter wrap up saddle was best!!!...however that said i want to see dashie in a saddle.....

    71. Hey folks, sorry I'm so late... Deadlines and all. Not that I made them, but they got shoved back anyway, so now my stress levels are back to normal levels.

      Onto the artwork...

      Awesome new banner... I think people are really bringing excellent quality in this round of holiday banners. I don't know how much extra work it is for the EQD staff, but I love the variety of it... such a great idea.

      1) I love steampunk, and I love pictures that tell a story, and this is both. I'm not really sure what the story is, but speculating is half the fun. Pinkie's corset-laced hat is cool, as is the Spitfire wall art.
      2) Appletosh? Macinjack? I think Applebucking is a bit out of control for him, either way.
      3) Dash at the controls of an airship with a cool facial scar and goggles, done in a highly graphic style? Works for me.
      4) You know you don't see enough adorable pictures of Applejack, but this one is great and still in character. Love it.
      5) Twilight, get a lawyer to read that contract before you sign it!
      6) Cadence is coming. Resistance is futile. Nice job on her... I like the highlight on her face.
      7) Yeah, I think Twilight would blush wearing that outfit in public.
      8) Saddles in this show still confuse me... even without the sauciness.
      9) Why has Derpy switched to "Flame on" mode? Was her muffin not done yet? Dash in the feedbag made me laugh for some reason.
      10) A very interesting image of an underused pony.
      11) I really love this one... the glowing manes are so cool, and this might be my favorite image of Nightmare Moon. Just stellar work... no pun intended. A favorite.
      12) Aw, Twilight made a friend. Funny!
      13) Luna looks great in that fur-lined cape. Faux fur, I'm sure. A really nice image all around... the background, the pony... beautiful.
      14) Heh... she doesn't seem to be as into this one. I like Celestia's beard though. Did she borrow Twilight's?
      15) What a lush, gorgeous Rarity. Love the facets of her gem from Spike.
      16) They are all dressed to be awesome, and so awesome they became.
      17) Pinkie may have broken my brain.
      18) Does filly Celestia have an Academy Award? Or is this some other filly Alicorn, what with the Twilight doll and the Celestia poster? Did Celestia have a daughter? Or a clone? So many questions...
      19) That's a cool image. I love how Twilight's head is thrown back in flight, and these wings are much more epic than the ones she gave Rarity.
      20) This is one shipping picture that made me laugh. Great stuff!
      21) Yeah, I would have turned him to stone too. Funny image though!
      22) I would totally be okay with making decorating the Luna Pony a holiday tradition.
      23) Wow, that is one mighty headbeam from Celestia. Somebody's going to the moon.
      24) Scootaloo's jingle bell singing really earned her some of my respect this Christmas. Glad to see her in the Drawfriend.
      25) Heh... You just know it's going to turn out that Scootaloo has more family than the Apple clan. Just to mess up the fans.
      26) Why is every pony picking on Twilight?! Not that Dash doesn't look epic and hilarious at the same time.
      27) Very pretty Celestia medallion.
      28) That's pretty awesome. I love the Polish guy's design.
      29) An interesting little scene... I really like the room design, and the wall hangings.
      30) Yay! Two of my favorite ponies. I really think these two should hang out together more on the show. Maybe not "candlelight dinner" kind of hanging out, but still. A cute image none-the-less.

      Ah... my deadline has been moved, I've savored an excellent Drawfriend, and there's a new episode in the morning. That's how you end a week right. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to everyone involved in putting it together!

    72. Okay, I love this Pinkie Pie. What is this Steampunk thing and how do I get it? *Google*. *Wikipedia*. Sweet. Steampunk-like fantasy was already my favorite fiction type before.

    73. Quick find a hiding spot for both source #16 and #17 we need to keep those pics away from Molestia if we can that.

      Love reviewing the artwork in here on Australian Bronycast Livestream show, look out for tomorrow's ep Australian Time should be around 1pm or 1:30pm for the show start

    74. @jodyjm13

      30--From a well written piece of fiction too saucy for this board called "Romance Reports" with Luna harshly mocking the romance between Twilight and school teacher Cheerilee with one of the most memorable lines--"your most faithful student"

    75. Why is so much roseluck pics freaking epic?
      Is it a unwriten law of the fanndom?

    76. Derpy's power level is........ OVER 9000!!!!!!

    77. The hiding of the saucy posts is much appreciated. Thank you, Sethisto :)

    78. I think it's more than just the saddles that make those Twilight pics saucy. phew

      #17 wait.....what??

      #24 I d'awwwed
      #25 I facehoofed

    79. number 12, what the hay? and this is steampunk-dash addition!

    80. #20 made me smile all the way.

      And why does everyone (especially that banner) remind me about the riding season? I have my mountain pass, but there isn't even any snow yet up here (Montreal, Canada)!

    81. @ source 9, why the hell is Derpy on fire?

    82. @BronyHaterSlayer

      No. She's baking her muffin. It's not done, yet.

    83. 9- She's on for because she dropped her muffin.
      Don't worry those clouds will put it out :D
      18- BABY CELLY HNNNGG! ^^
      20- Soar'n X Pie = OTP :D
      22- Luna: Blast these modern contraptions and their... ooooooh shiny.....
      25- D'awwed

    84. Ponies, the more clothes they wear, the sexier it is.

    85. Twi and Cheerilee look cute together.

    86. I am WAY too exhausted and probably should be sleeping right now (or else working on one of my many pieces if I insist on staying awake), but I refuse to miss another Drawfriend post again this week, I REFUSE! So yes, it may be short-ish but I am commenting:

      #1 Steampunk really is fascinating, isn't it? It seems to make any subject that much more appealing, somehow. That having been said, very nice picture, though I think the sunlight streaming in through the window is what really makes it for me.
      #2 I'm not sure what's going on with the gender-bending Applejack (I think?), but this picture is very nicely done. Great bright colors and I love the way the idea was executed.
      #4 Eeeyaaah, SO incredibly cute! I hadn't realized how much I had been missing my Applejack fixes! =^.^= Adorable holiday picture... I really love her expression, and that little snowflake on the tip of her nose just amplifies the charm factor.
      #9 I don't know why, but ponies with feedbags always crack me up for some reason.
      #10 Oooooh, very nice. This artist has a fascinating style, and I love the splashy, graphic nature of this picture in combination with the minimalist color scheme. It really makes it pop.
      #11 I absolutely love the way the artist rendered the glowing mane/tail and eyes here... it's really beautiful to look at.
      #s 12, 26 While this artist definitely has a very unconventional style and way of interpreting the ponies, I really do enjoy both of these pictures. They are funky, full of character, and in some bizarre way actually do capture our ponies' personalities quite nicely, if in a bit of an exaggerated fashion. Seeing as how they have also done Pinkie Pie and Applejack with Twilight (as well as a solo for her), I'm interested to see the inevitable Rarity!
      #13 I really want Luna's robe/cloak... I'm going to have to make myself one like that I suppose.
      #14 Hah, this is hilarious. Loving the background with the light streaming through the windows, too!
      #15 Such a gorgeous interpretation of Rarity, perfectly in her element here. I really love this one.
      #18 The little details in this one (the "GROW" Celestia poster, blob Twilight Sparkle-plushie and the cutie mark flower pot), really endear this picture to me. Very charming. ^.^
      #19 Love the pose; very emotive.
      #21 I'm not sure what's going on in this picture, but it's surprisingly entertaining. The harem ponies' expressions are pretty funny!
      #22 I love the concept here, that is so incredibly cute!
      #28 I don't know much about Polish anything, I am sorry to say, but I would like to learn. This is a very pretty picture and I am curious about the backstory.

    87. Ugh. Even when Seth hides the sauce behind a clicky, bronies complain.

      #1 Steampunk Dash+The Gumminator = SO MUCH WIN!

      #11 So beautiful, and yet so sad.

      #15 All my loyalty!

      #17 Why am I not suprised? She can divide by ZERO for Celestia's sake.

      #20 Soarin! Enemy Dash in Sector 47!

      #25 *facehoof* Why the hay does everypony think Scootaloo is a chicken? She's a bucking PEGASUS for crying out loud! Why don't we just replace the entire species with lowly poultry while we're at it?

      #26 W-...B-but why Dash, why?

    88. Twilight is the new sauce baows!
      and 25th, lold so hard XD

    89. #2
      What's going on here?! Do my eyes deceive me?! Is a tree flying around attacking a male Applejack with apples?!


      Aw shut up, man! He has every right to speak out his awesome opinion! XD

    90. No, really! #2! Look at it! Just look at it!

    91. Steampunk ponies? LOVE. Where are the fanfics!? D:

      Twilight-sauce? Immediately save to HDD. >.> <.< ....what? ^^" I like her outfits okay?

      Pinkie and scoots? Priceless. I loled and snickered for like 5 mins before saving it.

      Luna just flew up my list of fav ponies by like 10 ponies just from these pics alone.

    92. Yay Steampunk!
      *goes out and buys Steampunk muffin. Who cares if they don't exist, I'm Derpy Hooves. Rules do not apply
