• Drawfriend Stuff #288

    Nightmare Moon needs more love, even if she does look kind of bald with that helmet on.

    Have some art!

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    1. How many times will REA spitfire be used as a post header in the next 24 hours? My best is Four times.

    2. 26 gave me a huge HHHHHHNNNNNGGG attack!

    3. 25 made me Laugh out Loud so much xD

      its so brilliant

    4. #24 - A Precious Rainbow is best Cupcakes sequel.

      And did Spitfire start starving herself or something? Geez. "You can do side bends or sit-ups..."

    5. So, let's see what kinds of surprises are in store today.

      #2 This is just the coolest thing I've ever seen. I'd imagine Twilight had perfected that wing spell by that point.
      #4 Seems like two of these ponies are forgetting where they are.
      #7 Packed full of adorable.
      #8 RAINBOW! HOW COULD YOU?! Oh wait……never mind.
      #9 Wouldn't mind doing this at the end of a long day. Unfortunately, I live in the city.
      #11 I'm beginning to see a trend here, courtesy of the best pony.
      #17 Awesome times a million.
      #20 Haha. That's so cute.
      #23 I'd like to know which one of them came up with the idea.
      #24 Wonder what happened that landed them in the hospital.
      #25 This is one case where I'll let the arrow jokes slide. LOL
      #27 Just when I thought we'd seen the last of these.
      #31 So who's the lucky duck that got this present?
      #32 Looks like Octavia is insulted beyond words.

    6. I used to like arrow in the knee jokes, but then i took an arrow in the knee... :(
      Seriously guys, this is becoming boring, dont u think so?

    7. Yay! I got featured! 16!! Thanks so much ED! <3 <3 I love you guys!

      I demand "Royal Caps Lock" be a thing.

      And Skyrim + ponies? ...My week has been made.

      Number 33 gave me diabetes.

      Yaaaay! I'm so happy! Thanks so much!!

    8. #25 lol the bow and arrow on the book is aimed at the baby guard's knee

    9. This is a really good Drawfriend.

    10. @CityFlyer502

      Yay, someone thinks my #20 is cute! Thanks :3

    11. The Diabetes is finally coming to consume my soul!!! But seriously, this is definitely D'awwwwww edition. I'm keeping this page in my links because I don't have enough room left to save all these pictures!!!

    12. Dat 26.
      Dat 27.

      Yes, Seth, Nightmare Moon needs some love.

    13. 8- What Nyan cat's thinking=Lol
      14- Rarity, I'm no-... just screw it. *Swims away*
      16- Holy shit, is that a life form from Mars in the sky!?
      20- Pinkie, you're showing your winking kitty face again.
      24- Fuck... I think I'm suffering from a heart attack right now from this picture.
      25- Arrow to the knee jokes are highly overused and no longer funny. I really wish people would learn this.
      27- No matter how seductive you are, Spitfire, I'm still not going to join the bloody REA!
      28- Luna, what did I tell you about drinking alcohol?
      31- If only that happened in real life...
      33- Canon: What S2Ep10 shown was as far as things would go for a children's show. Fanon: This is usual.

    14. I agree NMM is awsome

      #6 Luna do you need a back up?

      #22 Luna

      #25 Celestia I don't remeber you reading to me as a new recruit for the guard, no wonder Luna is better

      #27 Join the Steel Empire Spitfire, we need you!

      #28 I did not give her any...

    15. For the first time, I shall comment on ALL THE DRAWINGS!

      1. This image frightens me...the landscape looks so barren. What did you do, Nightmare Moon?
      2. Better hurry and deliver those presents before the wings melt, girls.
      3. D'aww, Discord knows not what to do with pink filly Celestia.
      4. Gorgeous use of colors, though Pinkie Pie really shouldn't be blowing a raspberry at Rainbow Dash, unless she wants to be sent to the moon.
      5. Is this Luna or Nightmare Moon? Either way, wonderful use of the clouds.
      7. A wreath of ponies! I wonder if there's an accompanying wreath with AJ, Rarity, and Twilight.
      8. I love the design of Canterlot Castle. Rainbow Dash looks so confused: she SLAUGHTERED that Nyan Cat.
      9. Every time I see a pony in a position like this I can't help but think it can't be very comfortable. Still, at least she's sleeping peacefully.
      10. Applejack swingin' that lasso. Nice action pose.
      11. Hipster Fluttershy is always adorable.
      12. Hurray for fireworks, although Twilight has an odd look on her face.
      13. Beautiful take on Twilight's Gala dress and Celestia's dress. Pity it's not in color.
      14. Rarity's looking flirty. Hi there.
      15. I hope Mare Do Well has a spell that can fix erupting volcanoes...
      16. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here...Fluttershy with a seapony--Lyra, maybe?--on her back, at the lip of a crater, a large squid or octopus or some other tentacled beast above them...it's beautiful, but I lack the context to fully grasp it.
      17. That's right, girls, fight those Windigoes! Show 'em who's boss.
      18. The fun has been bubbled indeed.
      19. Giant Scootaloo is giant. I love the jet-powered scooter...she's going to destroy windows all over Equestria with her speed now!
      20. D'awww, filly Pinkie with a teddy bear.
      21. Rarijack isn't exactly my favorite pairing, but these two look cute together nevertheless.
      22. If I was Luna, the question that would be on my mind is, where'd all the books go?
      23. No, Ice fishing wasn't a good idea. Get better soon, CMCs.
      24. Rainbow Dash injured? Scootaloo comforting her? What's the story behind this?
      25. I hate that meme.
      27. A ride? Oh, Spitfire, at least TRY to be subtle...
      28. Filly Luna, no! Don't drink the adult punch!
      29. Discord looks especially menacing here on his cotton candy throne. I never thought I'd say that, but that's what this series does to your brain.
      30. For some reason, this yellow wall thing makes me think of a shower curtain.
      31. A filly Applejack under the tree? Best. Present. Ever.
      32. Vinyl Scratch, put down the bowstring. You can't play the cello worth beans.
      33. Spike and Rarity watching the sunset...d'awww.

    16. #25; I used to go through and critique all the art, but then I took a played out joke to the brain.

      ...Yay madmax!

    17. "Your barrel is -so- hot," said Spitfire.

    18. 1 NMM indeed needs more love
      8 Goodbye forever, Nyan cat. Nyan Dash is WAY better.
      11 Fluttershy with glasses always looks adorkable as fuck. Maybe more than Twilight.
      15 MDW will save us from 2012.
      20 All of my dawwwwwwwww
      23 Dawww, you will get your cutie marks someday, i hope.
      25 This is so cute, so wrong and so funny at the same time.
      27 Ok, you have convinced me. I'll join REA.
      31 I really want one...
      33 Sparity is second best ship.

    19. #25 enraged me to no end.
      But overall a good drawfriend.

    20. 23 is the absolute best thing.

      Filly Celestia & Dischord, Twilight Santa and nyan dash catastrophe were all great too. Awesome drawfriends the last few days.

    21. Is it just me, or is Spitfire the hottest pony around?

    22. #2 dawww thats very cute and nice :3
      #19 Tears of joy :)
      #26 dawwww! I want to adopt one!

    23. alot of beautiful colours this time =P

    24. Great art today for sure!

      #11 is definitely my favorite because Fluttershy is my #1 pony.

      #25 are those Celestia's relatives or her draftees? I guess Equestria is a Conscription country. No of fence intended.

      #27 I like Spitfire's hair that way. So beautiful!

    25. @bufbaf Cute might be putting it lightly. It's coma inducing cute. :D Good job.

    26. #25 NOOOOOOOOO That meme is way too overused.

    27. #21 :p
      #3 has been repeated for like the last two drawfriends...

    28. Trollestia is obviously planting the seeds of destruction (for humor).

    29. This is a really great one, one of my personal favorite Drawfriends thus far!

      #1: She actually looks pretty cute there... Though I'm biased, I just finished Past Sins and am reading Night's Favored... So NMM isn't exactly potrayed badly in the mad mind of Broznik.
      #2: I could actually see this happening, without all the gaudy makeup that Rarity wore in Sonic Rainboom, she looks pretty great with the shimmering butterfly wings! So do Pinkie and AJ as well! (But I'm biased towards Rarity!)
      #3: Oh... my... that is quite possibly the most adorable thing I've seen since...a few days ago... this site provides me with too much d'awwww! (But fun timing, as I was planning to try my hoof at writing a Tia/Luna origin fic involving Discord...)
      #4: Ooooh! Fancy! Although I think there's a bit too much warm coloring without a lot of contrast, still a genuinely great pic though!
      #5: I think I just found a new wallpaper! Awesome potrayal of Luna bringing in the night!
      #6: Woo! More Luna! Now with 20% more ROYAL CANTERLOT ROCKING OUT!
      #7: Excuse me for a moment, I need to go vent off the mass amounts of sugary adorableness being vented into my system...Oh who am I kidding, I'm not getting rid of the d'aww that this pic gives me!
      #8: Rainbow Dash wins... fatali- oh no wait nyancat just looks annoyed, we're good!
      #9: Hush now, quiet now... or Applejack will be annoyed...
      #10: Determined Applejack wins...whatever it is she's doing! My money's on grabbing RD.
      #11: I...thats...what... I think I just got steamrolled by Fluttershy being adorable...
      #12: D'aww... I'm such a sucker for this stuff, but I'm not even worried about it anymore!
      #13: Oh sure Tia! Be lazy like that! I must now print and color this for posterity!
      #14: Those eyes... she's staring into my soul I say! Seriously... this pic is hypnotic...
      #15: Mare-Do-Well saves Ponyville from a volcano! Huzzah!
      #16: Noice... I can't really tell what's going on though. Is Fluttershy flying Wavedancer somewhere? Or is she being pulled through the water by the seapony? Or perhaps I'm overthinking this...
      #17: The leaders stand strong against the windigo menace... those poor windigos!
      #18: Bubbly Doctor Whooves and Ditzy! It must be difficult to get Ditzy to NOT look cute...
      #19: Oh... Scootaloo is having a great Hearth's Warming indeed! Although that logo reminds me of Aperture, so it MIGHT wind up being...uh... Oh who am I kidding, that scooter is awesome!
      #20: Pinkie is always being cute, but that doll looks a little freaky, I thought the eyes were red at first. xD
      #21: D'awww... AJ/Rarity... I'm not even a fan of shipping, but thats just great!
      #22: Luna has nothing to read... I know the feeling! I also am noticing more and more how much I like Luna's new form...
      #23: Ice fishing? They'll never learn... but Sweetie Belle is too cute in that pic for me to care!
      #24: D'awww... Scootaloo needs more love, even injured thats probably one of her happiest moments that I've seen.
      #25: GAH! Mixing Skyrim and Ponies! But... adorable guard ponies!
      #26: Hng... uh... Where do I go for one of these... It's a tough call whether this or #11 wins the gold for most cuteness!
      #27: And here I thought REA Spitfire was gone, I'm so glad she isn't!
      #28: Luna... have you been hanging out with Berry Punch again?
      #29: King Discord eh? Nice touch with the impossible triangles in the background!
      #30: More awesome stuff...I'm running out of vaguely interesting things to say, but this one is probably my favorite of the bundle here. I see it as Discord releasing the mane 6, but Luna and Celestia seem a bit too nervous for that to be the case... Open to interpretation, I love it!
      #31: Christmas AJ!!!! I really love these gift box ponies!

    30. how much more of that rea stuff r we guna get?

    31. 33: Go ahead and watch the sun. I'll watch the moon. I mean *cough* plot!

    32. @Broznik

      Accidentally hit publish, and I'm sure you all hate me for being long winded, but... oh well...

      #32: Poor Octavia... Vinyl's trying though!
      #33: And some cute Spike/Rarity to top it off!

      Sorry again for being so...verbose, but I really liked this Drawfriend!

    33. Excellent art these past 2 drawfriends!

      Also: Spitfire! YES!

    34. 25: Trollestia doesn't give them very good knee armour.

    35. #1 NNM looks... cute. Wow!
      #4 Hello new wallpaper.
      #18 I love this all of this guy's Whooves family pictures. Sparkler always has this "I'm not even surprised anymore" expression.
      #19 Scootaloo found a new WMD. Major incident in 3... 2... 1...
      #25 Can we stop already? This meme is so badly overused. It stopped being funny ages ago.
      #30 ;_;

    36. #3 Seen this before but always find it cute :3
      #8 Not Nyancat! D:
      #14 Rarity looks slightly creepy here
      #19 Giant Scootaloo is best pony
      #20 D'awwww
      #25 Lol references
      #26 I would if I could :(
      #28 My punch has been Luna'd
      #31 Y U NO in my presents this year AJ!
      #33 A great roundoff to another brilliant drawfriend!

    37. #25: HA! That amused me, nice one.
      #26: ... I'm sorry, I'm not finding those versions of Pinkie cute at all.

    38. hahaha drawfriend full of puns XD

    39. Wow, am I ever late to this one. Busy night for me I guess. Don't have time to comment on them all unfortunately. But seems like we've got several others doing that anyway. What have I started? lol xD I'll comment on a few that caught my eye though or gave me a chuckle...

      #6 Luna is rockin' out. That's definitely one way to initiate caps lock. lol

      #8 Haha. Oh no, Nyan Cat! Dash you murderer. lol I love both of their expressions. Priceless.

      #16 Now that is a little scarey, yet oddly very beautiful. That sky and just the darker sea feeling, I like it. Didn't read the whole story for it, but I bet it's quite interesting judging by this pic. Dem sea ponies. <3

      #19 "Equestrian Innovations". lol Very nice touch. Wow, Dash sure was generous to Scootaloo for Christmas. I'd be a little scared to ride that thing. Looks like it's going to take off. :P

      #20 :3

      #22 Why are the shelves in the library so bare? :( I quite simply love the dark almost mystical feeling I get from this piece.

      #25 Saw this one the other day. Even though this joke has been over-used so much by now it still gave me a chuckle. xD

      #26 D'awwwwww! I'll take'em all! <3

      #27 Again... dat Spitfire. And her ever-present large guns. I bet that's quite the trilling "ride".

      #28 I don't know why Luna is in a glass... but this is too darn adorable for words. Even drunk-sounding words. <3

      #31 Awwww, what a cute present. I want one too! <3

      #32 ... she's getting the hang of it... only a few thousand more hours of practice to go...

      #33 Awww, that's a very sweet pic right there. Perfect perspective too. so loving. :)

      Wonderful Drawfriend as always.

    40. You know the Spitfire posters bug me in that she is on a recruitment poster for the Army. She should be on posters for the Navy (wonderbolts colors match the Blue Angels) or the Royal Air Force.

    41. Okay... so #11... Hipsters just got about 50000000% better.

    42. I laughed at #25. I'm not ashamed of it.

    43. #2 Wings! For everypony!
      #3 Wow that's a dangerously cute filly Celestia.
      #8 And that's how RD replaced Nyancat.
      #9 Passed out after a days work.
      #10 Cool action shot, looks like she's going to lose her hat though!
      #11 Damn... too cute <3
      #14 You creep me out Rarity.
      #17 This is awesome, plain and simple awesomeness.
      #19 Scoots, why are you so... big?
      #20 Pinkie and a teddy bear? HNNGG.
      #23 Dawww... that's so sweet.
      #26 You don't have to tell me twice.
      #30 Great piece, probably my favorite for the day. Backward scissors was a nice touch.
      #31 GIME GIME! I want it nowwwwww!

    44. #25 is the only time I actually laughed at this meme because it was just in context and very well used.

    45. #25 is the only time I actually laughed at this meme because it was just in context and very well used.

    46. I don't like how people keep calling Scootaloo big on my piece (19). I guess I deserve that with such a low perspective.

    47. Nice drawfriend today, plenty of good stuff.

    48. I think that Nightmare Moon is actually the grown-up Nyx. You can see it in her eyes.... she's kind & loving & benevolent.

      *inb4 past sins haters*

    49. Awesome pics! All of them. Though I do have my Favs out of these today...

      18- Just cause Dinky, Derpy, and Dr. Hooves are in those bubbles. XD I love Derpy's expression.

      22- Because I love "Past Sins."

      26- I really want a Pinkie Pie! She would be the Cutest and most fun Companion.

      30- It kinda shows who was "Really" pulling the strings... and still probably is.

      31- Just cause Apple Jack looks so cute in there!

    50. REA has got to be my favorite pony trend...

    51. Could somebody explain REA to me? I haven't seen much of it except the pictures here on several drawfriends.

    52. Wonderful Drawfriend!
      And yes, Nightmare Moon needs much more love /)^3^(\

    53. Every single drawing here was bitchin.

    54. 11. Adorable.

      20. Dawww.

      23. Muwhawhaw.

      28. Oh Luna, I hope you at least waited until after you raised the moon.

    55. @Khan I believe it's meant to be a reference to the "Royal Equestrian Army" in general, with Spitfire serving as a generic pin-up. So, when can we see Soarin posing for the Royal Equestrian Navy?

    56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    57. #10: Love seeing AJ in action; her pose really gives this drawing a sense of urgency.

      #18: Cute idea for a drawing of the Hooves clan (and their friend Carrot Harvest/Golden Top); Derpy's expression and pose are just perfect. Funny title, too.

      #22: We have links to "hide" saucy pictures, and a few people have pondered similar links to hide violent/bloody drawings, but what about drawings as scary as this? What're y'all trying to do, give me a heart attack with all those empty bookshelves?

      #25: Now this is how you do a cultural reference; even people who don't know a Skyrim from a Rimsky(-Korsakov) can still enjoy the drawing.

      #27: OK, I still haven't gotten tired of these Spitfire recruiting posters...

      #30: Somehow this drawing feels like a composite of 2d and 3d effects, which works really well for the subject matter. Favorite for the night, mainly for Discord's blasé expression and Applejack's attempt to use her severed string as a lasso.

    58. @GaruuSpike
      The artist said it was Nightmare Moon. I agree that the eyes are a bit less malevolent-looking than they were in the show.

    59. Crap. It's late, I lost half of my comment in a computer crash, so let's get back to it.

      1) Celestia's sun seems to be shining down on her sister.... I haven't seen too many day shots of Nightmare Moon. Makes this one intriguing.
      2) Twilight's gotten better at that spell, I see. By the time they get around to an MLP FIM movie, she's going to be epic.
      3) Still like this one.
      4) Love the rich colors, and Pinkie's refusal to give into the solemn dignity of the occasion.
      5) Forget Pippa... that is one epic tail.
      6) Royal Caps Lock is a great name for a band.
      7) I'm going to miss it when we no longer see ponies in wreaths. It's been a great trend this holiday season.
      8) Hit and runs are bad business, Dash... especially with a lot of incriminating jelly.
      9) Applejack under a tree always makes for a good portrait.
      10) Sweet lasso skills on display.
      11) Fluttershy in glasses is beginning to give Rarity and Twilight a run for their money.
      12) I'm going to see these as New Years fireworks. I need to start the mental transition to the next holiday. Stores are already at Valentine's day.
      13) Twilight does love to be next to her Princess. If Celestia could move to Ponyville Twi would burst from bliss.
      14) Is Rarity's pillow afloat? she's giving me quite a look.
      15) Can Mare-Do-Well, save the villagers from the volcano's wrath in time?
      16) Wow, seaponies and airborne squid. I've had dreams like this from bad sushi. Cool image though.
      17) Did Hurricane, Platnum and Puddinghead get revisionist with history? Pretty epic showdown nonetheless.
      18) The cutiemark explained!
      19) This will not end well. But it will begin *awesomely*.
      20) Gah! Too cute!
      21) this is how the more salacious romance novels go, isn't it? Cute shippy image.
      22) Wow... that's a popular section of the library. Or a horribly unpopular one. Not sure which. Like the image though.
      23) Did they catch anyting? Besides the obvious colds, that is?
      24) I think Dash must have her own suite at the Ponyville hospital... at least in fan fics.
      25) Is this what Equestrian tax dollars pay for? Raising the army from foals?
      26) Okay, now that they're in the pie tin, what temperature do you bake it at? Just kidding... they're so cute I needed to get cynical just to preserve my health.
      27) This one makes me think that Spitfire might have a certain type of envy. Still, I do enjoy these REA ads.
      28) And then Berry Punch adopted her.
      29) The cotton candy throne is genius. Neat, different style too.
      30) Twilight seems thrilled to be cut lose to join her Princess. Interesting image, and well done.
      31) Dammit, I didn't get this package under my tree either. Suddenly Christmas seems like a bust.
      32) Again, she lives up to her name quite well.
      33) Still don't go for the pairing, but that is a well done and cute image of the two.

      Sorry for being so late on this one. Thanks to the artists, and to the EQD gang!

    60. @Tsitra360
      If you look at just the thumbnail-sized preview here, Scootaloo does seem to tower above the others; the full size image makes it easier to see it's mostly a matter of a very low-angle perspective, though even taking that into account I think she's slightly larger than the other CMCs. Which doesn't really harm the drawing, IMO, because it just put more emphasis on her and the scooter.

    61. 18 and 25 forever!
      skyrim and doctor whooves needs more loven

    62. @Harwick
      I know that fireworks are a part of Christmas celebrations in some parts of the southern USA; a quick Google search gives some evidence that other parts of the world follow that tradition, apparently including parts of France, where the artist is from.

    63. Well it's late, and I just got home from work but it wouldn't do to check out this Drawfriend and not comment on at least some of these! SO many cute pictures tonight~!! <3

      #3 I love Suirobo's coloring style. <3 Yes I say the exact same thing every time one of her pictures turns up in a Drawfriend I see, but it's always true.
      #4 And speaking of lovely coloring styles, how incredibly gorgeous it this!? Oh my goodness I love it... the coloring and shading is rich and beautiful, and more than anything I adore the warm, soft brightness of the golden sun streaming in. A beautiful picture with a fabulous sense of atmosphere; love. <3 <3
      #5 An unconventional style/interpretation, but another beautiful piece nevertheless. I love all the varied colors used throughout, the composition is perfect... loveliness.
      #8 I must be the only person left on the planet who is still not entirely sure what Nyan-Cat is, but I'm okay with that. More than anything I like the background on this piece, I can imagine it would have taken a while to do.
      #10 Great picture of Applejack! And one that reminds me quite a lot of a fanart idea I had just earlier today. I always enjoy nice art that shows her in action like this. ^.^
      #13 Even though this piece is unfinished (I presume), I really like the idea and the execution. I look forward to seeing it colored if the artist does get around to doing so.
      #16 Seaponies in the FiM universe always crack me up... I remember the toys well from when I was little. Anyway, this is a fascinating picture that was very nicely done in my opinion. LOVE the sky in particular.
      #17 I really adored these three in that episode. I hope I'll be able to get around to making some fanart of them eventually. Anyway, pretty nice picture... Rarity looks scary-powerful here.
      #18 It took me a moment to realize this was Derpy's cutie mark with all the important aspects of her life (according to the artist) being captured in the bubbles. Very cute and creative picture.
      #19 While there are some things about the perspective that look somewhat skewed to me, this is still a very beautiful piece of artwork, and all the moreso considering the fact it was a speedpainting. Color me impressed. I love all the little details present (this artist never seems to disappoint there), and the coloring and shading overall were beautifully done. Very pretty!
      #20 Pinkie's expression... adorable.
      #21 Meep, Rarijack! <3 How cute is that. I find it funny that Rarity does not seem surprised by this turn of events in the slightest.
      #22 When I first looked at the thumbnail I thought Luna was in the Department of Mysteries or something. I really like the background here (if that place were real, I would love to visit it at night) and the artist did a very good job with the moonlit colors I think. I like it a lot!
      #25 I've never played Skyrim, and I doubt I ever will but those little baby guards are adorable.
      #26 Eeeeyaaaaah those are almost too cute to be allowed! In fact nevermind, they definitely are!
      #27 I've enjoyed all of these REA Spitfire artworks (it's about time she received more attention in fanworks, really) and this one is nicely done as well.
      #29 This is pretty great. I love the way the artist rendered the texture of the cotton candy cloud-throne and Discord's wings in particular!
      #30 D'aww, poor little ponies! I like this picture though (very interesting concept), and I agree with jodyjm13 in that it almost looks like a blend of 2- and 3-D. Very nice.
      #31 Okay, I rarely feel I come across things on the internet that might actually have the power to give me diabetes, but this is definitely one of them. This is one of the CUTEST things I have ever seen. <3
      #33 I'm not a fan of this pairing when it's taken too seriously either, but I still really love this picture. The coloring is beautiful and I love the way the whole thing was composed, very sweet.

      A truly lovely Drawfriend this evening, overall!

    64. Fantastic drawfriend. Number #25 made me laugh for much longer than it should have haha

    65. WTH is wrong with 32.

      I mean Octavia is naked for christ's sake.

    66. #22: Why is the rum...always....gone?

    67. #25 and then Celestia shot all of her guards in the knee...

    68. @jodyjm13

      The True story behind #22...

      You found a wild Twilight.
      Wild Twilight used Read.
      It was Super Effective!

      Wild Twilight used Book Fort
      You use Confusion
      But it was not very effective.

    69. Also Loved:

      1. Cute NMM
      3. Dislestia as a young pair is adorable!
      4. Pinkie!
      5. This... b e a u t i f u l .
      6. Puts on shades: YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
      8. It's ok, it's probably not blood... maybe...
      13. So sweet!
      16. This is epic. Not sure what's happening, but it's epic?
      18. This is too perfectly sweet.
      19. Aww yeah! Scoots finally got her training wings, Rainbow Dash style! Brought to you by Cave Joncolt, of Equestrian Innovations.
      19. Yes, I want one, and yes, it was too epic for one entry.
      22. Please see "Wild Twilight". Look under "S", for "Sparkle, Twilight: variant; wild" You should find it earlier in the catalog of comments, under the "R" entry. Look for "Richfiles".
      23. Awww... I wanna give them a hearty veggie broth and a few hugs.
      24. Scoots is a little scuffed up there. I bet she pushed herself hard to make sure Rainbow got to the hospital safely. I honestly would LOVE to see an episode where RD gets hurt (cartoon safe hurt anyhow), and it ends up being Scoots that saves her, and gets help. I just wanna see Scootaloo get some Rainbow love... and not her chewed up apple cores.
      25. I just learned "Ro". I wish I had more chances to play Skyrim, but I took a love for ponies to my heart.
      26. I'll have the Pinkie in the basket... Yes. You heard me!
      27. Umm... What are we joining? Cause I just want the ride! :D
      28. Oh Woona... You silly filly! (and then the moon wobbled through the night sky, and the constellations were blurry). Lemme give you a hug.
      29. Discord, you could have so much fun, and so many friends if you would just play with the ponies, instead of with the ponies.

      I used to comment on my old keyboard, but then it took a pop to the keys. XD

    70. Am I the only one that thought of Amnesia on #22?
