Christmas edition time! Because the last week or so hasn't already been filled with it.
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75 kommentaari:
Flutter Claus would make a horrible Santa- she wouldn't have the heart to deem anypony naughty.
VastaKustutaNo.3 Translation plz?
VastaKustutaWow lots of images today O.o These are great!
First! is it possible?
VastaKustutaOh my god #31
VastaKustutaNot with BROHOOF around. No.
Random question...I've noticed that the position/side Twilight's mane highlights are on changes. Does that mean the has mirrored highlights on both sides of her man, or is it just perspective?
VastaKustutaWow, the artist that drew number six really likes RariJack.
VastaKustutaMerry Christmas, everybrony. I hope you're all having a good time.
Merry Christmas everyone.
VastaKustuta#1 Christmas With The Mane 6 :)
#2 LOL. That would make Christmas that much sweeter.
#3 Kung Fu Rarity!
#6 Well, this seems a little awkward.
#7 Really like the lighting on this one.
#10 Happy Holidays indeed!
#12 Ooh. So shiny.
#14 Aww.
#15 She looks so…um…menacing.
#17 Look where you're crashing next time.
#18 Now that's the surprise to end all surprises.
#22 Winter picnic. Wish I thought of it.
#25 Um……
#26 Ain't easy being with the CMC, is it?
#31 More cute than should ever be allowed. Aww.
One great artists here!
VastaKustutaStop posting Seth T_T
VastaKustuta27 and 31 are best :3
VastaKustutaAhem, *some. My bad.
VastaKustuta@no 3: More SRWOGEF Exceed, yes!!
VastaKustuta29 Your teacher's full of snot Cheerilee
VastaKustutaGingerbread cookies to whomever gets that reference.
Merry Christmas to you all folks out there.
VastaKustutaI wish all of you to have a fantastic one!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThat's definitely my favourite drawfriend, but seriously Seth, stop posting!
VastaKustutaSeth, please take the day off. enjoy yourself
VastaKustutaWhite Diamonds is almost certainly my favourtie Rarity artist. If I ever met him/her in person, he/she'd need a cast from the massive brohoof that would take place.
VastaKustuta#29: It's a Wonderful Life. I love that movie. :)
VastaKustutathe first one is both cute and beautiful.
VastaKustuta19: My headcanon. A colt club. Very cute.
17: Dawww, just like any other Derpy/Dinky picture
31 is so diabetHNGNGNGNGNG
VastaKustutaThank you for finding my gas cap. Expecting those cookies by the end of the week.
Seth, GTFO and drink some alcoholic eggnog.
VastaKustutaA beautiful set this Drawfriends. Wonderful stuff.
VastaKustutaim giving up, MERRY CHRISTMAS SETH
VastaKustuta#26: How'd Discord get roped into that? Heh heh.
VastaKustuta31 is just TOO CUTE!
VastaKustuta9) Where'd the concept of two Lunas (Or Luna being with NMM) come from?
VastaKustuta11) Want this game.
15+16) Both of these are adorable!
18+20) I imagine the story behind these are interesting.
Twas a sad day under my tree this year. No Ponies. But than my roommate surpsied me with AppleJack and Rainbow Dash, my two favorites :D I'm a straight white male, who is openly a brony, and never was I so excited to receive a doll intended for little girls XD Merry Christmas all!
VastaKustuta#3 reads "haou mametsuken," which roughly translates to "Supreme Emperor, Demon-Destroying Fist" AFAIK
VastaKustuta#31 It's over normal cuteness levels!
VastaKustutaConfirmed. It's a reference to some video game I think.
My Little Alpaca?
Adorableness everywhere.
I don't really have it in me to make a longer post today, but I suppose I'll comment on a few for good fun. :)
VastaKustuta#4 Very interesting. And maybe just a tad on the creepy side. It's the eyes and mouth. But it's certainly unique at least.
#5 Awww, someone got Trixie a gift. I love these pics of Trixie happy and getting gifts for the Holidays. They're so sweet. :)
#9 First thing I noticed in this pic was how crazily long that Celestia ornament's horn is. lol Look at how long it is. :O But still cute. Holiday Luna. <3
#16 D'awwwwwwww! Lookit my Holiday socks and cape. They're absolutely adorable. Very cute Octavia piece. :>
#18 Oh no, it's the Ikea pony again! lol Well, at least this one came with directions. I'd be in the same position as Twilight here. Going "WTF?!" :P
#20 Hah. Dem Luna's.
#24 Rarity is stylin' in her awesome Russian style hat. Yay, more pieces to this series. Only one to go.
#25 Awww, that blushing and that face. So adorable. Looks like Fluttershy wants a kiss. Heck, I'd give ya a kiss even if there weren't any mistletoe, Fluttershy. <3
#26 Haha. Poor Discord. I love this, it's perfect. Christmas got just a little more chaotic this year.
#28 That muffin-headed snowman. lol Figures. :P These two are so cute and silly.
#31 Awww, adorable. Reminds me of that poem that was posted last night. That was wonderful. Merry Christmas to you as well, adorable little Pinkie Pie. *gives her a big hug* <3
And that goes for everyone else too. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you have a good one. :)
why is 13 and 26 so awesome?
VastaKustuta#2 dawwww Flutterclaus!
VastaKustuta#3 That beyond awesome....
#17 heheh derpy clause is so silly!
#31 Pinkie pie looks soooo cute! D:
Merry Christmas, bronies and pegasisters! *GIANT GROUP-HUG*
VastaKustuta31 is instant Diabetes.
#3 is automatically my favorite picture ever. Super Pony Wars is best crossover forever, period, end of discussion.
VastaKustuta(Actually been working on such a concept recently...had Rarity pegged more for the Aya Kobayashi role, but this works nicely too!)
#11 CTR's sequel: Pony Team Racing ... ah, dreams
VastaKustuta18th: nobody wants an unbuilt thing from IKEA XD
VastaKustuta15: AH! Dragonborn fluttershy?!?!?! I gotta go! *runs away*
VastaKustutaDiscord doesn't look happy.
VastaKustuta31: I can't "hnngh". Because if I do, I would steal every single damned "n" ever printed in the whole world for my use.
VastaKustuta31: I didn't get diabetes; my pancreas completely exploded.
Really? xD wow, Spike, my opinion of you just went DOWN. xD way ta be xD
If Seth is going to post a Drawfriend today, then the least I can do is comment on it...
VastaKustuta1) The interior of Twilight's library really is a great setting, isn't it? It's like something out of the Hobbit. I always enjoy seeing it, and richly lit and colored works like this show it off well.
2) She doesn't pull off the fake beard as well as Twilight, but she gets major points for trying. Probably plays Santa to all of the hedgehog children in the forest.
3) Did Rarity just blast the top off of a mountain? That's some serious Kung Fu.
4) Creepy/cool. It's like some nightmarish prophetic vision that the lead characters would have to decipher in some dark Pony movie. Twilight does catch on fire a lot, doesn't she?
5) Aw... Fluttershy got Trixie a gift. I guess she wasn't really among those annoyed with Trixie in the original episode, was she?
6) Some new White Diamonds character art is always a treat, and this is no exception. Rarity is starting the trouble this time, and AJ is frankly stunned at such behavior from a lady. Love the red cload and Rarity's grin.
7) Really beautiful in the details, especially the lighting across the two ponies. So worth the close look, and my favorite of the batch.
8) Twilight never struck me as the type to sleep with an Alpaca. I honestly didn't know that was a type at all. Fun image though.
9) Heh... I'm enjoying the pairing of Canon Luna and Woona more and more. The Celestia Ornament's horn made me laugh.
10) There isn't the present made yet that can contain Pinkie Pie!
11) These Ponykart concepts have been great, and seeing all the characters together like that makes the game seem like the most awesome thing that could exist. Really nice job on all of them.
12) Wow... Rarity's getting serious with her magic. Majestic even.
13) An interesting new design for Nightmare Moon. I see she enjoys a nice hot beverage now and then.
14) The splatter texture looks really nice on this Pinkie/Dash image, and the color work and characterization really shines in it.
15) By the time I get around to playing Skyrim, I'm pretty sure I'll be shocked that it isn't really filled with ponies. Images like this just seem so natural now.
16) Sadly, nobody gave me Octavia this year. I'm pretty sure she was on my list, too.
VastaKustuta17) My parents never actually went the extra mile to come down the chimney. Dinkie is truly blessed.
18) Oh dear... that Ikea pony still scares me. Poor Twilight agrees, it seems.
19) Heh... a cute image of a bunch of foals. We need to see Pip again.
20) It must take a really long time to tan by moonlight. Even longer if you're a pony. Funny stuff.
21) Kasper is lucky to get such a ponified Christmas greeting. I hope it came true.
22) AJ does not seem to be entertained by Rarity's story, whatever it may be. Pinkie's stuck tongue is a nice nod to a classic.
23) Heh... even princess ponies like to roll in the grass. Funny!
24) Wow... that is quite the bouquet there, Spike. Way to up your game.
25) You could easily get lost in Fluttershy's eyes. You just have to get her to make eye contact first...
26) Heh... he deserves this, and hours more. Some great details and shading here round out a funny idea.
27) I really like the way Trixie's outfit is dissolving into magical sparkles. Lots of showmareship involved.
28) My two favorite cross-eyed ponies! Nice to see them getting along and sharing. Teh muffin-headed snowman is a nice touch too.
29) Trixie as Zuzu? Well, why not... A cute crossover idea.
30) I could look through a collection of nothing but depictions of the Princess's manes. There are so many interesting and awesome takes on them. Well done.
31) How could anyone look at that Pinkie face and not have a merry one?
A wonderfully warm (and sauce free, I note) holiday edition of the Drawfriend! Such a treat for those of us checking in as Christmas Day winds down and we realize that there's nothing open and not much to do. Well, you know... there's that whole "time with family" thing I suppose...
Anyway, thank you to the many talented artists who shared their work and to Seth (stubborn as Applejack, that one) for putting it all together for us. Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays of your choice to everyone!
VastaKustuta.. Oh god the cute it's unbearable!!
Dat #25...
VastaKustutaWhat is #9 about? O_o Luna and NMM having fun? Is it from some fanfic, right? I wanna know, coz its pretty cute =P
VastaKustutaFar too tired today for a long comment, great, cute drawfriend.
VastaKustutaOh my God this Drawfriend is fantastic!
VastaKustutaYay for holiday ponies.
VastaKustutaHooray for #27. Trixie is best pony.
VastaKustuta#26... Im not liking the way his legs are spread out... >.O Im watchin you Discord...
VastaKustuta#1 Adorable style <3
VastaKustuta#4 Scary... Very cool though.
#5 Trixie looks so peaceful in this, so cute.
#6 AJ just can't believe that just happened.
#12 This would be something I'd expect Twilight to do, still cool though.
#17 Derpy best parent ever, even if she did fail here :p A for effort.
#22 Hehe you so silly Pinkie. AJ's face screams "I don't give a fuck, Rarity."
#26 Discord makes a surprisingly good santa!
#27 Whoa... Cool Trixie is cool.
#31 And cuteness overload picture of the day. DAWWW!
VastaKustutaFus ro dah... If that's okay with you...
Eep, so many cute pictures this Christmas Day! What a lovely edition of Drawfriend. I don't really have the time to comment on each of them as I'd like to right this moment, but hopefully I'll be able to return later, and in the meantime I can wish everypony a very happy holiday~! =^.^=
Heehee, oops. Is it really that terribly obvious?
I am indeed a girl, and thank you so very much for the generous compliments... as Rarity is unquestionably my favorite pony the praise means a great deal to me! Thanks for the tip as well, I'll keep that in mind should we ever meet in the future.
I know this post wasn't directed at me, but it still made me laugh out loud. Poor Seth, he really does work so terribly hard on our behalf doesn't he? I'd send him some Christmas cookies if I knew his address.
I know I said it on my blog already as well, but sincerest thanks for the lovely compliments on my pictures, my friend... as I really do have great respect for your talent as well they mean a lot to me. And yes, I think you nailed what I was going for with #6 perfectly. ^_~
Merry Christmas again, everypony! And thanks to all who mentioned my artworks, I appreciate it~ ^.^
VastaKustutaCelestia's horn had me laughing like a maniac for a full minute. x'D
Not the 1st time I've seen 31...
VastaKustutaChristmas day activities are winding down, so it's time to leave a brief comment on the latest Drawfriend, neh? And if Sethisto wants to make posts to EqD today, who're we to stop him? (Though I certainly hope he hasn't been doing so out of any sense of obligation...)
VastaKustuta#2: It's the tiny, and getting tinier, "Hohoho" that really makes this image work.
#4: Another bold, vibrant image from Miradge; you do not want to get on Twilight Sparkle's bad side.
#6, #7: Some more great artwork from WhiteDiamonds; I've left comments on her blog, and I'm really tired now, so here I'll just say they're my co-favorites of the night.
#9: Not quite sure what's going on here, but dang, that's cute.
#13: It feels weird to call a Nightmare Moon drawing "cute" and "funny", but that's what this one is.
#18: I'm glad to see that IKEA pony is still popping up in fanart.
#19: Cute Christmas image featuring some underappreciated colts.
#23: This may be my favorite Celestia image ever; I can totally see her doing that.
#26: Love Discord's expression.
#28: I'm sorta surprised we haven't seen more Screwball fanart, to be honest. Great touch with that snowman in the background.
#31: Stop that, Pinkie; you know it's dangerous for you to be that cute.
VastaKustutaI totally laughed like a crazy person for a while because of that horn!
Thanks! I'm a Celestia fan, even though I know there's a lot of Trolestia fans around here...
#4 Scary as buck! What the hay did Twilight do to herself and her library!
VastaKustuta#7 Squee! I love this night scene, and that adorable pair!
#8 Twi and her Alpaca toy is cute.
#9 LOL! Luna, you are adorable riding Moon's back...
Wait... wut??? Also, dat Celly ornament! Dat horn!
#13 Moon, you so adorable when you're sipping a hot chocolate, and not trying to bring eternal night!
#19 Adawwwwable!!! Also, don't fall Pip... You DON'T want Snips or Snails to break your fall!
#20 Hmm... I'd still pick the one on the right! LOL! Pony Luna always get my hugs!
#23 Oh silly Celestia! You have no idea how many lives you just ended with the levels of pure weaponized DAWWW and HNGGGG you your disposal! Goodness this is cute! So much diabeetus and heartsplosions!
#26 Discord... You brought it on. Only the job of mall Santa is worthy of payment for all your naughtiness.
#28 What a pair!
#30 Awww! :D
And back to #20... Looks like Luna and Luna are gonna get a moonburn...
♫ Now, if you're think that I'm lookin' somewhat tanner, ♫
♫ Don't go blamin' it on the sun. ♫
♫ It's the moonlight and the sweetness in your manner, ♫
♫ That's makin' me the healthy one. ♫
♫ When the moon hangs low, I begin to glow, ♫
♫ And my day has just begun. ♫
♫ I'm gonna get a moonburn, when I'm with you tonight. ♫
♫ So very soon I'll moonburn, when you hold me tight ♫
♫ I'll ask the glowing stars up above me, What your lips will impart. ♫
♫ And when they flash the word that you love me, You know it's gonna warm my heart ♫
♫ I'll get a brand new moonburn, With every kiss from you ♫
♫ And if I have my way, get my say, You'll get a moonburn too ♫
♫ Oh, I'm catchin' me some moonburn, ♫
♫ When I get you alone with me tonight. ♫
♫ So very soon I'll moonburn, when you hold me tight ♫
♫ I'll ask the glowing stars up above me, Tell me what your lips will impart ♫
♫ And when they flash the word that you love me, Ooh, it'll warm my heart ♫
♫ I'm gonna get me a brand new kind of a moonburn, With every kiss I get from you ♫
♫ And if I get my way, get my say, you'll get a moonburn too ♫
♫ Keep under cover, you'll get a moonburn too. ♫
Thanks Bing... I always think of Luna when I hear this.
loved 21 because that's my name ^^
VastaKustuta#7 is pretty as heck. No doubt.
VastaKustutaHeheh, 69 comments :3
VastaKustutaOh wait... Dangit.
#11 Reality. Make it happen.
VastaKustuta#18 Haha, it's the IKEA pony. Because everypony loves Christmas presents from IKEA. EVERYPONY!
#9 is completely unrealistic and implausible, yet inexplicably adorable. I love it.
VastaKustuta@ # 24: Yo dawg! I heard you like diamonds, so I put diamonds in your diamonds, so you can have diamonds while you diamond!
VastaKustuta#7 so mysterious and dawww!
VastaKustuta#18 ikea pony is most defiantly best pony
VastaKustuta#26 is the punishment Discord richly deserves.