• Drawfriend Stuff #282


    This is really short.  Confound these holidays.

    Source 1

    And new banner by Juanrock

    With a wallpaper version here

    Source 2

    Source 3

    Source 4

    Source 5

    Source 6

    Source 7

    Source 8

    Source 9

    Source 10
    Saucy Twilight Sparkle! 

    Source 11

    Source 12

    Source 13

    Source 14

    Source 15

    Source 16

    Source 17

    Magica Trixie, or Firebender Trixie? I can't decide! 

    Source 18

    Source 19

    Source 20

    Source 21

    Source 22


    1. "Snow is frosting for the ground."
      Can't argue with that logic...

    2. I don't get it, they don't usually wear clothes. Not even your precious socks.

    3. #1 is bestest. And #18 fffuu I wanna see behind there ( ̄ー ̄)

    4. #18 wait aren't they always naked anyways?

    5. Sports Equestrated, Dos Equus, and double "is". These are the things I notice.

    6. #10 is beyond saucy o.0 holy crap

    7. ... why would it matter if you saw behind there... there is nothing to see...

      Sometimes this fandom drives me to drink... Which is probably what Seth was doing before posting this.

    8. Snow is definitely frosting for the ground.

      It may have been short, but there were still some good pieces here. Although that number ten makes Twilight look really young...too young...

    9. source 17: Magicka Trixie.

      Source21: Yes it is Pinkie Pie, yes it is.

    10. Not sure #2 is appropriate. Nosebleeds and undies are kinda... I dunno...

      I wish there were more pictures like #9, just a simple rendition of our favorite characters.

      Seems like there's way to much risque in our drawfriends.

    11. @Vinnyboiler

      Freakin' horse.

      (If you get this reference, you win one internet, redeemable at http://www.youtube.com/user/raocow)

    12. Adding on to my previous comment: also pie.

    13. 19th: "ill eat and then i poop"
      "fascinating" =P

    14. Anyone who complains that there is too much risque in Drawfriends is, in my opinion, a prude. Ponies wearing clothes only makes the picture seem that way because your pervy mind makes it that way, and going off and your subsequent belittling the picture just proves that you're not a team player.

    15. Anyone who complains that there is too much risque in Drawfriends is, in my opinion, a prude. Ponies wearing clothes only makes the picture seem that way because your pervy mind makes it that way, and going off and your subsequent belittling the picture just proves that you're not a team player.

    16. The saucy edition
      2 would be better without the blood imo

    17. Eugh, I need to proofread my posts before I make them. The grammar in that was terrible.

    18. @*sigh*

      we gotta remember that kids come here too.

    19. Ugh. I don't have a problem with including saucy works if they're good, but you need to apply much higher standards than for #10 here or for #26 in drawfriend 280. Kind of insulting for mediocre flat-shaded vectors with naughty stuff thrown in to make it to the drawfriends.

    20. Even though it's short, nice drawfriend today nonetheless.

      #13: Really liked the contrast on this one!

      #17: I'll go Firebender Trixie on this one.

      #19: Yoshi and Twilight...that's just great.

      #21: Typical Pinkie. Everything's somehow connected to food for her.

      And the new poll lies! Luna's CAPS LOCK has definitely been the best!

    21. @wackypony
      I'm sixteen and I go on here at least every 30minutes. I personally haven't seen anything on here not badly appropriate for my age.

    22. @*sigh*
      I call bullshit. Nosebleeds are a stable of hentai, of which ponies should not be associated with.

      Secondly, that is a major accusation you made, one I find is generalist and unjustified. Clothing on ponies does not necessarily make one think of what lies underneath.

      However, it gets to a point where almost half of the pictures in our drawfriends have sexual connotations. It's one thing to have a few images with said features, because it is still (usually) really awesome art that we can appreciate for the work that went into it. That was the point I was trying to make.

    23. #1: Wet mane edition. I laughed hard at that! I wonder who's more embarassed? Spitfire for being featured or Soarin for appreciating her being featured?
      #2: D'aww.... poor Cheerilee...
      #4: Tis the season for loose mane Rarity and Allie!!
      #6: Is it even possible to potray Fluttershy badly if you aren't trying to? I'm inclined to say no.
      #7: Beautiful scenery... I feel like trying Skyrim now.
      #8: Radical Rainbow Dash is best Rainbow Dash!
      #9: D'aww Twilight
      #10: D'aww Twi- wait a sec.. o_o
      #12: Good ol' underappreciated Mrs. Cake!
      #13: Lovely... bit spooky to me, as I just finished reading Past Sins, but I'm still a sucker for yin-yangish pics!
      #14: And Ditzy takes the lead for biggest D'awww this drawfriend!
      #16: I feel a bit silly asking this, as it seems like everypony but me knows, but what's with the palatte swapped Pinkie Pegasus? I've been wondering about that for a while!
      #17: I fear for my life should I ever play Magicka with Trixie... Or if Trixie could do some of the spell combos from there!
      #18: So much saucy Spitfire... I think I have a new favorite side character.
      #19: So much nostalgia...
      #20: Fantastic detail, I like the falling apple blur!
      #21: Ah... Pinkie... I hope she gets more snow antics in show.
      #22: And a great pic of the best pony to finish it off!

      I love you guys.

    24. 1 - he's looking at the REA adds.
      9 - for some reason this is strangely captivating.

    25. #1-Haaa, first one is really good... Wonder what kind of picture he was looking at.

      #2- Nice, why is she bleeding? No one hurts her, NO ONE.

      More, spitfire, awesome.

      Good drawfriend as always, saucy twilight was meh.

    26. Number 2 is really tempting me. "Cheerilee? May I watch you while you spank Twilight?" note to self: go read Romance Reports, right now!

    27. Hey, a short Drawfriend... I guess I won't be ignoring the family gathered for the holidays tonight.

      1) I'm sure he only reads it for the articles. Actually, that's their version of the Swimsuit Issue, isn't it? That's not quite so bad. Funny, regardless.
      2) I really hope this is a reference to an 80's film that I can't place, because I really don't understand such outfits on ponies.
      3) Long tails are in this season, apparently. Some nice color work here.
      4) Now that's a pairing you don't often (well, never) see, but they look good together! I like their holiday looks.
      5) Pinkie remains shiny and happy, much like the REM song... but with ponies.
      6) That's a nice Fluttershy drawing... she looks ready for most anything.
      7) A spooky Skyrim Dash. Still haven't played that game.
      8) That's a pretty awesome Dash, with a great looking Cloudsdale behind her. Really nicely done!
      9) A crisp and classic looking Twilight portrait! I do like this artist's graphic style.
      10) This was the saucy one, wasn't it? Not my thing.
      11) I like the apples for eyes, but AJ must be the greatest sister ever to allow her hat to be used like that.
      12) Is that a young Mrs. Cake? She looks awesome. She was quite the looker in her youth.
      13) Very cool contrasting Princesses. I especially like the backlit Canterlots behind each one.
      14) Derpy delivering is always a treat, and such a colorful one with hearts in her eyes is extra sweet.
      15) Very cute. Love the Scootadrool.
      16) Pinkie wouldn't have demoted Pluto. Pinkie would invite everyone to the planetary party.
      17) Liar, Liar, Hoof's on fire. Sorry, had to do it... she doesn't wear any pants, after all.
      18) Speaking of not wearing pants... Spitfire manages to make the normal lack of clothes for ponies scandalous.
      19) Wow... that baby Mario is almost as frightening as that baby Pony from the Mare-Do-Well episode. Not that Yoshi wasn't disturbing enough of a character as she/he explains to Twilight.
      20) Apples! Nice job on the portrait, and on the detailed background.
      21) Twilight somehow manages to look almost tough in that attire. I can't argue with Pinkie's logic though.
      22) another nice addition to the series, and I like the subtle number 9's making up the railing.

      A cute, short and saucy Drawfriend! Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and EQD for putting this little package together for us!

    28. I think #2 is pretty saucy.

    29. @Sunset Sprinkles
      I'm talking kids. like actual kids. not teenagers. but KIDS.

    30. kids know more about this kind of stuff then they let on trust me on that

    31. @DXLelouch

      You wouldn't talk with a child the same way you would talk to an adult, would you? It's the same thing.

    32. @DXLelouch
      I know, but that doesn't mean we should host it.

      this site doesn't host 34 or clopfics, so why should it host stuff that is borderline to it?

    33. In the first image, what's on the fold out page of that magazine? looks like a pony licking her own cutie mark lol

    34. This drawfriend had a good deal of saucy and freaky, neither of which make me happy.

      I suppose it's the holidays. Everyone's out there licking frosting off of the ground.

    35. you may not find "saucey" material for a children's show about talking ponies... inappropriate... but a lot of people do. ED is one of the most (if not THE most) popular site for FiM and it has a ton of great things to offer the community... but I find myself getting more and more uncomfortable visiting here.

      I'm 25, married, and have a daughter. I always check ED on the same PC I share with my wife... I'm not sure if you are in a committed relationship (I'm guessing not), but it's rather hard to explain images like that to your significant other...

      On top of that I often check ED at work on my phone, while I may get odd looks from co-workers/employees if they see me on a FiM site at work, I WILL lose my job if something like that gets seen by others (not to mention how utterly awkward it will be for people who know me personally)

      A recent ED poll shows that only about 25% of people that come here are into that type of thing at all... While a rather large minority, it's still a minority... It'd putting the larger group of people in a very odd position.

      I'm not saying ED can't cater to people who are into that. I have no (real) qualms with people being into whatever they are into. It's none of my concern... I do however suggest that 'suggestive' material be given it's own tag and that it's off by default. Give people who want to be in on that stuff the option, while not segregating the majority or scaring off new comers.

    36. @Drüd
      ...upon closer inspection, I believe that's exactly what it is.


      Even though some of the stuff recently has been somewhat close to qualifying as Rule 34...it's not as close as you think. Compare the Drawfriends to its counterpart, Drawfiends, over on Equestria After Dark(something I only looked at out of sheer curiosity once and have never looked at again since). The two are remarkably different, especially in the level of quality of drawings here.

      Now, sometimes that's not always the case. This Drawfriends is a bit lower in overall quality, but if what Seth said in the post is any indication, it's due to a dearth of pictures due to the holidays.

    37. @Kyronea

      i don't do MLP 34 at all, so i'll forgo checking out After Dark's drawfriends/clopfriends.

      still, we should only host normal images and kid friendly enough shipping... <_< otherwise it gets tagged.

      I have seen some people call for shipping images to be linked so they don't have to see them, but that is going a little far if you ask me.

    38. IIT pointless outrage.

      Seriously, wasn't there something about "love and tolerate," or does that again only apply to people and stuff you like?

      Probably a pun about high horses in here that I am not finding.

    39. both 15 and 22 are too adorable.

      big lol at #1

    40. @bky1701

      I think you're confused, one can love and tolerate while stating their differing opinions. I saw no one get insulted in this thread and no one is trying to put down anyone else...

    41. @Koji

      The percentages were off on that poll. There were like 8 or 9 things above 20%, that can't be right.

      And really, it's not like blatant porn is being posted. Calm down. :P

    42. Joe: You could select multiple options from the poll. The poll wasn't inaccurate, you just misunderstood how it worked.

      That means of the people that selected various options from the poll, 3/4ths of the people did not select that they were into clopping :p

      Also, I'm not sure where you got any indication that I wasn't calm. I made no use of caps or exclamation points. You seem to have taken the fact that I wrote a lot to mean that I was somehow worked up over it. Quite the opposite, I was backing up my opinion with facts and examples so that people could understand my site of the discussion. That's how debates work.

    43. 13 would be a pretty awesome blacklight poster. That's all I'm going to say on this one.

    44. I hate when sauciness in Drawfriend pics makes me uncomfortable. I tried to be cool with it for a long time, but I haven't been able to get over it 100%. I thought that wasn't EQ's thing? If Seth or someone wants to specifically say that saucy is totally fine and accepted here, then I'd be cool about it.

      It's the slide toward sauciness and the implications toward sexualized ponies that makes me feel uncomfortable. It happened with the wet manes eventually and the Spitfire pic, and then recently more Drawfriends have had saucy or sexualized pictures of ponies than not! And most are not linked, either.

      And to those who say #2 isn't saucy and/or sexualized... she's wearing a thong. (It actually looks like a v-string to me. That's a thong with a tiny strip everywhere but the front). As an objective, straight female, I'd like to say that's pretty sexualized for a pony. Now, you could argue that it's stylistic and maybe she just woke up because she sleeps like that...but it's still a thong. We can play semantics all day, saying that a picture of a human woman dressed like that could be "artistic"...but giving female human sexualized panties to a pony is sexualizing a pony. 'tis true.

      That said, thank you for linking to #10 (where you can see Twilight Sparkle's labia lines through her underwear). I appreciate that.

      Everything else aside, both of those Applejack pictures are adorable. Applejack and Applebloom for best sister combo, yes?

    45. @Koji

      "Some people might find this inappropriate somehow, so let's censor [more than we are already]" is not what I would call tolerating.

      You've only broken that rule when someone is obviously upset?

      As for 1/4... well, the question was not, "do you not think cloppers give us a bad name" - it was do you clop. 1/4 is a huge percentage with that kind of question, and hardly a minority. I would say from that you could infer a majority is fine with it.

    46. Love Source 1 cause Soarin looks like he aren't going to lucky with Spitefire anytime soon

    47. #1 LOL!
      #2 Not OK with this...
      #11 How adorable, love AJ and Applebloom.
      #19 Fascinating indeed!
      #21 Yes, yes it is Pinkie Pie.

    48. @bestpony

      By that reasoning, the whole show is pornography. After all, only a few characters wear any clothes at all normally.

    49. @wackypony
      Well, for the most part, I do agree with you. The saucy tag isn't as used as it ought to be--several pictures on recent Drawfriends have been ones I've felt should have saucy tags that didn't have tags.

      For my own part, I'm not super bothered by the saucy stuff we've seen on EQ Daily--with a rare exception or two, such as the number ten in this Drawfriends, they're usually not anywhere near close enough to rule 34 to have me bothered. But I do understand why they would bother others and thus, the saucy tag needs to see more use than it does.

      Or perhaps the EQ Daily staff should be slightly more careful with the material selected.

      Whatever the case, I can only hope this controversy dies down soon...I wouldn't want to see too many people upset over this.

    50. Hey, at least the pie in #1 doesn't have a hole in it.

      #7 Man, Ponies in my Skyrim, Skyrim in my Ponies? Either way Dashie, you are avery bit the hero to me!

      #10 is a very adorable Twilight. She found these weird clothes and decided to try them on. Nothing weird here at all. Just innocent little Twi.

      #13 This is beautiful, but sad. Luna in the night scene would make this happy!

      #14 Special Derplivery. I has a whole package of Dawww!

      #15 Drool and Daaww... This. :D...

      #16 Luna's face on the moon. o_o Cause Uranus is showing.

      #18 Silly Spitfire. As ponies, when you hide it, the sexy is doubled! Y'all don't normally wear clothes. Haven't you figured this out yet?

      #19 Yes, When I eat things, they eventually pop out as well.

      #21 "Let me contemplate that... hard!" thinks Twi as her brans gears start spinning!

      Short, but sweet Drawfriend!

    51. #2 I really don't consider risque at all. Some of the posing in the actual show seems more suggestive.

      On the other hoof, am I going to be the only one who gets why her nose is bleeding though? Put it this way, a straw or rolled up bill would not look out of place.

    52. @bky1701

      That's quite not true, though. You're implying that I equated human sensibilities and standards with pony sensibilities and standards. I mean no such thing. The equivalent to ponies walking around without clothes being seen as pornography is me walking around wearing a saddle on my back being seen as ordinary. And at least where I live, that'd be quite unusual!

      The societies have very different standards.

    53. I'm a fan of saucy stuff but even I think 10's a bit far. Not that *I'm* complaining, but I really would not be surprised if someone else did. Those single lines make all the difference.

      Re: debate at hand. If you don't like stuff, that's fine. I at least am happy to accommodate hiding stuff you find gross, just don't pull out morality cards, k?

    54. Shorter is fine with me. I've been a bit preoccupied lately, so shorter is alright. :)

      #1 Haha. Dat "sports analysis". Yes, that is totally why anypony would be reading that. Yup, no other reasons. That's our story and we're sticking to it. :)
      #2 Does Cheerilee have a bloody nose? Ouch. What'd she do to get that I wonder? Also, nice thong. lol
      #3 Ooh, pretty colors. Dash certainly does make some very nice pieces with her more colorful palette.
      #4 Some new Allie Way, cool. And some wet mane Rarity. lol I like their festive Holiday capes. Very nice.
      #5 I'm almost certain I've seen this particular Pinkie piece in one of the past Drawfriends. Still, I like how the artist made her hair look. Has that smoke effect in it. The face is also a little unique in a cool way.
      #6 Fluttershy being adorable as always of course. I like the cute slightly shy expression.
      #7 Ah, more Skyrim. Went a little bit without seeing any new Skyrim ponies. I was getting worried. :P It's a nice piece. I like the expression. I really like their helmet designs too.
      #8 Cool Dash pic. Rather interesting pose. It seems Dash is getting carried away with the results of the best mane poll and is boasting a bit. I can just see her going: "Awwww yeah!" in this one.
      #9 Inafter "it's supper effective!" Lawl. Cute adorkable Twilight. She's been quickly moving up on my list of favorite ponies lately. :3
      #10 Oh my, Twilight. Where'd you even get panties? No, don't answer that. I don't want to know. lol I can even see a little... *ahem*, outline down there. Doesn't really leave much to the imagination, does it? :P
      #11 Aww, these pics are cute. A cowpony snowmare.
      #12 More awwww. A younger Mrs Cake. She's rather adorable. And she looks so happy. <3
      #13 Pretty nice day/night and good/evil piece. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks so, but NMM is kinda cute in that pose and with her wings folded like that down there.
      #14 This artist has such an awesome and beautiful style. I love the little hearts and twinkles in Derpy's eyes. All around an adorable pic. :3
      #15 When I first saw the thumbnail to this, I was seeing it incorrectly. I somehow mistook Scootaloo's mouth for one big eye. I was wondering why she was a cyclops. lol But yes, sleeping crusaders are indeed rather cute. :)
      #16 I really love this one. The tiny Luna on the moon and the tiny Dr Whoof just completely win it over for me. <3 Very awesome.
      #17 I like Magicka Trixie more myself. This is cool. I'm always up for more Trixie in awesome outfits or performing various types of magic.
      #18 Oops! Almost made a big mistake by commenting on the Trixie picture in the link for this one. Lmao. But oh my, Spitfire. She's changing alright. Changing into her birthday suit. ;)
      #19 Baby Mario is sorta funky-looking. But still oddly kinda cute. And hai thar Yoshi.
      #20 I think those apples might have some Pinkie qualities to them. By that I mean breaking the forth wall from our universe. :P
      #21 ... snow is frosting for the ground. It all makes sense now. It seems even the ever so smart Twilight is contemplating on this great new theory of Pinkie's.
      #22 Yay, new pic for this cute little series. It's adorable. Should be apart of any Holiday Brony meetup sing-a-longs I think. :3

    55. Confound these holidays! They drive me to drink!


      And more than I should!

    56. @bestpony

      The bit I just don't see is how putting clothes on a pony can make it more pornographic an image. If it does, it's your mind doing it, and emotionally, not rationally. There would be no comments about 2 or 10 if they were naked.

    57. bky:

      Your definitions are, quite bluntly, wrong. Censorship has nothing to do with intolerance... If I was being intolerant I'd have said "Clopping is something no one should be involved in" or "I think that it's disgusting". What I said was (to paraphrase myself) that that type of material isn't appropriate in the general posts of the most popular FiM site. Put a tag on it, have it off by default for users, and let those that are into it enable it and enjoy it themselves.

      Secondly, the term "minority" refers to anything that is not the "majority", which means most of the people. So yes, 25% is the minority because it's less than half. It is a large minority and that is why I don't suggest removing the material entirely.

      Also, I'm not sure at all where you got "do you think think cloppers gives us a bad name"... I never once said that anywhere ever. Putting it in quotes to imply I said it is both insulting and outright lying.

    58. #20, that is a very tasty looking apple.

    59. @Koji

      As I said, you can infer that a majority is fine with it. Just look at the comments here. The people complaining are less than a fifth of the comments.

      My quotes only were intended to hold the rather confusing phrase together, not imply you said it. I was saying, the pool did not judge how many people were alright with the idea, just how many actively engage in "clopping," and so you should not use the number as you were.

    60. @bky1701 Just because someone doesnt complain about something doesnt mean they're ok with it.

    61. @bky1701

      I never said putting clothes on a pony can make an image pornographic. In fact, I never said any of the images (particularly #2) was pornographic. I said it involved the sexualization of a pony. Note that I also said that without judging whether or not that was a bad thing, despite what my personal feelings on true saucy pictures might be. I was responding to other people's posts that said there was nothing sexualized about the pony in picture #2.

      As I said before, I do not believe that clothes on a pony make a pony sexualized. I said that a female sexualized undergarment (and I specified that it is a thong, and actually it looks like a v-string in particular to me) on a pony was an example of the sexualization of a pony. There would be some argument as to whether or not the undergarment was sexualized if the panties in question were hiphuggers, boy shorts, bikini-styled, or cheekies.

      That is a v-string. It's a type of feminine underwear that is extremely sexualized. I'm not saying the pony is sexy or pornographic or saucy in particular. I am saying that putting a sexualized piece of female undergarments on a pony is sexualizing a pony, as we have no proof (and indeed in canon they would definitely not) that ponies wear v-strings or thongs.

      Hopefully I've elaborated enough that, whether you agree or not, we're on the same page about my point. :)

    62. Hide yo wingboners, Soarin'!

      Haven't seen Alley Way in forever.

      @#18 "Beg pardon, Spitfire, but we don't normally wear clothes."

      Dat #22

    63. @bestpony
      Also, because I totally forgot that you may or may not be familiar with v-strings, a v-string is a type of undergarment with only a string of fabric covering the female genitals, save for the visible triangle seen in front. And a thong is the same, except that the strip of fabric is larger to make it more comfortable. (Apologies if you already know this; I'm covering in case you're a brony and not a pegasister)

      The purpose of said former undergarment is either to be worn under tight-fitting clothes (like a dress) without there being underwear lines or for a sexualized purpose (whether for oneself or for someone else/others).

    64. #2... sigh, this isn't classy at all.
      #13 *this* is classy.
      #19 I'd like to hear the rest of this conversation.

    65. #1 Did lol, great expressions.
      #2 Jesus Christ... Wheres the saucy tag on this one?
      #11 Cute <3
      #17 Trixie and cool magic? Yes please.
      #20 Great piece, Apples!
      #21 Hehe yes Pinkie, they are!

    66. I'm don't really like how more and more of these 'saucy' pics are getting featured...I know a lot of people like them, but I think we should have more class than this...

    67. I'm don't really like how more and more of these 'saucy' pics are getting featured...I know a lot of people like them, but I think we should have more class than this...

    68. I'm actually very surprised by the quality of the posts here; usually when people complain about Saucy things not being linked here, it's a blatant "You people are weird, ick, get away from me" thing, but Koji and bestpony here seem to be very rational, sensible and accepting people, and I really hope this kind of debate spreads to any other disagreements we might have within the fandom.

      As where I fall personally- well, I'm on the side that EQD is really, at it's most, just a blog. It has no reason to stand to professional scrutiny, and I'm absolutely certain that Seth judges how appropriate an image is based off of a subjective quick glance at what's probably 2 in the morning after doing a bunch of other work - then he just fixes stuff an hour later after people complain.

      And really, that's fine. That sort of policy wouldn't fly if this wasn't just a fanblog, but in all honesty, Seth doesn't have to cater to anyone if he doesn't want to. Figuring out the script for hiding images based off of a preference setting followed by figuring out how to make that work in a single drawfriend, AND taking the extra time to censor everything that might be remotely sexual (And remember, since they're normally unclothed, that can be VERY arguable in certain cases) would combined take a lot of time and energy- and remember, Seth here screws up on even the simple stuff at least once a day regularly- on a whole, I just don't think the effort would be worth it.

      And that's not even getting into other things. What about fanfic images that might be construed as saucy? Where do we draw the line, exactly? What about people who are fine with the 'slightly' sexualized stuff that's normally shown unlinked here, but not with the major, usually-linked stuff? All in all, I think it would just be a headache and a half.

      TL;DR I get where the people who are against the saucy stuff are coming from, but the steps that would be needed to set it the way you'd want would be going far above and beyond the call of duty that Seth and the rest of the mods have to go to for us.

    69. First off, STFU about censoring. This isn't your personal site. If you want sauce, piss off to R34 or poniboru. Nobody's keeping you from seeing it whenever you want.
      Having said that, this is definitely not the place for it. Not because of who comes here, nor who the show is for, nor for the goal of this website. You wanna make us all look like sexual preditors and wackjobs, pics like 2 and 12 are exactly how this fandom dies.

    70. @joetraincool
      That's a quintessentially 80's piece of art, there.

      I felt violated by #10. Saucy is one thing, but that was rather tasteless.

    71. Guys really the sauciness here is fine. There is no need for overeacting

    72. @OtterMatt

      It's not your site, either... follow your own advice.

    73. Hydra: Thank you ^_^ I agree in that we don't have to agree (yeah that makes sense) but to keep it civil either way.

      I can see your point as well on this and in the end the decision is with Seth and the other mods... For example, while the top image of this thread is a tad risque I personally don't find it as off as some of the others in this post(implication versus direct) I could see how others would find it just as bad...

      Maybe a middle ground over the use of seperate tags, simply using a non-risque image as the main with just a little warning underneath? I don't think that would be overly complex or would require too much extra work. While it's true peoples definitions will vary slightly, I think everyone could agree more or less on things no one SHOULD find offensive.

    74. Finally made it back to my computer. Gosh, that banner scene definitely went awry in every possible way.

      #1 I suggest taking it to a room next time.
      #5 Seems like typical Pinkie
      #8 Rainbow sure looks smug in this one.
      #9 Our favorite bookworm pony!
      #11 I'm surprised AJ hasn't buried Apple Bloom in that snowman.
      #15 Long night of crusading, huh.
      #16 So now they've taken to throwing outer space parties?
      #19 Crossover win!
      #21 But guess who's the one cleaning up tons of that "frosting" and then spending the rest of the day sore as heck. Not that I don't love "frosting." Hehehe.
      #22 9 scrolls a scrollin'?

    75. @*sigh*

      So I'm a "prude" for disapproving of the sexualisation of cartoon ponies on a site that had connections to The Hub itself?

      Love and tolerance and all, but this won't end well. It just needs one sensationalist reporter shake this fanbase to its very core.

    76. I see nothing wrong at all with any of these images. Some people just need to relax and put down the pitchforks. You can't purge what you don't like from the fandom, and occasionally it's going to pop up. Deal with it or leave, that's kind of what "love and tolerate" is all about.

    77. this is like the first drawfriend that ALL of the pictures were unusually interesting for me,
      ok like 98%

    78. @bky1701

      I don't give shit about what one is fapping to, as long they don't shove it in my face and remind me of it! You are right, I can't "purge" what I don't like. But I can at least ask for some decency and discretion on our flagship site, which is representative for us all!

    79. saucy has a link for a reason, if you don't like it don't click it, although i do admit, that one is a little exposing. Otherwise good drawfriend. What happened to berrypunch in #2? lol

    80. @bky1701

      I have to wonder if maybe you're trolling at this point... Either that or you lack some basic human emotions like empathy.

      I gave several real examples where these images could have negative consequences to me. Real ones. My wife opening the browser to my last page that just happens to have "sexualized" ponies would be awkward at best (she knows I like and watch FiM, but it's another thing entirely if she came to the wrong conclusion that I "get off" on it).

      I also gave another example where I come to this website on my phone during work. It's a nice distraction from my work day and I'm allowed to do so as long as I'm not ignoring customers or not doing my job... sexualized images of any kind however could very well get me fired.

      Okay, so I can always cut out EQD from work... that isn't a huge issue, but the former is still very much one... Unless you expect me to go out of my way to find a computer hardly anyone uses just to come to a fairly harmless site like this... except that would be even MORE suspicious if I did get caught doing it... All when I personally have no interest in those types of images.

      Again... I have NO PROBLEMS with people who like those types of images. To each their own... In the absolute worst case scenario I can always find other FiM websites, though I'd be very loathed to do so as I love EQD... but a small change to better let people know what type of post is ahead (and not have such images posted directly on the main page) would benefit the community as a whole.

      The more accessible and friendly the fandom is, the better it is for the fandom.

    81. @PonySwag

      The "saucy" one is not the issue here. I am particularly mad about #2 and the tumblr it links to. This kind of stuff should NOT be promoted here.

    82. @Koji

      I have very low tolerance for people acting like children whenever they see something they don't like, which is getting more common here. Your arguments might be reasonable, but most here aren't. If you don't want to see something, don't look.

      I'm also pretty much tired of being called a troll any time I disagree with the "think of our image" brigade.

    83. smitty, if you read this, you've disappointed me with the past two color Twi's you've done.

    84. @bky1701

      I agree that some of the people speaking out against the sauciness are being very immature. That said, I also think both sides' feelings should be taken into consideration. :)

    85. @OtterMatt

      This. I have the feeling that this will end very badly for anyone involved. Thanks to fappers.

      >inb4 alarmist
      >inb4 bigot

      Hey, shut up.

    86. Ponies wearing clothes for style I understand. Underwear is just downright confusing.

      That being said, neither are crazy bad and you could see it more of a parody of human sexuality in the poses. Twilight is more adorable than anything. Cheerilee... it's an 80's thing. I'm going to assume I don't get the reference. Why does she have a nosebleed?

      The first image is humorous. Poor Soarin'? Poor Spitfire!

    87. It's obvious that Seth does this just to troll
      And people are falling right into his ploy!

    88. @bky1701

      I'm gonna side with Koji on this one, although perhaps I could explain my feelings in a way you can understand and hopefully relate to.

      The sauciness tag from as far back as I remember, encompassed anything that could be sexually suggestive. In that case, #2 definitely should have at least been tagged.

      The main issue I have is with #10. That isn't sexually suggestive. Sexually suggestive is like the wet manes and/or bedroom eyes/sexual position. Something that conveys a sexual connotation of sorts.

      I'm really surprised #10 even got on here, because that's not suggestive, that's actual r34 type content, which, in the entire time I've visited EQD since July, I've never stumbled across something like that in a drawfriend.

      It's when an artist actually adds sexual parts and genitalia to an image that moves it from the saucy category, to the r34 category, and last I checked, an intentionally drawn cameltoe implies genitalia, which once again, I've never seen on a drawfriend.

      Equestria Daily is the most professional of all the MLP fan websites, and the largest hub for fans of the show. It hosts interviews with the show's cast, promotes events, and showcases art, music, and fanfiction made by the fandom.

      It's also a site that has never hosted r34 or clopfics, which is once again, why #10 even got on here.

      Koji isn't complaining about what people have a thing for or not. All he's trying to say is, that type of content should not be hosted on EQD.

      There are other sites that host r34 content related to the show, but it shouldn't be promoted on the official fan website that both kids and adults visit.

    89. So much sexy this time. Time for some clop. U MAD

    90. @Navy Brony
      Exactly! It crosses the line that separates saucy from tasteless/r34.

    91. This comment has been removed by the author.

    92. @Navy Brony

      You took those words right out of my mouth, pal. And you expressed them way more polite then I ever could. Have a hug... Um, that is if you don't mind of course :)

      @Daxter Galaxy
      Back troll. BACK I SAY! I have fire!

    93. I see nothing wrong with the images on here or any other drawfriend. Cheerilee could be naked and no one would say anything but put a few pieces of cloth and she's all the sudden 'saucy'? #10 Twilight was linked for good reason though, not because of her panties but because of the outline underneath them.

    94. So the ponies should wear clothes then? Otherwise, they'd always be "naked" and young children can't see that right? Oh and the picture in Drawfriend 278 where Appljack has a gun, and the new Euestria game where the pony has a gun, they promote violence right? So why are those on this website then? Because that's different? Double standard. Go overreact somewhere else please?

    95. 18) Oh no! she's na-
      Oh, I see we're already on the case.

      Responding to Nathaniel, the freakout is derived from sexualizing the ponies, not necessarily because they're naked.

      And holy crap Navy Brony, thank you. I agree 100%.

    96. @Trishula

      I actually addressed this in another post. I'd c/p but I don't want to seem obnoxious! People are not upset about ponies not wearing clothes. Some are upset about the sexualization of the ponies, and others simply appear to hate sauce. Yet still others are accepting of sexualization of ponies and sauce, yet feel there is a better place for it. :)

    97. @Trishula

      print("You just don't get it, do you? Nudity is NOT an indicator for sexual implications. The context and the intention behind the picture is.");


    98. @Azure

      People actually agreeing with me for once. What a delight for my black heart.

      I love you guys. :3

    99. @Pegasi
      Woops, you forgot this: public class Overreacting implements DoubleStandard{
      Okay so promoting the use of guns and violence is okay for young children? That makes sense... What about the views of ponies' plots in the actual show? That happens all the time.

    100. 04. More Allie art, yay.

      13. Beautiful.

      15. Dawww.

      19. Muwhawhaw, I swear that didn't "pop" the first time I read it.

      21. Stop making that face Twilight, she has a point.

      22. Twi looks so cute in that saddle.

    101. Trishula- Where's the double standard? Explain your use of that term for me please, I don't see it.

    102. @Trishula

      OBJECTION o = new OBJECTION();
      o.addArgument("Please, don't be ridiculous. Pictures that are violent in nature are not shown here on EqD. And the pure display of guns does not equal violence, as much nudity does not equal sexualisation.");

    103. Welp, I do recall a couple bloody pics for fanfiction posts, so that's not totally true. I would rather that they didn't show up either but, but they aren't posted nearly as often.

    104. Coming in late to the party tonight; stupid work.

      #1: You would think if Spitfire posed for those photos, she would expect that sort of attention. Lots of fun details in this drawing: the pie, the Dos Equus ad, the poster on the wall; but my favorite is the fact that the couch is so old and worn out it's been patched once and needs it again.

      #11: I love seeing these two working or playing together; it would be nice if we had a few more drawings that included Big Macintosh, too...

      #12: A younger (possibly pre-) Mrs. Cake? There's something I've not seen before, and would like to see more of.

      #13: Lovely portrait of the royal sisters, even if it's Nightmare Moon instead of Luna. The lighting is terrific on this drawing.

      #14: A bit more restrained than usual for Furrydinner, but it suits Derpy well.

      #18: Oh my stars, she's nude behind that screen! ... Waitaminute...

      #20: That's a terrific portrait of Applejack; the detail in the background is terrific, and Applejack herself looks very lively and appealing. Favorite of the drawfriend.

      #22: Karzahnii's 12 days of Christmas series has been consistently superb, and this drawing is no exception. I love Twilight Sparkle in that scarf and little saddle.

    105. Oh, and the banner may be the best I've seen so far for the holiday competition; there's loads of little details to discover, my favorite being Derpy's "stocking".

    106. @Pegasi
      Oh so the picture a little while back with a sword in Rainbow's mouth and blood pouring out of her is not a picture that is violent in nature? You may refute, "That's just one picture!" But in reality, there are many.
      Denouncing sexuality yet promoting violence is a double standard. If you do not know what a double standard is, which seems to be the case, use a dictionary.

    107. @Trishula

      "Oh so the picture a little while back with a sword in Rainbow's mouth and blood pouring out of her is not a picture that is violent in nature"

      I am sorry, but what the actual fuck are you talking about? The only overly violent thing I have ever seen on EqD was Cupcakes back in February. Also, how the hell am I promoting violence?

    108. @Pegasi
      I'm sorry that I don't have all of the Drawfriends memorized. I'm just saying, there are as many violent pictures posted as saucy ones. And I never said YOU promoted violence. Although, you haven't said anything about tagging overly violent pictures, which implies that you do not have anything against it. Since you're obviously getting peeved, I'm going to end debating with you. If you want me to just say, "You're right," then fine, if it makes you feel better. You're right.

    109. I do understand what a double standard is. I just don't see one here. -shrug-

      Additionally, denouncing sexuality and denouncing sexualization are two different things. So are denouncing sexualization and asking that sexualization not be promoted here.

    110. @Azure
      Forgive me, I used the incorrect word.
      So answer me this: Is it okay to promote violence to the little children that apparently frequent the site through the use of pictures and stories? If the answer is "yes," then there's your double standard. If the answer is "no," then exactly.

    111. I also think you're overestimating the amount of gore-type violence (that's what we ought to be concerned about, right? Magic auras and whatnot don't count) that is posted here. And again there's a line between violence and implied violence.

      If Drawfriends ever end up having more than 2 wounded ponies per post, I'll sure as heck voice my opinion at that too.

    112. Ach, I keep getting ninja'd.

      "If the answer is 'no,' then exactly."
      Poor form. Explain the no if you'll explain the yes.

    113. "And again there's a line between violence and implied violence." I totally agree. And I'm sorry to cut this argument short, but I have some college applications I need to get done. I have yet to finish my Harvard and Princeton apps (I don't know why I'm bothering, since MIT already accepted me). But, I digress. No hard feelings. I'm not the least bit angry.

    114. Whatever floats your ducky, smart one. Good luck with your apps!

    115. Okay, I was compelled to come back. Let me clarify my stance. I believe that pictures like #2 should be tagged, but not completely prohibited (even though those pictures are not my type). And using inappropriate pictures as the title picture is obviously wrong.

    116. @*sigh*
      It's certainly true that adding clothes on a pony is not always done with the intent of making them look "sexy", but when it's a loose tank-top with skimpy bikini briefs on a more-heavily anthropomorphized (bipedal, even) pony, I think it's really hard to argue that the artist wasn't trying to sex her up. And if you check the comments on the source page for #2, you'll discover that's exactly the intent the artist had in mind. (The artist also responded to a polite comment of someone wondering what the appeal of "sexy" ponies was by saying "Because it's JUST AWESOME and only pathetic losers can't get it.", so I am grateful you're being more gracious and understanding than that.)

      I do tend to give the benefit of the doubt to any image that may or may not be construed as 'saucy'; I've complemented most of the recent Spitfire pics, for example. But some drawings are clearly and solely meant to be "sexy", and #2 is one of those. It's very difficult to see it in an innocent light. I'm not going to argue that it should have been left off or put behind a 'saucy' link, but arguing that there's nothing objectionable about it is a bit disingenuous, IMHO.

    117. The drawings this time around is weirder :/

    118. There is a major difference between dark and implied thematic violence and stuff that just doesn't belong in this fandom.
      Even so, it's not violence that will cause the rest of the world to judge us, it's the sexualization of a cartoon.

      Seth, Cereal, I'm sure you guys are reading these sometimes. What the hell are you thinking out there? Aren't you up in arms about the bad name places like PonyArchive are giving us? Don't you want us to be accepted by society through acts of goodwill like the Humble Bundle? Is this not the most used site for the brony fandom, and as such the most recognizable hangout for us? Are you not even being sought by some news organizations for opinions about it all?
      So why in the good name of Celestia are you setting yourselves up to look bad? Do you think people are really going to be saying how brony-dom is NOT about some sort of fetishistic obsession (THANK YOU, CBC) in the future? All they have to do is see the kind of content that is put right up on the front page and is linked to in this post, and several more just like it in the near past.
      Do I need to mention the first thing that pops into people's heads when you mention furries? Do you want to be seen that way? Everyone ask yourselves that, seriously. I'm 27 and married. I'm trying very hard to overcome some bad decisions in my past and keep clean, and frankly, ponies are good for that for me. I'm not saying you all are dragging me down, but stuff like this isn't helping.

      TL;DR, I know. If you don't care, fine. If you don't agree, fine too. But dammit, I've said my piece. Feel free to decide among yourselves who you really are, but I know I will have lost out if I have to stop coming to EqD, and I'll be quite hurt if I have to stop calling myself a brony for the good of my integrity.

    119. In the end I don't expect the blogponies to get rid of the "saucy" pictures- even if that would be ideal to me. I will support other means to filter them or give people a warning before seeing them.

      If they're reading this (or have read any of the other long involved comments that end up this way) it's my opinion that they should figure something out and let us know.

    120. I'm going to take a small issue with a previous statement someone posted; I don't recall who it was, and I don't care to quote it because I'm not refuting this one specific person but rather this entire idea which I'm somewhat perplexed by.

      "Equestria Daily is the Official Fan Website of (MLP:FIM)"

      'Official' and 'Fan' in this context constitutes an oxymoron. What you meant is that Equestria Daily is the largest; and it is. In many ways, it represents the Brony Community to the world at large, and we should be mindful of that. We should not, however, forget that this is a fansite, monitored by fans (who work on it without pay), with which The Hub has no official connection to. Yes, EQD has gotten some rather stunning interviews in the past; this does not mean that EQD has become legitimized. Were a similar site to spring up tomorrow, they would have just as much chance at an opportunity at such an interview as any of the EQD mods would.

      As such, I think it's a little inappropriate to presuppose what the purpose of EQD is. As far as I can tell, the blog isn't made with children in mind as an audience; it supposes Bronies, the peripheral demographic of the show, as its target audience; much as we don't expect the show to break away from it's target audience in favor of a newly gained one, I don't think it's fair to expect Equestria Daily to sanitize itself in favor of an audience it didn't intend to carry. Equestria Daily does not need to be Child Safe. It usually -is-, but that's because most of what it deals with happens to be child safe, not because it makes a conscious effort to be.

      Now I, of course, understand the concerns. As Koji aptly puts it, some of the content produced by the fans can lead to awkwardness in the wrong place. Steps should be taken to prevent that, and Linking sauce is a concession that I think a lot of people appreciate; certainly if 2 had been linked, I don't think anybody would care. That was an oversite on Seth's part, and he should take steps to help prevent that from happening in the future, but we also need to be mindful that it's his blog and he's really allowed to do whatever he wants with it; if he thinks a picture doesn't warrant a link, well then, I guess it doesn't.

      As for 10, I really think the outrage is overblown. The 'line' in question is rather heavily sketched and is completely indistinguishable from any other crease on the picture, not to mention it goes out of its way to avoid direct exposure- that doesn't even warrant tasteful nudity. I see worse than that on the trainride into the city, if you'll forgive my anecdote. I honestly had no idea what people were even referring to until someone mentioned it's supposed to be a cameltoe.

      Really, if this is the worst of the supposed problem at hand, I doubt we have much to worry about. With all due respect, of course.

    121. @Octavia9th
      CANTERLOCK got my vote too.

      The white pegasus in #16 is Surprise, the G1 pony that served as the basis for Pinkie Pie; somewhere in development, her wings got transfered to Posey/Fluttershy, which I think worked out for the best. For further study, see Ask Surprise, one of the best pony tumblrs out ther (and my personal favorite).

    122. Am I the only person who thinks of Pulp Fiction when looking at #2?
      @Hydra in a Top Hat
      Hats off to you. That was a very well thought out post.

    123. "Okay so promoting the use of guns and violence is okay for young children? That makes sense... What about the views of ponies' plots in the actual show? That happens all the time. "

      I can't really acknowledge this as a form of debate, because the ponies have plots/butts for the sake of anatomy and animation purposes.

      If they didn't have the crease, and instead had one giant round hip that somehow connected to two legs, it would look incredibly awkward and unnatural.

      A second purpose behind it would be to separate the two legs so each one could be animated independently from one another. Flash isn't a 3d modeling program, so it's not easy to set up the illusion of a ball and socket joint.

      "As for 10, I really think the outrage is overblown. The 'line' in question is rather heavily sketched and is completely indistinguishable from any other crease on the picture"

      There really is no other justification for putting a crease there, and emphasizing it, in relation to drawing a pony.

      To put it bluntly, I have a hard time believing the artist did anything other than intentionally giving Twilight a vagina, and combined with the pose and expression, seems to have one intent in mind.

      Once again, not hating on the cloppers. The fact r34 exists is because of the fact that with so many people in the world, there's a fetish for just about everything, and with a show featuring cute animated ponies with anatomy more in line with a human female than an actual pony, I'd actually be more disturbed if there wasn't MLP r34 :P

      From the recent poll that included clopping, ~1in5 fans are into it. I think it was 23% IIRC, and that's encompassing fans who check this site often enough to participate in that poll. About 1in5 of the dedicated fanbase seems like a reasonable number to me, but we must also remember that not everybody checks EQD every day. There are many fans who simply enjoy the show itself, and may occasionally check EQD for updates on upcoming episodes and so forth. I don't think it's particularly fair for them, nor to the the other 77% of the fan base that didn't choose clopping as an option, to feature overly saucy material and/or borderline r34 content.

      There are plenty of sites out there for those inclined to get their pony fix, but I don't personally think the drawfriend, or EQD in general, is the right place to feature works that, (again to put it blunty) are only meant to serve one purpose.

      And I certainly don't hate sauciness. There have been some fantastic saucy works such as the wet manes and REA pinups, that still have a very high degree of artistic value.

      As an example, the saucy twilight laying on her bed with a lace saddle from a drawfriend a few weeks ago.

      I particularly loved that picture, not because of its "turn-on" content, but because the artist was detailed enough, and clever enough, to make a saddle suggestive. Combined with the overall quality of the rest of the picture, it definitely deserved to be on a drawfriend, but should have fallen under the saucy tag, which it did.

      If you're making a crudely drawn character with no focus on a background or any other dedication to the image other than it's turn-on for certain fans, it shouldn't be featured in the daily roundup encompassing the highest quality artwork from fans.

      But if you can draw something that appeals to both sides, and can still be appreciated and considered tasteful or clever, then it's certainly welcome to the community, as long as it falls under the tags to ensure those who don't like even the slightest sauciness don't have to see it if they don't want to.

    124. And I actually got an error that I had over 4500 words.

      Confound this vacation, it drives me to post...A LOT.

    125. I have to agree with OtterMatt and several others.

      EqD is the pinnacle of the representation of the Fandom to the rest of the world (and last I checked this is world wide) Personally didn't have a problem with any of the pictures in question, but it really isn't my opinion that matters. It's how the rest of the world sees US.

      There is a really fine line that were walking here and lately that line has gotten thinner and as the Flagship of our community we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.

      Relabeled or not.

      That's my two bits.

    126. Well, I didn't want to get involved in this argument, but there's some statements that I can't let pass without a response, mostly from bky1701:

      "The people complaining are less than a fifth of the comments."

      OK, I went through the comments; before this particular comment of yours, about a dozen people said #2 should have been behind a link or otherwise complained about it, and fewer than half that many approved of it. After this comment it evened out some, with 5 approving and 7 complaining. And if anything I suspect the number of complaints is a lot smaller than the number of people who disapprove of it, since a lot of people here (such as myself) have been withholding complaints out of respect for people like you who do enjoy sauciness.

      "You can't purge what you don't like from the fandom, and occasionally it's going to pop up. Deal with it or leave, that's kind of what 'love and tolerate' is all about."

      First you say that not complaining about sauciness is the same as approving of it, then you say that it's intolerant (and/or hateful?) to complain about it. Which should we do?

      "If you don't want to see something, don't look."

      Gladly, but it's kinda hard not to look when it's displayed in a drawfriend without warning. That's why we're asking for pics like #2 to be linked, instead of displayed in the drawfriend where it's very hard to avoid them.

      Almost every drawfriend has 2 to 6 images that I'd classify as saucy; violent images pop up about once or twice a week (usually in reference to some videogame), and non-violent images featuring firearms maybe one per night on average. I don't like them either; in fact, the one time I went on a genuine rant about an image being included in a drawfriend was over a violent/gory image based on a videogame, and if I had seen the Rainbow Dash image you described in a later comment, it would have resulted in my second rant. Still, violent images are a lot less common than saucy ones.

      Since my silence on saucy or violent images is being construed as approval, though, I suppose I should start writing brief comments of disapproval for them.

      And for all those who say #2 can't be saucy because she's wearing clothes when normally ponies don't on the show: Are you seriously saying that an anthropomorphized pony (drawn pretty much as a "furry") wearing a loose tank top and a thong is just as innocent and non-sexual as, say, #9, #11, or #20, if not more so? And don't use the straw-man argument that we're saying putting clothes on ponies automatically makes them sexy, since no one's complained about the new banner, or #4, or #7, or #17, or #21, or #22.

    127. @Raelcun Maybe BUT LOL is she still not looking adorable too. HAHA!

      @Koji It is behind a link, you do not have to click the link if you don't want to. Its really not that hard to ignore. It is the internet after all Rule 34 exists wether somepony wants it or not. I have seen far worse on tv. It's easy to ignore, like they say, "don't like it, don't look."

      As stated before, "if you don't like it, ignore it." I do that on alot of web sites, and I am perfectly fine with how they run. Others like it, so what. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean it has to be stricken from the site altogether.

      @Hydra in a Top Hat
      I completely agree with you. 100%

      The fandom will continue however it wants, with whatever content it wants/ If you don't like it, tough. Go find a different fandom, yer not the moderator and do not deem whats is to be posted here. Yer just as bad as all the neighsayers.

      @Sleepingcobrox agreed

      @Hydra in a Top Hat
      TL;DR I get where the people who are against the saucy stuff are coming from, but the steps that would be needed to set it the way you'd want would be going far above and beyond the call of duty that Seth and the rest of the mods have to go to for us.

      I agree totally. They already go above and beyond. Let them enjoy doing what they are doing. It is their site, their rules, their content. Were just along for the ride. I applaud them for sticking it this long. Balances praise them, the mods are doing us a service.

      "OMG a saucy link, I don't like that... Hmm I WON'T CLICK IT."
      There problem solved! #2 is a bit off yes. But it's pony nontheless. anypony with half a brain could easily muster up the gutter trash being produced by this fandom. Google does not lie fillies and gentlecolts. Well it can, but thats the fail of the internet.

    128. This comment has been removed by the author.

    129. Really, this is how peeps act over a buckin line on a picture. sad... I agree #2 may be a little on the off side, but that doesn't give any of you right to whine. Really, some peeps will just overlook it. You should not be here AT WORK anyway. That is why it is called work. At my work, what I look at on my phone is on me. If someone doesn't like it tough. They can cry if they want to. I don't mind saucy at all. U MAD. If I don't like something I just ignore it. Thats tolerance, I still LOVE this site despite all the wierdness and whinefoals that inhabit its comment sections. Serious, PONY THE BUCK UP. Deal with what we have, LOVE IT, And keep galloping on. I am going to pop #10 on muh phone. I love her expression and her eyes. YES I LIKE THE PIC CAUSE OF HER EYES. My favorite thing about the ponies is their expressive eyes. It takes but a second for someone to edit the line out like I did to make it less disturbing for those of you who don't like the line. Easy. Like Tophat said, this site is for Bronies ( and Pegasisters ), by Bronies ( or Pegasisters ). If this was a site for the children only, then wouldn't there be a word filter for all you mules that can't talk without any kind of the censorship you are so crying for. Really... I agree somewhat with the logical ponies who posted, #2 should have been under saucy IMHO, but it is in no way suggestive. #10 Twi wants a belly rub, yer bucking dog does that, with an obvious optical assualt. As for double standards, there are none, I can post links to A BUNCH of pics that have blood or some kind of mild violence in them from this site alone. If the mods like it, they will post it. Sorry about your luck. Enjoy the site for what it is. Stop braying about something you don't like. I think the site is perfectly fine except for all the foaling going on her. I'm glad to see a pic that isn't rotting my teeth withe cutesy sweetness once and a while. It reminds me that these ponies have their flaws too. Just like us. Watch general TV you neighsayers, then come back to the tame world that is EqDaily. I love what you do Mods, please keep up the fantastic job.

      Sorry if some of the responded points I responded too were old posts, I tldr some of this cause I was actually getting a tad bit miffed. I am surprised at you complainers though, its comments like that that actually tend to scare artists away. Does YoorPorick ring a bell. Actually that might be a bad example, that artist was a little pompous after the fact. Crying over a Trixie poll. *laughs* Oh did I lawl hard about that.

      Brohoof to the mods! You neighsayers should to, without them, we would not have this Celestia-grade site. We are Bronies( or Pegasisters )! Act like it

    130. Now, back to writing the fanfic I am writing that will probably never get posted here. LMFPAO! It deals with Rainbow, no wings ( OMG THATS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE ) AJ helping her out, their day to day just about with some conflict. Its kinda long with alot of dialogue, but I have just been going at it. It does not have much direction yet, but if you lost a part of you that actually made you who you were, would you be kinda aimlessly trying to live life till you got yer bearings straight. I know I would.

    131. it astounds me how none of you are able to realize that Seth is probably a furry.

      Like, lets take for instance the fact that theres a Sethisto registered to the Furaffinity forum that was created in 2008, and there just so happens to be a post about him making a blog just around the time the Equestria Daily was created and in that very post theres a semi broken link that basically links to Equestria Daily. (click on any of the navigation buttons and it defaults to here, the main banner is EqD)


      Now this could just be a coincidence, but thats a pretty damn insane coincidence...

      All of this is obvious to me though. Are the rest of you privy to this and I'm just out of the loop or something? I can't really believe none of you have been able to ascertain this yet.

    132. @Retardfabio
      I pretty much guessed as much within a couple of weeks of coming here. So?

    133. @jodyjm13
      Doesn't seem like anyone else is aware of this. Stuff like this happens everytime seth posts something from Furaffinity or some saucy pic. Like blind sheep being led on without knowing.

    134. @Retardfabio

      No, this has come up quite a bit. I can't speak for everyone, but some of us really don't care who is a furry or not.

    135. @Shiranai
      I was under the assumption that others would flip out if they realized it. It seems to me his status as one is never mentioned, and yet his actions related to it are. Just scroll up and read all that nonsense, all because he posted one saucy picture. Of course he did, he's a furry! There are plenty of other furry bronies out there too. I'm not into clop by any means, but the segregation is just stupid. He gave fair warning to the nature of the pic and made it so it didn't display unless you clicked on it to go to it. Thats just my opinion on it, though. If he really is one I think he shouldn't just hide that fact. I dunno.

    136. Doc Steedly- I agree and disagree. I do not care whether any given image is saucy or not, I care whether it's right for it to be here, and I question whether Seth's standards are where they should be.

      I'll bring it up again because it's the truth- this is the most prominent brony site out there, and it represents us as a community. 90000000 hits. People see us here, including people who make the show. And if we are giving a negative or easily-bashed appearance "well people can just screw themselves," or we could just not attract the trouble that can come of that, while making the site friendlier and more comfortable on the whole for other people. What would be lost if pictures with a sexual aspect to them were all linked instead of just shown, or done away with altogether?

      I DO love EqD, but like everything else it isn't perfect and I want the best for it, for it's operators and for it's community. And nothing ever improved because nobody talked about changing.


      And really now Seth can be a furry all he wants. It may explain his predisposition when dealing with some pics, but it doesn't mean a whole lot to me beyond that, and it doesn't affect my opinion of what Equestria Daily should be.


      And hopefully I'm done, dangit. .-.

    137. @jodyjm13
      No need to guess. Unless there are multiple "sethisto"'s around (which is possible I guess), he openly admitted it (well, more specifically to being a "scaly" - attracted to dragons) on some furry forum - I forget which one.

      And no, there isn't anything wrong with that.

    138. Oh, and this is hardly the first debate about sauciness:


    139. Seth, please just make a separate section or post with the saucy images and these debates would simmer down and we can all ust get back to ponies

    140. Furry? Nah, I don't really bother with that community. I explored it, but pony is way more fun.

    141. Source 8 was drawn by a Japanese brony! That's a Rarity right there.

    142. Umm... I guess everypony forgot to love and tolerate.

      O noes! Seth is a furriez, letz git 'im and swing out big pitchforks and torches and dicks! Wahhhh
      --in flutterguy/reggie watts voice--
      I can honestly say... I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

      So there's some saucy. oh noes, i don't like a heavy line hidden behind a saucy link. You should be prohibited from seeing this too, cuz I say so.
      --in flutterguy/reggie watts voice--
      I can honestly say... I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

      I don't approve X, so Y we have it here in first place? Clearly if II don't approve it, no one should have it.
      --in flutterguy/reggie watts voice--
      I can honestly say... I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

      Notice a trend here?
      I can honestly say... I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

      People, you whine here every night it seems, and you aren't gonna do anything but bring down the mood here? This is the internet. This isn't the "end of the fandom" and things "aren't going to turn out for the worse" cause of this. If that were true, it would have happened months ago, you know, when you people said the same unfulfilled stuff before.

      No one cares how much you disapprove, except you.

      The fandom will simply move on, while everyday you're paraspritin'.

      I'mma jus gonna enjoy the WHOLE drawfriend, and I can honestly say... I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. what the complaint of the day is! #10 Twi is actually quite adorable in my opinion. Silly Twi. Funny that all you complainers are focusing on her lower third, and not that adorkable face.

      Good night y'all!

    143. The soundtrack to tonight's Drawfriend is brought to you by Pinkie Pie and LMAFO


    144. The issue at hand is NOT if anyone is a furry. Honestly, there are people who will argue exactly what being a furry even means.

      The reason that the discussions come up is because EQD is a major site for Bronies. It has become a very large representation of the fandom, and has gotten the attention of the mainstream media.

      This means two things:

      1. This is one of the first places fans of the show might come to discuss it.

      2. This is one of the first palaces people will check out to try to understand what the "Brony" thing is all about. What is posted on the site can impact the perception that people have of the fandom.

      From a personal level, I don't care about saucy pics. They aren't my thing, but I have no issues that some people want to fantasize about FANTASY characters that don't exist. (The only image that I had an issue with was one with Lauren Faust's OC pony, mainly because I felt it was disrespectful towards a REAL person.)

      On the other hand, I am far more concerned about how people perceive Bronies as a whole. Google the article "Bronies: Adult Men Who Like My Little Pony and Why It Disturbs me" to understand what I mean.

      I agree that a separate section (hidden by default, and possibly with disclaimer when you enable it) for images that sexualize ponies would be a very good idea. And I think #2 would fall within that category (a pony standing upright in clothing that would be considered sexy on a human woman).

    145. @richfiles

      The large majority of posters here who were not approving of the alleged saucy picture could care LESS about Seth being a furry or not according to their posts. Just saying. Please, let's not swipe a giant paintbrush of seeing whatever we wish to see over those who disagree with us. Some people were being really rude and awful and ridiculous, yes. Were most people? No. The awful ones were just being more vocal and posting more.

      Also, you have a right to think that heavy line means nothing and that it's entirely ordinary. Other people have the right to think it's the sexualization of ponies (by showing the outline of Twilight's labia) and to be a bit unsettled by that, as they view the ponies as innocent cartoon characters from a kids' show. Although I do agree with you: No one should be up in arms about #10. It's linked. People had warning.

      #2, with the thong/v-string? Eh. It's debatable either way.

      But if you're going to lecture on love and tolerate business, why are you being so rude about it? :/

    146. @bestpony
      To clarify my comment, because I came off much more harshly than I meant to: I don't mind the sexualization or non-sexualization of ponies in general. I do not judge my fellow bronies for whichever side of the debate they fall on! But I wish people could remain civil and discuss this without insulting others every which way.

      Claiming the whole deal is about people thinking Seth is a furry is not cool in my book, because it devalues what people on both sides of the debate rather classily and eloquently said earlier.

    147. @Trishula

      Thanksfully, I agree with this completely. We are not insulting anyone by hiding2 behind a link. No one should be flipping out over such a request.

      Apparently #10 is mothafuckin blasphemy, but I won't care because I got the warning and I didn't look at it. However, if there really are people who are okay with sauce but not with R34, I hope that issue also gets fixed.

    148. @bestpony

      If you hadn't noticed, I was actually quoting the famed Fluttercussing PMV (Reggie Watts song "Fuck Shit Stack" VERY expertly lipsynced to the Flutterguy "Evil Enchantress" scene in the woods outside Zecora's hut, from the episode Bridle Gossip). It's only rude if you are offended by the actual language, or don't get the reference. I personally thought it was a rather hilarious way to put some emphasis behind my message without being outright mean. LOL! :D

      Anyway, I dropped my message in without targeting any one poster with a reply link, cause some parts of the message are to everyone, and other parts are to specific individual posters. They ought to be able to figure out I'm speaking to them. I just think some people here have their panties in a bunch is all.

      I fully understand that most people here couldn't care less if Seth was or was not furry. I'm among them. I don't care. At All. This part of my message was targeted specifically to Retardfabio, who seems to think it's OMG worthy that Seth might have an account at FA. I don't care. I knew that months ago. So. Maybe he is. Maybe he has an account for full access to potential pony images that pop up there, and so he has the ability to comment on them. None of this actually matters, cuz no one but Retardfabio actually cares.

      Also, I didn't say #10 Twi didn't deserve to be behind a saucy link, or that I was ever denying sauciness. I am just saying I couldn't care less if it's saucy. I don't care if a heavy line is there. I know what it implies. Camel toe exists. It is at nearly every beach, every Walmart (shudders), in our day to day lives, and on the end of every camel's four legs. Seth linked it. Solution found. Flutteryay

      My overall complaint is with the people saying that they want the Drawfriends to conform to THEIR standards, as if they have any authority to say so.

      Seth runs things here. Deal with it. If you don't like it, then I'm sorry, that's too bad. You are only part of the community. You can't deny the right of another part of the community you don't care for to exist, just because you aren't part of that other part you don't like. You don't have to participate in the portion of the community you don't like, but don't wage war against it's rights or it's place here.

      Talk about no love or tolerance.

    149. @Doc Steedly

      Just a few things I wanted to comment about. Nothing big.

      " that doesn't give any of you right to whine."
      I'm... sure I have rights to say what I want...

      "You should not be here AT WORK anyway."
      That's not the problem. I can be on EqD in the school public library. Oh wait, I can't. If people see it at the wrong moment, they will be disgusted by it. And they won't cry about it like a wimp. No, they will spread it to everyone I know!

      "It takes but a second for someone to edit the line out."
      This is my site, so I can edit it all I want. It only takes a second.

    150. I wasn't going to comment on this at all but I hate not commenting on a few things so I will.

      My favourites were:
      #1 Just for spitfires face, I found it hillarious, she looks a little less than amused.
      #13 For the fact the scene looks great and it's really well drawn.
      #21 For giving me a little laugh, very nice.

      To add my 2 cents i'm not fond of saucy stuff really but I have no issue with it when it's behind a link. If anything is not behind a link but is beyond what I considered acceptable then that's a good use for adblock.

      I will admit I can't see the point behind it though.

    151. #1 oh dear caught in mid clop :|
      #10 what the hay!
      #13 this is awesome
      #14 Derpy mail is still better than the Royal Mail.
      #15 d'awwww
      #18 just for you ey Seth ;)

      and great new banner :D

    152. 18 (MA GOSH, SEXY!)
      19, hahahahaha, sorry, but i imagined twilight doing the same xD

    153. @richfiles
      Personally, all I want is for the standards for deciding what pics to hide with a 'saucy' link to be shifted slightly to include anthropomorphic ponies wearing thongs. It's no big deal to me, to be honest; as things stand, I notice 2 or 3 images a week that I think should be hidden with a link, and it's not like I feel a need for eye bleach after seeing what does slip through. I wouldn't even bother complaining about it, except that some bronies interpret silence on such images as liking them.

    154. Lets take this back to neutral ground. The argument here isn't about who's a fur or not nor is it who likes or dislikes sauce/R34 This really isn't an even an argument about love or tolerance.

      It's more of an issue of respect and responsibility. We of the community wish to be respected and therefore it is our responsibility to produce an image of the community that deserves the respect from those who are trying to rip it apart. and quite frankly, we really don't need to add more fuel to the fire that that's already burning under our feet.

      Like many others, I love EqD and I do worry about its reputation when it comes close to crossing that line. This site has become well known and has been unofficially proclaimed as one of the leading websites dedicated to the fandom and community.

      I can see we have two choices. We can either sit back and say "post it and damned on what anyone else thinks" or we can stand tall and say " Look at us! we are a community that can be dammed proud of ourselves and what we watch."

      Were already being targeted for censorship and the haters don't need the help. Eventually this will all blow over (about 10 years after cancelation *shudders*) But in the meantime lets all work together to make what has become one of the most wonderful forms of entertainment an enduring image upon the world.

      Face it, the trash is always going to be there. But if we can keep our place clean, we won't have to worry about being shipped to the moon.

    155. @jodyjm13

      Eeyup. I do wonder if there's a happy little trollface smile on Seth's face when he posts some of these.
      --insert trollunaplz face here--

      I don't really actually think that, and I know he means well. I got nothing against it, honestly. I also agree that if there was more generous use of saucy linkage, that there'd be much less flankhurt here. Some people will never be satisfied. They are just all flankhurt that the #1 pony site isn't the 100% pure and pasteurized place they would prefer it to be. I'm sure there are other places that exist, but they are simply not as big, popular, or comprehensive. Cue Rarity whine.

      Now I know that #2 is probably a cocaine reference. I do agree with someone else's comment that it has a Pulp Fiction vibe to it. It's kinda what I thought about too. That makes #2 both saucy and a drug reference, but it also makes it a movie reference, or at least an image styled towards that vein of inspiration and overall parody.

      I can see how #10 does belong behind a link, and that's great that it was put there. I see the big argument being that, 10 was saucy linked, but 2 wasn't. Some people just can't leave well enough alone, and still whine about 10. It's their own fault for clicking the link, not Seth's! Also, some people are whining about #1... REALLY? I guess Sports Illustrated is now sexy-sexy-no-no-time. What are we, Iran? It's a comic joke, and I'm not offended by it in the least. I thought it was funny! :D

      I know this stuff exists, it does not offend me. I grew up on a farm, saw it all, and couldn't care less about 90% of what I see (ok... even I'll admit I've never seen a horse in panties, but I have seen a baby goat in a doll dress and bonnet! Insert LOL + facehoof here).

      Even the things that do make me /)O_o(\ I just tend to shrug off, or LOL at and move on. I'm not against making a lulzy joke about something ridiculous. God only knows I love playing with the ponyplz icons over at DeviantArt. It's kinda hard to see the sexual side of things when you've helped birth animals before.

      If anything, what yanks on my heartstrings (Lyra... don't glare at me) are the grimdark fics or pics where bad things happen to these wubbably adawwwable ponies. I've held an animal's head in my arms as it died. It hurts to see that kind of thing. It's not always that stereotypical peaceful drift into eternal sleep that you get. I've seen awful ends before, and ones that decades later, I STILL remember. I've seen some awful things posted here, but I don't let them get to me. I leave them be, maybe comment that I didn't like it, call out a VERY OOC Pinkie or RD, or whatever pony was made a monster, and then move on. I despise any form of Scootabuse, and I hated things like Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, and The Cough. Still... I don't deny those things their right to exist here.

      Anyhow, I personally think city folk are way too sheltered from reality for their own good. Too much flankhurt for my tastes. I just prefer to make light of anything that makes me O_o, and make it into a big joke. If you let yourself get all plot puckered over every little thing that offends you, you might eventually pop!!! /)O_O(\ Maybe? LOL! XD

    156. If there's anything that the whole discussion on this Drawfriends has taught me, it's that if Seth used just a little bit more discretion with his saucy tags, there wouldn't be such a huge argument.

      That, and spreading out any saucy pics amongst a large number of Drawfriends rather than letting them clump together in one set.

    157. I liked the Mario and Yoshi one the best and what universe is Pinkie and Suprise in?

    158. The only issue here seems to be that there needs to be a more liberal use of the saucy link. I love commenting on the drawfriends but I did note that I wasn't OK with #2 (didn't even click on #10 and I'm glad I haven't).
      Now, my personal opinion is that they shouldn't be here at all, we do have standards do we not? BUT, for the less "saucy" ones I get how people could argue that they're just art, and they'd be right. But as Koji has pointed out, there are implications if some of this isn't tagged properly. Should #2 be removed from the site? No. Just put up a link for it. Everybody wins and nobody loses their job and people who don't care for that kind of art aren't exposed to it.

    159. Oh also, the issue of violence and guns, I don't care for violence being mixed in with my ponies, but that rarely ever happens. As for the guns, I would like to refer everyone to "Red vs. Blue"
      "I think it would be ironic if instead of bullets, our guns shot a healing salve that cured all wounds!" Unless there are bullets in the picture, you never know what that gun is shooting, it might shoot rainbows, or chocolate rain.
