I'd hang out at this Christmas party thing.
Source 1
And new banner by: Stardust
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25 Metyknight
Source 26 bux
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30 NiggerFaggot
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
Source 36
Twirarity is now my OTP. Sorry Twixie, Pinkiedash, ect. This is too much!
Source 37
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139 kommentaari:
Number six- since when can she play that?
VastaKustutaHooray, early Drawfriend!
VastaKustutaHappy 88.888.888 pageview mark!
VastaKustutaDat #16.... Wow.
VastaKustuta35- how I feel on every date o__e
VastaKustuta31- only in your dreams, Derpy, only in your dreams....
29- am I missing something here?
27- always did like Madmax's OC
19 and 16- so....much......epicness.......
SOMEONE.... Tell me there is some kind of fanfic of #9
VastaKustutaThe derpy eyepatch guard thing makes me so want to read something like that
Oh, and thank you, Stardust, for the new banner!!
VastaKustutaShe can't, hence the terrible notes.
Hopefully this doesn't result in a triple-post...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose not that I know of.......yet.
VastaKustutaAs in I know somebody who is writing one
Yaaay, new episode fanart!
VastaKustutaNumber thirty has an interesting author.. ....
VastaKustuta#16 Mother of Celestia...
#19 Dovahneigh (Dragonshy) must be the coolest crossover I've ever seen, and I simply love all of the art based on it.
#1 & #16 - simply wow!
VastaKustuta#37 - awesome details. Is it Lauren Faust?
#30 - teaser from some new episode? ;)
6...it took me a while to realize that it wasn't Octavia playing it.
VastaKustutahe he... #30's source
VastaKustutaIt's so wrong but just so funny considering Seth had to type it
#8 isn't new.
VastaKustuta30's source
VastaKustutaWhat... The... BUY SOME APPLES!...?
I keep feeling there's some story i'm missing related to number nine.
VastaKustuta29- i don't know, i doubt trixie makes a good rincewind. fluttershy would probably be closest, but that's a stretch...
5- i always love the sweet family pics.
15- always a good quote. always.
37- just gorgeous.
#33 is adorable.
VastaKustuta#4: Heh, Getter Pony.
VastaKustutaThis is 1 of my favorite draw friends =)
VastaKustutaawesome line up of pictures today yay
The source on 30.... Wat?
VastaKustutaI saw #36 for the first time and my first thought was "not sure if shipping" you could have a long argument on either side of the debate.
VastaKustuta37 - lol, nice. Though I hope that sort of thing never appears in the show. Needs more seaponies.
VastaKustutaDarn my dyslexia! #32 I see what you did there...
VastaKustutarofl at source on #30
VastaKustutaI love #37 the most! So awesome! /)^3^(\
VastaKustuta#2 Come at me bro
VastaKustuta#7 Love that outfit. I feel the sudden urge to play brink again
#9 epic clothes, epic pic
#16 I'm really wondering if this pic is about a fic. If not, there should be one
#22 cool crossover
#25 So Pinkie Pie
#28 Normally I would say that she even looks good while wearing the crown wrong. However, if Rarity wears it, it will never be wrong.
#30 Despite the name, AJ looks simply darling *gets teeth bucked out*
#36 That's almost exactly what I was thinking while watching that scene.
2nd: so many jokes, so little time. ill take one "yea i took the land,wanna fight about it" ^^
VastaKustuta15th: im not childish, im myself.
17th: i have never really understod those kind of pics.
35th: do fancy people eat peas like that 0o!?
I really like the quote in #15
VastaKustutaAlso, Dat #36
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutasource 30
VastaKustutathats the highlight of the drawfriend, the art is pretty good too
this drawfriend stuff is so good my mind is exploding
VastaKustutaAm I missing something? What's with the random human in #37?
VastaKustutaAlso, the source for #30 should be ashamed. The nerve of some people...
@yettiThat's not Lauren. According to the description, it's Megan, from the G1 animations. (Notice the not-red hair?)
VastaKustuta#15 - funny how true it is. Ya never really grow up, you just learn how to behave in public.
VastaKustutaAs always, great stuff here!
#30, you think his name is funny, look at how he signs his signiture.
VastaKustutathats megan. from G1
30: I approve!
VastaKustuta#30.... Making it SO freaking hard to love and tolerate.... Racists make me SO BUCKING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustuta#37 is pretty neat. The "random human" is Megan from the original MLP cartoons.
VastaKustuta#15 says it all. The truly childish are those who refuse to get over themselves and enjoy something regardless of its intended audience.
#3 is just SO D'awwwwww *<3 Soarin-Dash shipping*
VastaKustuta#6 just LOL I can see Octavia off-panel with her hooves over her ears cringing...
#15 is so PERFECT for MLP:FiM
#19, so has Dova-shy become it's own Meme now?
#1 Now that would be my favourite way to celebrate christmas.
VastaKustuta#5 D'awwwww
#16 is just epic!
#37 wow very nicely done.
Another great drawfriend :)
#1 Ha, nice Rudolf costume, Tank.
VastaKustuta#35 That face... I remember making it once. It was the last time I did, trust me on this one.
I love #1, going to be my new background
VastaKustutaOh and love almost every single pic in this drawfriend. Yay :3
Why does the source for number 30 say NiggerFaggot?
VastaKustutaThe ones I really loved were the banner, the cover image and #35.
VastaKustuta#35 Seinfeld and ponies. That picture pretty much made my day. But of course I have to ask... Does she scoop her niblets? : D
VastaKustuta#1 Only i who wishes to be there right now.. I need to somehow create a transporter that teleports me to this alternate reality. *starts drawing on teleport device*
VastaKustuta#30's source name makes me frown.
VastaKustutaOo! Drawfriend Stuff! ME GUSTA
VastaKustuta37 is brilliant. 30's source made me go O.o
VastaKustutayeah that makes sense, each row is a generation of MLP starting from the top
Whew, another longer one. I'm just going to comment on a few that particularly catch my eye. ^^;
VastaKustuta#1 Such a lovely Christmas scene. I want to join them all. And Twilight's cutie mark as a star tree topper, cute. :P
#4 I've never seen that anime before, but this is an awesome pic. And something bad is going to happen to Fluttershy?! Nuuuuu! :'(
#6 "Double Bass" Eenope! I think I can guess what part two will be... Also, Vinyl. Why are you playing under the bridge?
#8 Seems Pinkie is still working on wrapping my present. That's alright, I'm a patient pony. :)
#9 Aww, that war hero Derpy. And her little eye patch. Which isn't supposed to be, but is kinda cute on her.
#15 Ah, yes. I remember that quote. It's a very good and smart one.
#16 Wow, look at that. That's gorgeous I say. Of course the lighting, shading and such are the big components in this one. Or at least I think so. Really nice piece.
#17 Haha! This one has me giggling quite a bit. Oh Twilight... what in Celestia's name happened to you?! xD Looks like Rarity has claimed another victim. Speaking of victims, someone call the fashion police. :P
#20 I say, golly good ol' chap! May I have another spot of tea, my Princess?
#21 Dat flank. Definitely dat flank. Celestia has it goin' on back there. I'm so sorry. It's just so... perfectly shaped! Help, it's using it's hypnotic powers on me!
#23 Oh, I love this little set. It's so cute.
#24 Save on Holiday shipping today! That was an awful pun and for that, I'm very sorry. It was just begging to be done. :)
#28 This scene also gave me a chuckle as I'm sure it did pretty much the entire Brony populous. Silly Rarity. That's not how you wear a crown.
#29 Are you a wizard?
#30 What... is that in the background? lol Gee... I wonder if any certain characters could have possibly been the inspiration for that grey pony in the background of this pic? ;) And look at how fancy Applejack and Rarity look, wow. Surprised Rarity even got Applejack to wear something as girly and frilly as that. I think it's quite adorable. <3
#32 That's a kinds cool and nice outfit Luna is wearing here.
#35 Ah, shoot. I didn't get the Seinfeld reference in this until I read about it. :( But nah. I was simply eating one pea at a time to annoy Vinyl. It looks like it may be working. ;)
#36 I dunno. Out of all the names I think my favorite would be... Dirtville! Lmao. What can I say about this image? Well... I think Rarity is certainly enjoying it. Twilight probably is too. ;)
#37 Wow. That would be the most epic stained glass window ever. And so very intricate. I can't fathom the amount of hours this window would take to make. Lovely pic.
Gah, I commented on more than I wanted to yet again. I keep doing that. lol
VastaKustutai'm sure the authors of the pics appreciate it
"Source 30 NiggerFaggot"
VastaKustuta♫What kind of fuckery is this...?♫
Actually, scratch the Winehouse reference - WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?
You need to edit that ish, Seth. Throw some asterisks on that thang or summin.
i mean, dude got the "er" on there and everything
My racist spidey sense is going nuts.
@Jett Midknight
VastaKustutaArtist Name. From what I heard, It's not the word that's bad, but the 'context in which the word is said' (Chris Rock).
29! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
VastaKustutaOh and loving the new banner as well ^_^
VastaKustuta#16: Remind me never to try to invade Equestria.
VastaKustutaAs always plenty of awesome but 4, 13, 16, 28, 36 & 37 take the cake.
VastaKustutaHonarable mentions go to 1, 8-9, 14, 17-18, 20-24, 30..ah heck just make it all the rest.
#26 First thing I thought of when I saw that scene!
VastaKustuta12, 13, 14, 31 and 35 are brilliant :D
VastaKustuta24 = :(
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#1 More Christmas Ponies!
VastaKustuta#2 come at me bro!
#7 I need to play more Brink...
#10 dawwww cute fluttershy face!
#19 Guess that little talk didn't go so well lol
#25 Pinkie...lmao!
#33 Dawwww its very cute :)
Favorite part of the banner: Rainbow Dash scooping up snow, presumably to make a snowball. (And given the trends so far, I'd guess her target is Twilight Sparkle...)
VastaKustuta#1: It's hard to fit 13 characters in a drawing without it feeling crowded, but this drawing succeeds reasonably well. I love Tank's red nose, but I doubt Fluttershy could have convinced Angel to wear that hat.
#5: It's great to see more images of the Apple sisters; Apple Bloom looks too cute reclining against her big sis like that.
#6: Well, she's trying, at least. (Octavia: "Very trying.")
#14: I love this seasonal scene; it really feels like a snowy evening.
#15: Adorkable Twilight accompanied by a fitting quote from one of my favorite writers? Oh yes, I'm definitely saving this one.
#16: That may be the best drawing of Philomena I've seen, and the other characters and the background all look great too. I especially love how, while the other three are all looking totally hardcore, Twilight is... reading a book. Epic and adorkable in the same drawing? Favorite of the drawfriend!
#17: And Gashi-Gashi's Rarity drawing is ready, and possibly the best of the series so far. I love Rarity's expression, and Twilight is just hilarious in the background.
#20: Forget wet-maning all the ponies; steampunk all the ponies! Celestia's looking quite dapper in that bowler.
#28: I was wondering when someone would immortalize that moment from the episode. Considering how Rarity was the best actor of the group, I can imagine she did that on purpose...
#30: ... What're we supposed to do when the artist's name is offensive? Nice drawing, nonetheless; I wonder how Rarity got Applejack to be so happy in that frou-frou getup?
#32: I really like Luna's outfit in this drawing; it looks like something ponies would actually wear when it's cold.
#33: I've had presents end up looking like that. Don't worry, Sweetie Belle; I'm sure Rarity knows it's the thought that counts.
#34: If Studio B doesn't put Pinkie Pie back in that costume in a later episode, they'll have missed a golden opportunity.
#35: And chews each one 40 times, I'm sure.
#37: A beautiful depiction of the evolution of ponies. Best part: Derpy in the upper right.
#29 Discworld + Ponies = Most epic win in history!
VastaKustuta#11 Congrats Bronies you've made Luna/Nightmare Moon my second favorite pony
VastaKustuta#26 I can't be the only one who thought of the Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse when they showed up? Seriously people I can't be the only one? Draw them now!!!
#7 Literally JUST picked this game back up. GREAT STUFF.
VastaKustutaDid I mention I have the best PSN ID ever? I do. It's Woona-C.
#7 Literally JUST picked this game back up. GREAT STUFF.
VastaKustutaDid I mention I have the best PSN ID ever? I do. It's Woona-C.
36 is so amazing
VastaKustutaGotta love #6 Vinyl Scratch's facial expression.
VastaKustutaS9... Wow... That's one of the most beautiful Luna interpretations I've seen.
VastaKustuta@Jett Midknight
VastaKustutaApparently because that is just the name the artist goes by... I honestly cannot even begin to fathom why, but what can Seth do but credit them accordingly? Such an adorable picture too~ (I'm biased, but that hardly matters)
Anyhow though, yaaaay, early Drawfriend! Now I can actually comment before I head off to work! ^.^
#1 Such an adorable warm, happy Christmas picture... I LOVE the way the artist also included Spike and even all the pets, that's just fabulous! And despite the fact that Angel-bunny is looking a bit surly. Very sweet and cozy picture that perfectly captures the holiday spirit, I think.
#2 I really loved those two together in the last episode... I'd like to draw some of my own Hearth's Warming fanart as soon as I have the time.
#3 Though I don't ship it (thanks to Growing Pains, I now like the idea of Soarin' with Spitfire) this is a really sweet and lovely fanart. Beautifully composed and the artist has a lovely style.
#4 Heheh, not quite sure what is going on here but I like it a lot. ^.^ Fun, funny concept and I love everypony's expressions! The somewhat anime-inspired style really works for this picture.
#5 B'dawww. Applejack really is a model sister, isn't she?
#8 Ah yes, I always recognize this artist's works because I really like her style, and this picture is no exception even though the content rather has me at a loss.
#9 There is a pairing (I believe?) one doesn't see every day. This looks like a continuation from that one ponies-plotting-war picture that made the top-slot of a Drawfriend a while back.
#13 Ooh I really like this one... once again, as so often happens with me I find myself completely taken by a detailed, compelling background. Everything about this one is really beautifully done, though I'm a bit confused by that red circle on the ground (is this another reference of some sort that I am missing?). Otherwise though it's great... I have always loved Derpy's cutie mark and wondered about its origin and meaning.
#15 I really love this one... I was definitely a Twilight Sparkle when I was young and C.S. Lewis was one of my favorite authors. And yes, to this day I maintain a love of fairy tales and fantastical fictions. That is a great quote by Mr. Lewis, and the artwork accompanies it perfectly, lovely job.
#5 and #18 are my favorites. Great art tonight!
VastaKustuta(part II)
VastaKustuta#16 This picture is insane. Is this something that was drawn from scratch? Because they almost look like 3-D models or something. Whatever the case, brilliant and gorgeous!
#17 Haha, yes! I was just saying the other day that I was eager to see this artist continue their pony series and give us a Rarity fanart, and here it is! Hilarious and fabulous!
#18 D'aww, this picture is so very sweet. And I love the coloring job on the two ponies especially... the use of purple was very tasteful here.
#19 I feel like I am the only person alive who has never played this game. Anyway though, pretty nice artwork.
#22 While I'm not overly familiar with any of the Zelda games these days, I still like this picture because Pinkie is ADORABLE!! <3
#23 Awww, such a cute Applejack picture! I love the holly on her mane and tail hairbands; such a nice touch! ^.^
#26 Oh my Goddess, this is just perfect. Now why didn't I think of this!?
#28 Eeep, fabulous picture! <3 This is definitely one of my favorites that I've seen from John Joseco recently; I just LOVE Rarity's expression! Upside-down crown and all, she is definitely Best Pony. <3
#30 Yes, artist name-controversy aside, I really do love this picture. While I'm not quite sure how or why Applejack actually consented to dress up in that outfit she looks darling, and Rarity has taken Western-wear to a whole new level as I only could have expected from her. Love it!
#33 Adorable little capture of the two sisters here, and done in such a soft, delicate style too. Very sweet and pretty picture, I love it.
#35 Seinfeld has now been crossed over with ponies... I'd like to say my life is now complete. This picture is fantastic and somehow, Octavia and Vinyl make it even funnier.
#36 I really liked this picture a lot until I noticed the whip in Rarity's mouth... that kind of spoiled it for me I'm afraid. But it still is a nicely-made piece of art... I like the artist's style.
#37 Multi-generational stained-glass window! How sweet is that, nicely done!
All in all, a most fabulous Drawfriend today. I'm happy I was able to see and comment on it!
First off, I really like the sleigh ride banner. Big Mac is a great brother to do that for Applejack and her pals.
VastaKustutaNow, onto the Drawfriend proper!
1) A great, warm Christmas image... Lots of nice touches, and I love the inclusion of all of the pets. Twilight is maybe a tad full of herself with that star though... Nah, who am I kidding... I want one for my own tree. Love the cutiemark decorations and rainbow lights.
2) These two will provide a lot of entertainment for many Drawfriends to come.
3) I lose track of my Wonderbolts, but whichever one that is, I really like the image. And I'm not really a shipping guy.
4) Haa! I love Fluttershy's face most of all.
5) That is just painfully cute. Applebloom should come with a heart warning.
6) Well, She's living up to his name with that sound. Octavia better not catch him.
7) I don't know if Twilight has the cred to pull off that look...
8) Apparently poor Luna was marked "do not open until Christmas", because she's still here.
9) I do love the mysterious epic story that is being hinted at by all of these pictures. I desperately want to read it, and yet I kind of hope I never get to and it just keeps generating maddeningly intriguing images.
10) HA! Oh, man, I could not help but smile ear to ear looking at this one. That is a great Fluttershy.
11) A really nicely drawn Nightmare Moon. It captures her personality well.
12) Lovely shading on the Doctor. Nice portrait.
13) Bubbles is such a sad story about such a happy Pegasus. I loved her little wave to the audience last episode.
14) Twilight is like a snowball magnet at this point, even though it was Dash and Rarity who took 'em to the face last episode. Nice village scene!
15) I always liked that quote, and it goes so well with ponies.
16) Wow... that is one epic rendering of the most powerful trio in Equestria! Really stunning in the details, and keeping its own unique style. Quite impressed!
17) Twilight continues the humiliation conga int he background of these great character portraits. Reall like this Rarity... and Spike, of course.
#21 Dat plot.
VastaKustuta18) Cool shading and coloring, and I admit I always enjoy naming anything with "Scoota-" in front of it. I see Lyra's been giving sitting lessons.
VastaKustuta19) People love this combination of Fluttershy and Skyrim. I'm not going to argue... Fluttershy is good in anything.
20) A steampunk Celestia is a new one for me... Fancy of a cup of tea? Love her hat, and her brass horn.
21) Some Princessly plot you have there, Celestia. Showing off the wings as well, I see.
22) Pinkie Zelda is pretty cute.
23) I like these cheerful DAys of Christmas pictures. And I always like a good AJ.
24) A fine picture, but Twi-Dash always surprises me. I guess I can see it by the logic of it seems so unlikely that naturally some must go the "opposites attract" route.
25) Pinkie's inflated head makes me laugh. Nice swirls on the balloon and clouds especially.
26) A Harry Potter reference, I take it? That ghostly Celestia is going to kick ass.
27) She's got a bazooka, and I don't think she's afraid to use it.
28) I loved Rarity's dignified exit with her upside down crown.
29) Is that a Trixie Rincewind? I like the luggage...
30) Quite fancy for Applejack. Love the pompadour pony in the background.
31) I've had dreams like that Derpy... you never get to eat the muffin in them.
32) That is an awesomely sweet hood on Luna. Seriously, I love that design for some reason.
33) A really wonderful little holiday scene... So nicely colored and shaded, and just a heartwarming image. Great job!
34) Puddinghead! Between Pinkie and Harley Quinn, I love zany characters that make Puddin' references.
35) Well, of course she does Scratch. She's not an animal. Well, she kind of is... but still.
36) Oh my. As much as I loved the riding scene, I knew it would come to this. However, this really is a great rendering, so if it was going to be done I'm glad it was this epic.
37) Is that every generation of MLP in stained glass together? What a clever idea... really well done.
This was a top notch Drawfriend... So many great pieces tonight! Thanks as always to the wonderfully talented artist and the always charming and dedicated EQD staff for sharing these with everyone.
VastaKustutaLyra's Nightmare Night costume was very impressive, but it sets the bar pretty darn high. I wonder if she'll be able to outdo herself next year.
VastaKustuta@Harwick That is Soarin'. He's been shipped quite a bit with RD, and oft more explicitly than not. Having him shipped in this manner is rather refreshing...
VastaKustutaVery disappointing that #30 would be included.
VastaKustutaI can eat grains of sugar one at time. My hoof cramps up, but I can. Also
This Drawfriend is Absolutely fantasic.
VastaKustuta#1: Classical
#5: D'aww
#19: While I enjoy Skyrim references why is is that Fluttershy is the only one used as Dovahkiin? We get it already she wouldn't shout loudly and she's scared of Dragons. Give Twilight a helmet and let's get the real show going.
#23: I really love that art direction
#24: My favorite
#26: Wait what's this supposed to... Oh I get it now. Clever.
#36: Okay I'll admit. I like this one.
@Olivier 'LuaPineapple' Hamel
VastaKustutaSoarin was my first guess, but I didn't want to get it wrong and I was too lazy to look him up to verify the cutie mark. I have to keep reminding myself that they look so different in and out of costume.
Still love the Wonderbolt scarfs, and Soarin has an excellent cutie mark. I'd wear that scarf without hesitation.
I am suddenly remembering that there has never once been a Rarity and Trixie pairing...
VastaKustutaThen Seth and Cereal can both be happy.
26 made me laugh. And 28 is just plain amazing.
VastaKustutaCool set. Needs more Scootaloo
VastaKustuta#8 was posted already yesterday.
VastaKustutawell it depends, either something bad will happen to fluttershy or something bad happened to whoever piloted the unit first.
*spoilers* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yBP8_EeiEs
#35: At least she doesn't eat peas with a knife.
VastaKustutaWhat the NiggerFaggot is going on with Source 30?!
VastaKustuta#30 mullet pony must become a thing. ARTITS, GOOOOOOOOOOOO~!
VastaKustutaSpelling failure, GOOOOOOOOOOO~!
VastaKustuta37 would be amazing if not for the random human in the picture.
VastaKustutaI hope that wasn't a Freudian slip...
She's not random; Megan was a major character in the first MLP show. I'm sorry that the artist's inclusion of her has bothered you enough to affect your opinion of the drawing.
@sup-broIt's suppose to be Lauren Faust, I'm assuming.
VastaKustutaBut anyway, a nicely awesome assortment. Number eight is a repeat, though, and number thirty-six PROBABLY deserves a saucy tag.
Number fifteen especially has a message that I think needs to be repeated time and again. There are few things C.S. Lewis said that I can agree with, but this? This is most assuredly one of them.
I see Seth has seen the light of the otp that is Raritwi.
VastaKustutaNice drawfriend today too tired for a long comment though so.
VastaKustuta#20 I really want a monocle now.
#29 Trixie as Rincewind? Not sure she's the best fit, but then we don't really have a cowardly unicorn obsessed with potatoes, so I'll quite happily settle for the reference as-is. ^^
VastaKustutaI'm fairly certain that the source for #30, ahem "NiggerFaggot", is a reference to one Yogpod, in which either Simon or Lewis is asked if he would date a woman named Grunthilda Niggerfaggot.
VastaKustuta#37 This honestly made me happy cry. So many of my childhood favorites in here (and MEAGAN!), all in one picture, and then the Mane Six at the bottom. WOW. Just WOW.
VastaKustutaThere is too much awesome in this Drawfriend. I don't know where to start. The stained glass window... Helium Pinkie... The Rarities... The Heroes of Equestria in the lava field... Doctor Whoof, Fluttershy, Derpy's bubbles, the Park Bench Scootasnooze.
VastaKustutaJust amazing.
VastaKustuta29 may not be the best piece (with this drawfriend that's like trying to pick which jewel in a trove is brightest) but any Discworld at all is me happy.
Need more Discworld ponies.
Otherwise, the imagines are just incredible. To indulge myself in parousing it, astounded by the quality and variety you artist all deploy - Thank you all! Even, um.. Nggfgg..
Now back to my palpations and general overload of incredible pony art - Hnnnn(36yay)rhghhgh...!
Why is derpy in an eyepatch so badass?
VastaKustutaDat 21
VastaKustutaAlso nice source on 30
35, just 35
VastaKustutaThis is one of the best drawfriends in a while, so much good stuff here. Keep up the good work fellow bronies!
VastaKustutaOk what I don't get is that Sethisto removed the infamous "Sweetie-poo" picture but he doesn't freaking remove #30... Sethisto, I am disappoint bro... THAT source is what's sickening!
VastaKustutaAnd also, there was a big freaking OUTCRY for "Sweetie-poo" but only a few have really said anything about that source... What is this, mississippi in the 1930s?!? Sorry... Racisim just makes me a sad/mad panda :(
VastaKustuta#1 What a nice scene. Pinkie is adorable.
VastaKustuta#9 This is why Equestria-Prevails is probably my second favorite brony artist.
#15 That's a great quote.
#25 Sure, we'll go with that science.
#28 Rarity can't take a bad picture.
#35 She would.
#36 This is really well drawn. And disturbing.
Sweet mother of Celestia #16 and #20 are badass!
VastaKustutaThere's been quite a few people expressing their displeasure over that artist's pseudonym; while normally I don't believe in censoring anyone, in this case I think @mycutiemarkisagun has the right idea in throwing a few *** over that artist's pseudonym.
As repellant as that pseudonym is, I tend to think it wasn't chosen as a reflection of the artist's racism and homophobia, but for some other reason (@play freebird probably has it right). Unless we find out that the artist has been advocating a revival of Jim Crow laws or the establishment of concentration camps for gays, I think we should judge his artwork solely on its own merits in deciding whether to display it in a drawfriend. Showing a non-objectionable picture from an artist with an objectionable name shows, at worst, a lapse in taste in not censoring/disguising the name, but showing a Sweetie Poo picture implies acceptance of that particular fetish.
To everyone wondering about 30's source name, it could also be a reference to this, quite frankly, hilarious video:
Additionally, 16 is far too awesome and 12 is best Time Lord.
#1 Yet another Christmas card-worthy picture here. For crying out loud Angel, cheer up already. It's the holidays.
VastaKustuta#4 Not sure of the reference, but CHARGE!!
#5 Anything with AJ and Apple Bloom always reminds me of my sister and myself. I can totally relate to these two. Adorable.
#6 Well, classical music can fit in just about anywhere, no?
#10 I just can't tell what Fluttershy is reacting too. Something tells me she just saw something completely oddball.
#13 Such a beautiful picture despite the sad nature of the fanfic it's based on.
#14 All that's left here is for them to whip out their songsheets and start chanting holiday tunes right there.
#15 I just can't possibly say something that will do this quote justice. It completely fits into our fandom.
#18 Haha. Rainbow's going "Lyra" on us. Joking aside, this is such a sweet scene.
#23 Oh boy. Apple pie on a cold day. Win!!
#25 Oh, Pinkie! LOL
#31 Resistance is futile, muffin!
#34 Hold on to your hooves. She's just about to be brilliant! LOL
And of course, the banner is just awesome.
Hard choice...but 15 will take it.
VastaKustutaI was getting ready to post huge rant about #24, then I read the source for #30, lol'd, and forgot about it.
VastaKustutaokay everypony, calm down. we all know that bronies started on /co on 4chan and leapt over to /b for a time. being called a niggerfaggot is about as normal as you get on /b. that artist is probably an older b/tard that happens to be a brony. his name is a hail back to the old days of the b/ board when it was trying to be so over the top that it was a parody of hatred and vice, when it was for fun and to be funny, not because it was how you really felt.
VastaKustutamy goodness, i am really dating myself right now. but that's ok, no one else would.
#8: LOLOLOL!!! Such a lovely gift! Mwahahaha! I see Luna must be struggling, since you are still at this from yesterday!
VastaKustuta#16: Wooaaaahhhh! Kewl!
#19: Skyrim... Is there nothing you can't do...
Ponies... Is there nothing you can't do...
And then the world was a better place... At least 20% better.
#20: Steampunk Celestia... You win all my tubes, cuz, the internet is a series of tubes.
#21: /)O♓O(\ Dat flank!
#24: Whatevs to the ones who don't care for this stuff... this is genuinely cute.
#25: Um... just how high up ARE they... cause Pinkie Pie looks like her eyes are about to vacuum themselves out into space... Oh wait... it's just Pinkie!
#30: Not the most tasteful name... but it's not something that indicates blind racism or homophobia. It's a very specific reference to a rather famous comedy skit that depicts a spelling bee. The man announcing the participant's words is a black man, who announces THAT word. The participants have great trouble proceeding, asking for definitions, synonyms, meanings, original pronunciation (Oh. My. Dear. Luna! /)O_o(\ That part!). Each participant can't spell it, and the man disqualifies them. The last participant blows through it as fast as she can, just to get it over with... only to have the black guy step up to her and say "I heard what you said".
It's a reference to a comedy sketch, and nothing more. Also, cute AJ and Rarity there!
#36: This is... /)O♓O(\ Umm... Twi, it looks like she's ready for that pony back ride.
#37: is so much epic awesome! This is the only time G3 will ever be awesome! LOL!!! G1 wasn't bad. Seriously bronies... Give the better known G1 content a try. It's the foundation that G4 stands upon.
I'm also quite ticked off at myself for taking 3 days to catch up with my past due Drawfriends...
VastaKustutaIt looks like I missed quite the manure storm. I'm talking Lesson Zero level crazy idiocy.
The Subway Faust Pony (Drawfriend 278, Dec 17, #18) was cute and weird, but totally clean and work safe... And everyone who got it sent to the moon can go do something to themselves with a $5 foot long. I'll leave my REAL post back in that Drawfriend's comments... I have words for you haters back there.
I just feel stupid for being 3 days late to the brawl. I still wanna throw a punch.
@jodyjm13 still! Reference or not it's still DISGUSTING and we should all be ashamed! "sweetie-poo" was referening a fetish?? I saw nothing se**al about it... Maybe that's just cause im innocent when it comes to that crap (...yes, pun inteded... It's 6 a.m I can make bad puns if I wanna!)
VastaKustuta#36 Definitely have the wingiest of boners right now.
VastaKustuta#16 - First pony picture (size and quality) to make it into my background rotation.
VastaKustutaIf you're saying the artist's pseudonym should have been censored, I'll agree with you; if you're saying his art shouldn't have been posted at all because of his pseudonym, I'll have to disagree.
Having never seen the Sweetie Poo image, I can't comment on whether it was a "sexual" fetish image, but at a minimum I don't see how it could have avoided being extremely disrespectful to the character and the show.
21) For some reason my first thought was "Wait a sec, she's naked." I guess the lack of the crown and such really make a difference.
VastaKustuta28) Still like that style of wearing a crown.
37) That's an awesome Stained Glass.
Most likely inspired by fanfiction edition!
VastaKustuta#30 Ok here's what I think what happened: Applejacks apple bucking as usually, but one of the apples falls directly on her head, causing her to believe shes her Manehattan self. Rarity quickly notices this and takes advantage of it. Soon the two become the bestest of friends, and the other ponies soon notice as well.
VastaKustutaFanfiction worthy ain't it? Well I can't write it cuz my computer Dosent have the programs necessary to do it so anybody can use this idea if they want :)
#30 Ok here's what I think what happened: Applejacks apple bucking as usually, but one of the apples falls directly on her head, causing her to believe shes her Manehattan self. Rarity quickly notices this and takes advantage of it. Soon the two become the bestest of friends, and the other ponies soon notice as well.
VastaKustutaFanfiction worthy ain't it? Well I can't write it cuz my computer Dosent have the programs necessary to do it so anybody can use this idea if they want :)
Guys seriously take it easy. In all honesty when I saw the source Nigger-Faggot it made my day that was hilarious.
VastaKustutaGuys seriously take it easy. In all honesty when I saw the source Nigger-Faggot it made my day that was hilarious.
VastaKustuta#30: Anybody who finds the source name funny or amusing is a twat. The fact that that submission was accepted is frankly embarrassing. Way to fail.
VastaKustutaDAT 36
How old do you think the mane cast is in like people years???? I've always wondered....
VastaKustuta9 & 16 are awesome
VastaKustutaWell, then I'm fine with being a twat! I flippin' lmfao at the name! The irony made my day! Seein that Sethisto had to type it makes me laugh even harder!Your people's reactions to it are also priceless!
Keep on rocking it, NF! Hope he gets featured again! XD