Rarity controls ALL THE GEMS. Can't stop this!
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Source 9 JakeLionPony
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99 kommentaari:
Whoa, #12 is sort of creepy. That smile...
VastaKustutaI'm guessing it's impossible for any normal person to get a first...
VastaKustutaWell Derpy in a German aero plane, this could end well
VastaKustutaOverall good Drawfriend
Also she should steal that scarf instead
VastaKustutaMust be speedy
#28. Twilight, you should be scared. Dash doesn't seem to be holding on very tight.
VastaKustutaAww, Twilight even has a checklist in #23, that's such a great detail.
VastaKustutaDat Indiana Dinky. Also what's up with the twicord picture?
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaAnd how can you be speedy when this site is so freakin slow?
#1 The slow fade from the warm to cool colours is awesome.
VastaKustuta#13 Derpyyyyyy!!
#15 Dawww
VastaKustutanot too difficult. just keep an eye on the clock.
Also Not first.
VastaKustuta13 - Utter Genius
VastaKustuta#29 is adorable!
VastaKustutaI just really stay on the sight and refresh every minute or so, when your stick in bed with a busted leg, your bored, trust me
#13 was amazing lol bravo
VastaKustuta@Evina EqD isn't slow, that would be on account of your ISP.
VastaKustutaAll around pretty good.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie is best Cupid.
LOL @13. Great movie.
VastaKustuta#22 - Fancypants should know it's declasse to bring up money like that.
VastaKustutaTavi got her requested Christmas ornament.
All in all, one of my fav drawfriends lately.
28 is uncomfortable. Twilight looks scared, and unless she could use magic to fly herself, she's pretty much being held against her will.
VastaKustutaSean Connery derpy. PERFECT!
VastaKustutaI think the implication is that Twilight was falling and Rainbow caught her, which is why there is a rainboom dissipating in the background.
17 looks simply EPIC
VastaKustuta#25: Does anyone else think that staff looks like Gandalf the White's?
VastaKustuta#22 and thats why she's naked all the time
VastaKustutaI was going to make a joke about #7
VastaKustutaBut then I took an arrow to the knee
That Trixie in #17. Kind of badflank, I'll have to say. I wonder if Twilight would even stand a chance against her...
VastaKustutaAnd #3 is also great! To my mind the nature of the character is very well captioned and the whole picture is an excellent piece of art. I really like her mane, too.
I like the first one! Way to go!
VastaKustutaAh, that makes sense.
#1 Interesting, I like the colouring on this one.
VastaKustuta#2 Oh my, Discord looks a bit more intimidating than usual.
#3 Great style and it's adorable, I really like this one.
#4 I like the idea of this, nice drawing.
#5 Why am I sure I've seen this before? either way it's a nice (if confusing) idea.
#6 I like the way this has been done, the meaner looking reflection type her is great but poor Fluttershy, she needs cheering up.
#7 Equestria is doomed.
#8 I love the style of this one and it's well drawn.
#9 Again I love the style here, very nice.
#10 I need to hide that family photo album. Nice though.
#11 Octavia almost loks annoyed here, nice drawing, i'm sure we'll be seeing alot more season's greetings themed ponies along the way.
#12 Double D'aww, I like the small smileyface it has.
#13 I love this referance, this is great.
#14 The colouring and sky on this one are brilliant, I really like them.
#15 Nice and sweet, I also like this one.
#16 It's a good ting she didn't win, I do not need to see my Student as her servant.
#17 Great style, I actually think this works well without any colour.
#18 Discord looks very long here, I like the colouring and the shadows on this one.
#19 Just a plain nice Pinkie Pie being releaxed, I like this.
#20 Canterlot is a lovely city but some of the ponies in it? less so, Lyra and Bonbon would be a welcome improvement over most of them.
#21 Her legs look a little thin here but I like this, very fitting background.
#22 Fancypants can afford it, at least I hope he can.
#23 I love this idea, Snowball fights are fun, especially when you have somewhere warm to go afterwards.
#24 we're seeing a fair bit of art of her now, she's fairly popular.
#25 Twilight the Purple doesn't sound quite as nice but I like this.
#26 This is a fairly nice style of drawing, the colours are interesting.
#27 Very cute, I love the colouring on this one and the background is great.
#28 Twilight looks a little surprised but this is really nice, I like it.
#29 D'aww ,she looks happy.
#30 Enjoying yourself AJ? well I suppose she's just finished with all the apples from the background.
Great drawfriend today.
@ cursormortis
VastaKustutaYou're absolutely right, it is the same staff. I wonder how it ended up in Equestria?
Conflicted feelings about 25/Slugboxes ponies.
VastaKustuta16 is my favorite. I do love seeing heroes becoming corrupted.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#1 The way the gems and Rarity is drawn clashes against each other, however the cool to warm colors really makes this pop.
VastaKustuta#3 Great concept, the center one must've been really hard to create.
#30 Can't help feeling the perspective is off, but besides that this is a really fun piece to look at.
13# Oh my God! This one. This one! THIS ONE! BEST! CROSSOVER! EVER!!!
VastaKustutaSomepony, take this and make it happen! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! It'll be the best thing ever!
#8 is now my new wallpaper
VastaKustuta#12 That crocodile toy...
VastaKustutaWow, that's some heavy nostalgia right there...
#25 A SFW drawing by Slugbox? wow, that's new for me
VastaKustutaSOOOOO MUCH TWIDASH.....which i like
VastaKustuta#22 Japanese cotton scarf for sure, although even for 900 bits that seems a bit over priced seeing as how brand name scarves are around 100-500 but even then they aren't Japanese cotton.....so wait...if a pair of Japanese cotton jeans cost round 1500 a scarf would be (note the length) mmmm 600 definitely but then again that's probably wholesale seeing as the sales pony also has to make profit sooo yeah it is worth 900 bits if not less by around 800-850.
VastaKustutaWow, even before 6 my time today.
VastaKustutaI'm lazy and tired today, so only a few this go for me. x3
#1 Simply gorgeous pic. I love nice vibrant colors like these.
#5 This is kinda turning into a meme now I think. Not that I'm complaining. I love the design. It's a really funny and adorable take on "Discolight". :P
#11 Yay, you made it! And you even read my comments about your ornaments, aww. <3 And here I thought no one ever read my ridiculously long posts. lol Thank you very much. I think she's a lovely ornament and great addition to the set. :)
#15 Awwww, Lyra and Bonbon during the holidays. So darn endearing. Nice quiet snowy night cuddled up near the fireplace... *sighs happily* Wonderful classic scene. One of my favorites.
#20 Dat backstory. lol Well, it's certainly a cute pic anyway. Can't deny this adorable couple all fancied up for a stroll around the city. :3
#22 "Looks like Fleur is looking to buy a... winter wrap up!" Doh ho ho! You're silly. :P But 900 bits? Pfft, that's nothing. You should have seen the coat he bought for her last weekend. Whoa! lol But that designer shopping... I know your pain, Fancypants.
#26 Looks like the Great and Powerful Trixie got in a fight with a Great and Powerful bucket of paint. I think the paint may have won this round. ;) But seriously, the colors are beautiful.
#29 That face... oh goodness. Think I'm melting from the cute. Oh what a world!
Great Drawfriend as always. Especially loving the holiday pieces. Help get us even more into the spirit of things.
also I'd fucking buy that per verbal shit scarf!
VastaKustuta#3: D'aww, haven't seen that outfit in a while.
VastaKustuta#11: I wish I had this on my door now...
#16: Well now someone has to make a fic featuring this...
#20: This explains so much...
#28 The story I'm getting from this is that Twilight was falling, and Rainbow saved her while performing another Rainboom.
VastaKustutaIt also looks like TwiDash shipping, judging by Dash's expression and pose. To me it looks like she's saying something along the lines of "I almost lost you"
VastaKustuta#5 is another version of Twilight mutated after absorbing Discord's powers. Yesterday's Drawfriend had another illustration from a different artist but based on the same fan fiction story.
I have to agree with this artist... Twilight makes even chaos completely adorable.
I'll have to return later tonight to do all of my own comments. I'm not making the progress I had hoped to make in my work so far.
So Slugbox is now drawing ponies that aren't rule 34?
VastaKustutaI've noticed a couple slugbox pictures in the last couple days in drawfriends
VastaKustutaMust confess, #25 made me do a double-take when I saw the source.
VastaKustutaIt's a good image of course, but I was all like "Wait, it was drawn by *WHO*? Haha, oh wow."
13 is too amazing for words
VastaKustuta#30 is BOSS! apples, apples, apples, apples, Applejack! Then more apples, apples, apples...
VastaKustutaDinkyana Jones!
VastaKustutaSomeone already posted that #22 one in a previous drawfriend i think, PS when will you post more baby pony pics dangit!
Dinky/Indiana Jones crossover?
Nice choice on making number 1 the header. In my opinion it's the best one here! Runners-Up probably being 10 & 11.
VastaKustutaWhoever made Fluttershy cry is going to die a very slow painful death.
VastaKustutaAnimu Dash time.
VastaKustutaLove #13, Indiana Jones and the Last crusade reference if I'm not mistaken.
VastaKustuta#25 and 28 really hit the spot fro me=)
VastaKustuta@Fluttershy Lover
#3 Fluttershy was nice in that dress :)
VastaKustuta#7 Pinkie pie Cupid!
#17 Oh man shes pissed now
#23 yay Christmas! ^_^
#27 very colorful image of fluttershy :)
I think I´m starting to have a crush on Fleur...Ok, I´ll just add it to my BG favorite ponies list...
VastaKustutathe one from yesterday was made for a cover for a fanfic based on it, the fic is called Your Best Shot
its up on fimfiction
4 and 11 for the win
VastaKustuta#12 LOLOL!!! very nice
VastaKustuta#3: I LOVE the linework on these drawings.
VastaKustuta#14: This one just seems epic to me somehow. The lines and strokes really emphasize the motion.
#25: Gandalf the White DEMANDS his staff back!
#29: Kinda freaky, but cute nonetheless.
VastaKustutaYaaaaay, my very first Drawfriend that I've had the chance to comment on in nearly a week! Or maybe it's been longer, who knows. But anyway, I'm excited. =^.^=
VastaKustuta#1 I am a sucker for lovely Rarity art, I'm sure everypony already knows this. Very beautiful piece in an unusual style that nevertheless suits Rarity... I love all the different colors and textures and that glowing pile of gems is truly alluring. *I* want it!
#2 Ooh wow, this is very nice! It almost looks like a portion of an unfinished piece but I think it is beautifully done... I love the artist's style, the lighting, and the dynamic poses/expressions. Really nice work.
#3 Super-cute sketches that capture Fluttershy the supermodel perfectly, I think. ^^
#4 I absolutely adored that hairstyle of Rarity's from that episode... I was thinking about doing a rendition of it myself. Perhaps I still will.
#5 What is this I don't even. Cute style though.
#7 Aw I like this one! Very fun picture that captures Pinkie perfectly I think... I really like her expression and the way the artist handled the pose.
#8 Great panoramic image here that really captures a fun and festive holiday spirit! I love the moonlight, the texture of the snow (all of the hoofprints were a great bit of added detail) and the cozy homes of Ponyville in the background.
#13 ... This is just too fabulous. A brilliant pony crossover with my favorite Indiana Jones movie ever, I absolutely love it. <3 Genius and classic!
#18 Really interesting style here, and a bizarre idea but I really like it! It fascinates me.
#25 Beautiful coloring style here, I quite like it. I don't know much about the rest of this guy's art as other people are mentioning but I do know I like this... very pretty.
#30 Applejack! <3 Such a cute picture, and very nicely done might I add!
And well, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to touch on more as I was hoping... I got distracted earlier and now have to be heading off to work (to a busy late-night holiday evening of training a new employee and a party of 30 no less... I think I'm going to slip a little Bailey's into my thermos of coffee today). It's a very lovely ensemble this evening though!
Heehee... I actually thought the same thing as well. =^.^= It's nice to know I'm not the only fantasy-fangeek here who would notice such a thing!
#1: Wonderful use of color; this looks like a classic ad or poster for Rarity.
VastaKustuta#8: A pleasant holiday scene; I like the background inclusion of Celestia and Luna.
#9: It's nice to see another Philomena drawing; I like the very limited palette and the cross-hatching at the edge of the flames.
#17: This looks like an animation storyboard, and I mean that in a good way. It's a little loose and rough, but as a result it has a lot of energy, which is what this image needs.
#18: This drawing looks like it could have come directly out of a classic storybook.
#23: Favorite of the night; it's a fun, well-drawn winter scene that shows off each character's personality. Love Twilight's checklist.
Lots of good stuff tonight, including some cute Lyrabon and nice Luna/Celestia/Discord drawings, but I've run of time for now.
Wow what a great Drawfriend, really liking all the pics here. Though #1, #24, #25 and #30 (I'm a sucker for AJ) stand out for me.
VastaKustutaI enjoy 17 the most, but 13 is a close second for humor's sake.
VastaKustutaI was going to make a comment about 14, but then I took a Rainbow Dash in the knee.
VastaKustutaDriving sure has a way of doing stuff to you. Since I don't drink, I could really use a heavy dose of ponies right now. This just might be what I need:
VastaKustuta#1 This is a picture that seems to convey power, and lots of it.
#3 Further proof why Rarity was so quick to chose Fluttershy as a model. She really does look fantastic.
#6 Alright! Who's the deadpony that made Fluttershy cry?! Show yourselves!!
#7 Pinkie! Save it for February.
#8 This is just so beautiful. I'll be sure to include this in a cycle of wallpaper for the 24th/25th on my computer.
#11 I'd be curious to know what Octavia's playing.
#13 It would be awesome to see the whole movie play out with Derpy in it. Well, we can always dream, can't we?
#14 The Sonic Master at work. Awesome!
#15 Awww. So adorable.
#19 This is really interesting. Not sure if this is a crossover or anything, but I like it.
#22 Sticker shock really is universal, huh.
#23 Another nice winter shot of our favorite ponies. They look like they're having a blast.
#27 Seems like the kind of place Fluttershy would visit on a regular basis.
VastaKustutaAnd which fan-fiction would that be? I'd love to read it.
A couple really good villain ones this time around.
VastaKustuta#18 Had it been a movie, this would have been an awesome scene.
#16 Caused a small shiver up my spine.
#2 His eyes are terrifying in this one.
Link #10 seems to broken.
VastaKustutaman I haven't heard anything about getting my last piece up on draw friend. Usually I get a response back quickly enough in my email and the piece is placed in the next drawfriend. Are there specific rules for crossovers even if it's a mane6 pony in an alternate world?....
VastaKustuta#7 So that's how ponies use bows.
VastaKustuta#8 Beautiful piece.
#14 Really liked this one.
#19 SO CUTE!
#23 Another beautiful piece.
#30 I hope you have someone to help you pick up that mountain of apples you bucked AJ.
VastaKustutaHere it is:
It's a bit rough by the author's own admission, still going through proofreading and such, but the concept is fun and the story engaging.
VastaKustutaI'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so.
#13: Awesome. I will now read all Derpy dialogue in Sean Connery's voice.
Well, sometimes.
And so, THIS drawfriend is why we can have nice things. No fanshipping though, made me sorta sad.
VastaKustutaI got it once.
Oh, wait, you said normal person...
VastaKustutaPersonally, I love it when an artist known for risqué or even r34 art gets clean art shown here; perhaps I'm being naive, but maybe it'll encourage them to do more of the same.
Okay, it's nearly 10pm on a Friday so I'm quitting for the night, dammit. That means it's Drawfriend time!
VastaKustuta1) Really striking colors in this, and I quite like the style of the linework as well. Stellar work.
2) Man, that is one wicked looking Celestia. Really nice coloring of this one too.
3) Some quality studies of Model Fluttershy.
4) A pony advent calendar would be a lot of fun, I think... especially with treats like this behind each door.
5) As discussed above, I'm quite fond of Discord-merged Twilight. She's adorably monstrous, the poor girl.
6) Who keeps making my ponies cry, dammit!? Is that her with evil glowing eyes in the background?
7) The fletching's gotta hurt as it goes through the mouth. Still, the things we do for love.
8) A cute Christmas image. I think Luna and Celestia should stop watching from afar and join in the festivities.
9) Very cool Philomena painting. Love the use of texture.
10) I had to check for the wings to make sure this wasn't Fluer. Next I'll have to check hairstyles and coloring to make sure it isn't Cadence. These graceful ponies can get confusing. Still, very cool dress design.
11) Yay! Octavia made the ornament group! Love her expression.
12) This just makes me smile, it's just so goofy and happy. You know that gator's getting a good brushing soon.
13) What other pony could so effortlessly channel Sean Connery?
14) Ah, the original rainboom. A very cool moment captured.
15) These ponies have the right idea for the holiday. Or any other day, really.
16) Aaah! Twilight's going all inky! I need my Twilight fix... give her back.
17) Is that Trixie? She's getting pretty epic in this sketch.
18) I love the storybook nature of this illustration. Great job.
19) Tea for one? That just won't do. Let me grab my teacup.
20) I don't know what Lyra's problem is... I'd love to visit Canterlot for the day.
21) Luna's looking magical this evening.
22) Poor Fancypants. Fleur does not come cheap.
23) I love that Twilight not only has the checklist, but that "fun" has already been checked off. Great image.
24) Now that's a cute portrait of Fleur, in a nice style.
25) Twilight has Gandalf's staff and she's not afraid to use it! She needs to get out of the cold though... all of her cheeks are getting rosy. Neat image.
26) Love the look on Trixie's face, and am still digging the highly colorful graphic look of these.
27) Fluttershy makes for the best simple portraits. No wonder she used to be a model.
28) Is it just me, or has there been a sharp spike in the number of Twilight/Dash images? What brought this on, out of curiosity? That whole "pet" comment? Neat concept for this one.
29) Now that is an adorable Dash.
30) You should celebrate, AJ... that is one whole mess of apples there. Nice, bold, colorful portrait!
Sorry for the delay in commenting. Once again, thanks to all of the talented artists for sharing their work with us! It's always a highlight of the day here at EQD.
VastaKustutaYay, someone came up with a new twist on it!
#8: I see a Valentine's day special coming, good luck with Rarity, Spike.
VastaKustuta#12: D'aww such a cute smile.
I see what you did on 17... The paper that was drawn on is standing on edge with the sides angled back. Then, a light was positioned to aim right at the top of the page.
VastaKustuta19: I'm not sure those are the kinds of mushrooms one would want to be playing around. The words "fly agaric" come to mind.
VastaKustutaOh yes. The fly agaric is also a hallucinogenic, although that would explain some things about Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaTwi's Snowball fight checklist:
VastaKustuta1. Start Snowball fight
2. ????
3. Profit
And tI'm really loving that Applejack and the Fleur and Fancypants
I just pondered what would happen if the Princesses got something like #5 in their mailbox with "From D-" as a signature.
VastaKustuta*peeks into blog*
VastaKustutaI'm allergic to adorableness!!!!
*#12 and 29.*
Even though there are plenty of really high quality pieces of art in this batch, I can't help but love the toony expressiveness of #7
VastaKustuta23 is probably my favourite. I haven't seen many artists who can convey happiness that well.
#12 Somehow, Colgate with braces doesn't makes sense to me. You'd think her teeth would have been so fabulous throughout her whole life that she wouldn't need them or something. & I get they're for keeping teeth straight but still.
VastaKustuta#28 - "If you love something, let it go..."
VastaKustutaHA! I'm evil, I know.
Tons of flair edition!