We have had subtle hints in the past via file names in various official pony flash games, but this is the 100% difinitive proof that Derpy Hooves is a fully canon pony! The official Hub Facebook page has recognized the queen of muffins!
New Derpy banner by Ste-C
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ReplyDeleteI still prefer Ditzy Doo.
ReplyDeleteOMG awesome. :D
ReplyDeleteFinally ! Happy Bday Derpy !
ReplyDeleteT'was only a matter of time!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I'll still call her Ditzy Doo though, though I had an odd dream last night her name was actually Fire Eyes. (Like Bright Eyes, remember?) So I might call her that. :3
ReplyDeleteThank you sooooo much
Derpy you are the real friend <3
ReplyDeleteDerpy Hooves is best name.
ReplyDeleteAlso first.
ReplyDeleteThe part I find funny is that Derpy was nigh impossible to miss in this episode. But woohoo anyway.
ReplyDeleteDerpy = Real Name
Ditzy Doo = Nickname
Problem saved.
Well, since the holiday episode didn't crush every alicorn origin story as expected, I guess they decided to murder-death-kill all the Ditzy Doo fanfics to make up for it. :p
ReplyDeleteAnd today, December 17, was henceforth known as Derpy Day.
ReplyDelete@Captain British
ReplyDeleteDitzy Doo, code-name : Derpy. :)
That's cool. It'll be superofficial if the toy was named Derpy.
ReplyDeleteDitzy Doo shall stay, derpy remains a nickname
ReplyDeleteMother of God..... :O
ReplyDeleteWell, then.
ReplyDeleteSoo derpy is an Alicorn now?
ReplyDeleteohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh
ReplyDeleteIn b4 complaining
ReplyDeleteTo quote Dash "DUN DUN DUUUUUN"!
ReplyDeleteAnd ~yay~ everypony loves Derpy!
ReplyDeleteIn b4 complaining
ReplyDelete@ponydoraprancypants YES! Good idea!Derpy Day shall be on the 17th of December!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, is this proof of Derpy's name? We already knew that Derpy is the name the creators of the show use to describe this character (as given to her by us bronies) and this may just show that. This may not be her name in Equestria but just the name used so everybody knows who they're talking about.
ReplyDeleteIf this Hub picture said, "Can you find Ditzy Doo?" no one would know who they were talking about, necessarily. But, instead, they said Derpy is that is her most commonly known name.
tl;dr Derpy is the name they use so we know who they're talking about. But to other ponies, her name may not be Derpy.
First: The Hub
ReplyDeleteThen: The World
I saw that on their Twitter feed! Celebrate, bronies! This is truly a day to remember. Not only an awesome new episode, but official naming of our favorite wall-eyed pegasus!
ReplyDeleteAs Twilight Sparkle would say, "yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!"
ReplyDeleteIt is a day that will live in infamy!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere already is a Derpy Day. I think it was celebrated last March 1st? Everyone is supposed to wear grey and take pictures walleyed.
I don't know the details, it was founded super early in the fandom
O_O We actually got a pony officially re-named?
ReplyDeleteOH. SHIT.
ReplyDeleteInternet... Oh, you...
Derpy Day shall be celebrated with muffins. Muffins I say!
ReplyDeleteVICTORY SCREECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteInternet... Oh, you...
Hooray for acknowledgement! Derpy needs immediate muffin presents for this.
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly I think some of the alternatives fit as a better real name but Derpy being canon is great.
(personally I had it as a friendly nickname)
So, shall I make national muffin day a holiday?
I'm still calling her Ditzy. :K Derpy can be her nickname and such, but she will always actually be named Ditzy Doo in my book!
ReplyDeleteShi** just got real!
ReplyDeleteSuck it, Ditzy Doo!
Yay for Derpy! Here's hoping they officially name some other favs with the names we're used to.
ReplyDeleteAww, how cute. Denying official canon. :3
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd we rejoiced
ReplyDeleteit isn't official in the show it is an ad to market to bronies
ReplyDeleteThe crew has already said that Derpy was upgraded to "scripted character status" for season 2, meaning she appears specifically on the story boards as "Derpy" and not just "pegasus #3895".
ReplyDeleteYay! the fun has been derped!
ReplyDeleteremember kids: HUB =/= Hasbro
ReplyDeleteHooray for Derpy! And thank you, Powers That Be!
ReplyDeletecongratulations sgt. sprinkles (I think it was him anyway)
ReplyDeleteyou have just influenced one of the biggest toy companies in the world to name a character.
we must celebrate this day FOREVER
Looks like we've done it again.
ReplyDeleteBronies rejoice!
ReplyDelete@C.Olimar788 Yeah I do like Ditzy Doo as either her nickname or real name with Derpy as the nickname since it connects her to the Winter Wrap Up episode.
ReplyDeleteEh, today is Derpy's official name day, so it should be Derpy Day. The other thing can be Derptoberfest or something. Happy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteGuys! derpy is a nickname! They just obviously used the nickname instead of her real name! Now stop saying Ditsy Doo is dead. They can still both be used!
next year. December 17: Derpymas.
ReplyDeleteYay! Derpy you awesomesauce pony you!
ReplyDeleteThis is the Hub. Not Hasbro, or more importantly, the show itself.
ReplyDeleteGrain of salt.
I refuse to believe this untill they say it IN THE SHOW ITSELF.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't denying official canon. It .. isn't technically "official" until it is said in the show or by Hasbro themselves. "Derpy" is the name that people can identify the pony by. It isn't necessarily her name in the show. The HUB called her "Derpy" because, otherwise, no one would know who they are talking about. But until her name is in the credits as "Derpy" or somepony calls her "Derpy" .. it isn't official. At least not in Equestria.
IS NOT ON THE ACTUAL SHOW GENIUSES! FUUUUUUU, just cause hub says it doesn't make it official
ReplyDeleteAnd we rejoiced
ReplyDeleteHere we go with more bickering over the damn Derpy vs Ditzy fiasco. *facehoof* Not even going to try this round... not worth it.
ReplyDeleteNope, she's always going to be Ditzy Doo as far as I'm concerned.
ReplyDeleteShe'll always be Ditsy (Doo) to me. Derpy's cool too.
ReplyDelete@DruVirus *insert Applejack exactly video here*
ReplyDeleteYeah, I kinda prefer Ditzy Doo myself. Derpy's a nickname.
ReplyDelete@Octavia Good plan, going to stay way out of it as well O.O
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm just gonna do the same as Ten and Octavia...
ReplyDeleteI'm not calling it cannon until it's actually said IN THE SHOW.
ReplyDeleteAnd lo, the Hub didst pronounce the pegasus to be called "Derpy," and their was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, tho many didst rejoice, and the Hasbro deemed it "good." Henceforth the Hasbro commanded that thou shalt remember this day as Derpy Day, the day when the Hasbro did smite thy Ditzy Doo from on high.
ReplyDeleteand like I always say, I prefer "Ditzy Derpy Doo". or "DDD"
ReplyDeleteThe Book of Pegasus Chapter 12, Verse 17
Who said anyone has to be "smite'd"? It's not a competition :p
ReplyDeleteUntil she's actually name-dropped in the show, I'm still thinking she'll be "Ditzy Doo".
ReplyDeleteScrew that. She should be called Scooby Doo. Wait.
ReplyDeleteSorry, something fishy with these edits. Anyway, I was just saying that I'm just kidding around because someponies take this name thing so seriously. :)
Yay! Now she's not that dumb pegasus who flew the birds north in Winter Wrap-Up! I knew she wasn't THAT dumb!
ReplyDeletegod i hate this pony....
ReplyDeleteYou can still call her whatever you want you know.
ReplyDeleteDerpy is best pony
ReplyDeleteStill prefer Ditzy Doo actually, oh well its all good.
ReplyDeleteDitzy was always a terrible name.
ReplyDeleteso she is now Officaly called Derpy?
ReplyDeletei like to think her name is ditzy doo (parents give her that names) but for her condition much people call it for derpy hooves because the derp.
ReplyDeleteor the parents was on crack when they name it derpy?
The headline seems premature. It's not really official, it would definitley change if they made a official toy (because "Derpy" might be construed as a insult towards the mentally retarded).
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not like it was difficult this time around. XD
ReplyDeleteStill, good on for officialness! Hahaha, now to wait for a toy so I can REALLY go bananas.
@Alan Solivan
ReplyDeleteYes! A little Derpy of my own, to put on the mantle with my other favorite figurines.
Since when does The Hub determine what's official or not? They just air the show, they don't write it. They get this sort of thing wrong all the time.
ReplyDeleteThe Hub is half-owned by Hasbro, and Hasbro provides the content. It's "an" official source.
ReplyDeleteHasbro owns 50% of The Hub, so why are people acting like it's two seperate entities?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was just something fun the Hub Facebook person decided to post. It's not like they had a roundtable meeting where they greenlighted "Derpy" as the official name.
Eh... doesn't really confirm it in my opinion. To me it's just a producer using the name. Until it's on an actual toy or voiced in the cartoon, I'm not accepting it as canon.
ReplyDeleteJust my two bits.
Derpy is true Lord of fandom.
ReplyDeleteSorry Ditzy-Doo fans. :(
great, our version of the Sonic fandom war. modern sonic vs old sonic but its Derp hooves vs ditzy doo :/
ReplyDeleteGuys just stop making excuses. Never once was Ditzy Doo referred to as the name of the derp-eyed character, but the normal version in the first few episodes. Her name is Derpy Hooves so stop complaining.
ReplyDeleteI don't know or care if some other folks are arguing, but I do know that Christmas has just come early.
All hail the muffin queen! Who cares about names, she has muffins!
ReplyDeleteThis calls for a celebration! Free muffins for everypony!
ReplyDeleteActually no, no muffins for everypony. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like muffins, yes?
I still think they're going to call her Ditzy Doo in the show for some reason.
ReplyDeleteWow, look at all the butthurt. Her name is Derpy, guys. You lost. Get over it. Insisting on calling her Ditzy is just being stubborn.
ReplyDeleteYES! my shirts are now all canon
ReplyDeleteActually, the name Ditzy Doo was never connected to any onscreen character in the show.
If she's oficially Derpy, then who's DITZY?!
ReplyDeleteHer cannon name is Ditzy Doo, just go back and watch Winter Rap Up. They said Derpy because that's what we all call her, not because that's her cannon name. Everyone know who derpy is, far fewer know who ditzy doo is
ReplyDelete'Ditzy Doo' was merely mentioned and was never actually shown.
>implying I care about Hub using the pet name like the people on the show do
ReplyDeleteStill calling her Ditzy Doo forever. You mad, bronies?
It's official, they make the show specifically for bronies
ReplyDeleteWell I, for one, welcome our new muffin queen Derpy Hooves. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm have the same view as you DrVirus, your not alone.
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust's old comment on the Ditzy Doo name, for anyone who missed it. The name was only spoken in the episode; it was never shown who it referred to.
ReplyDeleteI love you Derpy <3
ReplyDeleteStill calling her Ditzy because Derpy seems negative.
ReplyDeleteI still prefer Ditsy Doo. And honestly, it's no different than SO many of us still using the name Lyra, even though it isn't canon. Frankly, I understand and acknowledge the name Derpy, but it doesn't mean I have to like it, or use it. I'm writing a fic that she is in, and I'm not going back and changing her name just because of this.
ReplyDeleteDerpy is the one with derpy eyes. Ditzy is the grey with yellow man pony without derpy eyes that appears every so often
Guys, "Twlight Sparkles" name is Bob. I don't care how many official sources of the company who runs the franchise says that her name is "Twilight Sparkle", her name is BOB because I WANT it that way! Me me me me!
ReplyDeleteSo stop calling her Twilight Sparkle, her name is BOB.
This truly is the best Christmas ever!
ReplyDeleteI still prefer Ditzy. She was technically named this in Winter Wrap-Up.
ReplyDeleteanother shitstorm great we(brony)seem to like them it seem
ReplyDeleteIn that episode, they said "Ditzy Doo" was supposed to guide the birds. Right now, I can't remember why the name was related to Der-- I mean, to our beloved cross-eyed mailmare.
Despite being recognized by many bronies as "Ditzy", there's no real proof the ponies were talking about her in the episode. Now that HUB'S freaking Facebook page called her "Derpy", that name is one step closer to being offcial.
...but I really like the idea of one being a name and the other, a nickname.
@Pepper Sauce
ReplyDelete"Derpy" and "Ditzy" both mean the same thing...double standards ftw.
@Soggy_Doggy Thanks for getting that song in my head again 6_9
ReplyDeleteConsidering there has been no official naming of Derpy from the company (which is Hasbro), this is inaccurate. Fail.
It wasn't that hard to find her, but anyway.
ReplyDeleteAbout time they caught up with what the masses want.
Not canon for me until she's called by name in the show itself.~
ReplyDelete...Hasbro said Lyra's "official" name is Heartstrings and Trixie's name is Lulamoon, despite having the same cutie mark.
...we don't need Hasbro to name our ponies. Really.
Never said I was complaining, just that I like Ditzy more.
ReplyDelete!Yay, finnaly!
ReplyDeleteYes, let's give the ponies extremely uncreative, literal names based on their cutie marks, instead.
They made the ponies, not you. They can name them whatever the fuck they want because THEY OWN THOSE PONIES. NOT. FUCKING YOU.
ReplyDeleteIt's always been stated that Hasbro's show crew and toy department are different entities. They have little to no communication between them .. and so mix-ups like this occur. At least in the whole Trixie/Lulamoon case.
In Lyra/Heartstrings case, Lyra was never named on the show so it can either be considered canon .. or as them being different ponies as they do look a bit different.
And we don't need Hasbro to name our ponies. But when they do, it's considered canon. That's what canon means.
Wonderful. And the spoiled, entitled little assholes that are the fans get even more unbearable now.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind what the company that CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THEREFORE OWN THEM officially call her. I just know that the fans are a bunch of ungrateful, snotty, control-freak little babies who need to feel as though they own and run everything, and this will just make their entitlement complexes worse EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN'T PUT THE TIME AND EFFORT INTO MAKING THE SHOW.
Guys, stop arguing. The evil winter spirits are gonna fuck our shit up if we keep this going. They're probably never gonna technically name Derpy in the show itself because she's just an easter egg for us, so you can call her Ditzy, Derpy, Bubbles, Billy Jean, whatever you want.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay.
Seriously guys, is it that big of a deal?
ReplyDeleteI call her Derpy but when I read fics that call her Ditzy I don't twitch and fly into a tangent.
As long as everyone knows who it is you're referring to, it doesn't matter.
However, I must take beef with one thing: Those who say Ditzy is less insulting then Derpy. How do you figure? The definition of Ditz is akin to calling someone an idiot or an airhead. technically just as insulting.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course people are still arguing. What we need is for a different pony to be referred to a Ditzy Doo in the show.
ReplyDeleteAnd then people will STILL argue.
ReplyDeleteToday's Weather forecast
Guys, guys calm the buck down. Does it really matter that much? If you prefer Derpy, cool. If you prefer Ditzy, well that's cool too. If you want to refer to things by fanon names rather than official names (such as Lyra instead of Heartstings), thats also cool.
ReplyDeleteBut please don't fly into massive flame wars about it. That's what internet forums are for, not EQD.
Personally, I dislike the name Ditzy Doo because the line in Winter Wrap-Up it comes from could refer to any of the dozens of Pegasi we see in that episode. The only reason people connect it to Derpy is because Dash calls her a "featherbrain" who can't tell North from South.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, the Ditzy name annoys me a little bit because it implies that she is the village idiot. And if that's your fanon, then that's fine, but I dislike it.
The name Derpy just implies that she's strange and/or silly, but not necessarily stupid. (And also that she has hooves.)
Having said all that, it's really not an issue worth getting upset about. I doubt her name will ever be spoken on the show, so you may as well call her Dutchess Florinda CatWaffles for all the difference it makes.
@Chopper's Top Hat
ReplyDeleteThis man/woman/robot has an excellent suggestion.
Dutchess Florinda CatWaffles is best pony.
Oh, fucking hell. Shut up, guys, if the hub has given her the name "Derpy" then that is more than enough evidence for me. Any arguing about whether it is 'official' or not by now is just beating a dead horse. No pun intended.
ReplyDeleteHmm "Derpy Claus", I think I signed one of those with my bank to get free checking.
ReplyDeleteI normally get offended when people tell me "Merry Christmas" being Atheist and all, but the new banner is an exception.
ReplyDeleteHmm, honestly I always disliked the name Derpy, that and the fact that most fan fics I've read always depict her a some sort of retard. To me, that's just not cool. I guess I'll have to get used to the name.
ReplyDeleteGoing by the continued trend of comments here, apparently we learned NOTHING from today's episode.
ReplyDeleteReally? It's a day. A holiday. That something like half or more of the people celebrating it don't even attach a religious connotation to. Just accept that someone wants you to have a good day.
As to Derpygate here...meh. If it's canon, it's canon. It's a nice shout out to us. I think the potential connotation of derpy=mentally retarded will cause a retraction on that sooner rather than later. I also think it doesn't matter. Nice of the Hub to do something for us, as always.
ReplyDeleteLong live Derpy!
HA HA HA! YES! FUCK YOU DITZY DOO FANS! Ha... I'm a jackass....
ReplyDeleteI still prefer Ditzy Doo.
ReplyDeleteKinda sad how if I change my vote from 5-star to 1-star, the rating goes down from 4.9 to 4.8.
ReplyDeleteDamn this thing's unbalanced.
I don't give a damn. I'm NEVER calling her Derpy!
ReplyDeleteGuys. Please stop saying "Derpy is too offensive to be used". Derp(y) is barely a real word and has a variety of definitions. Ditz(y) IS a real word and implies being an idiot. So WTF is this
ReplyDelete"I don't like Derpy because of that one random definition that means she's stupid. I prefer she's Ditzy where we can all agree she is definetely an idiot by name"
I don't accept Heartstrings because Heartstrings is just a Twilight Sparkle recolor who doesn't even have the exact color scheme of Lyra. But Derpy Hooves has Lauren Faust, Studio B in general, Castle Creator file names, and now THIS. Keeping Ditzy as a nickname I understand, but continuing rejecting Derpy this point is kind of funny.
ReplyDeleteI think alot of the reasoning for such strong preferences between one way or the other originate from not only a regional rift in the vernacular meaning of the word 'derp', but a generational one as well.
I remember in the interview with the one animator that referred to her as both Ditzy and Derpy, she mentioned having to look it up herself, and then actually go around to other animators and define what the word meant. However, she seemed to be under the impression that 'Derp' was a way of describing a 'lazy eye'.
Conversely, where I'm from, the term has been a somewhat commonly known insult, especially amongst the older generations, that's been in use since the mid-80's. Amongst these people it has a derogatory interpretation, the equivalent of calling someone a retard, that can easily escalate a situation into a fight. This interpretation seems to hold true for areas of England, too.
Studio B is in Canada, whereas I'm located in the lower-mid-South. This would suggest more of a locational difference in interpretation. Kinda like "Go #$%@ yaself" is a nonchalant phrase in Boston, but very well may get you killed in Texas.
However, alot of people, mainly the younger, internet generation, seem to think that the term began when Matt Parker and Trey Stone used it in a movie in the late 90's, a time period when characters with mental disabilities were excessively used (Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, Billy Madison, Waterboy, Forest Gump, anything with Chris Farley, etc. etc.). This is a poor argument though, because movies had been around for 50 years before Rhett Butler said "I don't give a damn"; First use in a recorded media does not denote origination.
It's hard to tell if this is because the older generation found the term not cool and never used it, leading to the younger kids just never hearing it, or if it's more of a willful ignorance thing; they want their idols to be the makers of 'derp' so bad they're willing to ignore the few that remember it.
Or it could be the troll-esque attitude that permeates the internet today that encourages them to vigorously defend the use of a deragatory term as a character name. They want to say their poopie-words and no common sense can't stop them.
I don't know, but now I'm rather interested to find out.
Octavia, you said you know a few people on "the inside". How high up on the ladder are they, and would you mind asking them a few questions about this subject? I can toss a small list of questions to you via blogger, if you'd be willing to.
Woo, long post is long, but such a dividing subject amongst the fandom should require a bit of though, not just shouting and the chanting of flash file names...
ReplyDeleteDon't be. I'm atheist too but by being offended by it you only incense the sentiment arrayed against atheists in general. Instead, take the compliment as it is; a greeting and well-wishing.
Besides it's not as if Christmas hasn't become incredibly secularized as it is.
ReplyDeleteHere's the long and short of it. You are 10000000% right. And it won't matter the first time some civil rights group sues on the groups it's insulting to the mentally retarded.
And if you think they won't...MUCH dumber lawsuits over MUCH more innocent things have happened in the past. And ever if Hasbro/StudioB won the suit, they still will lose a lot of face.
While you are right in that Ditzy ALSO implies stupidity, it tends to imply airheaded/silly stupidity, whereas Derp is used mostly in conjunction with people who have expressions similar to Derpy's. And sometimes those people are mentally retarded. It doesn't take much to make the jump from there to Derpy Hooves=making fun of disabled kids. Stupid, but true.
Why does cross eyes immediately mean mental retardation? Need to pick up your book learning.
ReplyDeleteToday is a good day!
ReplyDeleteAs an almost unbiased observer, may I make a single request to those rejoicing in the name being set?
ReplyDeletePlease, if you feel the need to use profanity to make your point, think for a moment about whether your point is really something that needs to be made. I'm now leaning toward the 'Ditzy Doo' side of the argument, in spite of the official proclamation, simply because I have only seen the profanity being issued by those on the 'pro-Derpy' side of the argument.
Derp is internet slang. It's not even in the dictionary (whereas Ditz is). Greater society has never come across the word however. I think you're over-reacting here my friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying it does. I'm saying that it's often thought to mean such by some people. unfortunately, people aren't always bright animals.
Look, I don't really care WHAT they name her. Just saying that I won't be surprised if someone gets offended.
I just hope "Ditzy" remains as her secondary name.
ReplyDeleteI am happy with the post. Yay for Ms. Derpy Hooves!!! I hope to see you in many more episodes!!!
ReplyDeleteMan, the old naming argument again. The fact is that "ditz" means being dumb or silly while "derp" isn't really a word but seems to refer to a facial expression more than anything. I, for one, am grateful that the fandom has gotten this much of a shoutout!
ReplyDeleteAlso it wasn't really difficult to spot Derpy this time, was it Hub?
This thread exemplifies what's wrong with this fandom... There are three people in this thread...
ReplyDelete1. People who are happy for Derpy's name being varified.
2. There are those in various degress of anger/denial who continue to use the wrong name despite almost unanimously having all official sources confirm Derpy.
3. And finally there are the flame wars ponies who don't honestly care but are ready to fan the nerd flames to stoke anger back and forth between the first two in direct contradiction to the "love and tolerate" creed of the fandom.
Head canon or fanon isn't true canon. It's a large part of this fanbase's "We're right, and anything the people who work on the show that contradicts it is wrong" that fosters so much ill will between us and them.
Let me put it another way... Too many people are turning the fandom into religion.
ReplyDeleteBear with me on this, I'll explain. As a cartoon aimed at young children, the series was never meant to have overly deep meanings or overly intricate backstories or histories. When the fans got a hold of it, they went out of their way to fill in these blanks themselves. This is normal, and expected of fandoms.
But somewhere along the line these patches to the story we as a community placed became gospel so that once the creators started filling in the actual holes, the fans haven't wanted change what they had put in.
It's understandable, a LOT of people have put a TREMENDOUS amount of time and energy in theorycrafting and lovingly creating fanfics that rely on these things... But just as much work has been put on the official side and in the end, in the world of equestria their word is law, not ours.
But that's not how so many of the fandom see it, and that's self destructive. People who work for a LIVING making this show don't want a bunch of people telling them that their hard work is wrong simply because it contradicts a fan theory or story. Those were only ever meant to be bandaids.
She was always Derpy to me and this only proves that I was right. But I have nothing against Ditzy either.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one slightly perplexed by the idea of the word "Derp" worming it's way into the official canon of a children's cartoon?
ReplyDeleteIts kinda sad to see flamewars over something as simple as a name. People, Just call her what you want, The Hub said "Spot Derpy" Because that's her most well known name.
ReplyDeleteI made this for the occasion :)
ReplyDeleteUh-oh, here come the Wendigos.
More perplexing is that somehow people think that derp is A: A real word, B: Primary use is an insult.
ReplyDeletePoint one: Derp is not in any US or UK english dictionary.
Point two: Derp IS on Urban Dictionary, and comparatively to almost ANYTHING else on urban dictionary it's definition is tame (do note though that Urban Dictionary is all user submissions and thus even the one 'insulting' entry isn't necessarily how most view it)
Most confusing is why so many people think that Derpy is insulting but that Ditzy is not... Everywhere I've seen "derp" defined, the definition could easily fit under the "ditzy" or "silly" category...
No the real reason isn't the 'word' itself but people having picked sides on some imaginary fence and proclaimed that anyone who crosses one way or the other or tries to convince people to jump sides is somehow wrong and that it must be pointed out and proclaimed.
I like muffins.
ReplyDeleteReady, aim, FIRE!
ReplyDeleteSeth, you misspelled definitive in the main post.
ReplyDelete"..but this is the 100% difinitive proof.."
Official storyboard named her Derpy like... forever ago.
ReplyDeleteWhy are people still fighting over this? (I though being a Brony was about friendship and kindness? Have you people actually learned ANYTHING from the show?)
Thank God for this. I mean, what kind of parents would name their parents a synonym for "silly or scatterbrained"? I prefer to think that it's an insulting nickname that some Ponyvillians have taken to calling her.
ReplyDeleteI mean what kind of parents would name their child...
ReplyDelete**Slames a dusty tome close, releasing a huge plume of dust into the air.** "Case closed.... ahhChooO!"
ReplyDeleteI, For one, am happy that Hub gave her a finalized name. I also understand why people would get offended when hearing that she is officially called Derpy. They Don't like the fact that it makes her sound like a "Retard" or a pony with Special Needs. They wanted Ditsy Doo because it sounds more like she's "just a silly pony".
I can understand those facts. So Let them get mad if they wish too. But people need to look "Behind" their reasoning before judging others because of how they feel about the subject in mind.
I accept both names. But I will always call my Favourite Pony..... Derpy Hooves.
Remember friends, Love and Tolerate.
As someone who's name is listed as 'Laurence' on the birth certificate, but is called 'Larry' by his friends, I have a lot of trouble seeing why both names can't be used, and switched between as needed? Also, I really don't see how some people choosing to use one name instead of the other is a bad thing; we all know which pony we're talking about, why get into such a big tizzy over it?
ReplyDeleteLove, tolerate, and stay classy my friends. =)
some ppl really do prefer Ditzy Doo? That's fine; it could still be a nickname, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteHow delightfully chaotic!
I can't believe how seriously everybody is taking this... Ditzy? Derpy? Who cares? I, for one, am just happy with the amount of official recognition she is getting.
ReplyDelete@David Reinold
ReplyDeleteThe ultimate triumph of Derp will be when it becomes an official word in the dictionary with a picture of Derpy as an illustration.
And then the world will end as the Mayans predicted! Few know that the coming of 'derp' was spoken of in the calendar as the final sign after the Venus transit! ;3
I honestly could not care if she was named Derpy or Ditzy...
ReplyDeleteWorse case, and god thanks for not being so, The mail mare would have never been seen again.
Remember, she was a small joke or a "mistake" at 1st, something the creators could have very well have fixed.
It was because of us that she is still around.
So no matter what, I'm grateful.
I'm with everypony that wants derpy's b day today, sounds great ^^
You people are WAY too serious, I like Derpy, AND Ditzy. I am a new fan and as such have not read all that much fanfiction, I have read Cupcakes though, LOL In any case, *ahem* I am VERY partial to the work named Dr Whooves and Assistant, which has Derpy in it helping Dr Who in pony form helping out in adventures through out Equestria. Her actual name being Ditzy Doo, while Derpy is used, first as an insult, but then as a term of endearment by the Doctor. So either way is okay for me because one could be her name while th either could be her nickname.
ReplyDeleteI'm still calling her Ditzy Doo; I've never liked the name Derpy Hooves 'cause it just doesn't fit in with the MLP universe in my opinion! xD
ReplyDeleteStill, if others wanna call her Derpy Hooves that's fine with me. :o
@Captain British
ReplyDeleteMe too dude. Me too...