#2 This is far far too big and won't load properly for me, I managed to see a fair portion of it though, very very nice style, I really like the look and colours.
First one was good, but not even close to the scale of the second. Bravo, sir. You truly have a gift. Please, write more! For everypony's sake. So sad, yet so good.
A Brony's Blue. I have indeed shed many tears. Indescribable beauty... Depressing, but also, the fact that such wonderful art with stories that can touch at levels so deep is very, very reassuring.
#2 Deserving of much praise, the story is very touching, but at the same time, I can't help but see a recurring trend as of late; the idea that the pony world is an idealized, yet unreachable alternative to our own.
Don't get me wrong, the story itself is very good, it's just that the implications behind it really tends to connect with the kind of people that's already depressed, making the real world seem even worse than it already is for them.
So, on one hand, very nice story. On the other, ughh, as if we needed more depression bait.
The first one is damn clever. Much love to the writer. The second one... What can even be said about this? One of the most touching things I've seen in a long time, and the music just completed it. Beautiful.
@Celestia Uhm, your Highness... you do realize that his method to 'save' her was to smash her head with a bat and then brainwash her... That was actually the best the guy could come up with. PLEAAASE do me a a favor and destroy mankind. Thank you.
I'll repay the favor by erasing Discord from existence. >:3
Yeah, good points... The trend at least makes sense though, it mirrors a lot of people's (or at least my own) thoughts about the idea of Equestria. Everybody wants to be able to not have to worry about life's problems, as the staggering majority of them aren't present in the pony world. People compare the best of there with the worst of here, and there's little wonder why that train of thought is so common.
#2 is bullshit. The entire point about life is, you try to MAKE THE WORLD BETTER. Bashing someone in the head and banishing them to an alternate dimension is NOT how you love and tolerate.
The second one was so touching.It really puts into perspective that foreign things just sometimes have to STAY foreign. Is sad now.NEED CHOCOLATE! also,second one's artist has a SHIT TON OF TALENT. must.see.MOAR!
#1 Interesting to see where this one goes, I'm sure AJ isn't going to like what happens next though D:
#2 Well this was great, really liked the artwork here. But as much as I enjoyed the idea and theme of the story, like others said above, the execution was rather poor. Smashing somepony's head in to make them forget? That just didn't sit well with me.
@banjo2EI have to agree. Brainwashing someone just because you don't like that they've lost their innocence?! That's not mercy; that's just selfish. It left me angry rather than sad, honestly.
I posted my previous coment on deviantArt as well. The author responded with:
George isn't a brony so he can do it. it also shows what humans are capable of.
To which I have replied:
"Oh hey, I'm not a brony so it's totally cool if I just BASH MY DEAR FRIEND'S HEAD IN UNTIL SHE'S COMATOSE, right? Awesome."
And I understand that people are capable of going batshit for all kinds of reasons but that doesn't mean you glorify it.
The mirror portal worked THE ENTIRE TIME, so George could very well have just ASKED Neon what she wanted to do. Making life-altering choices for someone who lives with you without consulting them at all, and BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THEM, is called DOMESTIC ABUSE.
...Seriously, what the fuck, story 2?
The really upsetting thing is that so many people in the comments both here and on dA think this is TOUCHING. I'm starting to understand how Twilight has so many fans.
@banjo2E Yes, I was about to wonder what you meant by that. ^-^;;
And yeah, I really agree on #2; that just doesn't sit right with me. At all. Mind you, the art wasn't bad at all and I appreciate the effort that was put into it, but... I just can't feel for George if he's going to do something like that.
I can't figure out why some of the ponies out there don't like #2 (banjo2E), and no, I actually hate the Twilight series. The story is very touching. I do admit the whole "beat your head in with a bat" thing was troubling, but i feel that it was meant to be a way to fix the ales of what humanity had done to her. It wasn't to return her to innocence, it was to remove the disease we infected her with. If he had left her the way she was and just asked her if she wanted to leave, she probably would have said no, for fear of making him sad. That's why he beat her head in (though i still don't agree on the method). She couldn't go back the way she was even if she wanted to because humanity still tainted her and would have still made her sad. George only did what was best for her, even if it was a harsh decision, these decisions must be made. Love this comic.
I do agree that George's actions in this story are morally grey. But this story is touching not because it's a vindication or glorification of his actions. It's touching because we can see George's pain at having to make a brutal decision that (to him) is the only way of helping his friend. He knows it's wrong, but he feels that he has to do it. Even if we disagree with his actions, we sympathize with his internal torment.
Seriously, what would you have done in George's place?
Damn my randomly failing connection! Ahem. I am thouroughly confused by the comments on this page. Was the 2nd comic updated between the time that you guys commented on this page and the time I read it? Because, save for a very out of place ead bandage, there is no reference to any sort of applied blunt force trauma towards a pony anywhere in the comic. In fact, it said that he gave her memory altering drugs as an explanation for her memory loss. So I ask: What is going on?
@drakrrth Not Banjo, but there are plenty of answers to your question that aren't "nearly kill my best friend."
At worst, you could compare Neon's depression to a drug problem. I don't agree with this comparison, because it's been shown in the show that ponies suffer stress, fear, and plenty of the other things she was shown to have "contracted" while on Earth. Still, that's probably the worst case scenario, depending on your level of misanthropy.
Okay, so if my best friend has a drug problem, I do not bash her senseless. I do not brainwash her like some sort of mad scientist. I talk to her. I say that she has a problem, that it has started to affect her life, and that I am willing to help her find help. if she denies that she has a problem, I don't just say "screw it" and hit her until she forgets what drugs are. I am persistent, but for the love of Celestia, I do not hurt her.
As I've said before, I don't hate to comic or anything like that, and I don't want to start an argument, but that one part just really, really rubs me the wrong way.
@Fluffy Sorry to make this seem like an argument, but what neon feels isn't really at all like a drug problem. In Equestria, their sadness and anger lasts all of an hour, maybe a day at the most. The human rub-off is that the feeling doesn't go away. I think it is more like post traumatic stress. George could have tried to talk her out and gotten her to leave, but she would still feel the sadness for forever, she might seem better, but the pain is still their. The idea of beating Neon is wrong admittedly, but the reasoning behind it was out of his own kindness and friendship. He did it to remove the memory from her, so she wouldn't have to be tormented with what she had endured. I know I posted a summary like this earlier on, but this comic was too touching for me not to try and talk others into understanding somewhat this controversial point.
@GodBlogger247 That's interesting! They must have changed that from all the controversy going on. Originally George took a baseball bat and hit Neon over the head twice to make her lose her memory. Now he's putting memory-erasing drugs into her drink. I like this solution much better, definitely not as cruel.
@ShakeNDake I'm honestly glad that I never saw the first version. The idea of it is repulsive and would have made the comic lose all of the heartwarming/heartwrenching value it was building up. I'm glad someone noticed the change and my comment, or otherwise I would have gone all insane psycho murderer on everyone from the confusion.
@ShakeNDake Oh and I'm also glad that it was changed to a lot less violent solution as well. Felt like I needed to say that and almost forgot to. Whoops!
Okay, with all due respect, I would have written that second one to end on a more positive note. There is indeed no reason single out the pejorative traits of humanity as a disease and then suggest that they can be cured through the use of mind-altering drugs. Why not have the pony's influence help others? Why not have the "average bloke" travel through the mirror and spend time in Equestria? How do you know that he would taint Equestria? We need positive messages people, not sullen narratives about people who are no better off in the end than in the beginning.
57 kommentaari:
I lol'd at the "Twilight used teleport!" bit.
VastaKustutaEarlier than first
VastaKustutaTrixie in a Santa Hat posted this, huh...
VastaKustuta#1 Oh this can't end well, Nice comic.
VastaKustuta#2 This is far far too big and won't load properly for me, I managed to see a fair portion of it though, very very nice style, I really like the look and colours.
The second one is VERY touching.
VastaKustutaOh jesus christ, the second one almost got tears out of me. Flippin' touchy ponies ;w;
VastaKustutaSecond one was spectacular.
VastaKustutaReminds me of an old show I loved "Early Edition" if anyone even remembers it. Same premise: Guy gets tomorrow's newspaper today.
VastaKustutaDamn that second one... DAMN THAT SECOND ONE!!!
VastaKustuta...its too good.
Booted up my other computer to load up #2 I can now add that it is indeed very touching though sad.
VastaKustutaThe 2nd one.... :'(
VastaKustutaOh Sweet Celestia the second one made me cry. It's so well done, but so sad...
VastaKustuta10 bits that Twilight ends up causing the accident she is trying to prevent.
VastaKustuta#1 Why do I have the feeling that this will turn out bad regardless.
VastaKustuta#2 I gotta see something happy immediately. Very good comic but sad.
#1 She'll either cause the accident or she teleports on a plane with a crazy guy screaming about a gremlin on the wing
VastaKustuta#2 Very deep touching in that reminds me of My little Dash...
*goes and cries manly tears*
"Twilight used Teleport!" XD I loved that.
VastaKustutaI want that clock!
VastaKustutaFirst one was good, but not even close to the scale of the second. Bravo, sir. You truly have a gift. Please, write more! For everypony's sake. So sad, yet so good.
VastaKustutaSecond Comic is fantastic and heart-melting.
VastaKustutaI think manly tears will be shed by many bronies today.
Seth, I hope you fix the title and add Brony's Blue to it.
VastaKustutaThat second one is just... I can't describe how much I love it
#1 24?
VastaKustuta#2 very beautiful Story. Brought tears to my eyes
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaA Brony's Blue. I have indeed shed many tears. Indescribable beauty... Depressing, but also, the fact that such wonderful art with stories that can touch at levels so deep is very, very reassuring.
VastaKustuta#2; Preserving innocence by ignorance has historically never been a good idea. Sad/touching story though, however backwards the moral is.
VastaKustuta#2 Deserving of much praise, the story is very touching, but at the same time, I can't help but see a recurring trend as of late; the idea that the pony world is an idealized, yet unreachable alternative to our own.
VastaKustutaDon't get me wrong, the story itself is very good, it's just that the implications behind it really tends to connect with the kind of people that's already depressed, making the real world seem even worse than it already is for them.
So, on one hand, very nice story. On the other, ughh, as if we needed more depression bait.
VastaKustutagood points
The first one is damn clever. Much love to the writer. The second one... What can even be said about this? One of the most touching things I've seen in a long time, and the music just completed it. Beautiful.
VastaKustuta@Celestia Uhm, your Highness... you do realize that his method to 'save' her was to smash her head with a bat and then brainwash her... That was actually the best the guy could come up with. PLEAAASE do me a a favor and destroy mankind. Thank you.
VastaKustutaI'll repay the favor by erasing Discord from existence. >:3
#1 Looks like Tom got a new job after Rarity left him. And it's roof paint. lol But anyway, no AJ! D:
VastaKustuta#2 Wow, that second comic. Quite sad. Though I concur with many of the points Sothalic made right above me. I'm noticing this trend too.
VastaKustutaYeah, good points... The trend at least makes sense though, it mirrors a lot of people's (or at least my own) thoughts about the idea of Equestria. Everybody wants to be able to not have to worry about life's problems, as the staggering majority of them aren't present in the pony world. People compare the best of there with the worst of here, and there's little wonder why that train of thought is so common.
#2 is bullshit. The entire point about life is, you try to MAKE THE WORLD BETTER. Bashing someone in the head and banishing them to an alternate dimension is NOT how you love and tolerate.
VastaKustutaThe idea is touching, perhaps not the execution itself.
Oh and I like Discord when he isn't trying to destroy the world, don't you go erasing him.
wow that #2, just wow *applause*
VastaKustutaThe second one was so touching.It really puts into perspective that foreign things just sometimes have to STAY foreign.
VastaKustutaIs sad now.NEED CHOCOLATE!
also,second one's artist has a SHIT TON OF TALENT.
#1 Interesting to see where this one goes, I'm sure AJ isn't going to like what happens next though D:
VastaKustuta#2 Well this was great, really liked the artwork here. But as much as I enjoyed the idea and theme of the story, like others said above, the execution was rather poor. Smashing somepony's head in to make them forget? That just didn't sit well with me.
@banjo2EI have to agree. Brainwashing someone just because you don't like that they've lost their innocence?! That's not mercy; that's just selfish. It left me angry rather than sad, honestly.
VastaKustutaI posted my previous coment on deviantArt as well. The author responded with:
VastaKustutaGeorge isn't a brony so he can do it. it also shows what humans are capable of.
To which I have replied:
"Oh hey, I'm not a brony so it's totally cool if I just BASH MY DEAR FRIEND'S HEAD IN UNTIL SHE'S COMATOSE, right? Awesome."
And I understand that people are capable of going batshit for all kinds of reasons but that doesn't mean you glorify it.
The mirror portal worked THE ENTIRE TIME, so George could very well have just ASKED Neon what she wanted to do. Making life-altering choices for someone who lives with you without consulting them at all, and BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THEM, is called DOMESTIC ABUSE.
...Seriously, what the fuck, story 2?
The really upsetting thing is that so many people in the comments both here and on dA think this is TOUCHING. I'm starting to understand how Twilight has so many fans.
VastaKustutaThat is to say, Twilight what has sparkling vampires, not Twilight Sparkle
brony's blue was goddamn sad story
VastaKustutaYes, I was about to wonder what you meant by that. ^-^;;
And yeah, I really agree on #2; that just doesn't sit right with me. At all. Mind you, the art wasn't bad at all and I appreciate the effort that was put into it, but... I just can't feel for George if he's going to do something like that.
1#funny stuff LOL
VastaKustuta2#just like my little dashy makes me feel sad
I can't figure out why some of the ponies out there don't like #2 (banjo2E), and no, I actually hate the Twilight series. The story is very touching. I do admit the whole "beat your head in with a bat" thing was troubling, but i feel that it was meant to be a way to fix the ales of what humanity had done to her. It wasn't to return her to innocence, it was to remove the disease we infected her with. If he had left her the way she was and just asked her if she wanted to leave, she probably would have said no, for fear of making him sad. That's why he beat her head in (though i still don't agree on the method). She couldn't go back the way she was even if she wanted to because humanity still tainted her and would have still made her sad. George only did what was best for her, even if it was a harsh decision, these decisions must be made. Love this comic.
VastaKustutaNot even Twilight with it's "Fall in love with the newborn" Deus Ex Machina made me as angry as that second comic...
VastaKustutaThe 2nd comic made me cried... the story is just amazing ;__;
VastaKustutaCried cause of the second one. It was amazing but also sad!
VastaKustutaThe #2 comic was wonderful. Great work on it!
VastaKustutaFirstly, chill, Prince(ss) CAPSLOCK.
I do agree that George's actions in this story are morally grey. But this story is touching not because it's a vindication or glorification of his actions. It's touching because we can see George's pain at having to make a brutal decision that (to him) is the only way of helping his friend. He knows it's wrong, but he feels that he has to do it. Even if we disagree with his actions, we sympathize with his internal torment.
Seriously, what would you have done in George's place?
Damn my randomly failing connection!
I am thouroughly confused by the comments on this page. Was the 2nd comic updated between the time that you guys commented on this page and the time I read it? Because, save for a very out of place ead bandage, there is no reference to any sort of applied blunt force trauma towards a pony anywhere in the comic. In fact, it said that he gave her memory altering drugs as an explanation for her memory loss. So I ask: What is going on?
VastaKustutaNot Banjo, but there are plenty of answers to your question that aren't "nearly kill my best friend."
At worst, you could compare Neon's depression to a drug problem. I don't agree with this comparison, because it's been shown in the show that ponies suffer stress, fear, and plenty of the other things she was shown to have "contracted" while on Earth. Still, that's probably the worst case scenario, depending on your level of misanthropy.
Okay, so if my best friend has a drug problem, I do not bash her senseless. I do not brainwash her like some sort of mad scientist. I talk to her. I say that she has a problem, that it has started to affect her life, and that I am willing to help her find help. if she denies that she has a problem, I don't just say "screw it" and hit her until she forgets what drugs are. I am persistent, but for the love of Celestia, I do not hurt her.
As I've said before, I don't hate to comic or anything like that, and I don't want to start an argument, but that one part just really, really rubs me the wrong way.
VastaKustutaSorry to make this seem like an argument, but what neon feels isn't really at all like a drug problem. In Equestria, their sadness and anger lasts all of an hour, maybe a day at the most. The human rub-off is that the feeling doesn't go away. I think it is more like post traumatic stress. George could have tried to talk her out and gotten her to leave, but she would still feel the sadness for forever, she might seem better, but the pain is still their. The idea of beating Neon is wrong admittedly, but the reasoning behind it was out of his own kindness and friendship. He did it to remove the memory from her, so she wouldn't have to be tormented with what she had endured. I know I posted a summary like this earlier on, but this comic was too touching for me not to try and talk others into understanding somewhat this controversial point.
VastaKustutaThat's interesting! They must have changed that from all the controversy going on. Originally George took a baseball bat and hit Neon over the head twice to make her lose her memory. Now he's putting memory-erasing drugs into her drink. I like this solution much better, definitely not as cruel.
Wow, the second one is just amazing.
VastaKustuta@ShakeNDake I'm honestly glad that I never saw the first version. The idea of it is repulsive and would have made the comic lose all of the heartwarming/heartwrenching value it was building up. I'm glad someone noticed the change and my comment, or otherwise I would have gone all insane psycho murderer on everyone from the confusion.
VastaKustuta@ShakeNDake Oh and I'm also glad that it was changed to a lot less violent solution as well. Felt like I needed to say that and almost forgot to. Whoops!
VastaKustutaOkay, with all due respect, I would have written that second one to end on a more positive note. There is indeed no reason single out the pejorative traits of humanity as a disease and then suggest that they can be cured through the use of mind-altering drugs. Why not have the pony's influence help others? Why not have the "average bloke" travel through the mirror and spend time in Equestria? How do you know that he would taint Equestria? We need positive messages people, not sullen narratives about people who are no better off in the end than in the beginning.