There's gotta be a problem with the first one. Doesn't make for much of a comic. The second one...well, let's just hope everyone made it out with just cuts and bruises. That's what you get when Pinkie is at the helm.
I have a feeling there's probably more to the first one too... at least it would seem so.
Also, Seth derped the link to the second one too. lol Part one here.
Though it is linked in the description of the one linked in the post. But pretty good. Derpy as Captain Kirk? Lawl. And Pinkie being Pinkie. "See? It helps to look off panel occasionally." Oh Pinkie. :P
OK, first comic's fixed. I swear, I don't have any NSFW material on my computer. But Twilight would probably ream me for not having my files organized. They look like a tornado's blown straight through them. In which case, I better go organize my files...
The only thing in my NSFW folder is pictures of the muffin queen looking adorable enough to kill someone...
Her seven bubbles mark is the sign of an angel born amongst the plain of mortal ponies and there will be muffins of the blueberry variety. (Notices Twilight poking her head into the Trixie folder)
HEY GET OUT OF MY TRIXIE FOLDER TWILIGHT! That's not safe for you specifically!
Ah, well... at least she isn't looking into my cupcakes will end the world folder.
My pony art folder was pretty tame, until the recent REA Spitfire pictures. Those are easily the most suggestive pony pics I have saved on my computer. Oh Spitfire, you almost broke me., I can explain. That folder It's supposed to be NFSW, which is a Need For Speed crossover and-Oh forget it. Is it really a crime to find you attractive?! YOU ARE TEARING ME APART TWILIGHT!!
*Looks at Twixie folder* I thought you liked it Twi... It's mostly hugging and kissing anyway. ... Well, there's still a subject of horn-licking. Does it qualify as NSFW?
59 kommentaari:
Oh dear, Twilight, why'd you look in there!?
VastaKustutaAwesome~! and I have only SFW ponies!
VastaKustutahmm i feel like there should be more than one panel for that first one... curiouser and curiouser
VastaKustutainb4 Pony NSFW is actually a rickroll.
VastaKustuta1st comic derped?
VastaKustuta@MrGlitch Ummm, no, it's not...
VastaKustutaThere's gotta be a problem with the first one. Doesn't make for much of a comic. The second one...well, let's just hope everyone made it out with just cuts and bruises. That's what you get when Pinkie is at the helm.
VastaKustutaseems to be.
dang it, seth. get yer act together
1st comic got derped
VastaKustutaThe first one is very well written, with a great plot and very witty humor.
VastaKustutaAlso, it's one panel long.
I love the punchline in the fourth panel of number one XD
VastaKustutaNumber two, however, I don't get the reference, but I love the facial expressions
unless it's just one panel, I can't seem to see the first one...
VastaKustutaHi. I made the first one. It is not one panel, it's four...kinda. Here~
I have a feeling there's probably more to the first one too... at least it would seem so.
VastaKustutaAlso, Seth derped the link to the second one too. lol Part one here.
Though it is linked in the description of the one linked in the post. But pretty good. Derpy as Captain Kirk? Lawl. And Pinkie being Pinkie. "See? It helps to look off panel occasionally." Oh Pinkie. :P
i have no NSFW images on my computer. unless you consider lesbian pony kissing to be NSFW. <-<
VastaKustutaIt was just one picture... ONE PICTURE!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaI realize my NSFW folder has 210 images in it...I'm so sorry Twilight..
VastaKustutaI don't save the porn I find.
VastaKustutaOK, first comic's fixed. I swear, I don't have any NSFW material on my computer. But Twilight would probably ream me for not having my files organized. They look like a tornado's blown straight through them. In which case, I better go organize my files...
VastaKustutaTsss silly Twilight, you can't physically look inside a folder like that, it's just an image.
VastaKustutaFor the second one, Presented by Ponies manages to plaster a smile on my face, once again.
I believe you may have derped the link @seth
VastaKustutaPoor Twilight Sparkle, never knew what lay ahead. Till it was to late. As for the NSFW I say, KILL IT WITH FIRE!
VastaKustutaI called it, didn't I? XD
VastaKustutaI have nsfw art but it doesnt arouse me one bit. I guess my mind subconsiously locked pony related things out of the sexual part of my brain.
VastaKustuta@Logan Warner
VastaKustutaI know right? I'm baffled why so many people would intentionally leave evidence.
Ah, there we go. First one is fixed.
VastaKustutaOh shoot, she found it! I'm so sorry, Twilight. I really like your... mane? ^^;
Oh man that NSFW comic is awesome.
VastaKustutaOK, now I need a naughty folder.
VastaKustutaThe only thing in my NSFW folder is pictures of the muffin queen looking adorable enough to kill someone...
VastaKustutaHer seven bubbles mark is the sign of an angel born amongst the plain of mortal ponies and there will be muffins of the blueberry variety. (Notices Twilight poking her head into the Trixie folder)
HEY GET OUT OF MY TRIXIE FOLDER TWILIGHT! That's not safe for you specifically!
Ah, well... at least she isn't looking into my cupcakes will end the world folder.
Oh wait, there was more to that Pony NSFW comic? My bad.
VastaKustutaI have no pony pictures, 'cept this avatar. Yay me?
VastaKustutaI've got nothing to hide, I think..
VastaKustutaDamn it Twilight I was saving those idea's for later now I have to scrape that idea folder, Why is twilight Sparkle in my Idea folder for :(
VastaKustutaI don't do NSFW stuff. I don't see my favorite ponies like that. I just look at the creative stuff (like ponies playing poker, for instance).
VastaKustutaDon't worry Twi I have SFW only :D
VastaKustuta1. Poor Twilight, so angry over an empty folder.
VastaKustutaTwi's expression in the last panel sealed for me. I don't think I'm gonna quit chuckling for a long while.
VastaKustutaNsfw stuff? ...nah not my thing
VastaKustutaSeth, I've seen what you get up to, I know you have at least some comic 1 ;P
VastaKustutaMy pony art folder was pretty tame, until the recent REA Spitfire pictures. Those are easily the most suggestive pony pics I have saved on my computer. Oh Spitfire, you almost broke me.
VastaKustutaBronies, nsfw does not have to have any kind of revealing pics or sex....
VastaKustutaIt can also be profanity, blood, gore, cupcakes, Luna gam- *SHOT*
As for if I do have nsfw stuff, yea I do,
But it's HIDDEN, you never find it MS SPARKLE!
Looks like you better rename your folder Seth before another pony chances upon it ;)
VastaKustutaNo Twilight! Noooooooo... *slow-mo dive to keyboard*, I can explain. That folder It's supposed to be NFSW, which is a Need For Speed crossover and-Oh forget it. Is it really a crime to find you attractive?!
Oh noes twi! Don't look in there!
VastaKustutaalso APBP FTW
Twilight Sparkle Does Not Approve Of Your Futa Mane Six Collection
VastaKustutaHaha, that first one is pretty funny, but I think Pinkie would be better, as she is more prone to breaking the 4th wall.
VastaKustutaOh hey Twilight lemme see that folder too! ...on second thought, maybe next time.
VastaKustuta1. I agree with you completely, Twilight!
VastaKustuta2. So many references, some I don't even get!
*Looks at Twixie folder*
VastaKustutaI thought you liked it Twi... It's mostly hugging and kissing anyway.
Well, there's still a subject of horn-licking. Does it qualify as NSFW?
Twilight, i know that feel, sis.
VastaKustutaGuilty as charged, Twi. :D
VastaKustuta#1 Poor Twilight, the only thing she'd get from going into my folders would be a long load time from all the stuff in them.
VastaKustuta#2 References abound, set party to maximum.
two lessons was learned. always wear your seatbelts and Twilight will search trough you computer if she gets the chance =P
VastaKustutaNot part of that 23%
VastaKustutaI also see Twilight has been taking lessons crime Pinkie Pie though
*from pinkie pie
VastaKustuta#1: I APPROVE THIS COMIC, finally somepony knows how I feel
VastaKustuta#2: *insert Patrick Star's voice here*
Hi twilight, what are you- NO!! DON'T LOOK IN THERE!!!!! shuts down computer-then turns back on.
VastaKustutaHA! she didn't find- (Forth picture) ... NO!!!!!!
Hi twilight, what are you- NO!! DON'T LOOK IN THERE!!!!! shuts down computer-then turns back on.
VastaKustutaHA! she didn't find- (Forth picture) ... NO!!!!!!