Btw, that second to last panel pretty much (very accurately) sums up half of my classes at my school. Just me and two other guys my age, one of which is the teacher. My teacher's line: What work should we do today? Other student: lol, good one, work.......hehe........ Me: TO YOUTUBE!!!!
@CircuitScratch oddly enough, "I really like her mane" a lot more than the younger, canon version. If anything, adult Scootaloo is one of my favorite fanon ponies
#1 I do like these Scootadult comics and everything by Veggie55, his vectors are awesome. 2# Hehe Trollestia being gummy and giving zero fucks. Also I'd like some of this Dr.Pony.
@Bombedrumbum This just further confirms I was the oddball of my class. If nothing was going on, I'd get ahead with homework or something else. That way I had the afternoon free.
And the comics, nothing less than hilarious. Really, Celestia's biggest worry was a lack of Dr. Pony? LOL
@Shadow Heart And Prince Travesty is the master of it all So the Steel Empire will give you back your copy rights Only if Celestia apologizes for banishing us. But here(congrats on ownership once again)
#1 Hehe, I really liked this. Spitfire looks adorable like that.
#2 I'm always awesome, I'd have stopped her before she hit the ground if Dash had failed but if I had ealrier thre would be no ending moral then would there?
First comic is the best Scootadult comic I've seen so far; love the penultimate panel of the trio "training".
Second one's pretty amusing, especially the little details (Celestia pigging out on popcorn, and the Dr. Pony fakeout at the end). My only problem with it is the people who'll think it's canon. :P
#1 That sure does look like hard training indeed. I mean, Scoot may have had to turn over to answer Dash. You know how hard it is to turn over when you're in just the right relaxation position? lol
#2 Haha. This one had me laughing hard. Celestia is similar to Judge Fudge. She could help you. But she's too busy being...err, eating things delicious. Sure, that works. :D
Granted I love these comics with Dash+Scoot becoming Wonderbolts, but... Am I the only one that realizes it will NEVER happen?
Rainbow Dash is one of the Elements of Harmony, she has to be available 24/7 in case disaster strikes (as shown in 201) so she will never be allowed to join the wonderbolts, it's a cruel twist that will eventually break Dash's spirit when she realizes it...
...though a very touching story would be her telling them "I'm sorry... I cant join you... but... I know someone who can" and pushing adult-scoot towards them...
48 kommentaari:
Seen these both before, and they are both in my favorites folder. Very awesome indeed
VastaKustutaI'm not sure I like adult Scoot.
VastaKustutaoh, Trollestia. This is why you're god pony.
VastaKustutaLoving the second one.
VastaKustutaHowever, both of these comics are pretty funny.
VastaKustutaI said first!.....FIRST!!!!!!
VastaKustutasecond xD
VastaKustutaScootaloo: We're talking about PRACTICE!! Not flying, not flying, PRACTICE!
VastaKustutaDam lag!
VastaKustuta#1 hard being famous aye Scoots?
#2 Need more Dr.Pony Celestia? Haha Travesty strikes back again!
Btw, that second to last panel pretty much (very accurately) sums up half of my classes at my school. Just me and two other guys my age, one of which is the teacher. My teacher's line: What work should we do today? Other student: lol, good one, work.......hehe........ Me: TO YOUTUBE!!!!
VastaKustuta*second to last panel on the first comic
VastaKustutaWonderbolts chillin' errday!
VastaKustuta@CircuitScratch oddly enough, "I really like her mane" a lot more than the younger, canon version. If anything, adult Scootaloo is one of my favorite fanon ponies
VastaKustutaTrollestia, you've done it again. You are now best pony. Congratulations, Lazy.
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaWait, even better. . .
All bronies, I came up with this. No stealing credit.
About both of these.
VastaKustutaPonies are gettiing lazy.
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaYou didn't put any Copy Rights!
Naa... I'm just kidding(or maybe not)
#1 I do like these Scootadult comics and everything by Veggie55, his vectors are awesome.
VastaKustuta2# Hehe Trollestia being gummy and giving zero fucks. Also I'd like some of this Dr.Pony.
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaHow do you expect me to copyright something I came up with just a minute ago.
Silly Pony, Discord hates thieves.
@Bombedrumbum This just further confirms I was the oddball of my class. If nothing was going on, I'd get ahead with homework or something else. That way I had the afternoon free.
VastaKustutaAnd the comics, nothing less than hilarious. Really, Celestia's biggest worry was a lack of Dr. Pony? LOL
@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaAnd Prince Travesty is the master of it all
So the Steel Empire will give you back your copy rights
Only if Celestia apologizes for banishing us. But here(congrats on ownership once again)
proof that luna is NICER than her sister
VastaKustutascoot as a bolt..yes indeed 20% cooler
Adult Scoots is best Scoots when Veggie55 is involved, I think.
VastaKustuta@CityFlyer502 oh, we like to troll other classrooms
VastaKustuta#1 Really like this one
VastaKustuta#2 I'm sure they'd have a few officials or others on hand for safety reasons, so she wouldn't have to step in
Also, Welovefine has added a Mare Do Well shirt to their site.
"Empty soda cup at 4:00!"
VastaKustuta"I see it, honey bun!"
I -can't- be the only person who thought that.
#1 Hehe, I really liked this. Spitfire looks adorable like that.
VastaKustuta#2 I'm always awesome, I'd have stopped her before she hit the ground if Dash had failed but if I had ealrier thre would be no ending moral then would there?
VastaKustutaYou are best pony Slothestia.
Adult Scoots is pretty cool, I must admit.
VastaKustuta@Shadow Heart
VastaKustutaOh you...
VastaKustutaThen the moral would have been, "how Celestia strikes fear and love all at once"
#1 Why does it look like they had a filly-fooler orgy up there just now?
VastaKustutaNothing mean like that just saying you'd let her fall for dramatic effect then poof, you've saved the day.
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaIt wouldn't be quite the same though, the way it worked out was for the best.
First comic is the best Scootadult comic I've seen so far; love the penultimate panel of the trio "training".
VastaKustutaSecond one's pretty amusing, especially the little details (Celestia pigging out on popcorn, and the Dr. Pony fakeout at the end). My only problem with it is the people who'll think it's canon. :P
#1 This one is good. Glad to see some Scootalove.
VastaKustuta#2 Ha! I laughed pretty hard at this one. I love Dr.Pony xD
#1 That sure does look like hard training indeed. I mean, Scoot may have had to turn over to answer Dash. You know how hard it is to turn over when you're in just the right relaxation position? lol
VastaKustuta#2 Haha. This one had me laughing hard. Celestia is similar to Judge Fudge. She could help you. But she's too busy being...err, eating things delicious. Sure, that works. :D
Haha, I love that first one! I could totally see that happening. :P
VastaKustutaGranted I love these comics with Dash+Scoot becoming Wonderbolts, but... Am I the only one that realizes it will NEVER happen?
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash is one of the Elements of Harmony, she has to be available 24/7 in case disaster strikes (as shown in 201) so she will never be allowed to join the wonderbolts, it's a cruel twist that will eventually break Dash's spirit when she realizes it...
...though a very touching story would be her telling them "I'm sorry... I cant join you... but... I know someone who can" and pushing adult-scoot towards them...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#1: Toy=tally see that happen.
VastaKustuta#2: See that comedy before. Still good
really funny overall.
so much lulz XD
VastaKustuta1. This is fantastic!
VastaKustuta2. Celestia, of course you knew it would happen.
That first comic is awesome.
VastaKustutaScootaloo: How the hell can I make my teammates better by practicing?
1. Adult Scoot:What training.
VastaKustuta2. "Let the little ponies do the job." Celestia.
#1 Spitfire laying on that cloud without her Wonderbolts uniform, so cute so hot!
VastaKustuta#1 Epic. Just epic. I think we must now get every filly and colt shown as grown-up.