• Comic: The Show Must Go On

    We have another Multi-parter, this time dedicated to The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!

    Start here, and click the "next" buttons at the bottom to continue.

    21 kommentaari:

    1. making me click multiple times. =|

    2. Ugh. Too big. Computer won't load image.

    3. Why did I instantly thought of Pink Floyd when I read the title? OTL

    4. It's fascinating how things can be different if you see it from a new point of view, pretty much anything can be justified that way. Same with Gilda, and heck, same with Discord, in all likeliness.

    5. "Posted by Trixie in a Santa Hat" who? Seth stop being such a silly pony, we know you love Trixie and can't admit she has her weaknesses.

    6. i wish studio B would give us another trixie episode

    7. its ok to be flawed, every one of the mane six is, but they don't embrace their flaws as a way of life, they try to work on them to make themselves better. which is why I love fanfiction, I love the idea in some elseworld trixie has redeemed herself in so many different possible ways. the show needs antagonists, but each of them seems to be redeemable if given the right chance. I would love to see Trixie return, or Gilda, it's not like it doesn't have precedent, Luna was the very first villian after all...

    8. @Steel Resolve
      Too true. It's that kind of character development that makes the show great. And as for Trixie coming back, or Gilda, that would be good. It would make for an interesting episode.

    9. @Steel Resolve

      I'd love to see at least Trixie return for that reason as well, though what comes to mind for me is that she also has magic as her talent, making her the only pony other than Twilight to have the potential to be an amazing magic user. Although I suppose it could be argued that her talent is showing off... but nopony wants to take that route.

      Great comic, change the perspective on anything and you get an entirely different story. This was really well done.

    10. i wonder what happened to her =P

    11. Ahh, another person's rendition of Trixie and how they think it went behind the scenes. Well, I can't say I truly think there's really a much more complicated scenario than what we saw in the show itself. But I do like the notion Trixie deep down is really a more complicated and deeper character.

    12. Almost too much Trixie lately. Lol.

    13. I think there's more than meets the eye with her and would love to see her again, if only because she's what Twilight could have been had she not been the chosen one.

      In the Pony POV series by alexwarlorn (pimpin'), the author goes so far as to pull Trixie as Celestia's fallback for the Element of Magic, the logic being that she had the social range and raw drive that could fuel Harmony, but Twilight hopped onto the radar with raw power that needed her personal attention. Trixie was then mothballed by Celestia, and left to her own devices, she turned to stage manipulation to quench her needs for "Magic," while Twilight was groomed by Celestia to be the apex of what she could be. Just an interesting take on the what could have been.

    14. Wow I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would, I'd like to think this is what the Trixie in the show is like.

    15. I enjoyed this comic, was cool to see the how the show went from Trixies POV. Good show old chap.
