• Comic: She Knows What She's Doing / Trade Accessories

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    I really like this master/apprentice relationship Veggie has built for grown up Scootaloo and Dash.  I also like Derpy.

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    23 kommentaari:

    1. Silly Dash and Scoots, Derpy doesn't need to breathe underwater.

    2. #1 Derpy magic, I can't place the reference but it seems really familiar, i'm sure i'll be kicking myself.

      #2 Hehe, I like comics with those two, also Vinyl wears a bowtie now, bowties are cool.

    3. I saw the first one yesterday, never think derpy is ok in that situation.

      2 made me laugh though

    4. I think I like grown up Scoots.

      And Vinyl Scratch/Octavia interactions are always amusing.

    5. Can anypony else see what looks like flames for a cutie mark on Scoots in the second and third last panels? Felt like pointing it out.

    6. Adult Scootaloo is awesome. Need moar now!

    7. #1 y is scootaloo old but RD is same age? O.o

      #2 dude bow ties are cool. That is all the purpose u need.
      Also #2 mitch hedgburg reference! (well I dunno how 2 spell his name)

    8. once again seth
      my watches scooped you!

    9. Adult Scoots is getting more commonly seen now. It's a good thing.

    10. does being a wonderbolt make you permanently squint eyed?

    11. 1. Ditzy doo just wants to make bubbles even underwater :P

      2. hmmm I don't know why but I think Octavia looks good in goggles.

    12. I never get tired of adult scoots

    13. Dat adult Scootaloo. <3

      #1 Jeez, I love them with scarves on. And I love their expressions in these comics. But oh no, Derpy! D: Scoots to the rescue!

      #2 Indeed I do, Vinyl. I am such a bright ray of sunshine when I'm around you. Oddly enough, the glasses and bowtie combo kinda works for both of us.

    14. @Bubblegum Pie

      I think the assumption is that if Scootaloo is around 10 and Dash is around 18, then when Scootaloo is 18 and full size a 26-year old Dash isn't going to look very different than she does now.


      2: Lulz; simple as that.

    16. And that's how Derpy found her cutie mark

      Haha I know the reference :)

    17. I don't get the reference, but Veggie is awesome.
      P.S. She does know what she's doing. Those bubbles on her flank are meant for something.

      You do say the sweetest things, Tavi.

    18. #1 Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure Derpy will be OK. It really does seem appropriate that Rainbow would wind up being a mentor of sorts for Scootaloo. As for Rainbow's aging, it's possible that she doesn't age quickly. Everyone in my family looks years younger than they are, so I should know.

      #2 This was fun to look at. All that was left was for Octavia to start spinning records and Vinyl to break out in an epic cello solo, or whatever it is that Octavia plays. Someone care to remind me?

    19. Veggie's scarves are best scarves.

    20. 1. Random Derpy is random.

      2. Octavia and Scratch are an awesome pairing.
