• Comic: Revenge of Trollestia

    Ponies with lightsabers? Can you top that?  Yes, you can, but only with ninjas, and good ninjas are never visible.

    This is a four parter, find them all below:

    :bulletpurple: [link] PROMO
    :bulletpurple: [link] Page 01
    :bulletpurple: [link] Page 02
    :bulletpurple: [link] Page 03
    :bulletpurple: [link] Page 04


    1. This has the potential to be very epic!! XD

    2. The Artwork for the title (and comic) was amazing!! Well done, good sir, well done.

      This is one of my favorite comics!! :D

    3. So technically, good ninjas are in this comic.

    4. @the invincible

      Good ninjas are everywhere.

      You aren't invincible; clearly you haven't met a ninja.

    5. @Bombedrumbum

      Some are also invisible...

    6. I find it interesting that celestia's horn is her lightsaber. How many weapons is that frickin horn? (magic. Stabbing. Ninja fighting. Stabbing. Lightsaber.) wat a lightsaber? You good sir have been trolled.

    7. @RunicDragon invincible, not invisible. Aome are both, true, but I said invincible

    8. And speaking of Star Wars ninjas... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF9Qk6m_b74

    9. Ah, Star Wars. I'm not a big Star Wars fan admittedly. But Pinkie was funny in these. :3

    10. Ponies and Star Wars? I can die happy now. This was just beyond awesome. I almost died laughing on pages two and three. Leave it to Pinkie to make Star Wars hilarious. This was just so awesome! /)^3^(\

    11. @Bombedrumbum I know that. You said something about invincibility and I just added the invisibility. :D

    12. @RunicDragon o wells, Pinkie Pie can be both, anyways. Specially in the third link.

    13. Now that I think about it, can something be just plain vincible? I don't think I've ever heard that word used before.

    14. Badly drawn (just look at the last panels of the first part. yikes) and the authour takes time to bitch about George Lucas. Thank god he has the sense to have Pinkie be random as usual (and surrender instead of dying pointlessly).

    15. Ha! This was pretty funny, looking forward to more.

    16. Am I first to see the Douglass Adams reference?

    17. Speaking of ninjas anypony remember the asj a ninja youtube guy? ok on to pony author you have sone real talent just saying

    18. "Posted by Trixie in a Santa Hat" Gee, i wonder who that could be...

    19. @Pinkie Pie

      I had a very close call in being found out. It would not have gone down well. That's part of the reason for my lack of commenting lately. The other part is that i am currently in NLR, Arkansas. Ring a bell??

    20. My family's been a little bit more understanding. Besides, I think that there are worse things in the world to be a fan of. My father watches toddlers & tiaras, so his arguments are void.

      Open question, if you don't mind me asking. If you had one episode to show non-bronies why you're a fan of the show, what would it be?

      Here's the story: my cousins found out about it while I was editing a video on christmas, and they decided to give the show a shot to see what the big deal was. I played Sonic Rainboom for them, but it didn't seem to take. Which episode would you use?

    21. I fear the same. And worse. I can't really explain, but it'll get pretty bad when the sh-Buy some apples! hits the fan.

    22. you remember that video of those floppy-disks playing winter wrapup? well, apparently spiderman has the copyrights to it :/

      (sorry for commenting off-topic, but nopony reads the old posts...)

    23. @the invincible, yeah my folks are in the same boat. They really don't care since they see it as I could be doing alot worse.

      @Pinkie Pie, I'm so sorry about that hopefully everything works out.

    24. @Bronies-being-found-out people

      My parents would not understand, and it'll get even worse than it already was for me when people at my school find out. High Schoolers are immature, in many cases >.>

    25. Pinkie Pie is second-best General Grievous. (Of course, the top spot has to go to the Darths and Droids one, but that's neither here nor their.)

    26. @Bombedrumbum @Pinkie Pie

      Ugh, I hate hearing about parents that don't tolerate what their son/daughter does. I mean, if someone wants to watch ponies, why the hell not?! It just disgusts me how parents would consider disowning their own CHILD for watching a TV SHOW, for Celestia'a sake!

      Sorry, just felt like saying that.

    27. @Biglulu tsk......tsk.......

      If only the world worked that way~

    28. @Pinkie Pie That's just awful to hear :( and I agree with what @Biglulu says. You could be doing a hell of a lot worse stuff like drugs or other crap but all your doing is watching a TV show. Parents Y U NO HAVE COMMON SENSE.
      @Bombedrumbum while I'm still a closet brony myself, my dad would be the one who wouldn't mind so much, but I know for a fact that my mum will blow it all out of proportion :/

    29. To add to the conversation: I'm already fairly well known for being weird, and my parents aren't really fans of mine. If they knew I watched and enjoyed ponies, it could go in one of many directions. In any case, it wouldn't yield a positive result. But I don't care. If the house isn't empty Saturdays at 10 A.M., I will watch a stream. And during the streams, I have other bronies to converse with in chat. I have real-life friends who have found ponies. I can sympathize well with Pinkie Pie and Bombedrumbum, as I know all about parents who blow simple things out of proportion. But even through all of what I experience with them, I'll love and tolerate the s(yay)t out of them until I leave the house.

    30. Thankfully, my parents are understanding. They found out right away after my cousin assimilated me into the Herd, and they don't seem to care. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Anyway, to the author, this comic needs more Rainbow Dash.

    31. @Pinkie Pie

      Seriously? Sending you to a therapist and contemplating disowning you, simply over watching MLP?

      If that's the only reason, it seems incomprehensible to me.

      Hopefully whoever they send you to isn't a total quack.

    32. @Niko

      (You are suddenly impaled by dozens of shuriken! There is no sign from whence they came...)

    33. @the invincible
      I had th same confusion in genetics.

      Diploid = homologous chromosome pairs
      Haploid = half the diploid number

      So... how many chromosomes is 'ploid'?

      HOW MANYYYYYYY!!!!! AAAAHHHH!!! *is taken back to the asylum*

    34. @the invincible

      Your father watches toddlers and tiaras? What the hell is that?

      *looks it up*

      ... .______.

      *calls FBI* I have info on a possible pedo...

      Really, anybody, and I mean ANYBODY who watches something that obviously exploitative and retarded has no right to say a damn thing about what anyone else is watching!

    35. @Pinkie Pie

      Heh heh heh. I'm simply too powerful for my parents to say anything. My mom wouldn't anyway. My dad would... but he's afraid of dentists and I know LOTS of dentists now. If he angers me... he gets a 'checkup' from one of them.

      *sound of drill* IS IT SAFE? >:}

    36. Pinki just makes everything better doesn't she?

    37. Hey all, I'm the artist. :D
      Thanks for the feature again!

      There WILL be more to this story in due time, It won't end as a four parter. ;)

    38. @Alondro

      I don't really see it as a laughing matter to be honest. There could certainly be more to it than face value, but I do have an interest in how Bronies are seen by others. The idea that someone's parents would send them to a shrink or threaten to disown someone over a TV show like MLP is highly concerning to me.

      - Do people simply think it is unhealthy for a teenager or adult to watch a kids' show?

      - Do they think that male Bronies have gender issues / may be gay because MLP is a "girls' show?"

      - Do they think that Bronies are closet pedophiles, zoophiles, or otherwise sexually deviant? (My biggest fear, to be honest.)

      - Do they simply think that the individual in question is merely "too obsessed" with the show on a personal level (and not that there is anything wrong with the show or Bronies in general). I can understand intervention if someone is skipping school or work to watch MLP, or is damaging themselves financially by buying way to much Pony merchandise.

    39. @Shiranai

      I think it IS a laughing matter! Compared to the horrible things many people do to themselves and others, the worthless things they throw their life savings away on, who do these people dare to think they are mocking bronies? How many of those losers lose thousands each year on cigarettes, booze, the lottery, casinos. Yet they have the gall to snub their noses at us?

      No no no! I call them out for their hypocrisy!

      And that is the primary reason I'm never questioned about it. They dare say nothing to me, lest I throw their bad habits back in their faces with the savagery of a hydra and the cutting wit of Discord!

    40. @pinkie pie. Are you by chance Pinkmage, from demons souls community?
