• Comic: Pony Winter Games: Snowboard / Guard Ponies

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    Ponies snowboarding? I'll roll with it I guess!  We did have a Rainbow Dash banner during the event that was pretty awesome, but that's just how the Dash rolls.

    And some CMC being obnoxious below.  Poor guard ponies...

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    18 kommentaari:

    1. Both were great comics, the CMC are at it again!

    2. #1 This has to be televised across every major network! I feel so sorry for Fluttershy. :(

      #2 The CMC's antics definitely know no limits. Even if it means possibly being thrown in the dungeon.

    3. #1 Is this a play on Mario and Sonic At the Olympic winter games?
      Shadow vs Rainbow Dash

      #2 As a former guard myself, I wonder...
      *goes to trunk with armor and weapons*

    4. 1. Can't believe how rigged the games were.

      2. The Royal Armory has finally proven to have such bad defence, that a foal could steal from it. In this case, three crazy fillies.

    5. 1. I.... I don't even know what to say.
      Needless to say, that is going in my favourite comics of all time list.

    6. 1. Gummy rate Pinkie performance a pi.

      2. hmmm well any pony can steal armor it seems.

    7. Heh, Gummy made me laugh a couple of times in #1 and Scootaloo in a guard helmet made me d'aww in #2.

      Also, Seth, it's not nice to steal other ponies' magic.

    8. #1 Gummy is best pet
      #2 Stop right there, criminal scum!

    9. #1 Graa! To...Bias must vote Fluttershy!

      #2 I used to be a guard like you, till i took the CMC to the everywhere.

    10. #1 Cupcakes is a helluva drug.

      #2 Dressing up in mama's clothes. Groan-inducing and funny at the same time.

    11. Oh that poor guard pony, he never stood a chance.

    12. I'm suprised that there aren't any Past Sins references for number two.

      Number one- AppleJack won, and i'm not just saying that because she's best pony, but because the pose and the scores.

      Lol @ Gummy in the Fluttershy panel

    13. You guys are getting a bit silly with the names now. lol

      #1 Hah, I was giggling at the score cards. The Pi sign for Pinkie. Gummy with his various silly ones. Especially for Fluttershy. Gummy! lol Opel giving Rarity some ridiculously high score.

      #2 Crusaders, you got some splain to do. lol Aww, they're adorable in this. :3

    14. My question is, do the guards have their own manes?

    15. #1 Gummy... Rude! Owlwiscious is the only real judge there.

      #2 Hehe Scoots with that helmet gave me a chuckle.
