• Comic: Opal's Revenge / An Apple Family Christmas Story

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    Rarity sure did get away with a lot in the last episode.  It was almost refreshing.  You always expect the character in a show to have the world crash down on them after setting up a massive string of lies like that.  I'm glad she got away with most of it! Opal isn't though...

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    28 kommentaari:

    1. And that's why you don't throw your cat in a bath.

    2. #1 Never get on a cats bad side.

      #2 Poor big mac, oh dear. I laughed.

    3. Heh, oh yes. Christmas Story, a classic.

    4. Opal should have returned the favor in equal measure. She should've wet Rarity's mane!

    5. Rarity didn't get away with everything.

      Remember the last scene with Fancy Pants? "Introduce me to your friends." Among whom of which is Rainbow Dash. You know, the Wonderbolt's trainer...? OH WAIT.

      I'm pretty sure she got some offscreen comeuppance.

    6. second one FTW!!! great job keep up the good work

    7. #2: And then the family went to the Neighponese restaurant in Ponyville, where the waitstaff serenaded them with "Deck the Harrs with Boughs of Horry".

    8. #1 Dont buck with Opal...
      #2 i didnt expect that.. but i Lol'd

    9. @Kaijyuu

      I don't think she necessarily got comeuppance, but I do think that probably would lead to everything coming out about her trying to hide her Ponyville roots.

      Considering that she had already made a dramatic stand declaring her friends the most important ponies she knew and had learned the lesson about being proud of where she came from, I doubt anyone would get too twisted up over the revelation of her prior mistakes.

      But I totally believe that there was hell to pay with Opal, no doubt.

      Comic #2 was fun as well. You can't go wrong with the comedy of a character in the pink bunny pajamas from A Christmas Story.

    10. The funny thing with Rarity is she did get problems due to her lying. The key one being her friends coming over and hosting the party in Canterlot, forcing Rarity to have to juggle two parties at once. Not to mention how bad she felt with Twilight being so happy over the costume she put no effort into. Rarity then goes and tells the truth before it could snowball into something really really bad, she deals with the consequences herself. I much prefer that over what could have been a really bad humiliation conga for poor Rarity to handle (Alhtough she surely had a mini one to deal with when her friends broke into the Gardening party.)

      Never watched Christmas Story, not as popular in the UK, or my family just has never seen it.

    11. poor Rarity, hope shes okay =S
      Poor big Mac, hope... his not... gay? X)

    12. 1.Opal got revenge for the water on it.

      2. Oh my...

    13. 1 - pretty true. Opal would have a few things to... discuss with Rarity.

      2 - Oh Granny Smith, what have you done? I laughed at this.

    14. #1 Lol

      #2 Are you crazy, you'll shoot your out kid!
      Love that movie, hate the 24 hour marathon

    15. Opal is the new Angel, I see?

      Also lol, isn't that always how parents and grandparents are...

    16. #1 Opal cannot forgive the atrocities that took place in the last episode. I like the Lil Miss Rarity jokes people are making in the comments. Haha.

      #2 A Christmas Story! One of my favorite Christmas movies. It's an absolute classic. Poor Big Mac. He's feeling Ralphy's pain. lol

    17. 1. Run!

      2. Oh no, why did I think we could slip past this crossover?

      LOL, ok, that's actually kinda funny.

    18. This is just chock full of LOL's.

      #1 If Rarity makes it out of this one alive, she should consider herself lucky.

      #2 You gotta give props to Big Mac for even showing himself. This guy's got guts.

    19. #1 I almost had a hard time holding back my laughter, but I was able to do it.
      #2 And AJ won a Leg Lamp when she thought the prize was a bowling alley.

    20. 1# Rarity dun goofed!
      2# ahhh Christmas story....Classic! XD

    21. #1 Rarity had that coming.
      #2 No way I'd show myself wearing that thing! You got more guts than I do Mac.

    22. Isn't the second comic a reference to that old movie The Christmas Story? I remember a part in the movie where the grandma gives the kid pink bunny pajamas for christmas. Such good memories seeing pony comics related to other things.

    23. Note to self: make sure you check all the comments before posting something that has been posted multiple times.

    24. Oh dear, I really do dislike that cat of hers >.<
