• Comic: Modding / Pwning Minecraft Continues

    Click for full! You know, if you didn't already know that!
    Gooood evening everypony! It's time for another comic post from your friendly neighborhood PK!

    And by "another," I of course mean "the first ever". Enjoy! Hopefully I can avoid breaking everything.

    We also have a continuation of the ponies in Minecraft comic series below.  I'll toss all the links, with (New!) tags next to the ones that haven't been posted yet.

    Part 1 - Fluttershy's Story: [link]
    Part 2 - Applejack's Story: [link]
    Part 3 - Applejack finds Rainbowdash: [link]
    Part 4 - Finding the Farm: [link]
    Part 5 - Twilight's Story: [link]
    (New!) Part 6 - In Search of Coal: [link]
    (New!) Part 7 - The Nether?: [link]
    (New!) Part 8 - Indeed, The Nether: [link]

    23 kommentaari:

    1. #1 Now I got a mod for Red Dead

      #2 I like the pointlessness of these

      Welcome back PK

    2. I want a Pony based Skyrim mod that doesn't just colour the horses purple. Please? If, you know... If it's okay...


    3. I haven't played Minecraft, but I like those comics.
      Wish I had a good enough comp for games. mods would be most fun.
      Yay! PK welcome back!

    4. Ah, I remember these. Of course Pinkie would know where The Nether is. And Rarity would be all over the diamonds. :P

    5. It really annoys me that they don't follow Minecraft logic.

      Also, I would be MUCH farther along than them and I don't hack! Mining diamond without any kind of tool? Spawning with a pre-made house and Nether Portal? Being able to make light without torches? H4X FTL.

    6. Yay, NerfNow! I saw the comic on the site yesterday :3

    7. Haven't played Minecraft but know bits and bobs about it and have to say this is just hilarious.

    8. Oh PK, you and your condescension!
      Time for the comics.

    9. I do like my mods for Skyrim, cant wait till January.

    10. Well... I can't do mods, as far as I'm concerned. I should check that.

      The Minecraft comic is good and all, but I've lost interest, sorry.

      Back to The Oddity, I guess.

    11. I've been working on replacing every shout in game with lines from the show. Haven't uploaded one in a while because latest one is being a bitch that should be sent to the moon.


      That's the most recent one made, links to the others are in the description.

    12. LOVE the minecraft-ponies crossover, I'm a huge fan of both, obviously

    13. Cool story bro... Hope someone will make a motion picture about the minecraft comic with the pony mod =D

    14. Nice to know NerfNow can still occasionally be amusing.

    15. I remember that Minecraft comic. Read every one, even though I don't play minecraft. The art was phenominal ^__^

    16. A Nerf Now comic I can actually relate to? Madness!

      And yay, Mineponies!

    17. i want to see applejacks face when she sees that golden apple

    18. No! Don't let ponies into the nether! It's no place for them!
