• Comic: Mare-Do-Well's Weakness / Comic Updates

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    We have a new Mare-Do-Well comic above, and two comic updates below.  I'm surprised a topic like that hasn't been explored already.

    As Presented by Ponies
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4  (New!)

    Derpy and Mr. Muffin
    Part 1
    Holiday Special (New!)


    1. Oh, Pinkie don't brwak your cover like that!! XD

    2. good a long one!
      Love these comics you can tell lots of work went into them

    3. WHOA! Applejack has gone mad? I Should tell Appleja- oh wait.

    4. Of course Discord would be King of the Internetz!! XD

    5. 1. For somebody named Pie she sure does love her cake.

      2, It's getting even less sensical and I can barely tell the movie references or ecetera anymore.

      3. Talking to inanimate muffins if one of the mighty queens powers. All hail the muffin mare, for she is Derpy D. Hooves.

    6. Derpy comics are always good in my book.

    7. The first set of comics quite literally had me rolling on the floor (or at least on my back holding my ribs). Discord as god of the internet! It fits him so perfectly! Hahahaha!

      Ahhh. Well, it would if he ever got out of that statue.

      The second set still confuses me though. I mean who has ever heard of hippomorphizing a muffin? Tis far too silly!

    8. 1. Pinkie's hyperactivity is a problem for her in crime fighting. She needs a partner or two to keep her in check.

      2. Discord in Q's Judge Outfit. Not much more needs to be said.

      3. These two have some potential as a comedy duo.

    9. I was a little lost on the first one for a few moments. But pretty funny. Of course Discord would be at the head of something like the internet.

      I love the Derpy and Mr Muffin comics. They're adorable. And even more so now that Mr Muffin has a monocle and mustache. Lmao. That's silly, Derpy. Also, Derpy's face in the last panel. lol Cute. Merry Christmas, Derpy. <3

    10. Oops, missed the first one.


      Lmao. Oh Pinkie...

    11. @Kyronea don't you mean her strength?? Like with Deadpool, it's the strength, not the weakness!!

    12. Pinkie you are going to stop the villains are you not. No wonder why you are not who I wanted in the Mare Do Well. Anyways good luck eating the Cake. Wait a minute, that Cake is lying around.

    13. Bahaha nice one, Merry christmas to all the muffins out there

    14. That mare do well comic is good, typical Pinkie.

      As presented by ponies was good too though I think I prefer the non storylined ones, Discord being ruler of the internet was a great touch though, truly the chaos capital of the world.

      I think my usual line of "Oh Derpy" fits best here, nicely done.

    15. APBP lolwut?

      I don't even know what that's a parody of. Tron and Shutter Island at the same time?

    16. 1st: Applejack is best alcoholic X)
      3rd: i like that comic, its so cute and well drawn, a great combination. and it is also funny of course ^^

    17. Wait, if you guys actually post comic UPDATES, I just want to let you know that there's been another "Birth of Equestria" comic since you posted yours.

    18. "Everyone ships with dash"
      Made me laugh.

    19. I was thinking how Mr. Muffen would have a curly mustasche and a monecule since he's quite the gentlemuffen, and then Derpy gave him just that. SHE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND MY MENTAL BARRIERS.
      Pinkie Pie would be proud.
