• Comic: Cheerfulee / Designated Driver

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    I forgot to add Cheerilee to the poll.  I'd totally hang out with her during a storm.

    Apparently the top one is dedicated to us! Thanks dude! That is totally Cereal's thing though.  He's the weird one, not me! Yep...

    And some drunk Celestia below, just cause.

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    23 kommentaari:

    1. Cheerilee is wet maned. Same template, but still.

      Celestia has quite the night life, lol!! I like how its drawn, very well done

    2. Glad I stopped what I was doing to look at this. LMAO at both of them. Though drunk is funny, I find the CMC's antics even more funny.

    3. Awesome, the both of them! If they were fics, 5-star for both! xD

    4. "Table buddies." I saw this one a while back before it was censored someplace. Still love it.

    5. 1st: so awesome, would like to see more comics about what happens on ED
      2nd: Celestia wft XD

    6. Drunk Celestia is definitely my favourite Celestia.

    7. If it turns out that the CMC's talent is dousing other ponies with water, does that mean they'll get Discordshy as their cutie mark?

    8. @Celestia

      If I knew you dranck earlier, we would have been way better friends. How bout you coome to the bar outside Ponyville and we drink til we can't feel anything anymore.

      I love my rum. :D

    9. Cheerliee wouldn't be bad to be stuck with during a thunderstorm.

      #1 Can't believe some people are still calling Derpy "Ditzy". lol But that ending. Lmao. And that wet mane Cheerilee. They seem to be decent photographers at least. So that's something. :P

      #2 Lmao. This comic... oi. I love drunk Celestia. She's hilarious. This whole comic is pretty darn funny. "Ooooh, hi table buddy." And it's Berry Punch, of course. XD

    10. XD isn't one a little too much of a niche joke? I mean, to understand it you'd have to have read the other comics it alludes to.

      As for two, trollestia + Berry Punch = OMGWTFBBQ

    11. BronyBrad is doing an awesome job with the vectors' collage!

    12. That #2. xD The whole comic was funny but the last panel made me lmao

    13. Wet Mane School teacher...

      Incoming Teacher jokes!!!!

      *slaps on WW2 helmet and ducks behind sandbags*

      LOL #2 OH sweet mother of all that is pony.

      That was THE. BEST! THING!! EVER!!!

      *goes back to hiding behind sandbags*

    14. 1. Cherilee needs an episode stat!

      2. Drunk Celestia is funny!
