• Comic: Turtle or Tortoise / Discord

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    Dash... a pet owner? I don't know about this.

    And some Discord below, cause hes awesome or something.

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    22 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. I love that Discord comic. Pinkie Pie is such a great pony.

    3. some pretty nice comics here, bro :D

      silly dash, you named him Tank, not Amphibious Transport

    4. Hehe, I love #1

      #2 was sort of Dawww. Not in any kind of shippy way, because it's not, but because it's so sweet.

    5. Discord is harmonious? 6_o Only Pinkie...

    6. poor Tank.

      also, Fluttershy still needs to learn the difference between seals and sea lions.

    7. #1 Fluttershy is not pleased.

      #2 So long as Discord doesn't try and overthrow things and promises to occasionally troll Blueblood he's allowed to stay, he is pretty funny after all.

      I think Pinkie and Discord will get along fine.

    8. 1. Rainbow Dash getting lessons from Fluttershy makes it possible. Also it's a Turtle :P

      2. Pinkie even in character Discord likes you.

    9. Oh, comics. They haven't failed to make me laugh. But what do I know. I've only been here a week.

      #1 Lucky Rainbow Dash got away with only a look and not a stare.

      #2 Nothing more to say. Just the same pink pony we know and love.

    10. #1 Very nice, although isn't a tortoise a land-dwelling turtle, so calling a tortoise turtle isn't really wrong, just not very specific?

      #2 Pinkie does make a fine point! Oh you...

    11. its nice to see Discords nice side =)

    12. I like both those comics, I especially like the new interpretation of Discord's nature, there's a certain logic to what Pinkie is saying, it would take incredible harmony for several animal parts to work together and even do powerful magic.

      I loved Discord as a character so I'll take his side. I don't think I actually ever saw him cause harm to anything, he was just really annoying. And he doesn't have a garden full of petrified creatures either :P

      A Discord redemption story would be impossible, but maybe a flashback where Luna tells Twilight the story of how the two sisters beat Discord the first time. The Luna fans would like that too.

    13. #1 That's shy it should have been a wolf. Just saying.

      #2 How ironic as that somewhat of what the comic I'm drawing is about. He's not totally evil.

    14. Wow, I really like the DiscoPie one. It's brilliant, to the point that I'd be keen to see this as canon whereas usually I'm content to keep fanon merrily seperate.

      A bold, intelligent new take on the character. It does bring back thoughts that by the end of episode two, he did seem like he was getting bored of the overbearingly monochrome style of merely limitless chaos. Almost as if he was just overindulging a yearning brought on by being stoned. Sorry, that's a terrible joke.

      anyway, will entertain pipe dream of seeing Discord return.

    15. Darn right Discord is awesome.

      #1 lol Dash! Poor Tank. Tank's expression is great. xD

      #2 Awww, Discord being nice to Pinkie. That's sweet and kinda cute. And Pinkie with her cotton candy cloud with chocolate rain. <3

    16. >>Sgt Byrd said...
      >>A Discord redemption story would be impossible,

      I dont know... Discord did NOT want to destroy equestria... So if an enimy arises that DOES want to destroy it, I can see him being released with limited powers (especially if one or more of the Mane 6 is captured so the Elements cant be used) I'd LOVE to see him return with limited powers and invulnerability to the 'stone' spell so he can be either a recurring villian or another 'resource' like Zecora...

    17. #1 lol Dash you're horrible, look how mad Fluttershy is.

      #2 Aww not even Discord can resist Pinkie.

    18. 1. Reptiles a plenty.

      2. This is example of seeing the potential for good in everybody; A lesson that I wish more people knew.
