• The Brony Show # 31

    Have a wall of copy paste!
    Hey, it's Monday, and even with the holidays barreling down on us like an overactive dragon homing in on portal cake we're still going to do another great show full of the holiday spirit! This episode we go after every brony's fantasy, and explore what the world of Equestria would be like if we were suddenly put into it. And to take us through an incredible journey we're interviewing Lafter, the author of the fanfic 'Through the eyes of another pony'. And if that's not enough we have another new episode of MLP to commentate on, and we'll even go through a detailed plot analysis that will blow the minds of most bronies. Along with that all the wonderful music videos, fanart, and special peppermint oatmeal that a LIVE episode of The Brony Show can only bring. Just remember we'll be starting at 6PM PST. All you need to do is go to http://thebronyshow.net and click the Livestream button at the bottom left. Also, if you can't wait you can always jump in an hour early and catch our preshow, which promises to be an incredible experience! And if that's still not enough, stay after the show for Crimsonthewolf's Oatmeal Galore afterparty, because we love all you bronies and want you all to start the week off right!

    8 kommentaari:

    1. This looks exciting! :D

    2. Ah too bad 6PM PST is 2AM GMT I hope its recorded

    3. @Teteros
      You are definitely in luck there! We record the episodes and put them onto the website a few days later. So if you can't make it just check out http://thebronyshow.net tomorrow and I'll try to get it all up by then

    4. The recording is only five minutes long for me. After that it just cuts off.
